Chapter 16
Seven Angels with Seven Plagues
and the Seven Bowls of Wrath
An interlude in heaven
Revelation 15:1I saw in heaven another great and marvelous sign:
seven angels with the seven last plagues last,
because with them Gods wrath is completed.
As was indicated right from the beginning of this book, Revelation starts at a point far back in history and ends some time near the end time. This chapter is dealing with those things that are going to happen at the very end and includes the twentieth century. Times that have been established by certain words in the previous chapters are going to be used again to interpret that which Revelation wishes to convey in this chapter.
The reader will recall that in Revelation 13:13, "great and miraculous signs" could be linked to the time 1866 in the interpretation of the "number of man" (refer to p. ). It was the time of the discovery of dynamite by Alfred Noble. It was said in Revelation 14:15 that "another" means that "a generation" has to be added to the time that was indicated in the previous verse (see p ). It seems that Revelation might be adding 72 years to 1866 (1866+72 = 1938). This is not impossible for 1938 was also a year of a "miraculous" sign: the discovery of the splitting of the uranium atom that could cause a chain reaction. This would lead directly to the development of the atomic bomb. If Revelation deals with the nations and war, it surely must be an indication of the ultimate weapon of war in the twentieth century. The fact that the year 1938 that deals with "miraculous signs" is followed by "last, because with them God's wrath is completed" might mean that the last plague incorporates a "miraculous sign". This deduction is supported by the fact that Revelation seems to set the perimeters of the time span it wishes to cover in a particular chapter, in the opening verse or verses of that chapter.
Man exalted by philosophy
It is of interest that in 1883, Friedrich Nietzsche, the German philosopher published the first part of his major work on philosophical mysticism, Thus spake Zarathustra, in which he expresses the idea of a 'superman'. In a previous book he went so far as to say that Christianity was played out and that morality was the herd instinct in the individual. He envisaged a race of supermen, beyond good and evil. I mention this here to show how philosophers were exalting mans achievements and behaviour. This is reminiscent of the word "rising" in Revelation 14:20 that refers to man's 'arrogance' at the end of the twentieth century.
Revelation 15:2 And I saw what looked like a sea of glass mixed with fire and, standing beside the sea, those who had been victorious over the beast and his image and over the number of his name.
This verse seems to confirm the time of this generation (19322004).
It has been established that "sea" indicates the time 18841932. (See Rev 8:8 which deals with the great volcanic eruption of Krakatoa, p .)
In the following chapters we shall see that 1932 is also the time of the final fall of the "ten horns" that are ten kings. These are ten hereditary kings of ten countries. The last hereditary king to "receive authority with the beast" for about twentyfour years between 1906 and 1931, was Alfonso XIII of Spain. Later in Revelation it will be seen that the word "waters" can also mean "peoples, multitudes, nations and languages" (Rev 17:15). Therefore the fall of the kings (the "beast out of the sea") and the time of the "waters'' can also be placed at the time 1932.
The word "fire" relates to the years 19801992, but also to the very end time in the words "lake of burning sulfur" (Rev 20:10).
Revelation seems to be indicating that the masses, or the peoples of the earth, who had wished to overthrow the power of the anointed king and the direct rule of the Christian Church would have achieved their goal by the time of "water"(1932) and "fire"(1992). By using the words "water" and "fire" Revelation may again be measuring the time 19322004 and beyond.
Those who would not accept ("had been victorious") the ideology of freedom from the Christian code of living within the rule of the nations ("over the beast and his image") and would not destroy fellow Christians in war (1566 was the year that Philip of Spain declared war on the Netherlands because of religious differences that had become political divisions "and the number of his name"), were standing "beside the sea".
It seems as if Revelation wishes to give the nations of the twentieth century some insight into the reasons for the "fall of Babylon" that incorporates the Second World War and the institution of the rule of man worldwide.
Transparent glass and crystal
See page , for the explanation of "crystal" in Revelation 4:6.
The words "a sea of glass" (transparent) relates to Revelation 21:21: "The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each gate made of a single pearl. The great street of the city was of pure gold, like transparent glass."
In these words Revelation seems to be measuring the time 18602004, the time of the "wall" of the chart of the new Jerusalem in which there were twelve gates, each gate made of a single pearl. The ancient peoples considered pearls as the most precious of gems. Metaphorically, it means something of great value, especially wise sayings.
By using the images of "gates" and "pearls", Revelation wants to convey that Almighty God has sympathy for the "rule of man" in the time 18602004. (This is later substantiated by the words: "For God has put it into their hearts to accomplish his purpose by agreeing to give the beast his power to rule" Rev 17:17). Particularly with those nations and leaders of nations that through the "rule of man" tried to uphold the teachings of Jesus Christ and to apply them in the governments of the nations. The word "pearls" likely include those who in the last two generations 18602004 died for their faith. This is indicated by the words "street of the city " which is the year 1932.
