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![]() Chapter 10 The Little Scroll It should be borne in mind that Revelation 10 (that features "the little scroll") as well as Revelation 11: 114, are still part of the second woe. (See chart, p . The chart indicates the overlapping of the sounding of the trumpets with the "woes".) Revelation 10 has to do with the entire earth at a specific time.
Revelation 10:1The Mighty Angel
To understand this verse better, we first have to go back to the Old Testament to hear what Ezekiel has to say: Ezekiel 1:28Like the appearance of the rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day, so was the radiance around him. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the LORD. In the New Testament we also read about Jesus, accompanied by Peter, James and John, on a high mountain (possibly Mount Hermon) before Moses and Elijah appeared: Matthew 17:2 There he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as light. These references speak of heavenly radiance. The image of the rainbow may have to do with the promise that the world will not again be destroyed by a flood, but it also conveys that the colours of the gemstones of the New Jerusalem have to be used to interpret meaning. "the mighty angel" The words "the mighty angel" are also used in Revelation 5:2 and Revelation 18:1,21. In Revelation 5:2 it is connected to the time of the opening of the scroll the time that Revelation will be understood. In Revelation 18:1,21 it is connected to the time of the fall of Babylon. In order to understand the time being indicated by "the mighty angel" one must take a closer look at his appearance. "robed ("clothed" KJV) in a cloud" The word "robed" or "clothed" in Revelation conveys the immense power of the Trinity. I say this for the word "clothed" was used to indicate Origen in Revelation 19:13: "clothed in a vesper (robe)" (KJV) and "called the Word of God". It relates to Origen's development of the concept that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are of one substance. The word "robed" ("clothed" KJV) therefore specifically indicates Christianity according to the Creed of Chalcedon. For the explanation of this the reader must refer to the interpretation of the verse 19:13 ( see page ). Origen was linked to the time of the first thunder, the time of the discovery of the scroll in c 216. The time 216 was about three generations removed from the time of the birth of Christ (72+72+72= 216 calculated from AD1 see p .) It will later be used to indicate "the woman clothed in the son" ( Rev 12:1) which is the Word according to the Creed of Chalcedon that would spread to the ends of the earth. The word "cloud" is also used in the following chapter to indicate the time of the ascension to heaven and of the resurrection at the end time. Therefore the time of the opening of the scroll and the end time is brought into relation. In Revelation 14:14 we shall see that "cloud" features at the time of the "harvesting of the earth", therefore it will also be linked to the time of "the manner of fruits", which we have established as the time 18602004. "Cloud" is a word that will appear a number of times in Revelation, therefore we will have to know exactly which time it is conveying. This is how the time of "cloud" is established: Alpha and Omega At the end of Revelation it will be seen that Alpha and Omega, meaning "the beginning and the end" has to be applied in the interpretation of Revelation. It firstly means of course that Jesus Christ is the beginning and the end of all things. Secondly the "beginning and end" also applies to the colours at the beginning and end of the colours of the gemstones, that are either "white", "cloudy white" or transparent. Of all the gemstones of the foundations of the New Jerusalem, the one that resembles "cloud " is the gemstone "jasper" (also translated "opal" in some versions of the Bible). The appearance of this stone is opaque and 'cloudy'. It is the first stone of the foundations of the New Jerusalem and it therefore measures the first "generation". 9962004 The colours of the gemstones of the generations at the beginning and end of the second millennium are: Beginning: 9961068 (colourless for this time is not measured) 10681140 ( jasper opaque) End: 19322004 (crystal transparent)
18602004 Therefore the colours at the beginning and end of the periods of twelve years of the time of the "manner of fruits" ( 18602004) or 2016, if the "little season" is added, are:
These times also correspond to the time of the "sun" (see concept and measurement of "sun", p ) 9962004 and 18602004. To summarise: The time of "cloud" relates to the end time (20042016) but also to the times at the beginning and end of the periods of time 9962004 and 18602004, that correspond with "sun". "rainbow" We know from the previous chapter that the gemstones that are the foundations of the New Jerusalem, combined, form the colours of the rainbow. In that chapter it was said that for the interpretation of Revelation the colours are placed on the "generations" of the second millennium, but also on every twelve years of the time 18602004. Therefore the "mighty angel" is linked to the second millennium, and also the last 144 years, from 19602004. "his face was like the sun" We know at this point that the measurement or concept of "sun" relates to the "measurement of the temple", that is the times of the