The compass points of the earth and the end time

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Posted by Elana Janson on September 18, 2013 at 09:35:53:

The compass points of the earth and the end time

Thank you for the concern about this Forum but I know God instructed this message to be proclaimed and He will take care!

It seems that even regular readers of this website do not quite grasp the significance of the present international scenario in relation to the understanding of Revelation. The very fact that what is taking place at the present time, has actually come about at this point in time seems to me makes known that God is already revealing his end time power.

It is 2013 and the world awaits a negotiated settlement on the use of chemical weapons in Syria. It seems that all that has taken place since the invasion of Iraq (I believe indicated by the “Euphrates River” in Revelation) was ‘the gathering of the nations’ what is taking place at the present time and what is to follow is all still part of the “gathering” to Armageddon – How near Armageddon?

I consider the instruction of the Divine Intercession that I must make known that Revelation can be understood through the times of the opening of the first four seals and that we are near the end time. So what do I know at the present time?

North and South

The present situation is decidedly different from 2003 in that there is turmoil in Egypt that lies to the south of Israel and civil war in Syria that lies to the north. This could be the coming into fulfillment of the prophecy of Daniel and as well as the symbolism of Revelation.
Those who have been reading this Forum will know that I have said that I believe that prophecies (that is Daniel and Revelation) seem to foretell that Jerusalem is ultimately going to be surrounded by belligerent nations.

From the north and south (Daniel 11:40 - 41 “And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots and with horsemen…). With the knowledge of Revelation the symbolism of the “whirlwind, with chariots and with horsemen” seems to indicate that powers from the north and south of Israel will be involved in the time of the gathering of the nations across the breadth of the earth.

“Whirlwind”: In the last decade and particularly lately we have seen category five hurricanes, super typhoons (2013 Utor over the Philippines) and vicious tornadoes that caused havoc over the central areas of the US.

All about the compass points of the earth in the end time

“Chariots with horsemen” is to me of great significance for “horsemen” is the symbolism used in Revelation to indicate the change of the ruling of the nations (Rider on the white horse, red horse etc) through war. In my analysis of Revelation, it was the words of Zechariah 6:1-7 that indicated the direction in which the chariots and horses were heading. This information cast light on the ‘direction’ of the spread of the Christian faith in the last two thousand years as well as the time of the changing of the ruling of the nations. By the time of the “threescore years” of the “number of man” that is 1866 to 1926, most kings had been deposed and the rule of the people had replaced them. At the present time most of the earth has changed to democratic rule. In the nations at the present time to the north and south of Israel there is conflict because this form of government can’t seem to ‘take’ in part because of belief in the unity of religion and state. Is this the reason for the word “king” in Daniel?

From the west and east in Revelation 20:7-9 (“And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, and go out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle, the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven and devoured them”).

Is this why the symbolic ‘queen’ of the south (Matthew 12:42) “shall rise up in the judgment”, because “he has made us king and priests unto God and his Father” Rev 1:6? It seems so because we should not forget that the rider on the white horse wearing the crown symbolizes this unity of king and priest. Rev 17:17 says “For God has put it in their hearts to fulfill his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled”. Even though Christians find themselves ruled by those under the influence of what is described as the “beast” of Revelation they should believe (priest) and live according to the instructions of God (king) and not of man.

It seems that we shall see the power of God “fire came down from God” when the words of God shall have been “fulfilled”.

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