The times of the colours of the chart of the New Jerusalem as measured in the second millennium, are 10681932. The "generations" at the beginning and at the end of the time 9962004 are not measured (9961068 and 19322004). The time 10681932 is also the time of the "great city" and the central point of this period is the year 1500. In Revelation 22:2 we are told that the "river of the water of life" flows "down the middle of the great street of the city". We also know that "street" relates to the time that Christians died for their faith. (See Revelation 11:8: "Their bodies will lie in the street of the great city", p .) It should be noted that in Revelation 22:2 the river flows down the great street and on either side of the river stood the tree of life "bearing twelve crops of fruit", therefore the central point of the time 18602004, which is the year 1932.
Revelation 15:1 seems to be measuring the time 15002004, focussing particularly on those "who had been victorious" over the influence of "the beast and his image and the number of his name". In other words those Christians who did not adhere to an amalgamation of all the religions of the earth and remained faithful to the message of the cross.
Revelation regards the periods 10681932 and 18602004 as units. In this interpretation the time 19322004 (the time "outside the city") is regarded as "crystal" and the very end time (the time beyond 2004) is regarded as the time of "crystal" or "transparent glass".
Revelation 15:2 clearly indicates that those who adhere to the teachings of Jesus Christ in the time of "transparent glass" or "crystal", will overcome the "beast" (see Rev 4:6, p ). In Ezekiel 1:22 the "beast" is brought directly into relation with "terrible crystal":
Ezekiel 1:22 (KJV) And the likeness of the firmament upon the heads of the living creature was as the colour of terrible crystal.
The time that the beast stood on two feet is 1932 and the time of "crystal" is the generation 19322004 measured on the chart of the New Jerusalem.
The "sea of glass" stands in contrast to the turbulent sea churned up by the beast seen by Daniel and referred to in Revelation 13. Revelation conveys this at the beginning of the chapter on the plagues and the bowls of wrath to ensure Christians that they do not have to fear the wrath of God in the times of the plagues.
The reader will recall that in Revelation 13:14, 1886 was the year of the Statue of Liberty. When 66 years are added we reach 1952 the year that frogs were cloned from tadpole cells. However, it was also the time of the institution of the "rule of man" worldwide.
The reason why I mention this here is because 1886 was the time when the seven bowls of wrath began.
As mentioned before, the words "
cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed (Rev 13:15) mean that if a minority of Christians would be suppressed, undermined or even put to death under the "rule of man" it would have to be accepted. The words also imply that Christians who are in the minority would ultimately largely succumb and accept the religion of the majority or an equalization of all religions. Countries that place great accent on the equalization of religions may cause the "death" of Christianity.
Here we have the first indication that we are going to have to do with the liberation of man and the time after 1886.
Revelation 15:38 They held harps given them by God and sang the song of Moses the servant of God the song of the Lamb:
"Great and marvelous are your deeds,
Lord God Almighty.
Just and true are your ways,
King of the ages.
Who will not fear you, O Lord,
and bring glory to your name?
All nations will come
and worship before you,
for your righteous acts have been revealed."
After this I looked and in heaven the temple, that is, the tabernacle of the Testimony, was opened.
Out of the temple came the seven angels with the seven plagues. They were dressed in clean shining linen and wore golden sashes around their chests.
Then one of the four living creatures gave to the seven angels seven golden bowls filled with the wrath of God, who lives for ever and ever.
And the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God and from his power and no one could enter the temple until the seven plagues of the seven angels were completed.
We must take into account that the time of the measuring of the temple is linked to the seven plagues.
To understand the bowls of wrath we must go back to Zechariah 4:23 and 4:14:
Zechariah 4:23 I see a solid lampstand with a bowl at the top and seven lights on it, with seven channels to the lights. Also there are two olive trees by it, one on the right of the bowl and the other on the left.
Zechariah 4:14 (The two olive trees are explained.)
So he said, "These are the two who are anointed to serve the Lord of all the earth."
The image of the olive trees must be seen in conjunction with Revelation 11:56, where the two witnesses are also referred to as two "olive trees" (see p ).
In order to indicate the time of the testimony of the two witnesses, Revelation divides the total time of the two millennia in seven days. (See chart, p .)
Revelation 11:5 If anyone tries to harm them, fire comes from their mouths and devours their enemies. This is how anyone who wants to harm them must die.
24 years
Approximately twenty-four years after the Church of Rome had moved against the Franciscans in 1323, the bubonic plague or Black Death (c 1348) struck Europe.