generations measured from the birth of Christ (see Chapter 7, "concept of sun", p .) Therefore "the mighty angel" is very high in the hierarchy of the angels. Of significance is that all these images, "cloud", "rainbow" and "sun" have nothing to do with "darkness", and this is what Revelation is conveying through the "mighty angel ". The mighty angel signifies the power of God that is present at the time that the forces of evil (the "dragon" and the "beast") are going to "darken" the earth as indicated in Revelation 6:12 and 8:12. " his legs were like fiery pillars" These words confirm that the "mighty angel" is the presence of the power of Almighty God in the time that "darkness" would figuratively descend upon the nations of the earth. The times indicated in the previous chapter as the times of the darkening of the earth were 1322 ( see page ) and 1908 ( see p ). These words also seem to affirm that the Trinity is more powerful than the forces of darkness (the "dragon" and the "beast"). Exodus 14:24 confirms that "pillars of fire", are figuratively the guiding light of the Almighty God. Exodus 14:24 During the last watch of the night the Lord looked down from the pillar of fire and cloud The Israelites were guided through the wilderness by a cloud during the day, and by a pillar of fire during the night. It should be noted that "cloud" and "pillar of fire" in this reference are used in connection with "the last watch of the night". We know from the interpretation of Revelation 8:12 that the most intense period of darkness descended upon a third of the earth's nations in about 1958. Therefore the time of intense "darkness" or "night" is from 1958 to the end time. This is also the time of the last "generation" of 72 years before the time 2004, and 2016, that seems to be the last time indicated in Revelation, when correlated with the history of the past two thousand years. This will be conveyed in the following chapters. It therefore seems as if the time of the "mighty angel" specifically includes this generation (1932 2004). The appearance of the mighty angel reveals through the symbols, the power of Jesus Christ ("light" and "sun") and the endurance of the Creed of Chalcedon ("clothed") that spread to the ends of the earth. The power of the Trinity prevails through the time of "night" and therefore Christians do not have to fear "darkness". Revelation 10:23The little scroll
"a little scroll" The Judaen and Dead Sea Scrolls were used to indicate the possible dates of the four horses of the apocalypse. The seven "complete" scrolls served as a possible pointer to the Book of Revelation and the Second Coming. As far as the "little scroll" is concerned, I believe that it is the perfectly preserved little jug of balm which was discovered in the Qumran caves in 1988. It is called "a little scroll" for it was discovered at the same place where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found. This will be further substantiated later in this chapter, when we read that John was told to eat it. Of importance is the time that it was discovered, namely 1988, in the time of the "generation 19322004. In the following reference the words "woe" , "hand" and "scroll" appear. Ezekiel 2:910Then I looked, and I saw a hand stretched out to me. " his right foot on the sea and left foot on the land" ( "earth" KJV) These words mean that we now have to do with the entire earth, and again confirm that "the mighty angel" in this chapter concerns the time 19322004. It will be seen later in Revelation that "the beast out of the sea" and "the beast out of the earth " come to their full strength and stand "on two feet " in the year 1932. This is also the middle-point of the time 18602004. Therefore what is meant by the mighty angel planting "his right foot on the sea" and "and his left foot on the earth" is that the "mighty angel", the power of the Trinity, has and will, in the last generation (19322004) and after, override the full strength of the "beast". The message of Revelation to Christians at the end of the twentieth century is that they do not have to fear the end time. The Hebrews express the words, east, west , north and south, by words that signify before, behind, left and right . That the scroll (Eze 2:10) is written on both sides and relates to Revelation 10:2 (dealing with left and right ), substantiates the fact that this chapter of Revelation deals with the entire world, and therefore includes the time we are now living in. "and he gave a shout like the roar of a lion" As mentioned in the previous chapter "the roar of a lion" can mean the time when the people will dictate the rule of the nations. Therefore if the "mighty angel" roars like a lion, Christians do not have to fear when the masses want to dictate an anti-Christian rule of the nations in the end time. No matter how strong the forces of "darkness" become in the world, Christians can know that their belief is the sure way to everlasting life. After a recent attack on Christians in India the authorities stated that the Christian minority (about 5 percent) may no longer try to convert non-Christians. The message of Revelation is also a comfort to those Christians in Africa who are being oppressed because of their belief. Revelation 10:4And when the seven thunders spoke, I was about to write; but I heard a voice from heaven say, "Seal up what the seven thunders have said and do not right it down."
