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![]() Chapter 15 Judgment Foretold The Lamb and the 144 000
Revelation 14:15Then I looked and there before me was the Lamb, standing on Mount Zion, and with him 144 000 who had his name and his Fathers name written on their foreheads. And I heard the sound from heaven like the roar of rushing waters and like a loud peal of thunder. The sound I heard was like that of harpists playing their harps. And they sang a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders. No one could learn the song except the 144 000 who had been redeemed from the earth. These are those who did not defile themselves with women for they kept themselves pure. They follow the Lamb wherever he goes. They were purchased from among men and offered as first fruits to God and the Lamb. No lie was found in their mouths; they are blameless.
This section follows the number of man that brought us up to the year 1998, and is a vision of the Second Coming. Once again Revelation wants to bring it into relation with what has been said. Mount Zion is a synonym for Jerusalem. The heavenly Jerusalem is mentioned later in Revelation 21. Revelation indicates the New Jerusalem, because the foundations of the New Jerusalem (that can only be established at the end) must be used to interpret the last chapters of Revelation. The reader is in the fortunate position that he can now look ahead at the diagram of the New Jerusalem on page , and quite easily interpret the following chapters of Revelation. (In the previous chapters it was shown how the colours of the gemstones of the foundations of the New Jerusalem are placed on the generations of 72 years measured in the second millennium - refer back to page ) "who had his name and his Fathers name written on their foreheads" These words are of the greatest importance, and refer to those who
If a government equalises religions it undermines the all important concept of the Holy Spirit that is active in those who accept the absolute truth of the resurrection and the forgiveness of sin through the death and blood of Jesus Christ. "144 000" Why 144 000? This is to indicate that we have to do with the time 18602004 which is 144 years and the "half-day" of the "three and a half days" as calculated from the thousandth anniversary of the birth of Christ in AD 996. At this point the reader knows that the "number of man" was measured in "years". In Revelation 21:17 (see p ) the angel measuring the wall of the New Jerusalem was using "man's measurement". This confirms that the time "144" indicates "years". The "000" after the 144 indicates all the Christians in the East, Middle East and West who did not accept an amalgamation of religions or the equalising of Christianity to all other religions of the earth. "Thousand" also incorporates the concept of one day being equal to a thousand years in the eyes of God. This will be discussed later. "like the roar of rushing water and a peal of thunder" These words will be repeated later in Revelation and they indicate the voice of Almighty God in relation to the judgment of the dead. Here it means that what is to follow, is an absolute truth. Not everyone will be able to "learn the new song". As we here have to do with the time of 144 000, which we now know is the last 144 years, it seems as if Revelation is indicating sexual corruption in the twentieth century by the words "those who did not defile themselves with women". This will be substantiated in the following chapters that will indicate moral decline in this century. In the next verses of this chapter, Revelation seems to be specifically focussing on this generation (19322004). FIRST FRUITS According to the laws of sacrifice in the Old Testament, the first of all ripe fruits was offered in God's house (Ex 23:19: "Bring the best of the first fruits of your soil to the house of the Lord"). It was AN ACT OF ALLEGIANCE TO GOD AS THE GIVER OF ALL THINGS. No exact quantity was demanded, but it was left to the spiritual and moral discretion of each individual. Why does Revelation bring "first fruits" into relation with sexual conduct in the twentieth century? Those Christians who kept themselves pure in the sexually promiscuous society since 1932, did so as an act of allegiance to God as the Giver of all things. The words "first fruits" in this section that deal with the last 144 years, made me realize that the colours of the gemstones of the New Jerusalem could be used to determine the time 18602004, the chart of the "manner of fruits". Refer back to page . You will recall that Revelation indicated the time of 144 years could be divided into twelve sections through the mention of twelve tribes of Israel in Rev 7:4-8. Revelation also established the time of "5 months" from 1898, the time of the star seen by the Hopi tribe (Rev.8:10 and 9:1). It seemed as if Revelation was dividing the time 1860 to 2004 into divisions of six years. As a "month" is 6 years in Revelation, I thought that a "crop" or "manner" (KJV) of fruit ("bearing twelve crops of fruit" in Rev 22:2) might consist of two fruits of the same colour. This was determined by the words of Rev 22:2 "yielding its fruit every month" meaning TWICE the time of a "month", that is six years, being equal to twelve years. As