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![]() Chapter 6 The Fifth and Sixth Seals The fifth seal Revelation 6:911(KJV)And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held. And they cried with a loud voice, saying, "How long, O Lord holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on earth?" And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellow-servants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.
NIV until the number of their fellow servants and brothers who were to be killed as they had been was completed.
With the opening of the fifth seal a completely different vision than that of the horses of the apocalypse emerges. It is a vision of the souls of those who were slain because of "the word of God and for the testimony they held". As we now know that Revelation has to do with the history of the past two thousand years, we can assume that the righteous who died for their faith in history would be among these souls. It is significant that Revelation moves from the history of the nations to the deaths of the martyrs. It will later be revealed in Revelation that those Christians who died for their faith were immediately taken up to heaven. The "rest" will be judged at the very end time that is indicated in the final chapters. "Under the altar" The souls were "under the altar". In the sacrificial rituals of the Old Testament the blood of the slaughtered animal was poured out at the base of the altar. In other words Revelation indicates that the deaths of the martyrs are regarded as sacrifices to God. Exodus 29:12 (KJV)And thou shalt take the blood of the bullock, In the vision the martyrs asked God to avenge their deaths. Then they were given white robes to show that they would inherit eternal life. This vision has a dual purpose. Besides the indication of the sacrifice, it also wishes to give the reader insight into heaven and to establish when this is going to happen according to the time on earth. It seems that the time "under the altar" in Revelation is also the time that the Lamb was "slain". This is conveyed by the word "altar". The reader should refer to the interpretation of Revelation 5:6 where it was said that the last generation before the year 2004 (19322004) would once again build up the "middle wall" (Eph2:1416) between Almighty God and man, thereby figuratively placing the Lamb, which is Christ, on the altar as was the method of sacrifice to Almighty God under the old covenant. 2000 The time that these souls pleading the Almighty God to avenge their deaths is about the year 2000. Habakkuk The reader will recall that in chapter 1, see page , it was said that the beginning of Habakkuk resembles the opening of the fifth seal. The writer of the Habakkuk Commentary of the Dead Sea Scrolls, applied the book of Habakkuk to his own time. Here with the opening of the fifth seal, the question asked by the souls under the altar, is asked at the time that we are now living, the end of the second millennium. We are applying the information directly to our time. The time 2000 is substantiated by the question that they ask. They are asking when God would avenge their deaths for a very good reason. It is indicated in Revelation 12:5 that there may have been a resurrection of the saints or martyrs at the time of the one thousandth anniversary of the birth of Jesus Christ. Revelation 12:5 (KJV) And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up to God, and to his throne. For the full understanding of this verse, the entire chapter 12 will have to be read, but here are some of the reasons why this verse refers to the time of the beginning of the second millennium: The "woman clothed in the sun" in Revelation 12:1 is the message of Christianity according to the Creed of Chalcedon that would be carried to the ends of the earth. In the above reference, Revelation is indicating that in the second millennium there is going to come about a change in the carrying out of the Christian message, but that the Trinity is keeping a firm grip (rod of iron) on these developments. In order to indicate the beginning of the second millennium, Revelation uses words that relate to the birth of Christ. The word "child" in "her child was snatched up to God and his throne " refers to Jesus Christ, but also to the time when he was born or when he was a little child. Through the words "man child" Revelation seems to be indicating the thousandth anniversary of the birth of Christ, the time of the beginning of the SECOND millennium (c 996 1000), for it will be seen as we progress in Revelation that the second millennium is the time of the "number of man". Through the words "brought forth man child", Revelation seems to convey that in the second millennium there is going to be a 'changed' situation, in the Christian Church and the spread of the Word according to Chalcedon. It will be seen that Revelation is going to indicate the second millennium as the time of the development of the exaltation of "man", through the influence of the dragon and the beast. This influence is going to effect the unity of the anointed Christian king and the Christian Church. Revelation also wishes to reveal that there was a resurrection of the dead at that time (and her child was caught up to God, and to his throne). The reader should refer to page , for the full explanation of why it seems that there was a resurrection of the dead at the time about 996 or 1000. "a little season" In Revelation 6:11 it is said that white robes were given to them and they were to wait " a little season", a time in which those that were to be killed as they were, would be fulfilled.
