Response to article 'How near Armageddon' by Nico Engelbrecht on the website Reformed Truth (1)

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Posted by Elana Janson on August 12, 2009 at 14:06:29:

The following article appears on the website Reformed Truth and was written by Nico Engelbrecht. I decided to put this article on this Forum to give readers an insight into the opposition I encounter from some, even though I have all the years since 1996 when I experienced the vision, only tried to make known that Revelation can be understood more profoundly when linked to history.

The article by Engelbrecht is undated. It is not only an incorrect perception of my method of analysis of Revelation, but also a scathing attack on my integrity and Christianity.

My interpretation linked to history does not take away from solely Biblical interpretation.

As many scholars and theologians of the present time Engelbrecht will not accept any other understanding of Revelation, beyond the one that has been done through the centuries. That is the one that the meaning of Revelation can and may be found through the references in Scripture alone. For some reason these scholars think that my interpretation that links the words of Revelation to history takes away from these interpretations. They are completely misinformed. They have not taken the time to study my books and have come to conclusions that are false. Of course interpretations from Scripture are correct, but they fail at this point in time to reveal a meaning that is linked to history and held together by the positioning and connection of the words of Revelation.

Revelation is linked to history in a special way.

I have often said that I believe that I was given an insight into Revelation at the end of the twentieth century (22 August 1996) because of my knowledge of history. The symbolism of the riders of the apocalypse revealed to me as a historian specific periods of history and this insight was confirmed through the Devine intercession. This insight ultimately revealed that Revelation was linked to history and gave it a broader dimension in relation to the time of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the Second Coming. It revealed that Revelation is a prophecy of the rise of the Christian faith and aspects of the forces of evil that would intervene in this history. Because of the insight I was given a different method of analysis was applied to the symbolism of Revelation. In no way was my analysis a new gospel or contrary to Christian doctrine. On the contrary it enhances the tremendous scope of the symbolism of Revelation.

A poor critic

Another reason for placing this article is that I do not wish that a poor critic of my work to degrade my understanding and hinder others to have an amazing insight into the greatness of the book Revelation. I shall therefore in the length of this post explain the basis of my interpretation and particularly those sections of How Near Armageddon that Engelbrecht has highlighted to try and show that I have a false and unchristian understanding of Revelation.

N Engelbrecht’s article in Afrikaans

Hoe Naby is Armageddon?

Eerstens is Har-Magedon nie ʼn fisiese oorlog met wapens nie, maar is ʼn geestelike oorlog (die oorlog van die Evangelie) en die finale Har-Magedon is deur ons Koning wat, (nie letterlik op ʼn wit perd nie), maar soos dit uitgebeeld word, majestieeus sy verskyning gaan maak saam met sy engele. Vir die ongelowiges en vir Satan en sy hordes sal dit ʼn vreesaanjaende gesig wanneeer Jesus kom om te oordeel die lewende en die dode. Dan sal God vir Satan en sy hordes in ʼn oomblik oorwin met Sy swaard uit Sy mond. Met Sy asem, ʼn eensydige oorlog. Die oorwinning is so seker dat die Engel die simbool gebruik dat die voëls klaar saamtrek vir fees op die dooies. 2Th 2:8 en dan sal die ongeregtige geopenbaar word, hy wat die Here met die asem van sy mond sal verdelg en deur die verskyning van sy wederkoms tot niet sal maak, Die woord Armageddon kom nie voor in Hoofstuk 19 nie.

English translation

How Near is Armageddon?

Firstly Har-Magedon is not a physical war with weapons, but a spiritual war (the war of the Gospel) and the final Har-Magedon (is when) our King (not literally on a white horse), but as portrayed, magnificently makes his appearance with his angels. For the unbelievers and for Satan and the hordes following him it will be a frightening experience when Jesus comes to judge the living and the dead. Then God will with His sword and His mouth in an instant overcome Satan and the hordes following him. With His breath it will be a ‘one-sided’ war. The victory is so certain that the angel uses the symbol of the birds that already come together for the feast on the dead. 2Th 2:8 “And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming.” The word Armageddon does not appear in Chapter 19.

My view

Engelbrecht gives a perfectly acceptable scriptural interpretation of Armageddon and the Second Coming. Because Revelation is written in symbols interpretations will not be identical and theologians for this very reason are very skeptical of any additional basis for interpreting the symbols. Correctly so for another basis they believe could take away from the purely scriptural basis and therefore be incorrect and false.

Because my interpretation is linked to history it does not make it false or contrary to Scripture it only gives it a further dimension that could not have been known before the end of the twentieth century.

