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![]() Chapter 2 REVELATION 1 and 2 By linking the sections of parchment of the War Scroll to the Book of Revelation, I began to understand how Revelation was constructed. Once I realised this, I started making sense of the symbolism. The first four sections of the War Scroll corresponded with the first four chapters of Revelation and indicated that the first four chapters might be a unit. This is true, for the first four chapters give an insight into heaven and also contain the messages from God to the seven churches of Asia Minor, whilst the following six chapters all have to do with opening of the seals of "the scroll" and later "the little scroll".
Revelation 1:13The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John, who testifies to everything he saw that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near. John introduces his book as the revelation of Jesus Christ, which was given to him by the Almighty God so that he could convey to Gods servants what must take place. When reading Revelation you must always remember that it is a prophecy indicating that the history of the nations of the past two thousand years was predestined. In order to interpret the final chapters, one has to use the actual words spoken by Jesus Christ on earth. That implies that one must accept everything that was said by Christ on earth as the Absolute Truth. "soon" "take to heart"
Revelation 1:45 John, to the seven churches in the province of Asia: Grace and peace to you from him who is, and who was, and who is to come, and from the seven spirits before his throne and from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth.
Throughout Revelation it must be remembered that this prophecy had to be "sealed up" (Rev. 10:1) until the end time. No wonder it is not easy to understand! Here, as throughout Revelation, a number of things are conveyed at the same time. Revelation conveys great spans of time. In the beginning of a chapter it will give the beginning of a length of time as well as the end and then fill in the details later. This is what is actually happening here. "the kings of the earth" This is a phrase that is going to be repeated in Revelation and includes all the kings and heads of state of the last two thousand years, till this century. So what is being said here, is that the Holy Spirit is sent to the seven churches of Asia Minor, but also to the 'seven churches' (Christian churches) that were going to be established in the course of the approximately two millennia after the death of Jesus Christ. It should be noted that "kings of the earth" ( till the present time) stand under the direction of Jesus Christ. Therefore, what the first verses mean, is that Revelation is going to indicate how the nations were directed by Jesus Christ and through the Holy Spirit ("seven" indicating a totality) in the past two thousand years. Revelation 1: 6 To him who loves us and has freed us from sins by his blood (the full acceptance by Christians of salvation through Christ's Death and Resurrection), and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father to him be glory and power for ever and ever! Amen.
(KJV) And has made us kings and priests unto God and his Father, to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever.
The above texts could easily be read without realising its full meaning. I will therefore explain certain words and expressions that will help you to understand Revelation as a whole. "kings and priests" This expression is of great importance, for it indicates right from the start that Christ wants the king or government of a country and the Christian Church (priests) to serve God, the Father. "power" This word is of the greatest significance in Revelation. It indicates the discovery by man of fission power (that which made the atomic bomb) and of fusion power ( that which made the hydrogen bomb). According to the NIV here, right at the very start, the word "power" indicates Christ is in control of not only the unseen forces that hold the universe together, but also (with relation to the ruling of the nations) the ultimate weapons of war. It indicates the scope of Revelation from the time of Christ, through the times of kings and the "kings of the earth", until the twentieth century. This definition of "power" explains why it was so vital that the words of Revelation should not have been meddled with in the past some two thousand years. "dominion" The word is of significance for here Revelation is indicating that "generations" are going to be measured over a period of two thousand years. Revelation 1:7-8Look he is coming with the clouds,
This verse has to do with the interpretation of the final chapters of Revelation. It involves the time of the life of Christ on earth. Christ was "pierced" by the Roman soldiers when he hung on the cross. It will be seen that the date of his death is of significance in the final verification of the interpretation of Revelation. "the peoples of the earth" are those who in the end time have relied on earthly goods for their salvation. They will 'wail' for God is going to avenge those who were killed because of their Christian faith. Therefore, what is being indicated by this verse is that the final times established in Revelation are going to be determined by the dates of the life of Christ on earth and the times of the persecution of Christians. The first date of persecution indicated by Revelation is the time c 9697, the time that John was exiled to Patmos.
