Revelation seems to confirm that "Wormwood" relates to Chernobyl

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Posted by Elana Janson on July 31, 2013 at 15:01:03:

It seems Revelation confirms Chernobyl to be ”Wormwood”.

The end of random connections

I believe that when God made known to me the times in history of the opening of the first four seals of Revelation one can no longer randomly connect the words and symbols of Revelation to persons, places or events. I believe that each verse falls within a time frame that is revealed by (1) the specific placement of words, (2) repetition of words and (3) links to words in Scripture.

True meaning to be found in the correct time

According to my understanding the only true meaning can be found when a verse can be placed in a specific time in history using as a guideline the times of the opening of the first four seals of Revelation that were I believe confirmed through the Divine intercession that I experienced. Secondly this placement is confirmed through references in Scripture, as well as the total understanding of Revelation. No word or verse in Revelation stands in isolation. Each word contributes to the totality of insight given to man at this point in time - into the magnitude of the wisdom and power of Almighty God as to what was to happen in the centuries after the vision seen by John at Patmos. Revelation reveals the power of the Trinity in the development and spread of the Christian faith in the past two thousand years as well as the gradual fall of man in the second millennium after the coming of the Christ. Revelation reveals how the nations turned away from the faith because they were misled by Satan. However, this deception was accompanied by the endurance of the faithful and because God protected the Church.

I am stressing the ‘big picture’ here because I believe “Wormwood” signifies pollution of a third of the rivers and fountains of the earth, but it seems God knows that in time this can be rectified after the Return for Revelation says a “third”. It is the death of the souls that accompanied this destruction that is lamented in the sounding of the third trumpet for Revelation uses the words “many men died”. The sounding of the first four trumpets are about the holistic view of man as part of the living earth and universe.

The sounding of the trumpets in Revelation is complex because it reveals how man’s activity encroached upon the earth. Symbols of the heavens and earth are used to reveal how man impacted every part of the living planet earth. Revelation does this to reveal how God, man, the heavens, earth and sea are linked together.

Through the insight that has been given me I am going to relate what I understand Revelation reveals in the sounding of the third trumpet in which the word “Wormwood” appears.

How do we establish the time of the sounding of the third trumpet?

Rev 8:10 - 11 “And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon on the fountains of waters; and the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters because they were made bitter.”

Third seal and third trumpet
First and foremost the repetition of the word “third” in “third trumpet” indicates that the third trumpet relates to about the time 1896 the time of the opening of the third seal. This I believe to be correct as the message of the Devine intercession confirmed this and I know through insight into Revelation that the repetition of the word ”third” substantiates this.

The sounding of the first and second trumpets

The time of the “third” trumpet can be established and verified by understanding the times of the first and second trumpets.

Rev 8:7 “And the first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth.” These words reveal that the sounding of the trumpets indicate specific retribution for the misdeeds of mankind. This is indicated through the words “hail” (also used in Rev 11:19 and 16:21that relate to the very end time) and “fire” (in numerous verses relating to the very end time). The combination of “hail and fire” appears in Ezekiel 38:21 in connection with the Gog and Magog (Rev 20;8) which is a further indication that the hail and fire indicate the very end time. The wrath of God with the sounding of the first trumpet in the end time relates to the word “earth” in “cast upon the earth”. The sounding of the first trumpet is against man who was misled by all that Revelation reveals through the “beast out of the earth”. Therefore with the knowledge of the times of the “beast out of the earth” Rev 13:11-18, the first trumpet sounds from 1266 to the end time.

It is important that readers take note of the times of the “beast out of the earth” which is the number 666 (“three hundred threescore and six” Rev 13:18). Six hundred relates to the time 1266 to 1886; “threescore” to the time 1866 to 1886; 1886 to 1906 and 1906 to 1926; six relates to the time 1926 to 1932. In the analysis of the words of the beast out of the earth a further 66 years is added to 1866,1886,1906,1926 and 1932. These added 66 years (1932, 1952, 1972, 1992 and 1998) are a fourth part and I believe confirm the time of the opening of the “fourth” seal. The time 1947 was confirmed by the Divine intercession as the time of the opening of the fourth seal.

Readers should read the full analysis on this website. The full analysis of the “beast out of the earth” is the revelation of how the discoveries and achievements of man gave Satan (the “beast”) the opportunity to turn the nations away from the belief in a living God and Christianity. Man became arrogant and believed that he understood all things pertaining to the earth and universe.