The words "a little season", mentioned in Revelation indicate a short space of time. In the NIV the words "Sovereign Lord" are linked to the words of Simeon, when Jesus Christ was presented in the temple at the age of 'about' twelve. (The reason that it is "about" twelve years will become clear later.) In the Old Testament the word "season" is also linked to the birth of a child. This is of the greatest significance in the interpretation of Revelation. Consider the references: Revelation 6:10 (NIV)They called out in a loud voice, "How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth Luke 2: 2729 Moved by the Spirit, he went into the temple courts.
II Kings 4:17 (KJV) And the woman conceived, and bared a son at that season that Elisha had said unto her
"Little" The word "little" in the Scriptures is used to describe a small or young child. Therefore at this point "a little season " is indicated at the end time, linked to the first twelve years of the life of Christ. The time of twelve years is later again going to be brought into relation with the "altar" (Rev 8:1). For the moment the reader should know that the "little season" of twelve years is going to be brought into relation with the thousandth anniversary of the birth of Jesus Christ (Rev 8:1). We are told that there is "a little season" before the judgment, but it is also measured from about the year 2000 (on the assumption that the souls asked this because there was a time of resurrection at the time of the turn of the first millennia). In relation to the opening of the fifth seal it COULD indicate the time 2004 to 2016. This depends on whether Revelation measures the "little season" from the year 1996 (which is two thousand years measured from 4BC), the year 2000 or the year 2004 (which is "three and a half days" measured in the second millennium). TIMES OF PERSECUTION As indicated in the previous chapter, the measuring of the "altar" has in the second millennium ( the time of the three "nights" measured from the thousandth anniversary of the death of Christ c1034) to do with the deaths of Christians. In the first millennium it seems that Revelation indicates the times of horrific persecution in generations of 72 years from about AD 12 (about the time that Jesus first visited the temple) and AD 33 (the time of the death of Christ calculated from AD 1). Methods of torture are described in Christian Martyrs indicated in the bibliography. This seems correct according to history. It is possible to link times of persecution in periods of 72 and 144 years up to the time of the Edict of Milan that brought about religious toleration in 313 and the time of the adoption of the Creed of Nicaea in 325.
AD 12 Jesus in the temple. 12+72 = 84The year 84 was the time of the reign of the Roman Emperor Domitian ( 81 96). It was during his reign that Christians were persecuted. 84+72 = 154 The time of the reign of Marcus Aurelius (138161) when persecution took place. 154 +144 = 298Diocletian ( 292304). It was during his reign (Edict of 303) that Scriptures were burnt, Christian Churches destroyed and many Christians stripped of honour and killed. It was also the time of the death of Marcellus . 33 + 144 = 177 The time of persecution in Lyons, mentioned in the previous chapter. 177+72 = 249 This is the time of the beginning of he reign of Decius (149-151). All Christians had to produce certificates of sacrifice according to the Edict of 250. Exile, confiscation of goods, torture and imprisonment on a nationwide scale took place. Many of the martyrs were bishops. One was Fabian of Rome. 249+ 72 = 311This date seems to indicate the end of persecution, at least for a while. In 312 when Constantine was fighting Maxentius in Italy, he saw a cross of light superimposed on the sun.
Revelation goes into great detail concerning the death of Christians in the second millennia. For the moment the reader should know that persecution of Christians has been taking place in various countries of North Africa, the Middle and Far East during the 1990's.