What these verses from Revelation and Zechariah are revealing in relation to the "seven golden bowls filled with the wrath of God" is that where man harmed or moved against those who had given up all their worldly ambitions and goods and set out to spread the message of Christianity, plague must follow.
"fire comes from their mouths"
These words indicate that God Almighty will retaliate if anyone tries to harm them.
Revelation 16:1Then I heard a loud voice from the temple saying to the seven angels, "Go, pour out the seven bowls of Gods wrath on the earth."
The first bowl
Revelation 16:2The first angel went and poured out his bowl on the land, and ugly and painful sores broke out on the people who had the mark of the beast and worshipped his image.
As was seen in the previous chapters every word and phrase contributes to the full interpretation of Revelation. Certain phrases will link this chapter to Revelation 8 (also Rev 10) that deals with the sounding of the trumpets. This means that we have to do with the same times in both chapters.
What Revelation seems to be doing here, is to link the West to the Far East therefore the entire world.
"on the land" (KJV: "earth")
The same phrase was used in Revelation 8:7 where the angel that sounded the first trumpet, hurled the fire mixed with blood. (Note the reference to the "fire" in Revelation 15:2 and 8:5). It was then established that the verse indicated the times 1268 (the time of the earthquake in Asia Minor) and 1266 (the year Marco Polo set out to the Far East and visited the court of the Mongol leader Kublai Khan).
The words "on the land" were also used in Revelation 10:2. "(The mighty angel) planted his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land." It was said at the time that it related to the year 1932.
In the interpretation of Revelation 8:7 the time of "earth" or the "beast out of the earth" which is the time 12661932 (666 years) was divided into three sections of 222 years (see p ).
1266 (+222)= 1488 1488(+222)= 1710 1710 (+222)= 1932
The "ugly and painful sores" relate to sexually transmitted diseases. In 1494 (about the time 1488) a highly contagious disease, called the French pox, plagued Europe. Cases were recorded in France, Spain and Italy. It attacked the genitals where it appeared as sores, and was transmitted through sexual intercourse. The disease also ate away at the palate and the uvula, the lips, nose and eyes, and weakened the muscles and nerves before bringing its victim to an early and painful death. The disease took on epidemic proportions, particularly after the army of Charles VIII of France had besieged Naples in that same year. In 1530 it was named syphilis, for what the Spanish called "bubas" which had been transported by sailors returning from the New World.
Consider the following Old Testament reference:
Deuteronomy 28:35The Lord will afflict your knees and legs with painful boils that cannot be cured, spreading from the soles of your feet to the top of your head.
At this point, we can establish "the mark of the beast". In Revelation 13:17 it was linked to the year 1932 and the Great Depression.
1932 + 66 = 1998 (the time of the AIDS plague)
It seems as if Revelation wants to link the plagues with what was happening in the East and the West during the years 12661494. In 1268 Europeans from Western Europe went to the East for the first time because the Pax Mongolia (the trade route to China) was opened after the Mongols had conquered the surrounding territory. In 1492 Europeans set foot on the American Continent.
Revelation indicates that the discovery of the new lands both East and West would cause the disease to spread. The latter was linked to the religious, moral, and political liberation of man who, as a result, became progressively more promiscuous. To gain liberty, some people used violence, and not only destroyed lives, but also destroyed the Church. As was indicated above, those who destroy the "two witnesses", or the Christians that carry out the Christian message, will suffer from one of the forms of plague. (This destruction is 'physical' as in the Reformation, in the Soviet Union, and in the Second World War, or could include the undermining of the Christian Church.)
"One of the angels" (See chart, p )
In order to know exactly what dates are indicated here, we have to refer to Revelation 21:9. The whole explanation of this is given later, but for the moment the reader must realize that the measurement indicated by the first bowl of wrath is the same as the measurement of "man" that was established in Revelation 13.
Therefore the times indicated by the "first bowl of wrath" are the total measurement of the "number of man" (1266, 1932 and 1998). The year 1998 can be brought into relation with the sexually transmitted disease AIDS.
We can now interpret the first bowl of wrath:
1266 Poured out his bowl on the land, ("earth" KJV)
1998and ugly and painful sores broke put on the people
1932 who had the mark of the beast
1886and worshipped his image.
The Second Bowl (See chart page )
Revelation 16:3 The second angel poured out his bowl on the sea, and it turned into blood like that of a dead man, and every living thing in the sea died.
The following references have to be taken into account:
Revelation 8:89
a huge mountain, all ablaze, was thrown into the sea. A third of the sea turned into blood, a third of the living reatures in the sea died
Of importance here is that this verse indicates the time of Krakatoa (18831932). China fell to atheist communistic rule in 19481849.