Revelation 1:910 I , John, your brother and companion in the suffering
Towards the end of the reign of the Roman Emperor Domitian (8196) John had been exiled to the small island of Patmos in the Aegean Sea "on account of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus" (Rev 1:9). It was at this time that Domitian ordered persecution proceedings against Christians in the empire. The words that began Johns strange journey came to him from a "voice like a trumpet" that said: "Write what you see in a book and send it to the seven churches" (Rev 1:1012). In history, apocalyptic literature often described the way in which an evil age of human history would be overthrown by God and replaced by an age of peace from which evil would be banished. The visions of this literature were ascribed to many of the ancient figures of the Bible. Abraham, Moses, Ezekiel, and Daniel each received a revelation that took them on a visionary journey, or symbolically laid out the course of human history. Revelation is closely related to this literature, and the Christians in Johns time were surely familiar with apocalyptic literature and the biblical images and language. The thought that the Second Coming was near, provided consolation in the time of their persecution. The vision of the risen Christ There is one supreme message in the following section. It can really only be fully understood at the end of Revelation. The symbols used in this section, will also be used in later chapters, and indicate that Christ and the Christian Church on earth are one. Therefore, if any nation or person in authority destroys the Christian Church or Christians, Christ will react very severely ( "a double-edged sword"). If one bears this in mind when these symbols appear in Revelation, it will clarify the meaning.
Revelation 1:1215I turned around to see the voice that was speaking to me.
In verse 20 we are told that the seven lampstands are the seven churches. This is why Christ appeared "among the lampstands". His "eyes were like blazing fire" indicates that he is watching one thing in particular the lives of Christians. This symbol of "fire" is again used in Revelation in connection with the persecution of Christians (see Rev ,p ).
Revelation 1:1516 His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters.
The same idea is repeated here, but with an addition. We are told in verse 20 that the "seven stars" are the angels of the seven churches. The "doubled-edged sword" indicates that God will destroy those who kill Christians because of their faith. He who harms the Christian Church, harms the risen Christ himself. The image of the sun in the last line signifies that Christ must above all else preserve that which is good and pure and bring forces into play to procure righteousness on earth. The colour white and symbols of the colour white, such as "cloud", "snow" and "wool", indicate the risen Christ, the Son of Man, and will also be brought into relation with the generations measured from the date of the birth of Christ.
Revelation 1:1718When I saw him I fell at his feet as though dead.
Christ conveys here that Christians who remain faithful to Christianity and to the Christian Church need not be afraid for he is in charge of the forces of evil that will be sent to the earth. As we are, at the end of the twentieth century, living in the time of "death and Hades", Christians who are being persecuted for their faith in non-Christian countries must know that Christ is fully aware of everything that is happening. These deaths will be avenged. If you die a righteous Christian, the power of evil will not touch you in this life or the next. Revelation 1:19Write, therefore, what you have seen, what is now and what will take place later.
"will take place later" The words at the end of verse 19, can easily be overlooked after the vision of the risen Christ placing his hand on the shoulder of John. They are, however, of the greatest importance in understanding Revelation, for they tell us that Revelation is the history of the Christian nations after c 97. Revelation seems to use 'disguising techniques', therefore the words that form the clues to interpret Revelation are often relatively obscure. Perhaps this is one reason why Revelation is so difficult to interpret.