Time indicated in the opening of the fifth seal By way of summary the following: In this section it seems as if Revelation indicates the time at the turn of both millennia, to show that Revelation deals with the time of TWO distinct periods of one thousand years. Times of persecution can be measured in the first millennium from the years AD12 and AD33 to the time 311, the time shortly before the Edict of Milan. According to the interpretation of the answer given to the plea of the souls under the altar at the end of the second millennia ( "until the number of their fellow servants and brothers who were to be killed as they had been"), it is possible that Christians will be persecuted before the judgment. The opening of the fifth seal seems to reveal a "heavenly" resurrection at the beginning of the second millennium (about the year 1000) and that the time of judgment could be at the beginning of the third millennium. Revelation, through "time measurements" that have been established up to this point indicates "a little season" at the end of the first millennium. (See chart, p .) 4 BC plus 1000 years = 996 AD 1 plus "three and a half" days (288x3 +144) = 1008 Time measured from the year 996 to 1008 is twelve years. It will be seen that Revelation measures very accurately from the time 996 up to the year 2004, which is " three and a half days". Whether the "short season" is measured from the year 1996 or 2004 remains uncertain. (The years indicated by the opening of the fifth seal, are given at the end of this chapter and in the final chart on page .)
The sixth seal The sixth seal deals essentially with the very end time and periods of time leading up to the very end time. How long that is before the Second Coming we do not know. Revelation 6:1217I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red, and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as late figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind. The sky receded like a scroll, rolling up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place. Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and every slave and every free man hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains. They called to the mountains and rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! For the great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand?"
We are told that there will be "a great earthquake" in the end time. This is the same "great earthquake" that is referred to in Revelation 11:13, for it is related to the two thousandth anniversary of the birth of Jesus Christ. It is also the same earthquake that is mentioned in the time of the seventh (last) bowl of wrath in Revelation 16:18, because in Revelation 15:1 we are told that with the seven plagues "Gods wrath is completed". According to the words of the prophets of the Old Testament, we are told that the Second Coming will be accompanied by an earthquake. The word "earthquake" is also used in connection with the time of Gods wrath. Isaiah 29:5-6 Suddenly in an instant the Lord Almighty will come Ezekiel 38:1819 "When Gog attacks the land of Israel, my hot anger will be aroused," declares the Sovereign Lord. "In my zeal and fiery wrath I declare that at that time there shall be a great earthquake in the land of Israel. It seems as if the final earthquake is going to take place when Gog attacks Israel. Gog and Magog will be established in a later chapter. For the moment the reader should know that according to the interpretation that is to follow in a later chapter, Gog and Magog are accumulative names of the nations that originated in the north-east of Asia, the north-west of Europe, and North Africa and whose descendants, crossed the face of the earth in the past two thousand years.
"The sun turned black as sackcloth made of goat hair" Revelation indicates the time of the "sun" in relation to: 1. the birth of Jesus Christ; 2. the measurement of two millennium from the birth of Christ;
It shall later be seen that the year linked to "sackcloth" is related to the time 13221323. This will be explained in a following chapter. Therefore in the words above, Revelation is indicating a period of 1000 years (c 3231322). "black" At the same time Revelation is measuring from 1322 to 1898 which is a period of 2x288 years which, as mentioned previously, is the length of two days, but here it is the length of what Revelation is ultimately going to establish as part of "three nights". "The sun turned black" indicate night, but might also relate to the black horse of the apocalypse (c 1896). 1322 + 288 = 1610 1610 + 288 = 1898 These measurements are going to be substantiated by Revelation itself in a later chapter. "sackcloth" The word "sackcloth" also relates to the time of judgment. In Jonah 3:5 we are told that the men of Nineveh "put on sackcloth". In Matthew 12: 41 Christ said that the men of Nineveh "will stand up at the judgment", for they repented at the preaching of Jonah. In Revelation 11 we shall learn that the "two witnesses" were "clothed in sackcloth" and they will be taken up to heaven about the time 2000. Of significance here is that Revelation is bringing together the time of two thousand years from the birth of Christ (sun) to the time of judgment (the darkening of the earth and sackcloth). Revelation is going to explain in great detail the periods of time that constitute "sun" and "night". "The whole moon turned blood red"; "and the moon became as blood" This could, firstly, indicate the year 1610 that would be the end of the time of "one night" from 1322 to 1610. This was the year that Galileo, using the newly invented telescope, observed the moons of Jupiter, and proved Kepler's theories about elliptic planetary rotation. Galileo came under attack from the theological community for his advocacy of the claim by Copernicus that the earth rotated around the sun. He was brought before the Inquisition and in 1616 he was ordered to abandon his views. The significance of this event at the time 1610 