Posted by Elijah on May 24, 2012 at 21:56:39:
I have noticed the computer hacking comment thrown around a few timee. I assure everyone that I have never done any computer scams or destructive things to the website. I assure each and every one of you that I have done nothing more into my interactions with this site beyond reading the words that are posted by the author and the participants. I am sorry if this be the case for ANY of you, especially "the website that I have been expressing love and concern for". I could care less of what you All may feel of me and my calling but, PLEASE do not allow your thoughts to travel into the realm of consideration of me doing ANYTHING, coniving, destructive, negative, or posing any threat or harm to anyone on this planet. I stated before that I have certifications in CompTia Security+ which corellates with my educational background and professional career BUT, I HAVE NEVER USED ANY OF THE SKILLS I HAVE LEARNED TO BRING UPON ANY TYPES OF ATTACKS AGAINST OTHERS. FURTHERMORE I WISH TO SHARE TO WHOEVER HAS COMMITTED THESE ACTS, THINKING THAT WE SHARE SIMILAR PATHS. I REBUKE YOUR ACTIONS AND I PRAY THAT YOU LEARN OF THE WORDS THEY HAVE DEBATED UPON THIS SITE. PERHAPS YOU SHOULD UNDERSTAND THE LOVE OF GOD WHICH WAS GIVEN TO JESUS, FOR US TO UNDERSTAND WHAT LIFE ON EARTH IS REALLY ABOUT. THE ACTIONS TAKEN BY THE INDIDVIDUAL/S THAT TAKE NEGATIVE ACTION AGAINST OTHERS BECAUSE OF A DIFFERENCE IN BELIEFS IS A CONTRADICTION OF WHAT JESUS TAUGHT. MAY GOD GUIDE YOU TO JESUS'S TEACHINGS SO THAT JESUS MAY ONE DAY GUIDE US ALL TO GOD. Despite what is written in the Bible in regards to who and how many are going to heaven; I choose to do the work that Jesus taught me towards mankind instead and I let others argue of his return.
If you don't want me to post on your site anymore I can totally understand and I will humbly obey your wishes Ms. Janson
But, in regards to the ignorance of Mr. Smit I pray that the Muslims and Jews and "False" Christians, and Prophets, that at this very instant, his life is dependent upon may continue to get to know JESUS and even though Mr. Smit's intelligence doesn't go far enough to consider you amongst the participants of Armagedon, Jesus died for you TOO, and Elijah loves you and prays you find Jesus. Jesus shall guide those HE chooses to what GOD has commanded him to prepare for us