Revelation mentioned "green grass" (8:7)and "crowns of gold" (9:7) and "fire and jacinth" (9:17) it seemed as if "manner of fruits" of the earth could indicate colours of VARIOUS KINDS of things produced by the earth or on earth. I then placed the twelve colours of the foundations of the New Jerusalem on the twelve divisions in the period 1860 to 2004. In the previous chapters times of green -"green grass"-(1896-1908); blue-white-"sea" ( Krakatoa 1883) - (1884-1896); yellow - crowns of "gold" -(1956-1968) and orange-red - "fire"-(1980-1992) have been mentioned. In this chapter Revelation mentions "first fruits" specifically, to show that the mention of "fruits" or the colour of fruits will be used to indicate divisions of twelve years in the time 1860 to 2004. The colours of the gemstones of the New Jerusalem placed on the twelve divisions of the time 1860 to 2004. See also the chart of the "manner of fruits" on page . 1860 -1872 jasper (opaque)
1884 -1896 chalcedony (blue-white)
1932-1944 chrysolite (green-yellow)
1968-1980 chrysoprase (yellow-green) 1980-1992 jacinth (orange-red) 1992-2004 amethyst (indigo) Using the colours to indicate kinds(manner - KJV) was also based on the following references: Exodus 34:22 first fruits of wheat In the KJV the word "manner" is also used to in indicate both the "gemstones" and the "fruit": Revelation 21:19 the foundations of the wall city were garnished with all manner of precious stones. Revelation 22:2 twelve manner of fruits. The chart of the "first fruits" (see p ) can be used to interpret the following verses: The first angel Revelation 14:67Then I saw another angel flying in midair, and he had the eternal gospel to proclaim to those who live on earth to every nation, tribe, language and people. He said in a loud voice, "Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come. Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, and the sea and the springs of water."
"another" It will be seen that certain angels in this chapter are preceded by the word "another". Consider the following reference: Judges 2:10 (KJV)And also all that generation were gathered unto their fathers: and there arose another generation after them, which knew not the Lord. In this reference the word "another" is used with the word "generation" to indicate that a following generation "knew not the Lord". In this chapter Revelation refers to seven angels. The first three are the "first" , "second" and "third" angels. The first angel is "another angel" (14:6). Later in this chapter it will be seen that the last four angels are also preceded by the word "another". Revelation is indicating by the mention of the words "first fruits" the time of the colours of ripe corn or wheat( yellow) and grapes( indigo) measured according to the colours placed on the times of twelve years in the period 1860 to 2004 as indicated above. By the word "another" it seems as if Revelation wishes to indicate progressing "generations" ( in the second millennium) or times of twelve years ( in the time 1860 to 2004) who were moving away from adherence to their Christian beliefs, "knew not the Lord". This will be explained in the following verses. It must be noted that the words "midair", "every nation, tribe, language and people", "earth ", "sea" and "springs of water" all relate to the year 1932. This can be verified on pages . "midair" As mentioned (see Rev 8:13, p ), it seems as if the word "midair" in Revelation has to do with the centre of the earth and also indicates that what is happening there is going to affect the entire world. It also indicates the central point of the time 18602004, which is the year 1932. "he had the eternal gospel to proclaim to those who live on earth to every This means that we have to do with the spread of Christianity according to the Creed of Chalcedon to all the countries of the world. It seems as if Revelation is indicating that by about the time 19321956 Christianity had spread to the ends of the earth. Twenty-four years (19321956) is indicated for Revelation mentions the time "hour". "hour" It has been established that an "hour" is 24 years (see p ). The reader will recall that in a previous chapter the "springs of water" were linked to the year 1932. What Revelation is indicating here, is that the period 18602004 can also be divided into "hours": 1860+24 = 1884 1884+24 = 1908 1908+24 = 1932 1932+24 = 1956 1956+24 = 1980 1980+24 = 2004 Each of these "hours" are also four "months" a " month" was indicated in a previous chapter to be six years. (See p .) The words "twelve crops of fruit" and "yielding her fruit every month" (Rev 22:2) therefore indicate two fruits in every crop (see p ; 6 years = 1 month). Revelation seems to be indicating that the time 18602004 can be divided in various ways. 144 can be divided into 12 sections ("twelve crops of fruit"). The second angel Revelation 14:8A second angel followed and said, "Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great, which made all the nations drink In this verse, Revelation is looking ahead to Revelation 17 and 18. The last section of this verse: "which made all the nations drink the maddening wine of her adulteries" is linked to the fall of Babylon. The angel is saying that Babylon is going to fall because the kings of the