Engelbrecht continues

Kortliks oor die Boek van Elana Janson.
Briefly about the Book of Elana Janson.

Dit is onverstaanbaar vir ʼn mens, maar tog is daar begrip vir die soeke na fabels en versinsels in die Christelose tyd waarin ons lewe, en die uiteinde is dat die Christen vandag so maklik na ʼn ander evangelie verlei kan word. Die Woord is altans duidelik daaroor dat in die laaste dae daar valse evangelies sal wees, soos ons ook kan sien wanneer die ortodokse Christen betrokke raak by allerhande eksterne Bybelse invloed wat ʼn mens se natuurlike psige stimuleer - wanneer die ortodokse Christen (die een wat staan by die Apostoliese Geloofbelydenis van die Apostels) nie kan onderskei tussen waarheid en valsheid nie. Die Post moderne Christen waardeer nie meer goddelikke kommentators se interpretasie van die Heilige Skrif wat die toets van eeue deurstaan het nie. Die Christen soek nuwe inligting, nuwe sogenaamde openbaring, soos die Israeliete was nie meer tevrede met die kos uit die hemel nie maar wou ander kos gehad het. Indien jy aanhou vra en vra sal God dit vir jou gee, maar soos die Israeliete het hy armoede in hulle siel saam gegee.

English translation

It is not understandable to a person, yet one can comprehend that people will look for fables and fabrications in the ‘time without Christ’ that we are living and so easily today Christians can be lead astray to another gospel. The Word is very clear that in the last days there will be false gospels, as we can see when the orthodox Christian (the one that stands by the Apostolic Confession of the Apostles) cannot distinguish between truth and falseness. The Post modern Christian no longer appreciates the interpretations of Holy Scripture by divine commentators that have stood the test of time. The Christian is looking for new information, new so-called revelations. Like the Israelites that were no longer satisfied with the food that was from heaven, but wanted other food. If one continually asks and asks then God will give it to you, but as to the Israelites he gave poverty in the soul with it.

My view

Engelbrecht starts this section “Briefly about the book by Elana Janson”. He therefore wishes the readers to think that that which follows is what I portray in my book. He believes that what I have written is only “fable and fabrication”. To add to this he accuses me of trying to lead Christians astray to a new gospel. He does not accept that I was given a greater insight into Revelation, or as I believe that God wished to give greater understanding to the book Revelation in the present time. I should add that in no way did my journey through Revelation give poverty of soul, it only gave greater insight and an enormous respect and awe for the words of Revelation – Praise be to God.

Engelbrecht continues

Sommige Christene staan krities en afbrekend teenoor Leraars wat 45 volumes se kommentaar oor die Bybel geskryf het en geen volume minder as 400 bladsye bevat het, en wat gegrond was in Grieks, Hebreeus Latyns en Bybelse literatuur, wat geroep is deur God en wat God volkome besit het. Maar dan gaan hulle na nuwe sogenaamde profete en apostels se lering (met min of geen bybelse kennis nie), om ʼn gebrek aan insig en onderskeiding van geeste te openbaar. Dat ons hierdie dinge in ʼn groter mate te ondervind, die afvalligheid van wat die Apostels geleer het, is een van die groter tekens van die tye. Mense soos William Hendriksen en Charles Alexander wat Grieks en Hebreeus vlot gepraat en gelees het, wat die woord van voor tot agter geken het en net Skrif Alleen gebruik het, se interpretasie van Openbaring word verwerp. Die mense was eksegete van faam en was gerespekteer deur mede teoloë vir hulle Christelike karakter en dat die hand van God op hulle lewens erken het, hulle word versmaai, gekritiseer en hulle interpretasie verwerp. Daar word gegaan van tafels gedek met vaste spys, met soete melk van die ware Woord na tafels gedek met drek (beesmis). Lustig eet diegene daaraan want dit is mos ʼn vars Woord van die Here in hierdie laaste dae. Nou word daar dinge bekend wat vir die vroeë kerk onbekend was deur hedendaagse profete wat nuwe openbaring en insig gekry het. Dit is baie maklik om mense wat besondere teoloë was (die koninging van die wetenskappe bestudeer, nl die bybelse taal van hulle geloof oor God) af te kraak, op hulle foute te wys, te kritiseer maar soos Bezo sê; ‘maklik om hulle sleg te maak maar dit is moeilik om hulle na te boots,’in karakter, in kennis en onmoontlik in die Goddelike ingryping in hulle lewe.
Waarom kyk ons nie wat geakrediteerde godsmanne gesê het oor die geloof nie, maar hardloop agter nuwe eeuse profete aan wat nie werd is om mense soos Calvyn, Luther, Knox, Bunyan, Spurgeon, Whitfield, Edwards en later, Hodge, Warfield, Hoeksema, Packer, Boice, se skoene vas te maak nie. Ek weet waarom, want ons soeke is maar na die aardse dinge, dit is die ingeboude sondige mens se soeke na iets wat hy kan sien, wat hy kan betas, wat sy vlees streel.