In the Old Testament the order not to write down the words or to seal up the vision, is used twice: Daniel 8:26The vision of the evening and mornings that has been given you is true, but seal up the vision, for it concerns the distant future.
Daniel 12:4 But you Daniel, close up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. "the seven thunders" It seems as if "the seven thunders" were happenings that were predicted, but John was told not to write them down, As Revelation 10 has to do with the time 18602004 it is possible that the "seven thunders" would be revealed to man in this time. This is substantiated by the reference in Daniel 8:26. It was mentioned in Chapter 1 that the times of the discoveries of the scrolls at the four times c AD216, c 800, 1896 and 1947, during the past two thousand years, are regarded as four of the "seven thunders". It was also said that three other discoveries would be incorporated into this interpretation of Revelation. The biblical basis of this was found in Psalm 81:7: "I answered thee in the secret place of thunder." (KJV) Considering the possibility that the jar of balsam could in the twentieth century be the clue to "the little scroll", its discovery in 1988 is incorporated in this interpretation of Revelation, as the 'fifth' thunder. These five discoveries in secret places as well as the remaining two, mentioned below, are linked to Revelation because they seem to correlate with the total interpretation of Revelation. I believe that these discoveries were made at certain times to enhance the fact that Almighty God is present in all that has taken place during the past two millennia every find in secret places. Also that Revelation was written for the twentieth century.
To understand this verse a little better, we must again refer to the Old Testament: Psalm 81:7 (KJV)Thou callst in trouble, and I delivered thee; Meribah is the place where Moses struck the rock for water ( Ex 17:7). In other words the times of thunder are times of intervention by the Trinity to help man. Intervention by the Trinity
In Revelation 10 we have learned that "the mighty angel" seems to convey that the Trinity is in control of the nations that still adhere to the teachings of Jesus Christ. This is at a time that a greater number of the inhabitants of the earth are succumbing to the forces of the "beast", for it is at its full strength. Four of the discoveries in secret places, were made in this generation (19322004), where the power of the "beast" is succeeding in undermining the truths of Christianity. Evidence of this is the fact that Christians do not voice their convictions for they believe freedom of religion has placed all religions on a par! This is how subtly the "beast" has infiltrated the thoughts of man. The fact that the "mighty angel" is at work at this time, indicates a greater intervention of the Trinity. The revealing of the message of Revelation is also to help Christians through the end time. "right hand" Revelation 10: 5 Then the angel I had seen standing on the sea and on the land raised his right hand to heaven
We have to look at the following references in the Old Testament first: Deuteronomy 32:40I lift my hand to heaven and declare: It will be seen in later chapters of Revelation that according to history, the Christian kings of the Christian nations would by the twentieth century be replaced by the rule of "men". In the history of the Christian nations it was initially the Christian king who went out to fight for what he believed to be in the interests of Christianity. In Revelation, that deals with war, the Christian king is regarded as the "right hand" of the Trinity. It seems as if Revelation wishes to indicate through the following verse, that the "mighty angel" is vested with the power of the "right hand " to take care of those Christians who, despite the influence of the "beast", still adhere to the truths of Christianity. I shall not discuss "the mark on the right hand" at this point for Revelation itself is going to do this in great detail later. For the moment the reader should take note that the "right hand" in Revelation is directly linked to the year 1932 and the time of judgment some time (but not too far) beyond the year 2000. Daniel 12 :7 The man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, lifted his right hand and his left hand toward heaven, and I heard him swear by him who lives forever, saying, "It will be for a time, times and half a time. When the power of the holy people has been finally broken, all these things will be completed." Of significance here is that the time 1932 ( "lifted his right hand to heaven") is linked to "the waters of the river". This verifies what was said in an earlier chapter regarding the last 144 years (18602004), and Revelation 22:1: " the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal . On each side of the river stood the tree of life bearing twelve crops of fruit". It was said that the river flows at the mid-point between 1860 2004, which is the year 1932. 