earth committed adultery with the "prostitute" (that will be established in a following chapter), and the inhabitants of the earth were intoxicated with the wine of her adulteries. Revelation will make all this clear later. Most important is that the angel is linking it to the "hour" 19321956. As shall be indicated in a following chapter, the fall of Babylon includes the First and the Second World Wars. When dealing with the "fall of Babylon" in Revelation we have to do with the time up to 1956 (the time that the "beast" was given power to rule) and the very end time. This deduction is based on Revelation 16:19, which deals with the very end time, and the words: "God remembered Babylon the Great". In measuring time on the chart of the "manner of fruits", it will be seen that the time of "wine" corresponds to the time 19922004 (or about 12 years after the time of "the little season"). For a better understanding of this verse, we must look at the following Old Testament reference: Isaiah 21:9 Babylon has fallen, has fallen! Therefore, Revelation is also indicating the "final hour". The third angel (18862004) From what we know of the number of man (and what will be established later), Revelation is measuring time. 1956 is the time that the beast is "given the power to rule"(Rev 17:17). Revelation 14:910 A third angel followed them and said in a loud voice:
What Revelation is doing here, is measuring the time from 1886c 2004. Once again Revelation is looking ahead, and introduces an immense concept that will later be revealed in great detail. When through the centuries the nations had Christian kings that could not overcome the influences of the "dragon", man in ever increasing movements of revolt sought liberty from treacherous monarchs. Within the Church there were also leaders who succumbed to the "dragon" and this led to division within the Christian Church (culminating in the Reformation). However, what man did not realise was that the nations were furthering the ultimate goal of the dragon by trying to change the Christians way of thinking. Man sought to establish the rule of man, which did away with the influence of the Church in the rule of State. What actually happened, however, was that Christians began to accept the equality of world religions. This is not acceptable to Almighty God, because Christianity is an absolute truth that may not be relinquished by Christians. As time progressed it became even more difficult for Christians to resist the subtle influence of the governments of the world to accept their way of thinking. Without knowing it, the nations were actually drying up the "the living waters", and were in fact following the "dragon". It seems as if Revelation is revealing that man in this way brought the horrors of the wars of the twentieth century largely upon himself. To add to this, man probably does not realise today that the judgment of the nations has already begun.
Revelation 14:11And the smoke of their torment rises for ever and ever. There is no rest day and night for those who worship the beast and his image, or for anyone who receives the mark of his name.
"the smoke of their torment" These words come from Revelation 9:6. Revelation is combining East and West and this has to do with the anguish of the First and Second World Wars from c 18981958, approximately 60 years (see "torment" and " five months" on p ). The words: "smoke of their torment rises for ever and ever " indicate the increased use of drugs between 1958 and the end time, but also convey that the drug users may never, ever awake from their intoxication. Revelation 14:1213 This calls for patient endurance on the part of the saints, who obey Gods commandments and remain faithful to Jesus.
In a world preoccupied with the freedom of man and religion, and the "death" (death, the rider on the pale horse) of the fervour of the Christian religion becoming more prevalent in nations accepting all religions, it is becoming increasingly difficult for Christians to carry forth the message of the resurrection to an ever more unbelieving world.
THE HARVEST OF THE EARTH The fourth angel Revelation 14:14I looked, and there before me was a white cloud, and seated on the cloud was one "like the son of man" with a crown of gold on his head and a sharp sickle in his hand.
"white cloud" The time 18601872 that corresponds with the white or opaque colour of the jasper gemstone on the chart of the "manner of fruits" could relate to "cloud" as Revelation wants to indicate the last 144 years. (See explanation of "cloud", Rev 10:1, p .) It seems as if Revelation is again indicating the time 18602004, particularly with the reference to "sickle" that conveys 'harvesting time'. "seated" This word can also be linked to the time of the "wall" of the New Jerusalem through the word "gate". Consider the following references: Revelation 21:12: "the wall had twelve gates" "crown of gold" These words indicate the righteous (Rev 2:10: the faithful will receive the "crown of life"). Job 24:6 (KJV)They reap everyone his corn in the field:
Revelation 14:1516 Then another angel came out of the temple and called in a loud voice to him who was sitting on the cloud, "Take your sickle and reap, because the time to reap has come, for the harvest of the earth is ripe."