could indicate how man would later, gradually through his ability to master the scientific truths of the universe, become totally preoccupied with the world around him to such an extent that he would discard the desire to live a life on earth to attain everlasting life. This will be elaborated by the total concept of "the beast out of the earth" later in Revelation. This was also the year that Henry IV, king of France, was stabbed to death. It will be seen in a following chapter that Henry IV was one of a line of ten kings of France that ruled until the rule of kings was replaced by the rule of man. The whole period of "two nights", from 13221898, is later shown by Revelation to be the time of persecution, religious wars and the "rebellion". "season" As the time of the sixth seal pertains to the end time, it seems that Revelation wants to convey aspects related to the concept of "moon" to the last days. In Psalm 104:19 it is said that "he appointed the moon for seasons". If "moon", through this reference is linked to the time 18602004 (that is later going to be measured in "seasons'" of twelve years) and the "little season" at the time of the year two thousand, it could signify martyrdom or war near the end time likely the final war Armageddon. Revelation 11:13 (KJV)"And the stars of the heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. In Ecclesiastics 12:2 the time of the "sun", "moon" and "stars" are linked to the time of "darkness": "before the sun and the light of the moon and the stars grow dark". As Revelation through "sun" and "moon" above, seems to link the end time to these concepts, so too does it wish to relate " stars falling" to the end time. It seems as if Revelation is indicating the period 16101898. During this time the nations of Europe would rise against their kings. The Christian rule of the nations, as manifested in the anointed Christian king, who, together with the Church would rule the nations, would come to an end. The populations of Europe would rise in revolt against the old order and the Church. In England, Charles I would be beheaded and the rule of man would be set in place. In France the French Revolution would spark revolt throughout Europe in the nineteenth century. The role of Christianity in the rule of the Christian nations ("the stars of the heaven") would be replaced by the rule of man (" fell unto the earth"). Revelation is going to indicate this transition from the rule of kings to the rule of man in the Christian nations of the world, in great detail. The time around 2000 could therefore be the time of the "little season", during which Christian Churches might be destroyed.. "untimely figs" These words could mean that at the time of the year 2000 there could be dramatic changes in the weather patterns of the world. The Biblical use of the word "untimely" in the context of the end time being at the turn of the second millennium, should be noted. In three instances in the Old Testament the word "untimely " (KJV) is used in conjunction with "birth" to indicate "still born" ( Job 3:16, Ps 58:8 and Ecc 6:3). Revelation indicates the beginning of the second millennium with the words "she (the woman) brought a man child" (Rev 12:5). As Revelation will stress in the following chapters, the second millennium is the time of the "number of man" where man will through his achievements cast aside the spiritual values of Christianity. The words "still born" pertaining to the year 2000 shows a further progression of disbelief. This progression of the nations to what Revelation seems to be revealing as the death of Christianity, through the symbol of the earthly birth process at the beginning of the millennium, is borne out by the final rider of the apocalypse on the pale horse which is death. A non-Christian religion of the east, Zoroastrianism, has a concept of a "messiah" that is reproduced every millennium. It is possible that Revelation uses this idea to indicate that the Christian nations have gradually, through the last two thousand years, come to accept a fusion or amalgamation of religions, thereby undermining the vital and profound message of Christ's death and resurrection. "mighty wind" These words are also used in Acts 2:2 where the Holy Spirit came down to earth and people began to speak in different tongues. Acts 2:2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven Revelation seems to indicate through the reference to the Holy Spirit, that Almighty God is still in control at the time that the Christians nations move to a accept Christianity on a par with other religions. (See Rev 17:17, "For God hath put it into hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree and give their kingdom unto the beast.") It will be seen that these words (as mentioned above) pertain to the rise of the populations in the years 13221898, against the harsh authority of the absolute kings and the cruelty of the Roman Catholic Inquisition. Later, particularly in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, it was the 'rebellion of the people' against the Church and the State, when the rule of kings would be replaced by the rule of man. It is not impossible that the change of seasons at the end time could be accompanied by very strong winds. There may be an increase of devastating tornadoes and hurricanes preceding the end time. Revelation 6:14-15 (KJV)And heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. It seems as if Revelation might be referring to the understanding of the book of Revelation. The end time may follow the opening of the scroll of Revelation. In Mathew the symbols of the "sun turned black" and "stars in the sky fell to earth" appear where Christ speaks of the coming of the Son of Man. Therefore, we cannot be far from the end time in 1999. Matthew 24:2729For as lightning that comes from the east is visible in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. It seems that in this reference the "three nights" and the final earthquake are indicated by verse 29.
