Posted by Richard Smit on May 29, 2006 at 07:34:48:
Letter from Errol Naidoo (Received through email)
As I continue to support this website so I fully support what Errol Naidoo has to say, and therefore obtained verbal permission from him to post this important email on this website.
Here then is what Errol has to say:
We are living in the end times and satan is getting angry. Doesn't it make you think that the only name that is persecuted time and time again is the name of "Jesus". No other name has undergone so much mockery and controversy. Jesus said "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life and no one goes to the Father but through me"
Dear Believers,
I have just returned from Washington DC in the US where I attended a conference entitled - "The War on Christians and the Value Voter" - where some of the most prominent Christian leaders in America spoke eloquently and passionately about the cultural war currently raging across the length and breadth of the United States.
I marveled at the remarkable similarities between the Church in America and the Church here at home. We might be oceans apart but we face the same threat from a common enemy. A number of significant issues were addressed at this conference. However, the one that demands our immediate attention is the most recent release of the clearly blasphemous movie "The Da Vinci Code".
This blatant attack on the Christian faith was dealt with by the imminently qualified Dr. Ted Beahr, Chairman of the Christian Film and Television Commission. Dr. Beahr is the leading Christian authority on the excesses of Hollywood. He warned that the global Church of Jesus Christ needs to prepare for an unprecedented assault on the veracity of the Gospel.
Following hot on the heels of The Da Vinci Code is the "Gospel of Judas", "The Jesus Papers" and man, other anti-Christian propaganda that falsely claims to reveal that the Bible is "the greatest cover up ever perpetrated upon mankind".
These so called revelations are nothing but secular humanistic deception that preys on the minds and wallets of millions of vulnerable people desperately seeking spiritual answers to life's questions. Dan Brown and his ilk (may God forgive them) have found a lucrative way to discredit the Word of God indeed.
Ted's appeal, which I fully support, is that we urgently begin a campaign of educating Christians in our country about this flagrant attack on the name, person and faith of Jesus Christ. The purpose of the campaign is to ask Christians to boycott this blasphemous movie in their millions.
The funding and distribution for the Da Vinci Code emanates from the Anti-Christian Movement in Hollywood. Consequently, a Christian supporting this movie by purchasing a ticket or a DVD will essentially be financially contributing toward the nefarious aims and objectives of the Anti-Christian Movement. This would be the same as supporting a movie that portrays Jesus as a homosexual - or as in the case of the Last Temptation of Jesus Christ - having visions of sexual relations with Mary Magdalene.
Please forward this email to every Christian you know and in the case of Pastors please announce from your pulpits. The Da Vinci Code has been released worldwide during May 2006. Let's kill this abomination at the box office!
To God be the Glory!
In Him
Errol Naidoo
Associate Pastor & Public Relations Officer
His People Christian Church
Cape Town