Revelation 11:6
they have power to turn the waters into blood
This verse confirms that the second witness is Francis of Assisi and the Franciscans. From c 1892 the Chinese authority turned against European foreigners and destroyed Franciscan missions. Here Revelation is indicating the wrath of God on the entire world in the time of the two World Wars. The middle of the twentieth century was the time of the establishment of the "rule of man" worldwide.
You must remember that "the sea" in Revelation indicates all the nations of the world. (This will be fully explained in Revelation 17).
Revelation 17:15 "The waters you saw, where the prostitute sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations and languages."
Now we can interpret the second bowl of wrath:
1883 and 1932 Poured his bowl on to the sea
and it turned into blood like that of a dead man,
1949 and every living thing in the sea died.
(See the explanation of Revelation 8:713, p .)
1883+48 = 1931
The Third Bowl (See chart, page )
Revelation 16:4 The third angel poured out his bowl on the rivers and springs of water, and they became blood.
"springs of water"
In the interpretation of Revelation 8:9 the "springs of water" fell in the time 19001932. It was the time that was introduced by the falling star seen by the Hopi. (See p .) The words "springs of water" is very significant in Revelation for it indicates the power of the Christian message. It comes from the words of Christ in John 4:13, where he spoke to the Samaritan woman at Jacobs well. Concerning the water of the well, Jesus said, " Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whosoever drinks the water that I give him, will never thirst. Indeed the water that I give him will become a spring of water welling up to eternal life."
The reader will recall that 1900 was the time of the Boxer Rebellion and the destruction of the Christian mission churches in China. The Spanish crown lost Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines to the United Sates in this time. In 1900 the communist ideology was gaining ground in Russia. This was therefore a time in which the rule of man was expanding worldwide.
Therefore, the years linked to the "third bowl" are probably c 18981900 and 19461948. "the waters
became blood" indicate the people of all nations that died in the Second World War. We must now refer to the sounding of the third trumpet (p .) The time measured there was 48 years one third of 144). This correlates with what we will establish in Chapter 18, namely that the fall of Babylon includes the Second World War.
"and every living thing in the sea died"
These words relate to the year 1947, the year of the rider on the pale horse (Death).
In the following verses, there is a break in the pouring of the "bowls of wrath". Revelation now focuses on the words of the "angel in charge of the waters". It seems as if Revelation wishes to indicate the time 1932( waters) and 1946, which is the time of the end of the Second World War. Later the text of Revelation ( Rev 18:24) will repeat the words of Rev.16:6 "the blood of your saints and prophets". It will be seen that the time related in Revelation, chapter 18, is the time of the Fall of Babylon which is also the time of the Second World War.
Revelation 16:57Then I heard the angel in charge of the water say:
"You are just in these judgments, you who are and who were, the Holy One, because you have so judged; for they have shed the blood of your saints and prophets, and you have given them blood to drink as they deserve."
And I heard the altar respond: "Yes, Lord God Almighty, true and just are your judgments."
The angel announces that God is just in his judgments. As was mentioned with reference to the "olive trees" and "the bowls of wrath", the plagues seem to have been brought upon man "for they have shed the blood of your saints and prophets".
As this interlude falls between the third and fourth bowls of wrath, it could have bearing on the time 19001946. According to history, the devastation of the Christian Church was at its worst in the Soviet Union (19181938) and in the Second World War. As mentioned above, we should note that this reference is also used in the section on the fall of Babylon indicating that the times correlate.
Revelation 18:20 Rejoice, saints and apostles and prophets!
God has judged her for the way she treated you.
Revelation 18:24In her was found the blood of the prophets and of the saints, and of all who have been killed on the earth.
In other words Revelation indicates that the First and Second World Wars were actually God's wrath on the world for the death of the martyrs and the Christians. We can now begin to understand the purpose of the wars and what has taken place in the world.
1900+48 = 1948
The fourth bowl (See chart, p .)
Revelation 16:89 (NIV)The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was given power to scorch people with fire.
They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God, who had control over these plagues, but they refused to repent and to glorify him.
(KJV) And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun;
and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire.
And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which has power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory.
We are given five clues: "vial upon the sun"; "power to scorch men with fire"; "scorched with great heat"; " blasphemed the name of God" and "power". It is important that the word "power" is repeated, for it indicates that man has possibly forgotten that God allowed man to develop nuclear weaponry.
In Revelation 13:14 the word "power" had to do with the power that man had to make fire come down from heaven. In the first verse of Revelation 15, the time of " another great and marvelous sign" was indicated as the time 1866+72 = 1938. It seems as if Revelation is focussing on the time of the development of the atomic bomb.