By using the word "another", Revelation reveals that the following "generation" of the second millennium, or colour on the chart of the "manner of fruits", must be measured. The first three angels measured the time 19321956, the time of the fall of Babylon to the time when the "beast was given the power to rule" (1956). Yellow The clue to the time of the fourth angel is the colour of the "topaz" of the ninth foundation of the New Jerusalem and "the crown of gold" as well as the yellow colour of corn when it is ripe. Consult the charts of the New Jerusalem and the chart of the "manner of fruits" on pages and . On the chart of the New Jerusalem the time of "topaz " is 1644 to 1716. The times of the "generations" of 72 years of the chart of the New Jerusalem are conveyed by the words "out of the temple" , because the times of the "three and a half days" of the second millennium are measured from the birth of Christ, the time of "temple". According to the divisions of the time 1860 to 2004, the time of "topaz", is 1956 to 1968. It is indicated by the colour yellow and is the colour of ripe corn or wheat ready to be harvested. 1644-1716 As mentioned the year 1644 was the time of the Civil War in England, but also the time of the execution of William Laud (1645), the Archbishop of Canterbury. He sought to enforce an Anglican liturgy, very close to Catholicism, provoking the rebellion of the Puritans and the Presbyterians. In 16441716 the nations of Europe started realising that a representation of the people could be set in place and that the powers of the anointed king could be curbed, as had happened in England. It was also the time that the logic of the Supreme Being (as explained in the previous chapter) was developing. 19561968 can be linked to the time of rebellion in the Soviet Union (hence the sickle). Soviet tanks crushed the uprising in Hungary in 1956. In 1968 there was the Warsaw pact invasion of Czechoslovakia. Revelation is possibly indicating the torment brought on man by rebellion (war) against atheist communist rule that had destroyed the Christian church. The fifth angel (17161788 and 19681980) Revelation 14:17And another angel came out of the temple in heaven, and he too had a sharp sickle. Revelation now seems to be measuring the time 19681980. In the chart of the "manner of fruits" it is the time indicated by the colour of the tenth foundation of the New Jerusalem, which is chrysoprase a yellow or light green. "Out of the temple" could also mean that the time of harvesting includes the time 17161788 in the measurement of the "temple". The angels indicate that there was a "harvesting of the earth" since the time that the rule of Christian kings was overthrown (Charles I was executed in 1649) to the time when the French Revolution started in c 1788. 1956-1980 was a time of war in the Middle East and Vietnam. It was also a time of uprising or rebellion in Africa and South America.
The sixth angel (17881932 and 19802004) Revelation 14:1819 Still another angel who had charge of the fire, came from the altar and called in a loud voice to him who had the sharp sickle, "Take your sharp sickle and gather the clusters of grapes from the earths vine, because its grapes are ripe."
The times of "jacinth" and "indigo" indicate the periods 17881932 on the chart of the New Jerusalem and 19802004 on the chart of the "manner of fruits".
Historically this is very accurate for the time 17881932 marks the time of the French Revolution, the revolutions in Europe, and the two World Wars. The time 19922004 corresponds with what was said previously about "fire". 1992 was linked to the word "fire". Revelation 13:13: "fire came down from heaven in full view of men", indicate the war Desert Storm (1992). We know that the angel in Revelation 8:35 that took the censer and filled it "with fire from the altar" also relates to the time 19922004 (refer to p ). "altar" also indicates the time of the "souls under the altar" ( Rev 6:9) which was the time 2000 (refer to p ). "winepress" (1860-1932 and 19922004 or beyond) The grapes and wine have the same purpleindigo colour as the amethyst stone of the twelfth foundation of the New Jerusalem. As mentioned in the interpretation of Revelation 19:15, "winepress" indicates the death of martyrs. It could be the time of the death of Christians or suffering. Revelation 14:20They were trampled in the winepress outside the city, and blood flowed out of the press rising as high as the horses' bridles for a distance of 12, 000 stadia. "Outside the city" has two meanings "Outside the city" the death of martyrs The clue for the understanding of "outside the city" can be found in the following reference: Hebrews 13:1214And so Jesus also suffered outside the city gate to make the people holy through his own blood. Let us then go to him outside the camp, bearing the disgrace he bore. For here we do not have an enduring city, but we are looking for the city that is to come.