“The third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt” (Rev 8:7). Revelation reveals that man destroyed nature (“the third part of trees were burnt up”), while he was deceived by “the beast out of the earth”. Not only nature but the faith of the younger generations (“all the green grass”) was also destroyed. We know this for in Scripture “grass” symbolizes the young faithful. Job 5:25 ”Thine offspring as the grass of the earth”.

In the sounding of the trumpets God combines nature and the heavens with man and for this reason the words “earth”, “sea”, “rivers”, ”water”, “sun”, moon”, “stars”, ”day” and “night” all relate to the symbolic meaning of these words used elsewhere in Revelation.

I believe that through the words “third” and “third part” in the sounding of the second and third trumpets actually CONFIRM the times of the “beast out of the earth”
Rev 8:8-9 “And the second angel sounded and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea. And the third part of the sea became blood; and the third part of the creatures which were in the sea and had life, died; and the third of the ships were destroyed.”

According to my understanding the time of the sounding of the second trumpet relates to the time 1883 when Krakatoa erupted and the island was largely covered by the ocean.
Take note: The eruption of Krakatoa was in 1883 and that falls in the time of the second “6” that is the “threescore” (1866 – 1926) of the number “666”. Therefore a “third” of the number “666”. 1883 also falls in the first “third” of the “threescore” (1866-1886) of the number 666. I believe this is of the greatest significance because it confirms the time of a “third” in Revelation. Revelation does this verification through the knowledge of the time measures of Revelation. It also confirms the Devine Intercession for those who are skeptical that it actually happened.

Through the word “sea” Revelation also confirms that there is a time link in the words of Revelation not only between the sounding of the second trumpet and the “beast out of the earth”, but also between the “beast out of the earth” and the “beast out of the sea”.
The sounding of the second trumpet relates to “sea” – and as shown through the word ”third’ to the time of the “beast out of the earth” because the” beast out of the sea” is in Rev 13:12 linked to the “beast out of the earth”. Rev 13:12 “And he (the beast out of the earth) exerciseth all the power of the first beast (the beast out of the sea)”. The development of trade across the seas from the thirteenth century was accompanied by the spread of the faith to the ends of the earth. Wars would be fought in the development of colonization of the nations across the seas from Europe. Further wars would be fought in the rebellion against colonization and the independence of nations would follow.

Because of my understanding of the massive symbolic meaning of “sea” in Revelation I must again emphasize that “creatures that were in the sea” relates to the death of sea creatures (because of pollution and exploitation of the sea by man) but also those mortals that would perish as a result of the deception by what is understood by the whole concept of the “beast out of the sea”. I believe this connection of man to the sea is confirmed by “and the third of the ships were destroyed.” Ships were destroyed in many sea battles from 1883 to the present time, but man’s discovery of flying machines at the beginning of the twentieth century is also applicable for the seas and oceans could in the twentieth century be crossed by airplanes.

Rev 8:10-11 “And the third angel sounded and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of rivers and upon the fountains of waters. And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters because they were made bitter.”

I believe the “great star” relates to a great star in the time about 1896 that is the time of the opening of the third seal.

In my books I mention the great star seen by the Hopi tribe at the turn of the twentieth century, It was noticeable and hung in the sky for a long time. It was so impressive that when it “exploded” and fell from the sky it was believed by the tribe that it was a sign of the end. The spirit that takes care of the earth will become frustrated with man and as the star exploded so would the spirit that rules the world punish mankind with flames.

At the present time I am convinced that “a great star” was Halley’s comet that was very visible in 1910. The “third part of rivers and fountains of waters”: After what I said about “third” relating to a third of the time “threescore”, it seems that the “third part of rivers and fountains of water” connects to the third part of the “threescore” of the number 666, “1906 to 1926, because 1910 falls within the time of the third part, 1906-1926.
“As it were a lamp” fits into the time of the “threescore” for this was the time that power stations were coming into action and lighting up the world. First power stations were built 1878 to 1882.

“Wormwood” occurs frequently in the Bible and usually in a metaphorical sense. In Jer. 9:15, 23:15 and Lam. 3:15 and 19 wormwood is symbolical of bitter calamity and sorrow. Unrighteous judges are said to turn “turn judgment to wormwood”.
Amos 5:7 Sorrows, cruelties and calamities of any kind were typified by plants of a bitter or poisonous nature.