Measurement of the "sun"
The reader will recall that when the "sun" was measured in Chapter 7 it was measured from the time 996 2004 or " three and a half days" ( see p ). It was shown that the time of 'sun' is measured 996 to 1860 ( three days) and 1860 to 2004 ( half day). Because Revelation indicated the two units of time, a third of the sun was therefore a third of the time 996 to 1860 , but also "a third of the sun" could also relate to the time 18602004. Therefore, the time of 144 years was divided into thirds: 18601908; 19081956, and 19562004.
Each "third" indicated a stage in the darkening of the sun. As we have reached the time beyond the Second World War, it could be the time indicated by the darkening of the sun 1908+48 = 1956. This was the time indicated by Revelation 8:13 "a third of them turned dark" meaning "sun" (also moon" and "stars").
"The sun was given power"
These words could indicate the discovery of nuclear fusion after the Second World War. A conversion of mass into energy occurs when the nuclei of light atoms fuse together. These fusion reactions occur only at millions of degrees Centigrade, and they are therefore called thermonuclear reactions. Such temperatures are found in the center of the sun and other stars and it is there that fusion reactions take place. The most common nuclear fusion process in the stars is one in which four protons come together in stages to form a single helium nucleus. In the middle of the twentieth century man discovered that he could bring about fusion reactions on earth between deuterium and tritium two isotopes of hydrogen. This occurs in a hydrogen bomb explosion. The high temperature needed for the reaction to occur is produced by exploding an atomic bomb nuclear fission first.
Revelation is once again indicating dates. The time of nuclear fusion can be placed at 19511952. Here is a reference to "fire". It was said in a previous chapter that "maketh fire come down from heaven" is linked to the year 1992. (See p .)
It is of the greatest significance here that the number of man is linked to the seven bowls of wrath. It seems as if Revelation is conveying that man himself has brought about the suffering of the world.
Global warming
Since 1860 the temperature of the earths surface has been recorded. The hottest temperatures recorded were in the year 1998.
"Blasphemed the name of God"
These words are brought into relation with "power". It seems as if man himself has brought about much of the destruction of the twentieth century. Therefore, as we are now in the post-war years, the end of verse 9 could mean that man has advanced so far in their search for "liberty" that, despite the horrors of the war, and the victory of the West, they did not grant the Christian Church precedence in the rule of the nations. Who would have considered having direct representation of the Christian Church in the formation of the United Nations in 19461952?
Therefore one can interpret the fourth bowl as follows:
1952The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun
1992 and the sun was given power to scorch people
19521998They cursed the name of God, who had control over these plagues, they refused to repent and glorify him
It seems as if Revelation is setting the perimeters of the time from the Second World War to c2004
1952+48 = 2000
The fifth bowl ( See chart, p .)
Revelation 16:10-11 (NIV) The fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and his kingdom was plunged into darkness.
Men gnawed their tongues in agony and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done.
(KJV) And the fifth angel poured out his vial on the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain, and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds.
"the throne of the beast"
"The throne of the beast" probably refers to the United Nations that does not promote Christianity as the absolute truth, but accepts "freedom of religion". In other words it is based on an argument put forward by man. Revelation will explain in detail how this came about, and will urge Christians to accept only the message of the Resurrection. Who the "beast" refers to will be established in a following chapter. The "beast" will rule till the end time. This we know from Revelation 17:17: "For God has put it into their hearts to accomplish his purpose by agreeing to give the beast their power to rule."
The "kingdom" of the beast
The "kingdom" of the beast must be distinguished from those countries that are outspokenly atheist or non-Christian. They have as their "king" (Rev 9:11) the "Destroyer" who wishes to undermine or destroy the Christian Church. This would include those countries where the rule of man or the rule of the land fell into the hands of continually revolting factions, and where lawlessness has come to prevail. It could, however, also be the rule of a state that wishes the outright conquest of Christianity. It can also be a once Christian state that has fallen into total corruption, where the Christian Church has no true worshippers.
The "beast" is therefore a rule of man that does not give priority to Christianity.
"his kingdom was plunged into darkness"
According to the measurement of the "sun" the last "third" of the time of 18602004 (1860 + 48 = 1908; 1908 + 48 = 1956; 1956 + 48 = 2004 ) is the time of darkness. Therefore from 1956 the kingdom of the beast was plunged into darkness.
From 1958, atheist communist philosophy has been spreading in South America and was an underlying factor in guerilla movements in Guatemala, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru and Bolivia.
"because of their pains and their sores"
This phrase correlates with Revelation 16:2 and the words (KJV)"grievous sore". This likely includes the time of the AIDS epidemic (19781998) and beyond (till, or if, a cure is found).
"blasphemed the God of heaven"
These words are brought into relation with AIDS. This likely means that the AIDS plague will not stop man's promiscuity, and righteous Christians and innocent children will ultimately fall victim to the plague.