Revelation 1:20The mystery of the seven stars that you saw in my right hand and of the seven golden lampstands is this: Verse 20 does not only refer to the seven churches of Asia Minor, but also to the seven (the total amount) of Christian churches that will be established (will take place later) in the world in the following some two thousand years. The first four churches of Asia Minor In order to try and discover how these seven cities hold 'clues' to the interpretation of the whole of Revelation, they will be approached in the following way. The churches in the seven cities of Asia Minor were in some ways similar to the churches in our cities today. They were small communities in cities filled with pagan practices. Ephesus
Revelation 2:17 "To the angel of the church in Ephesus write:
Ephesus, the capital of the Roman province of Asia was an illustrious city. Conspicuous at the head of the harbour of Ephesus was the great temple of Diana or Artemis, the tutelary or guardian divinity of the city. The building was an architectural accomplishment, raised on immense substructures, despite the swampy nature of the ground. The magnificence of this sanctuary was a proverb throughout the then civilised world. The making of portable replicas of the shrine of Diana developed into a large industry. There was a theatre (or stadium in todays language) that could hold 25 000 to 30 000 persons. It was the largest ever built by the Greeks. The letter to the church in Ephesus The church of Ephesus is praised for its hard work and perseverance. They are warned that they "have forsaken their first love" and told to do those (good) things that they did originally. They are told to repent or Christ "will remove (their ) lampstand" they will cease to be a congregation. They are praised for hating the deeds of the Nicolaitans . Christ strongly condemned the deeds of the Nicolaitan sect. They may have been identical to those who held the doctrine of Balaam. To Balaam it was lawful to eat things that were sacrificed to idols and to commit fornication. This was in opposition to the decree of the church rendered in Acts 15:20 and 29. In a time of persecution, when the eating or not eating of things sacrificed to idols was more than ever a crucial test of faithfulness, they persuaded men to go ahead and to eat the food as it would make no difference. A worse evil was that they mingled with the pagans in orgies and idolatrous feasts, and brought the impurities of these into the meetings of the Christian Church. All of this was done, not as an indulgence of appetite, but as part of a system supported by a doctrine and accompanied by the boast of a prophetic illumination. Therefore to hate these deeds was a sign of life in a church, despite the fact that they were no longer doing as much "good" as previously. The Nicolaitan heresy was in some respects a forerunner of the Gnostic movement. This theosophy flourished in the intellectual and religious atmosphere in the large cities of Asia Minor where the mingling of diverse Greek and Oriental racial and religious groups provided ample opportunity for the study and propagation of new cults and philosophical systems. As a combined system of pagan philosophy and religion, it has Hellenic, with Persian dualism and Jewish apocalyptic origins. The Gnosis type of religious thought current in the Graeco-Roman world from the 1st to the 3rd century AD claimed to impart special knowledge (gnosis) of God and of the origin and destiny of man to an elite or select group. It promised knowledge of the mysteries of the universe and through that knowledge the power to overcome the demons that guided the universe. By acquiring gnosis the individual gained salvation, security against evil forces, and also the answers to all the great questions of life. The gnosis was contained in secret traditions. The danger of these ideas for Christianity was that they promoted the thinking that man through his own ability and knowledge of the universe could overcome the unseen powers of evil present on earth. If Christ warned the early church of Ephesus about this, it seems logical that Christ knew that man was going to be influenced in this way in time to come. Smyrna
Revelation 2:811"To the angel of the church in Smyrna write:
Smyrna was the city where the Olympic Games were held. A handsome building surrounded by porticos served as a museum. It was consecrated as a heroum to Homer, whom the Smyrnaeans claimed as a countryman. There was also a large public library. The letter to the church in Smyrna Christ knew of the poverty of Smyrna, but through their good deeds they were figuratively rich. Christ knew of the slander of those of the congregation who said that they were Jews (Christ being a Jew and not a Greek, Roman or other nationality of that time who believed in pagan gods), and were not, "but are a synagogue of Satan". The Christian church of Smyrna is told not to be afraid to suffer or to go to prison. They are told that they will suffer persecution, but must be faithful even to the point of death. Christ will give them the "crown of life". Considering that the elders in Revelation 4:10 cast their "crowns" before the throne of the Lord God Almighty, it might be that those who were persecuted for their faith would hold a special position in the afterlife. The "synagogue of Satan" might well refer to the followers of the Gnostic movement. Among the people of the Graeco-Roman and Persian worlds of the first century there were numerous types of religious thoughts, concepts and philosophies. Christ knew it was going to be extremely difficult