2000 years According to my interpretation of Revelation the entire revelation plays out within a span of two thousand years. The reader now knows that each millennium is measured in "three and a half days" and both millennia in "seven days". In the reference Daniel 12:7 it is said that "for a time , times and half a time all things will be completed". "time times and half a time" This biblical measurement is going to play a significant role in my interpretation of Revelation. These words mean: a period or span of time, plus double the original span of time, plus half of the original time span. 1 +2 + half = three and a half In the measurement of the second millennium a "day" is equal to 288 years. 288 +(288+288) +144 = 1008 years. In the first millennium the three and a half days are measured from the birth of Christ as follows 4BC ( +288) 284; 284 (+288) 572; 572 (+288) 860; 860 (+144) 1004. Because Revelation regards the two millennia as two separate units of time, the three and a half days of the second millennium are measured from 996, one thousand years after the birth of Jesus Christ. 996 (+288) 1284; 1284 (+288) 1572; 1572 (+288) 1860; 1860 (+144) 2004. These two measurements are of the greatest significance for "seven days" are measured by this interpretation of Revelation, ending at the time 2004. Daniel 12:7 says that after, time, times, half time, "the power of the holy people will be broken" and "all things will be completed". When the nations of the world no longer wish to hear the view of the Christian Church in the rule of the nations, we are likely near the end time. "rainbow above his head" It is the "three and a half days'' of the second millennium, that are measured twice by Revelation in times indicated by the colours of the rainbow, the years 9961932 and 18602004. The mighty angel has a "rainbow above his head", therefore the total time of the mighty angel. Lifting of the right hand Both in Revelation 10:5 ( the mighty angel) and Daniel 12:7 ( the man clothed in linen) lifted their hands. The lifting of the hand to heaven seems to herald a time of judgment and the time when things "will be completed". According to this interpretation the year 2004 or beyond is near the time of judgment. It therefore seems as if Revelation 10:5 is specifically measuring this generation from 19322004, the end of the second millennium: "right foot on the sea and left foot on the land" (1932) and "raised his right hand to heaven" (2004) or beyond. After that we are told absolutely and without doubt that "there will be no more delay" (Rev 10:6). Therefore by the lifting of the right hand in Revelation and Daniel 12:7, both seem to be conveying the same message: After " three and a half days", the time measured by the rainbow, the very end time is near.
Revelation10:67And he swore by him who lives for ever and ever,
Note that the seventh angel is probably also "the mighty angel" that is going to sound the final (seventh ) trumpet. From what has been said in this chapter so far, "in the days when the seventh angel is about to sound his trumpet" must fall in the time 1932 2004. Therefore I believe that this time is substantiated by the discovery of the large parapet stone at Jerusalem's Temple Mount in 1971, bearing the inscription "belonging to the trumpet-blowing place", must be one of the seven thunders, as it is near the time that is indicated by the "Euphrates" (1968). (See the chart of the correlation between the sounding of the seven trumpets and the seven bowls of wrath, p . ) In Revelation 18:21 the same "mighty angel" of this chapter is said to have picked up a "stone" and through the reference ( Jer 51:63) is brought into relation with the Euphrates (see p ). The trumpet was sounded on top of the temple wall every Sabbath to signal the approach and the close of the holy day. According to the measurement of the temple, the end of the twentieth century is the end of the "seventh day" (see chart, p ). Rock and stone In the following chapters of Revelation the separation between the Christian Church and the State is accentuated. It should be noted that "when the power of the holy people has been finally broken" (Da 12:7) may also relate to the decision of the Roman Catholic Church in 1966 to finally join The World Council of Churches. Since the time in the nineteenth century when the Catholic Church was confined to the Vatican in Italy, it was reluctant to take up a position outside the direct rule of nations. This could be the symbolic meaning of the "stone" (the Roman Catholic Church having been founded by the apostle Peter, being the rock on which "I will build my church" Mt 16:18). Revelation indicates that after the fall of the Christian kings, man would be allowed to continue his rule until the Christian Church and the State are finally separated world-wide. Romans 16:25 according to the revelation of the mystery hidden for long ages past, but now revealed and made known through the prophetic writings by the command of the eternal God, so that all nations might believe and obey him This reference links the word "mystery" to the obedience of the nations. The concept of "mystery" in Revelation Although the word "mystery" appeared in the very first chapter of Revelation I hesitated to discuss the concept, for I thought the meaning would be