The fifth bowl can now be interpreted as follows:
1952 The fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the
19562004beast, and his kingdom was plunged into darkness.
Men gnawed at their tongues in agony and cursed the
c 19801998God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done.
1956+48 =2004
The sixth bowl (See chart, page .)
Revelation 16:12 The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the East.
References to the Euphrates and the "kings of the East" place the focus on the Middle East. As we are now in the time of the "woes", we must regard this in a world context. The words "its water was dried up" means that the message of Christianity "the living waters" is no longer proclaimed there. It could mean the end of peace. This is true, for the Christian Church has little or no say in the rule of the nations of the Middle East.
The reference to the river Euphrates in Revelation can be linked to the years 1932 and to c 1968 (see, p and ). It thus seems that the time of the drying up of the "living waters" can also be placed in the time 19321968 ( 1968 is also the central point of the time 19322004). (See chart, p .)
"the kings from the East"
In 19671968 the hostilities in Palestine started a conflict that would involve the West. The word "kings" is probably used here to indicate the remnant of Christians who adhered to the Christian faith despite great trials of non-Christian rule in the Far East, Middle East, North Africa and Eastern Europe. Considering the deaths of Christians in the last decade of the twentieth century it could be that this "bowl of wrath" has bearing on the years 19901999.
Where Revelation seems to link the wars of the second half of the twentieth century with the death of Christians, we have to take note of statistics given by David Barrett, editor of the World Christian Encyclopaedia. He stated that every year 160 000 Christians are killed by rebellious populations or governments because of their religious identity. The countries that he named concerning the death of Christians were China, Vietnam, Laos, Pakistan, Iran, Egypt and Sudan.
Three frogs
For the following text the King James Version (KJV) is used because it uses the word "unclean" that is the clue to the understanding of this section.
Revelation 16:13 (KJV) And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
For they are spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and the whole world to gather them to battle of that great day of God Almighty.
(NIV)Then I saw three evil spirits that looked like frogs
They are spirits of demons performing miraculous signs, and they go out to the kings of the whole world
"three unclean spirits like frogs"
These words convey that in the appearance of frogs there is a symbolism of "unclean".
The word "unclean" signifies that men will have to distinguish between "clean" and "unclean"; between what may and may not be done according to the teachings of the scriptures. It also suggests discerning as to when sexual relations are allowed or disallowed (Lev 15:24).
Consider the following Old Testament references:
Lamentations 4:1415Now they grope through the streets like men who are blind. They are so defiled with blood that no one dares to touch their garments.
Ezekiel 22:26
they teach that there is no difference between the unclean and the clean
(Ezekiel was speaking about the sins of Jerusalem.)
To understand this, we must refer to the following two references:
Revelation 13: 13 And he performed great and miraculous signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to earth in full view of men. Because of the signs he was given the power to do on behalf of the first beast, he deceived the inhabitants of the earth.
Revelation brings the "frogs" in relation with the "miraculous signs". According to the interpretation of the above verse, "miraculous signs" was linked to the year 1866 (see p ). It was said in the interpretation of "miraculous signs" that they were great explosions and nuclear fission.
By the twentieth century man had progressed to political 'freedom' and freedom from the Christian Church in the rule of the nations (the "first beast" being the "beast out of the sea" that indicates the fall of the kings). He was deceived to think that his nuclear expertise and knowledge of rockets and missiles ("fire to come down from heaven") gave him the right to manufacture any form of destructive weapon. This led to the manufacture of biological weapons that could cause mass destruction. In other words, man was developing an arrogance. He felt totally free to expand his scientific capabilities with a view to an unlimited future. He forgot or no longer believed that Jesus Christ was going to return to earth and judge the living and the dead.
In the field of biological science, man has focussed his study on human reproduction. By referring to the "three frogs" it seems as if Revelation wants to indicate that man is also being deceived as to how far he is allowed to intervene in human reproduction.
The three "frogs"
The three "frogs" could possibly represent the following three species of frogs that through their outward appearance ("unclean spirits like frogs") or reproductive behaviour are symbolical of progress made in the field of medical science, especially with reference to human reproduction.
- the Platanna or Smooth Clawed Frog;
- the Midwife Toad;
- the Surinam Toad.
The Platanna
This is a South and East African species. These frogs were widely used for pregnancy tests. Since the 1950's these tests have been replaced by immunological tests.
The Platanna could be symbolic of experiments where animals are used in the interpretation and diagnosis of human conditions, human reproduction and organ transplantation.
A European species remarkable for the part played by the male in the care of the eggs. It coils the strings of eggs around its hind legs and carries his burden for three weeks or more, until it is time for them to hatch.
The Midwife Toad could symbolize sex-change operations and the changing of the roles of man and woman in modern times.