Dit is waarom ons boeke en films kyk wat ons natuurlik kan verbind met dinge wat in Openbaring staan. Ons wil die gebeure in Openbaring in konteks bring wat nou in die geskiedenis plaasvind sodat dit korreleer met wat ons bv. In Israel, in konflikte in die wêreld sien gebeur. Die Jood wil tekens sien, wil ʼn fisiese Koning hê, ʼn fisiese ryk van God. In plaas van dat ons geloof in dinge is wat ons nie sien nie, waarop ons hoop, ʼn ewige stad, ewige woning nie van hierdie aarde nie, ons is bywoners en soos Abraham ons soeke is na die geestlike, ons begrip is in die geestelike ruimte.
English translation

Some Christians are critical and destructive towards Ministers who have written no less than 45 volumes of Bible commentary with no less than 400 pages per volume, that are based on Greek, Hebrew, Latin and Bible literature, that were called by God and that possessed God completely. But then they go to teaching of new so-called prophets and apostles (with little or no Bible knowledge), to reveal a lack of insight and distinguishing of spirits. That we experience these things to a greater degree, the falling away that the Apostles taught is one of the greater signs of the times. People like William Hendriksen and Charles Alexander that could speak and read Greek and Hebrew fluently, that knew the Bible from beginning to end and that only used the Bible, their interpretations are discarded. These people were renowned exegetists and were respected by their fellow theologians for their Christian character and could recognize the hand of God on their lives; they are scorned, criticized and their interpretations discarded. There is a movement from tables laid with good food and sweet milk of the true Word to tables laid with dung. They feast for this is a fresh Word from God in these last days. Now things are made known that were unknown to the early church by contemporary prophets that have received new revelations and insight.

It is easy to destroy persons who were exceptional theologians (study the queen of the sciences, namely the biblical language of their faith in God) to point out their errors, to criticize, but as Bezo says ‘easy to give them a bad name, but difficult to imitate them in character, in knowledge and impossible in the Divine intervention in their lives. Why do we not look at what accredited men of God said concerning the faith, but run after new age prophets that are not worthy of fastening the shoes of people like Calvin, Luther, Knox, Bunyan, Spurgeon, Whitfield, Edwards, and later Hodge, Warfield, Hoeksema, Packer and Boice. I know why, for we seek earthly things, that is the inherent searching in humanity for something that he can see, that he can feel and that can stroke his flesh.

This is why we (read) books and watch films which we can naturally connect with things that are said in Revelation. We want to bring the happenings in Revelation into context with what is now happening in history so that it correlates with what we are, for example seeing in Israel, in conflicts in the world. The Jews want to see signs, want a physical King, a physical kingdom of God. Instead that our faith is in things that we cannot see, that we hope for, an eternal city, eternal abode that is not of this earth; we are sub-farmers and like Abraham our search is for the spiritual, our understanding is in the spiritual realm.

My view

In no way am I critical of former interpreters of Revelation. How could they known that Revelation is linked to history in a specific way. If my insight into Revelation linked to history conveyed this it is only because the reader himself misinterprets my motives does not believe that my insight was Divinely inspired.

Engelbrecht continues

Elana Janson se Boek: How Near Armageddon

Nou kom ek by Elana Janson. Soos ek verwag het voor ek die boek gelees het is dat sy nuwe insig gekry het wat nie voorheen bekend was nie. Sy roem haar op ʼn ondervinding soos Bennie Hinn wat plaasgevind het in haar kombuis. So ook het ʼn menigte ander sulke ondervindings gehad en ander evangelie begin verkondig. Ek dink aan Joseph Schmidt wat die Mormoonse Kerk gestig het. In haar boek bring sy die Dooie See se skrifte in verband met die Openbaring se boek met sy Sewe Seels wat net Jesus waardig is om oop te maak. Die boek is die simbool van die heerskappy en uitvoerende outoriteit van God in die skepping. Dit is in belang van die verdrukte Kerk wat die Seels die simbool is.