"rising" This word is of significance, for it indicates height. In Revelation 21:12 it is said that the New Jerusalem "had a wall great and high". The words "high place" (or places) in the Bible can indicate the place of the altar or places of idolatry. "High" can mean arrogant. From what we have learnt, and from what will still be conveyed in the following chapters of Revelation, all of these meanings apply to this generation (19322004). It is the time that the Lamb is placed on the altar by the Christian nations, and the time that man has become arrogant and corrupt. In Revelation 21:16 it is said that "He measured the city (the New Jerusalem) with a rod and found it to be 12, 000 stadia in length, and as wide and high as it was long." This is a heavenly measurement. Of significance is that 1600 can be divided in 12 000 about seven times. Here we have a reference to "bearing the disgrace he bore". This means that we have to look at history and to those that also endured death, punishment and the disgrace that Christ suffered. "outside the city" These words should be seen in relation to Golgotha, the place "outside the city" where Christ was crucified. Golgotha means "the place of the scull". This might be because it was the place where the convicted were put to death, or because it was a hill that had the form of a scull. It will later be established that the seven "hills" that are part of the "beast" have to do with the death of seven particular Christian martyrs or times of martyrdom. The number "seven" also implies the total number of Christians that died for their faith. As was mentioned in a revious chapter, some of the deaths of the martyrs in the second millennium can be brought into relation with times of persecution in the first millennium. (See p .) "blood flowed out of the press, rising as high as the horses bridles for a distance of 1,600 stadia" These words refer to the total number of Christians who died bearing witness to Christ, which include those who will die till the Second Coming. (The word "bridles" most probably refers to the time of all four horses of the apocalypse.) It is known that in the 1990's Christians are dying for their faith in countries with non-Christian governments. It may mean that the above words indicate an escalation of the suffering of Christians in the end time. "outside the city " also the time 'outside' "the great city" This phrase also relates to the time 19322004. In the measurement of the "temple" the colours of the New Jerusalem are used to indicate the generations between 9962004, which is also "three and a half days". John 2:2021 "It has taken forty-six years to build this temple and you are going to raise it in three days?" According to the instruction "exclude the outer court" given in Revelation 11:1, we were told not to measure the first generation (9961068). The colours of the gemstones were therefore placed on the generations measuring from 10681932, the twelve generations of the time of "three days". That is why the time 19322004 is not measured in the time of the twelve foundations of the New Jerusalem. Where Revelation 11:1 says "exclude the outer court", it could also mean the time 19322004. Revelation 11:12"Go and measure the temple of God and the altar,
In a following chapter it will be seen that the time of the "the great city" is measured from 1068 to 1932 and is later extended to include the time 1932 to 2004. It therefore corresponds to the time of the "generations" of 72 years on the chart of the New Jerusalem of the second millennium measured from 1068. Revelation calls it the time of the "great city" in order to indicate how the Christian nations would become more interested in commerce and the many financially lucrative endeavours of man rather than the Christian message of salvation and everlasting life. The time 19322004 was incorporated in the time 18602004, the time of the last "half-day" of the "three and a half days" of the second millennium. Now Revelation seems to indicate that the time 19322004 must be regarded as "one generation". As we are living in this time 19322004, it could possibly be referred to as "this generation". The time 19322004 also indicates the time that the "Lamb" was slain. (See Rev 5:6, p .) Therefore "outside the city " (in a following chapter we shall see that "the great city" extends for a time of "three days", the time 10681932) also relates to the time 19322004. It seems as if the "wall", according to the generations of the chart of the New Jerusalem in the second millennium, figuratively rises "high" in the time 19322004. Throughout Revelation it is stressed that this generation has become arrogant and has forgotten the message of Jesus Christ to the world. Consider the following references in relation to what has been said in this chapter. Jeremiah 31:39 The measuring line will stretch from there straight to the hill of Gareb and then turn to Goah. Matthew 12:42 The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this generation and condemn it Isaiah 21:1Like whirlwinds sweeping through the southland,an invader comes from the desert from a land of terror. |