The Surinam Toad
This frog inhabits parts of the eastern side of tropical South America and reproduces unlike any other species. The male presses the egg on to the back of the female. The eggs do not go through the tadpole stage but change directly into replicas of the parents.
The Surinam Toad symbolizes the success of researchers to exclude one of the stages of development in the natural cycle of reproduction. Considering that the first cloning experiments in 1952 were on frogs, this could be symbolic of cloning. In human cloning the natural process of fertilization and development of a human being is replaced by a non-sexual phase, developed by man, to produce a direct replica of man.
"out of the mouth"
As has been indicated these words indicate an earthquake or earthquakes. The frogs came "out of the mouths of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet".
The only way to interpret this section is to refer to Revelation 18:2 where it is mentioned that Babylon "has become a haunt for every evil spirit". There the times of measurement are 288 years (one day); 240 years (one hour when it includes the entire earth) and 96 years (for the final woe's of Chapter 18 are divided into three sections and 96 is a third of "one day").
You will recall that the three earthquakes indicated in Revelation 12:16 (see, p ), occurred in 1693, 1755 and 1857. If 288 years, 240 years and 96 years are respectively added to these one reaches the times:
1693+288 = 19811983 The first human to mother embryo transfer.
1755+240 = 1995 At Roslin Institute in Scotland it was discovered how to get adult cells to sound each and every one of the genetic notes required to make a complete animal. The cloning of animals could proceed.
1857+ 96 = 1953 In 1952 frogs were cloned from tadpole cells.
What Revelation is indicating here through the years 1693, 1755 and 1857 is the separation of the Catholic Church from the States in Europe.
1693 "out of the mouth of the dragon"
This was the time that Louis XIV sought to remove papal authority from the French rule. There was perpetual friction between Louis and the Pope(Innocent XI) over the question of papal authority over the French Church. Louis was willing to let the Pope decide questions of doctrine, but in other matters he desired his power to be as absolute. The Pope on the other hand was just as firm in insisting upon his own authority over the French Church. This long quarrel came to a head in 1682 when the question was referred to the assembly of the French clergy. At this meeting the Declaration of Gallican Liberties was drawn up, which declared that the authority of the Pope in France did not go beyond matters of doctrine and even in that respect he was subject to the decisions of the General Council. In 1693 Louis moderated his insistence upon the declaration, but it was never officially repealed.
Therefore it is indicated that the "dragon" is the division between Christians here the king and the Church.
1755 "out of the mouth of the beast"
In 1754 Spain signed a Concordat with Pope Benedict XIV, by which the Spanish Church became virtually independent of Rome and was placed under the control of the Spanish Government. The beast here is the actual document that removes Christian rule from the State.
1857 "out of the mouth of the false prophet"
This was the time that modern philosophy (which started with the thinking of Thomas Aquinas) resolutely moved to ousting the Christian Church from State rule in Europe. In May 1855, Cavour abolished all religious orders and convents that were not devoted to the education and caring of the sick in Piedmont, Italy. An indication that even in Italy the Pope had no control over moves against the Church on the part of the State.
The fact that Revelation combines the removal of the Church from State rule with the intervention of man in the creation of life, possibly indicates that the decline of Christianity in society made man lose perspective of the fact that God Almighty is in control of creation and that man cannot know the effects of cloning.
Mans craving for knowledge started innocently (the beast of the earth was "like a lamb"), but developed to the point in the twentieth century where he could interfere with birth, sexual behavior, and the creation of animals and humans through cloning. He could do this because "the beast" (his gradual moral liberation) had brought him to a point where he could no longer distinguish between the biblical "clean" and "unclean". Since the late seventeenth century (1693), man has become separated ("the dragon") from his Christian values and ethics. He was deceived to the point that he became sexually promiscuous, experimented with the production of "life", and did whatever he felt capable of.
The advancement of birth control would in the twentieth century cause much division between particularly the Catholic Church and those Catholics who wished to practice family planning.
As we know "the beast" indicates political and moral freedom. As a result of birth control both men and women could practice sex more freely. This freedom is leading to evergreater promiscuity.
Revelation 16:1314 seems to indicate the culmination of the development of the "dragon", the "beast", and the "false prophet". It seems that the liberties of the rule of the nations and of man, and the advancement of the science of the body, have caused man to assume that he has no need for what may and may not be done according to the scriptures. It seems that Revelation wants to show that by 1999 man would probably have gone too far and would have angered God Almighty to the point where man will experience his wrath. This could be in the form of the AIDS disease.
