Posted by Richard Smit on December 02, 2005 at 02:44:24:
In Reply to: Re: Baby 'clone' returns home posted by Merricat on November 19, 2005 at 10:35:02:
Dear Merricat,
Very interesting, the part about Mars and the increase in man’s knowledge, especially when related to, and read in conjunction with Dr. E’s important post on this forum concerning the “Bright Morning Star”
Now that the cloning debate is “closed” in terms of what we have been given insight into, through Revelation’s “very specific and very accurate measurement of time”, exactly as interpreted and imparted to us by Dr. E., I personally am prepared to drop the subject.
Normally and definitely, this is not in my nature, as I could and have in the past become quite “hot and bothered” by these sort of things. I like to get involved. I can confirm that over the last five to six years my own knowledge of these things has increased “ten fold”.
But knowledge by itself is worthless, unless we learn from it and put it to “good” use.
It’s also very true, I believe, when Dr. E. says that “the holy people’s” power has been broken. We Christian’s, I believe, can now only rely on God to free us from our “captivity” of gigantic deception by the “beasts” (basically and simply the misguided actions of men over many centuries of the second millennium) of Revelation.
This, I believe, will be through understanding the “Revelation” correctly - One of the reasons why I support the “How near Armageddon” website. It makes 100 percent, sense to me, and no one else, including Biblical scholars and theologians (truly with deep respect), explains it like this. It’s totally “new” and “true life”
I’ve read and studied in detail two other interpretations of the book Revelation, and “have decided” that this one “How near Armageddon” is BY FAR, the one I fully embrace and support. Normally in doubt, one would say “only time will tell”, but I’m prepared to take it to the next level as I can “see” what is actually happening right now in this present age.
Without the “How Near Armageddon” book and website I wouldn’t have had a clue. Sorry, but that’s true about me.
How many people the world over, have access to this website, I cannot say, but I believe, that God will “never” abandon His flock, even those less fortunate than us, who have no contact with or knowledge of this website. This we can be absolutely certain about.
Many thanks for your input.
God Bless
Richard Smit
Johannesburg, South Africa.