English translation

Now I come to Elana Janson. As I expected, and before I read the book, she obtained new insight that was not previously known. Like Bennie Hinn she claims an experience that happened in her kitchen. Many have had such experiences and started preaching another gospel. I think of Joseph Schmidt that started the Mormon Church. In her book she brings the Dead Sea Scrolls in relation to Revelation’s book with its Seven Seals, that only Jesus is worthy of opening. The book is the symbol of the sovereignty and executive authority of God in creation. It is in the interest of the oppressed Church that the Seals are the symbol.

My View

I do claim that a vision inspired me to interpret Revelation. This vision confirmed to me that Revelation could be better understood and its Biblical meaning enhanced, by linking its symbolism to history. In no way do I preach ‘another gospel’.

Engelbrecht continues

Kom ons kyk na twee sleutel verse wat sy interpreteer as histories gebeure verwysend na histories figure in seker datums. Kom ons kyk eers wat die werklik beteken in die lig van die Heilige Skrif.
Rev 19:13 En Hy was bekleed met ‘n kleed wat in bloed gedoop was, en sy Naam is: Die Woord van God.
Hier in Openbaring is dit die finale en tweede koms van Jesus om te oordeel die lewende en die dode, sy kleed simbolies in bloed gedoop van sy oorwinning oor sy vyande. In Johannes 1 se dit wie is die Woord van God.

Isa 63:1 Wie is dit wat daar aankom uit Edom, met bloedrooi klere uit Bosra? Hy daar, pragtig in sy gewaad, wat agteroor buig in die volheid van sy krag? Dit is Ek wat in geregtigheid spreek, wat magtig is om te verlos.
Wat beteken dit?: Die profesieë praat van die Verlosser oor ons geestelike vyande. En Wie is dit wat ons oorwinning gekry het met die genade van God in Christus? Dit is op die kruis waar Christus oor magte in die hemele oorwin het. Wie is die een in sy volheid en krag?: Hy is die Verlosser, God was Israel se Verlosser uit die hand van hulle vyande en die Here Jesus is ons s’n, Sy naam: Jesus, die Verlosser hy red sy mense van hulle sonde.

Elana Janson se egter iets heeltemal nuuts waarvan niemand tot dusver geweet het nie. Die een waarvan Jesaja praat verklaar sy: is Marcus Aurelius Antonius, ook bekend as Caracalla en dit in 212 nC. Om alles te kroon stel sy voor dat Origen (een van die kerkvaders), is die een waarvan Jesaja praat as iemand wat in die volheid van sy krag kom. Die Origen is verborge in die gedeelte; ‘en sy Naam is: Die Woord van God.’ Origen is daarom so belangrike dat tot Jesaja van hom in verborgenheid praat. MAAR DIT IS JESUS DIE CHRISTUS WAT KOM IN WRAAK MET SY KLEED ROOI IN BLOED VAN WRAAK. MAAR HIER KOM N VROU EN Sê DIT IS ORIGEN. Sy is ook verkeerd dit is Tertullian wat die eerste keer die woorde drie eenheid gebruik het en nie Origen nie.
Sy sê, ek haal aan: ‘die derde persoon is definitief Origen want dit word gesê in Openbaring dat ‘sy naam is die woord van God.’ Die vrou het geen benul waarvan die Ou Testamentiese profete gepraat het nie, dat sy selfs verklaar dat die profete gepraat het van Origen in die Ou Testament is nie net godslasterlik nie maar idiotiese interpretasie van iemand wat haar moet beperk by haar vakgebied. (God help haar studente)

English translation

Let us look at two key verses that she interprets as historical happenings, referring to historical figures at certain times. Let us first see what they really mean in the light of Holy Scripture.

Rev 19:13 And he was clothed in a vesture dipped in blood, and his Name is: The Word of God.

In Revelation this is the final and second coming of Jesus to judge the living and the dead, his vesture symbolically dipped in blood from his victory over his enemies. In John 1 it is said who is the Word of God.

Isa 63:1 “Who is this that cometh from Edom, with dyed garments from Bozrah? This that is glorious in his apparel, travelling in the greatness of his strength? I that speak in righteousness, mighty to save.” What does this mean? The prophesies speak of the Savior from our spiritual enemies. And who is this that obtained our victory with the grace of God in Christ? It was on the cross that Christ obtained the victory over forces in heaven. Who is the one in the greatness and strength? He is the Savior, God was Israel’s Savior from the hand of their enemies and Lord Jesus is ours. His name: Jesus, the Savior he saves his people from their sins.