for Christians to adhere to what Christ taught in those times and the years to come. "ten days" Measurement of time in Revelation is complex. In this letter to the congregation of Smyrna, Revelation indicates its first measurement of time. It is vital in the interpretation of Revelation for it indicates the length of a "generation" and also a "day". generation The time of 72 years as a "generation" in Revelation was conceived from the following: Isaiah 23:15 At that time Tyre will be forgotten for seventy years, the span of a king's life. From this verse it seemed that the "generations" of the rulers of nations( Revelation deals with kings )could be about 70 years. Later it was discovered that Revelation divides the time 1860 to 2004 into two periods of 72 years. It seemed that Revelation might be measuring the time of the millennium in times of 72 years. This was later confirmed by the reference Isaiah 58:12, where the "foundations" of the New Jerusalem were used to measure the time of the second millennium. (KJV) thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations (This explanation will become clearer as we progress through Revelation.) Once we have mastered Revelations unique measurement of time we can discover its entire hidden meaning. Lengths of time in Revelation can only be established by the understanding of what is said in Revelation. Time in Revelation also indicates that a particular position or section of the earth has to be taken into account. It will later be discovered that Revelation divides the earth into three sections, namely, Far East, Middle East and West. It will be shown that the time of "ten days" in verse 10 indicates that Revelation wishes to reveal that we have to do with one of these sections, the Middle East section of the earth. The situation of the ancient city, Smyrna, which still exists today in Asia Minor, is in the Middle East section of the earth. It will further be demonstrated that in the number "10", the "0" indicates one third of the earth but also the time of "one day" in Revelation. How Revelation reveals the time of "one day" We know from the writings of the historian Eusebius( c 264340), that there was a time of persecution in the city of Smyrna from c 165168. Calculated from the time that John received the prophecy of Revelation from the angel (c 97), to the time of this persecution there is a time span of approximately 72 years. c 97 + 72 = c 169 It will later be fully determined that the unit or "generation" of 72 years forms the basis of the interpretation of Revelation. We know from history that the persecution of Christians in the Middle East section of the earth largely came to an end when Emperor Constantine proclaimed the Edict of Milan in 313 ( "you will suffer persecution for ten days"). For the moment the reader should note that Revelation measures (through our knowledge of history) three periods of 72 years up to this point in Revelation. Later we will see that when these three times are linked to the time of the baptism of Jesus Christ (AD26, calculated from 4BC) in the measurement of the "altar", we have a total time of about 288 years, which will later be confirmed as the time of "1 day" in Revelation. (See chart at the end of this chapter.) It will be seen as we progress in Revelation how information given in earlier chapters has to be used to interpret meaning. In the above example of the measurement of "one day" information given in Revelation 1 had to be taken into account in order to understand the time indicated by "10 days".
Revelation 2:1217To the angel of the church in Pergamum write:
Pergamos was the residence of the Attalic (so called from the founder Attalus) dynasty of Greek princes. The sumptuousness of the Attalic princes raised Pergamos to the rank of the first city of Asia as regards splendour. The city was noted for its library, containing 200 000 volumes. It boasted splendid temples of the Greek gods Zeus or Jupiter, Athene, Apollo and Aesculapius. The letter to the church in Pergamum Christ says to the church at Pergamum that his " words are those of him who has the sharp, double edged sword". The tone of this letter is more serious. In Pergamum there were great dangers for the Christian Church:"Satan (had) his throne", Antipas had been put to death and there were Nicolaitans. It is of interest that Antipas (meaning "like the father" and a name traditionally given to the bishop of Pergamum) who was put to death there, is mentioned in this letter that opens with the image of the "double edged sword". Later this image of the sword is going to have bearing on those times in the history of the past two thousand years when certain Christian leaders were put to death. The church is praised for remaining true, but those practising the teaching of Balaam are told to repent. Those who did repent would be given "hidden manna" and a "white stone with a new name". As there was a pot of manna inside the holy Ark of the Covenant, manna in the New Testament could likely mean that they would find salvation in Christ. " white stone with a new name" could mean that they would be reborn and have everlasting life their names would be written in the book of life. The colour "white" in Revelation is symbolic of the risen Christ himself. The throne of Satan was most likely the great statue of the Roman Emperor Domitian that was set up in Pergamum. Unlike his predecessors Vespasian and Titus, Domitian was interested in propagating his own cult. He claimed to be a god. The statue warned Christians that the Roman Caesar expected to be worshipped as well as obeyed.
