Posted by Elana Janson on February 14, 2006 at 12:52:42:
Freedom of Speech and the Mark of the Beast.
Because we are witnessing a number of happenings (the increase in tropical storms in the past season, bird flu, increased tensions in the Middle East relating to Israel and Jerusalem) at the present time that relate to the symbolism and words of the prophecy of Revelation we should once again look at the analysis of the “beast out of the earth” (Rev 13:13-18) in relation to freedom of speech.
I say this because I believe that the symbolism of Revelation specifically reveals that “liberty”, both political and in relation to world communication causes man to bear the ‘mark of the beast’. In other words, in the context of Revelation, the importance of his liberties has led man to lose sight of his responsibility to revere Jesus Christ as the Messiah, through whose sacrifice on the cross we can attain everlasting life. I am raising this issue, because the publisher of the cartoons that have of late caused so much conflict, calls himself a Christian, yet sees no harm in depicting Jesus Christ in satire (Hardtalk – BBC). Satire is of course a synonym for illustration or writing ‘making fun of’. For those who want to stop reading this post at this point, those who revere freedom of speech as the be all and end all of modern existence, remember that I said I am saying this because we are seeing the signs of the end.
Christians who revere their God are shouted down by the chorus of those who have the mighty media under their control: freedom of speech is king no matter what! Revelation, I believe gives insight into as to why we are now seeing a clash of cultures. It is because for the times of the Gentiles are being fulfilled. It seems that the West is being confronted by increasing hostility because their liberties have made them go to excess.
In my book “11 September 2001, the Great Earthquake and Revelation” it is shown that we are living in the time that the nations of the world are experiencing the time that “the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan (Rev 20:2-3) is loosed a little season. It is also the time that the signs of the end are coming directly from the throne of Almighty God. We have passed the time that we can measure. This last season is only known to God, but we can see it unfold through the knowledge of Revelation.
The symbolism or of the “dragon” and the “beasts’ of Revelation is the insight into the development of actions and ideology within the ruling of the Western nations that would ultimately lead to a rift between God and the nations of the world. The rift is symbolized as a “wall” that came between man and God in the time after 1860.
9/11 was the point that the enemies of the West were brought against them. We have to note that the hostility is not abating. The West should seriously be considering why the hostility remains - we are seeing an increase in tension concerning Jerusalem – despite efforts of diplomacy.
We can however at this point in time, I believe, understand what is taking place on earth through the understanding of Revelation. It is for this reason that I want to draw the reader’s attention to the analysis of the beast out of the sea and the beast out of the earth in relation to freedom of speech. Also why the freedom of speech of the West is now causing conflict at the present time.
The political freedom of the nations, that came about after the fall of the kings of the Christian national states of Europe as well as freedom of speech that has now become a tradition of the Western nations is revealed through the symbolism of the beast out of the sea in Revelation. Freedom is also revealed through the analysis of the beast out of the earth (Rev 13:12 “And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast”) that relates to the 666 years which is the time 1266 to 1932 (which is in three parts: six hundred three score and six) and also the “threescore” years, which is the time 1932 to 1992, the “fourth part of earth” (Rev 6:8).
It has been shown in all my books and on this website that the words of Rev 13:13 -18 (that deals with the Revelation of the ‘beast out of the earth’), reveal specific happenings in specific years relating to man’s expertise in harnessing his knowledge of the elements that he has taken out of the earth (therefore ‘beast out of the earth’). In other words Revelation reveals that it was in God’s plan that man would mine the minerals of the earth and at a specific time these minerals would be used in specific projects and discoveries. The projects that are related also indicate what these discoveries and feats of science signify in the political, economic and development of the Western nations. With the hindsight of the twenty-first century we can also discover why Revelation combines these times (years) in this way to illustrate how man was misled through his discoveries in particularly the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
The words that reveal that political freedom was spreading from Europe to the ‘ends of the earth’ and “freedom of speech” are to be found in Rev 13:14-15.The first section of Rev 13:14:“And deceiveth them that dwell on earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast.” The words “by the means of those miracles” mean that man’s expertise to harness his scientific knowledge would mislead those that already have their attention focussed on that which relates to the earth and not to heaven and the spiritual (“them that dwell on earth”).
The meaning of the words “in the sight of the beast” is discovered by linking them to the year 1926, the year of the discovery of television, which is also part of the 666 pattern of years that make up the number 666. With the hindsight of the twenty-first century we can understand why Revelation says this. Through understanding of the symbolism and the time measure of Revelation the nations are politically in the grasp of the beast in the twentieth century and the ideology of political freedom would be transmitted through televised media that extended and enhanced the influence of the beast (“in the sight of the beast” ).
