Re: Apology

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Posted by Elijah on July 29, 2012 at 23:59:30:

In Reply to: Apology posted by Ben Curran on July 21, 2012 at 03:04:32:

If man's law is not a subset to the set of laws laid down by GOD and shown by Jesus then the system cannot and will not work and the system will fail and not only that, there will be a group of people that suffer. All across the world there are groups of people that suffer and work harder than another group and enslavement becomes the outcome. The group suffering is usually punishment from GOD but, it also has become a way to mold his children. Depend on GOD and you will be fine, if you ever forget about GOD and begin to depend only upon images in the world then listen to your breath and look at the sky and focus on the love that allows you to continue and realize you have a purpose to live and a way to magnify GOD just as Jesus taught us

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