It seems as if Revelation is focussing on mans morally "unclean" behaviour and his inability to discern to what point he is allowed to interfere in mans normal functioning on earth. Here one will consider the "earthly" motives such as the procurement of minerals from the planets if it is economically lucrative, and the placing of man in abnormal living conditions on the planets not really anticipating what affect it might have on man's soul and psyche. Is man allowed to clone or interfere in the creation of man, animal and flying creatures? Is this the ultimate test before judgment must follow? It seems likely, for Revelation connects all the "miraculous signs" with the final battle of Armageddon.
Revelation 16:14 They are spirits of demons performing miraculous signs, and they go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them for battle on the great day of God Almighty.
At some point the entire world will drink the cup of Gods wrath, and there will be a great battle. According to the "measuring of the temple" it may even be before 2004. It is possible that it is in connection with what has been said about "the spirits of demons performing miraculous signs" that man will be drawn into the final combat. It could be that the battle would take place at the time of human cloning.
Considering that at the beginning of 1999 there is an unsettled situation in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, we may be moving to that time.
Revelation 16:15 "Behold I come like a thief! Blessed is he who stays awake and keeps his clothes with him, so that he may not go naked and be shamefully exposed."
It seems as if the judgment or the Second Coming is going to be sudden. From what has been established ("vial upon the sun" and the indications of global warming at the end of the twentieth century), it could literally be a hot time when people are likely to be on the beach or without sufficient clothes. It might mean the time when people openly wear little clothing, which is now.
We have to take note that in Revelation 3:3 (KJV) it is said: "I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I come upon thee."
By linking what is happening in the world today to what is said in this section of Revelation, it seems that we are fast moving to the time of the Second Coming.
Revelation 16:16Then they gathered the kings together to the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon.
If Armageddon is the combination of Armenia and Megiddo the Armenian Church being the last of the churches on the Euphrates to be "released" in 1988 with the break up of the Soviet Union (see p ) and Megiddo the place of the British occupation of Palestine on 19 September 1918, that would lead to Israeli occupation in 1947 it is not impossible that the kings of the earth have since that time been gathering for some final battle concerning the Holy City, or political differences in the Middle East.
Revelation is saying to us, at the beginning of 1999, that we are approaching the end time.
1953+48 = 2001
1968 (drying up of the living waters)+48 = 2016 (end of the "little season")
The seventh bowl (See chart, page .)
There is a possibility that the following can be linked to the years above.
Revelation 16:17The seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air, and out of the temple came a loud voice from the throne, saying, "It is done!"
The "angel poured out his bowl into the air"
These words could relate to the time 19922004. This is the time of great air pollution in the world. It is also the time that the West is taking precautions to prevent the production of chemical weapons like that produced in Iraq in the early nineteen -nineties, and which is the cause of great friction between the West and the Middle East today.
In 1997 we experienced the effect of smoke in the air of the Far East. Not only did it affect the health of people, but it also contributed to the wavering of the economies of the Far East at the end of 1998.
"It is done!"
These words are repeated in Revelation 21: 6. It is brought into relation with the words, "I am the Alpha and Omega." Considering that the times of the "number of man" could be linked to "the bowls of wrath" in relation to the chart of the "manner of fruits ", it seems that we cannot calculate beyond 2004 at this point in Revelation.
Revelation always seems to leave a margin of uncertainty so that man will never know exactly when the end time is over and the Second Coming is at hand. All that we know, at this point in Revelation, is that it will probably happen after the year 2004. How much time after that, we do not know.
Revelation 16:1819 Then there came flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder and a severe earthquake. No earthquake like it has ever occurred since man has been on earth, so tremendous was the quake.
The great city split into three parts, and the cities of the nations collapsed. God remembered Babylon the Great and gave her the cup filled with wine of the fury of his wrath.
Is Revelation warning us about what could happen to the economies of the world if a severe earthquake should occur and the "great city ", linking the economies of the world, would be torn apart?
We shall see that Babylon the Great has to do with the preoccupation of the Western nations with world trade to such a point that they would place it above Christianity. It could be that the end time will be accompanied by a time of economic depression.
Consider the following references:
Jeremiah 25:1516(NIV)This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, said to me :
"Take from my hand this cup filled with the wine of my wrath and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they drink it they will stagger and go mad because of the sword I will send among them."
Revelation 16:2021(NIV) Every island fled away and the mountains could not be found. From the sky huge hailstones of about a hundred pounds each fell upon men. And they cursed God on account of the plague of hail, because the plague was so terrible.
It seems as if the very end time might be accompanied by the raising of the level of the sea. The "hailstones" could be the sign of tremendous changes in the weather or it could be nuclear fallout, which is the radioactive refuse of a nuclear explosion. This is not impossible for Revelation brings the pouring of the bowls of wrath into relation with the "beast out of the sea" and the "beast out of the earth" which could be linked to the discovery of nuclear fission.
Revelation could be measuring the "final hour" (19922016) in the words of this final bowl of wrath.
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