Revelation 6:1517( KJV)And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains and the mighty men, and every bondsmen, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains. And said to the mountains and rocks, "Fall on us and hideth us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath has come; It will be seen that in a following chapter the " kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men and the chief captains and the mighty men, and every bondsman and every free man" can be linked to the time up to the year 2004. The kings are called "kings of the earth" for the Christian nations had succumbed to the influence of the beast of Revelation, that later will be seen is made up of the "beast from the sea" and the "beast from the earth". After this there will be a realisation that Christ has come in wrath and because he said that he would return to earth, the scriptures will have been fulfilled and all men shall see that Christ is the Son of God. Revelation indicates the 'realisation' also in Revelation 11:11. In Hosea 10: 8 "fall on us" are combined with the concept that wickedness will reach a "height". Hosea 10:8 The high places of wickedness will be destroyed
Time measured in the opening of the sixth seal The time measured is from 1322 ("The sun turned black like sackcloth"), to 1610 ("the whole moon turned blood red") and then to 1898 ( " the stars in the sky fell to earth"). By the mention of the "earthquake", the very end time is also revealed in relation to "sun", "moon and "stars". Revelation 6:15 measures the total time from the fall of the rule of kings to the end time when men will come to the realisation that Christ has returned in "wrath".
Chapter 7 is still part of the opening of the sixth seal.
1860 2004 a "half-day" The time from 1860 to 2004 is 144 years. The year 1860 is of significance in Revelation for after that year Revelation wishes to indicate the entire world. The fact that the number "144 000" is indicated later, suggests that Revelation wishes to link the last "half-day" to the total number of the inhabitants of the earth in the last two millennia who are going to be present at the judgment.. Revelation 7:1 ( KJV) And after these things I saw four angels standing
To understand this verse it is necessary to see what the prophets have to say: Isaiah 11:12 And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, Revelation proves that this "ensign for the nations" is the "eagle" that has, from the earliest times in history, been the ensign of nations. In Revelation 8:13 this ensign will be linked to the year 1932. The reference from Isaiah indicates that it is the time that the "dispersed of Judah" would "assemble". According to history, the Jews gathered in Israel after the Second World War (1948). In other words Revelation is indicating time. It should also be noted that world weather patterns were catalogued from c 1860 and that the El Nino phenomenon that effects the blowing of the trade winds across the earth, possibly appeared as early as the 1890's. The effects of this phenomenon has increased since then. There is one very significant reference that has to be brought into relation with "the four winds". In Revelation we are told that the angels were holding back the four winds. Ezekiel, however had a vision of life given to dead bones.