Elana Janson says something completely new that no one up to now knew. The one that Isaiah speaks of is Marcus Aurelius Antonius also known as Caracalla and that in AD 212. And to crown it all she suggests that Origen (one of the fathers of the church) is the one that Isaiah speaks of as someone coming in the greatness of his strength. Origen is concealed in the section “and his name is called the Word of God”. Origen is therefore so important that even Isaiah speaks of him in concealment. But it is Jesus the Christ that comes in wrath with his vesture red in blood, but here a woman says that it is Origen. She is also wrong, it was Tertullian who was the first to use the word ’trinity’ and not Origen. She says I quote ”the third person is definitely Origen because it is said in Revelation that his name is the word of God”. This woman has no idea what the prophets of the Old Testament were talking about, that she even says that the prophets were talking about Origen in the Old Testament is not just blasphemy, but an idiotic interpretation from someone that should confine herself to her vocation. (God help her students)

My view

In order to give the correct understanding of what I meant in this section of my book I shall give Rev 19:11-13 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse, and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, in righteousness he doth judge and make war. And his eyes were a flame of fire and on his head were many crowns, and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. And he was clothed in a vesture dipped in blood, and his name is called the word of God.”

Engelbrecht interprets Rev 19:13 as the Second Coming which according to Scripture alone is scripturally correct. Why however does Revelation say that the rider wore “many crowns”. Why does Revelation say “he had a name written, that no man knew”. I believe that these three verses hold an additional meaning that can only be found in the knowledge that the symbol of the rider on the white horse is linked to a specific time - that is the time c AD216. This is not something that I just fabricated for this was one of the four times that was confirmed to me through the Divine intercession. I was reacting on what I believe was a God given insight. When I was writing How Near Armageddon after I had experienced the Vision I specifically looked at what was happening in the ruling of the nations specifically at the four times linked to the riders of the apocalypse. The time of the rider on the white horse, cAD216, would reveal that from that time there would come a change in the ruling of the nations that would testify that God had from that time brought about a change in the rule of the kings that would give glory to God’s name and show that God was protecting the Christian faith.

Because of the Divine intercession and the linking of these verses to a specific time one could understand why he wore many crowns. According to Scripture the words can be understood that Jesus Christ and the Trinity has always had the power to direct the ruling of the nations. That is of course correct. If it is linked to a specific time it has the additional meaning that Revelation is actually giving insight into the time ADc216 to show more clearly through our knowledge of history how Jesus Christ and the Trinity was influencing the course of history.

References in Scripture

My method of interpretation also includes taking the words of Revelation to references in Scripture. The word used in Revelation 19:13 “vesture” connects to the words of Isaiah 63:1-2 “Who is this that comes from Edom with dyed garments from Bozrah? This that is glorious in his apparel, traveling in the greatness of his strength? I that speak in righteousness, mighty to save. Wherefore art thou red in thine apparel, and thy garments like him that treadth the winefat?” Amazing how the words of Isaiah prophecy the words of Revelation.


In this reference there is an indication that God saves (“mighty to save”) his people from the enemy (“Edom”;”with dyed garments from Bozrah”). Edom in the reference from Isaiah symbolizes a world that hates or is the enemy of God. The Edomites were the enemies of Israel in the Old Testament.


With the insight given me that the time of the rider on the white horse is linked to the time c216, I looked to the history of that time to see if any happenings coincided with this symbolism. The emperor of Rome at that time (216) was Marcus Aurelius Antonius, also known as Caracalla. The father of Marcus Aurelius Antonius (Caracalla), Emperor Septimus Severus who was emperor of Rome (AD193-211) employed Christians in his household and entrusted the rearing of his son to a Christian nurse. It seems therefore that Christianity was growing among the inhabitants of Rome in that time. It is important to note that history actually reveals that Christianity was known in the household of the emperor of Rome in the beginning of the third century. The crimson stained robe pertains to the Jesus Christ that overcomes the enemy, but it also reveals who the enemy at that time was! It was the with the knowledge given me that the rider on the white horse pertains to c216 and thereafter it seems that the wicked Emperor Marcus Aurelius Antonius is also in the symbolism. He and his brother Gaeta were proclaimed joint emperor s of Rome in 211. Marcus Aurelius Antonius, it is said, murdered his brother and a great number of his friends and adherents. The nickname Caracalla was given to Marcus Aurelius Antonius because of the Gallic cloak that he wore and which became fashionable in Rome and was worn by later Romans for centuries. Therefore symbolically his actions also pertain to a ‘stained garment’. Rome was from the time of the coming of Christ the enemy of Christianity, but by 216 it was beginning to change and Christianity was spreading. Ultimately a century later the emperor of Rome, Constantine would proclaim Christianity the faith of the Roman Empire.

One can of course only accept this view if one believes that Divine intercession took place and that this is not a fabrication.

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