Revelation 2:1829To the angel of the church of Thyatira write:
In Thyatira the dyeing of cloth formed an important part of the industrial activity. The principal deity of that city was the Greek god, Apollo. However, there was another superstition of a curious nature. It seems to have been brought there by some corrupted Jews of the dispersed tribes. A temple stood outside the walls of the city dedicated to Sambatha (the name of the prophetess who is sometimes called Chaldaean, sometimes Jewish and sometimes Persian ). The temple stood in the midst of an enclosure designated "the Chaldaeanscourt". There is evidence that there was a great amalgamation of races and therefore religions in Thyatira. It seems as if this prophetess was lending her aid to the amalgamation of different religions and was not discountenanced by the authorities of the Judeo-Christian church in Thyatira. The letter to the church in Thyatira Christ praised the church of Thyatira for their deeds, love and perseverance. Also, that they were trying to do even more. The church was given a stern warning that those who were tolerating the deeds of the woman Jezebel, who was leading Christians into sexual immorality and the eating of the food of the idols (regarded as non-Christian behaviour), would suffer intensely and be repaid according to their deeds. Those who did not hold to those pagan teachings and had not learned Satans deep secrets, would receive no extra burden. Those who overcame and persevered would be given power over the nations. The letter closes with a message to rulers or kings. " And he shall rule with a rod of iron" (Rev. 3:27 Compare Messianic Ps. 2: 9 "you will rule them with an iron sceptre".) The righteous ruler will destroy nations like breaking pottery vessels into shivers. Christ will give him the "morning star" (meaning 'contentment' and 'happiness' - Job 38 :7 "while the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy") It seems that besides the sexual immorality in Thyatira there was also "Satans so-called deep secrets". As mentioned before in connection with Thyatira, this could have referred to the prophetess who was encouraging the amalgamation of different religions. The philosophy existed that man should experience all things, good and bad, because then only would he be able to decide the course of his life. The last three churches of Asia Minor will be discussed in the following chapter. What should be noted in these four letters is how the symbols used to describe the vision of Christ between the golden lampstands are used at the beginning of each of the first four letters: "him who holds the seven stars in his right hand" (the letter to Ephesus); Revelation seems to stress that the whole being and spirit of the risen Jesus Christ is in the Christian Church. This, as mentioned, is of the greatest importance in the understanding of the following chapters of Revelation which deals with the Christian churches in the following some two thousand years. There are certain things that are said to the first four churches that must be noted for they are going to play a role in the interpretation of the rest of Revelation:
TIME MEASUREMENT IN REVELATION 1 The words that John "was on the island of Patmos, because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus" (Rev 1:9) is the beginning of time measurement in Revelation. The year AD97, about the time that John received the message of Revelation from the angel at Patmos, was about a hundred years after the birth of Christ, calculated from the year 4BC. As we progress we will see that time indicated in Revelation has to be brought into relation with the four cardinal times of the life of Christ. The four times that are indicated in the New Testament are:
In this interpretation, Revelation itself is going to confirm the time of birth at 4BC. The reader will only understand this in the total time measurement of Revelation that is going to be revealed in the following chapters. Therefore, to make the measurement of time easier for the reader, the birth of Christ in certain explanations in this book is calculated from AD 1 and 4BC. This is also applied to the time of the presentation at the temple, the time of baptism ( beginning of his ministry), and the time of his death and resurrection. 2. Presentation at the temple: AD 12 calculated from AD1 3.Baptism: AD30 calculated from AD1 4.Death and resurrection: AD33 calculated from AD 1
Looking ahead The reader should note that from the time of the beginning of Christ's ministry (c AD26) to the time that John received the prophecy of Revelation on Patmos is about 72 years. It will be revealed in the following chapters that the time period of 72 years is a "generation" in Revelation, a unit of time measurement that will be applied in order to discover the meaning of Revelation. TIME MEASURED IN REVELATION 2 In the first two chapters of Revelation the time from the baptism of Christ (AD 26) to 313, the time of the Edict of Milan, when the persecution of Christians largely came to an end in the Middle East, is about 288 years. Later in Revelation 288 years will be confirmed as the heavenly measurement of "one day". |