Ezekiel 37:9,10 (KJV) Then said he unto me, prophesy unto the wind, Therefore the time that the four winds of the earth are no longer "held back" is a sign of the time of resurrection. It seems therefore that the very end time will be accompanied by changed weather patterns. "A breath upon those slain" These words indicate the time after the rule of the "beast' has been put in place and "the Lamb has been slain" which, according to the time chart, was c 19322004. This reference must be seen in relation to Revelation 13:15: "He (the beast out of the earth) was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast (the beast out of the sea)." It will be seen in a following chapter that this verse relates to the year 1952 (that will be established through the number of man, 666), the year that frogs were made from tadpole cells. 1952 was also the time of the development of the hydrogen bomb, possibly mans most powerful weapon of war. Revelation may possibly, through this reference in Ezekiel to "breath", be indicating that "cloning" will bring about the ultimate Armageddon. See also Rev. 11:11 where the word "breath" is linked to the end time. "up on their feet" This is a phrase that Revelation specifically uses to indicate the time when the beast has developed to the point where man is under its influence. In Ezekiel the words indicate that both "the beast of the sea" and "the beast of the earth" had overtaken man. "Cloning" is therefore indicated as the ultimate audacity of man. (When the reader knows more about the "beasts of the sea and the earth " as well as the interpretation of the number 666, this reasoning will be more convincing.) Revelation 7:2 KJVAnd I saw another angel ascending from the east,
"seal of the living God" It should be noted here that Revelation repeats "on the earth" three times. This is to amplify that man's interests since 1860 (the last two generations being 18602004), has been in the ruling of the nations and in his endeavours to master the mysteries of the universe. The material world has increasingly become more important to him . "earth"( KJV) , "sea", and "tree" The word "earth" in Revelation pertains mainly to the middle section of the earth. In Revelation 6:12 " the stars fell to the earth" deals with the nations of Europe that ultimately removed the direct rule of the Christian Church from the rule of the nations. The "sea" in Revelation in broad terms, conveys Europe and the colonies of the trading nations of Europe at the ends of the earth. The nations that took up the concept of the rule of man (beast out of the sea) in the Far West (the Americas), Africa, Australia and New Zealand are included. The word "tree" is used in Revelation 8:7, a section of Revelation that has to do with the history of the Far East. (Revelation is going to explain all of this in great detail in the following chapters.) It seems as though Revelation, with these words, wants to include all the people who lived during the last millennium, for "earth", "sea" and "tree" all relate to the interpretation of time of this millennium. 144 In Revelation the number 144 indicates the last two generations before 2004. The 144 relates to the last "half-day" of the "seven days" indicated on the chart on page . The three 000' s at the end indicate the three divisions of the earth, namely, East, middle of the earth, and West (sea, land and trees). This method of indicating the divisions of the earth, will become more apparent as we progress to the following chapters. Revelation 7:58From the tribe of Judah 12 000 were sealed,
All the tribes of Israel will come together. The three 000's after the number of each tribe indicate all the descendants in the three divisions of the earth. No one will escape the judgment in the end time. As this is an interpretation that correlates Revelation with the history of the past two thousand years, this time could in some way be related to the year 1988, when the Jews from the "north" , the Soviet Union were able to go to Israel. It was largely through the vote of the immigrants from the Soviet Union that the government that was in place in March 1999 came to power. The struggle for the city of Jerusalem that may reach its peak at the time of the millennium cannot be ignored in the interpretation of Revelation. Particularly because it may involve the "Gog and Magog" which will be determined in the opening of the seventh seal. This 'struggle' will later be linked to the interpretation of "Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up" and also " gathered them together into the place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon" in the chapter on the "bowls of wrath".
Revelation 7:917 After this l looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne in front of the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and holding palm branches in their hands. And they cried out in a loud voice: "Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb." [Revelation explains who these people are.] Then one of the elders asked me, "These in white robes - who are they, and where did they come from?
These verses are easy to understand and could have given an insight into the end time to all the generations of the last two millennia. "which came out of the great tribulation" These words are significant here, and with relation to the final analysis of Revelation. Christ himself explained this in Matthew 24: 21: For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now and never to be equaled again. If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect, those days will be shortened. |