easier to grasp later on. As "mystery" is related to the separation of the Christian Church from the direct rule of the nations, as mentioned in the meaning of "stone" above, I think it is an appropriate time to introduce what I believe is conveyed by the word "mystery". Revelation 1:20The mystery of the seven stars that you saw in my right hand "the seven stars" It was said that the seven stars relate to the original seven Churches of Asia Minor, but also to the seven ( the total amount ) of Christian Churches that would be established in the world in the following some two thousand years. "Seven stars" and "seven lamp-stands" indicate the total unity of the Christian Church and State in all countries of the world. As mentioned above, at the time 800, there was unity between the Christian Church and the Christian State. In the following chapters Revelation will reveal the break-up of this unity. It seems that God deems the unity of the Christian Church and the State of the highest value (mystery). It is a "mystery" for man did not realise the repercussions of his pursuit of freedom and revolt against the authority of the Christian Church in the rule of the Christian nations. Once this unity has finally been broken it seems as if the nations will be on a path of lawlessness and corruption and God will have to intervene for the sake of righteous Christians (elect). Matthew 24: 31And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other. The time of the seventh trumpet call must be some time after 2004. In the interpretation of Revelation 6:13 ( KJV) it was said that "a mighty wind" will accompany the end time which was placed at the time of the "little season". The use of the word "mighty" probably also means that it is the same time that the mighty angel will sound the seventh trumpet and the final resurrection of the righteous from the entire world and all time.
Revelation 10:810Then the voice that I had heard from heaven spoke to me once more: "Go take the scroll that lies open in the hand of the angel who is standing on the sea and on the land."
In the Old Testament we read the following: Jeremiah 15:16When your words came I ate them; they were my joy and my hearts delight Ezekiel 2:810"
but you, son of man, listen to what I say to you. Do not rebel like that rebellious house; open your mouth and eat what I give you."
The fact that John was told to partake in eating the scroll, is the clue that we here have to do with something that was edible. I wish to put forth the following argument: If the discoveries of the scrolls and the Dead Sea Scrolls were symbolically linked to the Book of Revelation, it could be possible that the perfectly preserved contents of the jug of balm found in the caves at Qumran in 1988, should be treated as a scroll. The date of its discovery as well as the fact that it was found at the place where the other scrolls were found, then becomes significant. Consider the following: John physically partook in the vision and the history of Revelation, by eating the scroll. If the jug of balm from Qumran represents this scroll, and we could physically touch and if necessary eat it today, it might tell the present inhabitants of the earth something extremely important. Are we going to physically partake in that which is going to be sweet to taste, but make the stomach bitter? For Christians the Second Coming is tremendous, and the end time is frightening but eat and digest it, that we will have to do.
This interpretation seems to indicate that by 2016 we will see the signs of the end time. However in Luke 12:40 Jesus Christ says: "You must be ready, for the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him." This may mean that man will be given an indication of the end time through the interpretation of Revelation within 24 years, "an hour" before the Second Coming. If the end time is about the year 2000, considering what has been said in Revelation up to this point, perhaps one should reflect on the following: Middle East 19882000
The urns of dry animal bones Urns with dry animal bones were also found in the caves at Qumran. If the Dead Sea Scrolls are the link to the Book of Revelation, then these urns with dry bones may have a symbolic link to the following reference from Ezekiel, related to the last verse of the second section of the second woe, namely Revelation 10:11: Revelation 10:11Then I was told, " You must prophesy again about many peoples, nations , languages and kings."
The following reference in relation to "prophesy" is interesting: Ezekiel 37: 412Then he said to me, "Prophesy to these bones and say to them, Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! This reference, I believe, is very important, as this is exactly what we have done in the previous chapters: We have "resurrected" the history of the past two thousand years, and have come to the conclusion that particularly the wars of the past two thousand years are of great significance. It seems as though Revelation wants to tell us that the history of the past two thousand years was fore-ordained or predestined. As the dry bones come together, is this how the resurrection of the dead is going to happen? |