The First World War (1914-1918) took place in the time 1906 to 1926.

The waters that are made bitter, mentioned in the sounding of the third trumpet is related to the understanding of the deception of the beast out of the earth - the activities of man that can be understood by the analysis of the “beast out of the earth”. Minerals that were taken from the earth, man’s pursuit to develop and the consequences of mining, construction power plants, electrification etc.etc that contributed to the pollution of the rivers and streams of water.

“And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters because they were made bitter.”

I understand these words to have both literal and figurative meaning and cover the entire time from 1886 to the end time.

The sounding of the third trumpet literally signifies the pollution of the waters (this would include Chernobyl and other happenings that greatly polluted the ‘waters’) that must be restored by the Return, but it signifies that the “waters” that are symbolic of spiritual life everlasting were in the process of man’s twentieth century activities made “bitter” and this resulted in great sorrow and tragedy, but even worse - spiritual death. “Many men died of the waters because they were made bitter”

Fourth trumpet

One has to look at the sounding of the fourth trumpet together with the first three trumpets for I believe Revelation confirms that the time of the last “half-day” in the time of the sounding of the first four trumpets.

Rev 8:12 “And the fourth angel sounded and the third part of the sun was smitten., and the third part of the moon and the third part of the stars, so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for the third part of it and the night likewise.”

“And the third part of the sun was smitten”
The words “and the third part of the sun was smitten” indicates the time 1859 to 2003 which is 144 years. The great solar storm of 1859 showed many dark spots on the surface of the sun and the solar storm of November 2003 produced the largest solar flare on record.

Last “half-day” that we can measure

According to my understanding Revelation measures “three and a half days” in each millennium since the coming of the Christ. The last “half day” is 144 years from approx 1860 to 2004. I believe this time is confirmed by the sounding of the fourth trumpet and the great solar storms of 1859 and 2003.
The sounding of the fourth trumpet confirms, I believe, this connection of the activity and deception of man as ‘part’ of the universe with the symbolism of the darkening of the “third part” of the sun, moon and stars in the time of the twentieth century.

The “third part” in “third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon and the third part of the stars so the third part of them was darkened” I believe refers to the time 1859 to 1907” that is the first “third” of the time 1859 to 2003 the times of the two great solar storms. This time 1859 to 1907 coincides with the “third part” of the sounding of the first two trumpets. Figuratively the darkening relates to the deception of man because the Sun (symbolical of the coming of the Christ - Malachi 4:2) denotes Christianity.

The words “and the day shone not for a third part of it and the night likewise” seems to confirm the measure of the last ‘half day” of the “three and a half days”, that is 1859 to 2003, that is 144 years. It is symbolic of the ‘darkening’ of the earth as man was misled by “the beast out of the earth” and the “beast out of the sea”.

“Third part” connects the sounding of the third and fourth trumpets

“And the name of the star is Wormwood”

When did Halley’s Comet return? March 1986. When was the Chernobyl disaster? 26 April 1986! The same time!! I believe that this is confirmed by the words “And the name of the star is Wormwood” and in the sounding of the fourth trumpet.
Remember when Halley’s comet appeared in 1986 it was not so bright as in 1910 – “the third part of them were darkened”. 1886 falls within the third part of 1859 to 2003 that is 1955 to 2003. It seems 1955 to 2003 was the final darkening of the earth.

It seems that literally Revelation is indicating in the words ”And the name of the star is called Wormwood” (Rev 8:11) “third part of the stars”, “third part of them were darkened” and “and the day shone not for a third part of it” (Rev 8:12), the time 1955 to 2003 that is the “third part” of the last “half-day” 1859 to 2003” (144 years). 1886 is the time of both the appearance of Halley’s Comet (March 1986) that was not so bright as in 1910 and the disaster at Chernobyl (26 April 1986) that polluted the waters.

I said “Burning as it were a lamp” (Rev 8:10) relates to electricity because of times of the third parts of the time “threescore” in Revelation coincides with the development of power plants in numerous nations and of course Chernobyl was a power plant.

It seems Revelation confirms that Chernobyl does mean ‘Wormwood’ and that “Wormwood” relates to Chernobyl.

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