The second part of Revelation 13:14 “saying to them that dwell on earth that they should make an image to the beast, which had a wound by the sword and did live”. The words “that they should make an image to the beast” relates to the completion of the Statue of Liberty in the year 1886, that is also part of the pattern of 666 years that make up the number of man. (Readers should refer back to the explanation of the “beast out of the earth” in the Q&A section of this website.) The words “which had a wound by the sword and did live” (Also used in Rev 13:3) relates to the harming (“wound”) of the power of the anointed Christian king, that was misled by evil. But the harming of the rule of the king was replaced by another form of rule (“and did live”) that maintained the possibility for the nations to inherit everlasting life.
It would only be after 1947 that is the time of the Rider on the pale horse (This time was confirmed through the Divine intervention) that the ruling of the nations had reached a point that a course was set that would lead to the destruction of the faith within the Western nations and many would no longer enter the kingdom of heaven. Revelation shows the development of the hold of Satan on the nations, but there would always be those that will bear the ‘fruits’ of Christianity (Rev 14:1-4) to keep the faith against the forces of evil.
With the hindsight of the twenty-first century we know that political liberty brought about religious liberty and the equalization of all faiths under the law. Revelation reveals that the Western nations that were the bearers of the Christian faith were led into the situation of “captivity” (Rev 13:10 “He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity”) – that is, being under the law of freedom and equalization - through the leadership of the West that was deceived by Satan (symbolized in Revelation as the beast out of the sea). This captivity will only be for a certain time – that is till the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled. This is why, I believe, that we are seeing the signs of the end.
It is for this reason, with the understanding of the entire Revelation, that it is said in Rev 17:17 Revelation says “For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will and to agree and to give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.”)
We see therefore that the word “image” in the analysis of the “beast out of the earth” in Revelation relates to “freedom”. God has allowed freedom so that the oppressed peoples can also have their privileged places in society. Freedom however cannot be placed above the laws of God.
(Rev 14:15 “And he had power to give life”. It has been shown on this website and in my books that this means that the political freedom of the nations would lead to man having the power to understand the creation of life. It relates to the year 1952/3 and the first cloning of frogs. This has been discussed in detail on this website.)
Of significance in this post are the words of Revelation 13:14 “that the image of the beast should both speak and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed”. The words “that the image of the beast should (both) speak” relates to the year 1906 and the discovery of the audion triode that would increase the ability to communicate (therefore “speak”) world wide. I interpret this linking to time in the understanding of Rev 13:14-15 to mean that the ideology of freedom would be communicated through man’s ability to link up the world in a network of televised and vocal communication.
The revelation of “ideology” is revealed through the words “as many as” that is also used in Rev 2:24 “as many as have not this doctrine”. This can only be understood through the total understanding of the repetition of words in the analysis of Revelation. The final section “would not worship the image of the beast should be killed”. This reveals that the ideology of freedom of the Christian nations would also mean that Christians who do not worship the beast would die (not necessarily eternal death for they have kept their Christian values in their freedom) in the carrying out of the ideology of freedom of the West.
I believe that we have had no control over this course of events in past history for the deception of man is of course the result of the sins of the past. What we do have at the present time is the understanding of Revelation.
The words “image” and “that the image should speak” as interpreted in the above verses, also hold in their symbolism the freedom of speech that came with political freedom and world communication in the twentieth century. I say this for all the concepts of the analysis of the beast out of the earth are linked together through the words “and he” at the beginning of each verse in Rev 13:11-16. Therefore the deceptions of the beast are all linked to make up the total ‘gestalt’ or concept of the symbol of the beast out of the earth. The aspects of “freedom” and “communication” are linked. Hence my premise at the beginning of this post that freedom of speech is part of this ‘gestalt’ and if uncurbed holds within it a deception to lead to bearing the mark of the beast (Rev 13:16).
Freedom of speech is I believe causing conflict at this time for God is revealing that the misleading ideologies of the West that have moved Christian faith out of main stream thought and action of the West can no longer go uncurbed.
The Western media is controlled by those who have been misled. It is for this reason that the Christian faith is no longer revered and is uncontrollably undermined by anti-Christ rhetoric and satire. An attitude that cannot be accepted by true Christianity. The understanding of Revelation and the signs of the end show that the Trinity is bringing the times of the Gentiles to a close.
God has allowed liberty but if it overrides the laws of God and reverence to the Trinity it bears the mark of the beast. The analysis of the beast out of the earth reveals that in the twenty-first century man is intelligent enough to take upon himself to discover all the knowledge of the earth, through his expertise with the knowledge and application of the elements of the earth. He has been given liberty to handle knowledge and his faith accordingly. If not he bears the mark of the beast.
Revelation demands intellectual prowess from the movers and shakers of all sectors of the Western nations as never before in the history of our Western civilization. Ironic that ‘images’ in cartoons have led to world revolt against the West.
The grace of God will be with you for some are still to be saved for everlasting life.