Posted by Richard Smit on December 19, 2013 at 07:17:43:
A Practical “True life” Living Case Study:
If you are a rather sensitive type of person, and have some difficulty facing “the truth” and direct to the point “words”, perhaps even about yourself, then this post is not for you.
The purpose of this post is to augment what Dr Janson has been saying for years and perhaps highlight, with different words, from another angle or viewpoint, and bring the reader’s attention to what is going on right under our noses which sometimes even the most aware of us, can miss and let slip right by, without us even noticing.
In her book “ How Near Armageddon” published in 1999, Chapter 16, Page 273, Dr Janson wrote:
“Revelation 16:15
"Behold I come like a thief! Blessed is he who stays awake and keeps his clothes with him, so that he may not go naked and be shamefully exposed."
It seems as if the judgment or the Second Coming is going to be sudden.
From what has been established ("vial upon the sun" and the indications of global warming at the end of the twentieth century), it could literally be a hot time when people are likely to be on the beach or without sufficient clothes.
It might mean the time when people openly wear little clothing, which is now”.
The above, what Dr Janson wrote on Page 273 in 1999 is “so true” in 2013, 14 years later, because it really is getting worse, day by day, since then.
Especially how quite a few woman over expose their bodies, wearing low cut blouses and too short dresses, wherever you look – in the work place, in the shopping centres, in the streets, in the movies (some actresses), even some TV news woman presenters and some woman church goers - young and also not so young.
Disagree with me, just “open your eyes” and “observe” the above happening to-day, right before your eyes.
It’s profoundly disquieting actually, and must be really “heart rending” for any decent, God fearing woman, married or not, who is not like this, to see her partner or husband surrounded by these over exposed flaunting females. Most times, what comes out of their mouths, is just as bad as the way they dress.
And I am really sorry to say it, but very few men can resist the temptation, to look. Yes, it’s true. It’s no use lying; it’s all going to come out eventually. Shouted from the roof tops - I’m sure you know, unless you are in denial.
This saying, and I’ve heard both men and woman saying it, “Ah, you know what men are like”, is ridiculous and absolutely not acceptable or even excusable, and only encourages men to look more.
But my question is, who is actually the perpetrator, the cause of it, the guilty one – is it the women or the men, or “someone else” that can “take the blame”, so long as it is not us.
Maybe it’s in our DNA, for thousands of years. Maybe we inherited it or learnt it from our ancestors behaviour.
And, how does one (BOTH MEN AND WOMEN) resist the temptation to do the above, and get out of this very “subtle trap” set by …….. Satan.
In terms of the book Revelation, are we not supposed to be “washing our clothes”, (getting rid of the sin in our lives) so that we can be given “white robes” when Christ appears again.
Well, for one thing, the TV has been switched off, rather on a regular basis lately, when these sort of things appear on it.
But how “PATHETIC” can worldly things get, when you have to put an age restriction on the News channels, because certain human beings do not know how to dress properly (conservatively) in public.
What about all the lewd & suggestive advertising on TV, in magazines, in newspapers and billboards. You can basically go nowhere, without “being exposed” to this.
I mean, what is wrong with the global society to-day and “most” (maybe) human beings, that we just accept these things without batting an eyelid, that we, deep down in “our souls”, know are wrong, in the eyes of Almighty God.
I mean, take these “twaddlers” for instance. They should be thrown off (blocked) this website, without a second thought. Why – because it takes only “one rotten apple” to “contaminate” a whole lot more. And just remember and be aware that this kind of website is also easily accessible to young children to-day. Sometimes their own parents do not even know what they are in to.
Therefore, when it comes to an open forum, certain restrictions and criteria have to apply and no-one should be given total freedom to “just post anything” onto this “CHRISTIAN” website forum.
Should we allow it, or accept it, we will be held responsible and accountable for any “foreseen” and “unforeseen” harm or damage caused to others (“the innocents” – Yes, some do exist).
I would sincerely like to encourage every reader of this forum, to go and study the “RISEN CHRIST’S” messages to the “seven Churches” on this website, Chapters 2 and 3, and “DO WHAT HE SAYS”. This is something that Dr Janson has just recently covered in one of her posts.
Otherwise, we could be “unprepared”, for His imminent return.
This is serious stuff, like one reader has already said, these are life & death issues, which need very careful, all angles, consideration.
And then, don’t forget to study Chapter 16 of “How Near Armageddon” under “Chapters” on this website. You may just find something there, which could be the “most priceless”, “most valuable” thing, you’ll ever find in your entire lifetime. Yes, that’s also true.
"Great and marvelous are Your deeds, Lord God Almighty. Just and true are Your ways, King of the ages.
Who will not fear You, O Lord, and bring glory to Your name? For You alone are Holy.
All nations will come and worship before You, for Your righteous acts have been revealed."(Rev 15 :3)
And then, finally, we can all thank Dr Janson, for her patience, perseverance and unexplainable tolerance, over these many years. And for keeping us informed, and up to date.
So, NOW, is the TIME for everyone to WAKE UP, and “SEE” what is happening.
But, You still have to make your own choice.
Before making our choices, we should “listen” to what Jesus has to say:
Matthew 12:
41 "The people of Nineveh will stand up against this generation on judgment day and condemn it, for they repented of their sins at the preaching of Jonah. Now someone greater than Jonah is here—but you refuse to repent.
42 The queen of the South, will also stand up against this generation on judgment day and condemn it, for she came from a distant land to hear the wisdom of Solomon. Now someone greater than Solomon is here—but you refuse to listen.
In closing, the following for you to consider:
The One who is worthy of our complete trust, is the Lord God.
So let us ask Him, to show us “where & how” to clean up our lives, and also to “help us”, to do it.
“Without Christ”, we can do nothing. “With Christ”, we can do everything.
May Almighty God bless us all, with discernment, with understanding and with willing hearts.