Listen Martin

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Posted by Richard Smit on June 12, 2014 at 10:47:09:

"Listen" Martin,

What is it that you cannot understand?

This website and the books of Dr Elana Janson specifically state that the symbolism of Revelation can be understood through “TIME MEASUREMENT” and by discovering its twelve time measurements.

Time in Revelation is measured from Christ’s birth, death, and resurrection.

Here is a short summary of what is covered, “in the words”, of the website and the books of “How Near Armageddon”:

“Christ is the only faithful witness and the first Christian to be raised from the dead. He is also the Prince of the Kings of the earth.

Revelation conveys that the “TRINITY” is in charge of the ruling of the Christian nations, meaning that Revelation also has to do with the Christian kings of the earth”.

“As Christ ascended to heaven in a cloud, so will He return. All the people on earth shall see His return, even those who tried to destroy Him and HIS message.

The words “Alpha and Omega”, the beginning and the ending” in Revelation means that the Trinity is the beginning and ending of everything. Alpha and Omega also indicates specific time measurements in Revelation that start at the birth of Christ and end with His Return”.

“John says that he heard a great voice, like a trumpet, behind him. God was communicating with him, a man.

He, John was standing on the Isle of Patmos. The words, Front and Behind, in the Old Testament means East and West. Hebrew expresses the East, West, North and South by words, signifying before and behind, left and right, according to the position of a man with his face toward the East.

“John heard the great voice like a trumpet behind him. Then he turned around.

Revelation is indicating the Middle East, where he is standing, the Far East, which he is facing, and then the Far West, behind him. The Revelation of Jesus Christ is for all Christians of the earth. That He is to return to earth is for all to know.”

You’ve been told before, that your understanding and interpretation of the book Revelation is “outdated” and “mainly” incorrect for the present “times”. On this website we are “living” “New” Testament “times”, dealing mainly with Christian history (“time”) and the Christian era (“time”), from “then” until “now”,(“time”) as described in the “New” Testament book Revelation, given to the very much alive and risen Jesus Christ, by Almighty God, His Father.

If you don’t like or cannot accept what is being explained and said and debated here, on this website, why don’t you go and visit another website, which you do agree with.

Did you not say that you were done with this website, already “sometime” around October 2013.

So, why did you come back!

Also, just exactly who do you think you actually are, that you think that you can attempt to discredit and insult so many others on this website, in a most horrible, disrespectful, degrading and demeaning way, as you please.

I won’t be as kind and as understanding as Dr Janson and others are, on this website. Because I know it, doesn’t work. Strong words are needed. So, take a hike and please, as far as I am concerned, don’t come back to this website. There’s nothing anyone can learn from you.

What you say, about Dr Janson and all of those who agree with her to varying degrees, is absolutely NOT true. We all know this, with absolutely no doubt. She, Dr Janson describes in her books, exactly what happened to her on Thursday, 22 August 1996, with complete transparency. Most of us, would have been terribly frightened perhaps, to the point of death, with the experience, “I know”, but she was not.

Her task is to make known what she knows. THAT’S ALL – PERIOD. She certainly DOES NOT have to answer for, and justify her unique and very special experience, to anyone, including you.

What has “actually” taken place globally, in time, since then, and since the writing of her books, PROVES without any doubt that there was a divine intervention, only through the Holy Spirit.

She gives full credit, and acknowledgement, and glory, to God only, by saying, “….that which is taking place today and correlates with the words of Revelation was not only known to God at the time of the coming of the Christ, but from the time of the creation of the earth. Without this belief I would never have been able to understand the symbolism of Revelation. ……every word of Revelation contributes to show that the Trinity was with the rise of the Christian Church within the nations and is ALSO revealing at this time, the signs of the end”.

SO SORRY for you, your “accusations” and “insults” are WRONG. And the big question for you is – Why?

Also Sorry, that I have to be the one to give you this warning: that you will give an accounting of every word you have written on this website, in due course.

Not only your words, but also your actions. EVERYTHING. Including your current attempt to undermine what is being said here with your “beginner” lesson, on what is “figurative” and “literal”, which is also not appropriate at “this time”.

We are far, far past this level on this website.

Figurative and literal meanings, have already been covered, many years ago. So, Wake Up.

This also shows that you have neither read and / nor studied in detail, nor in depth, the writings of Dr Janson.

So, who are you to even pass, just one single, and uninformed comment on her writings.

Also, I “SEE”, you are very careful not to disclose who you actually are, by withholding your surname when doing “posts” to this website.

So, who are you - Martin, the unknown?

But you cannot “SEE” this.

You need to seriously “catch up” and “get up to speed”, to what is happening NOW, before it becomes too late for you.

We are discussing and debating, events that are “actually happening” in real life, that have been interpreted on this website to correlate to the book Revelation, in this “time” and age, of the Christian era, “beginning” with the birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ and “ending” with His return.

“Praise be to Him, only”. Our “only” hope.

So, before you point your accusing fingers (words) at others, “clean up” your own act.

“Think” about this – “very carefully”!

Do NOT think that I and others, who agree with what is being said and debated on this website, are afraid to take you on, to defend what we believe, and what we have been shown.

I cannot defend Dr. Janson, but I’m “absolutely sure” that God can adequately defend her.

That I am a supporter of this website, goes without saying, BUT that does not mean that I am a follower of Dr. Elana Janson’s. In any case, I’m quite sure, she herself, does not want any followers, and personally I’ve certainly never met her.

Like it or not, “TIME” is running out, “time” is short, for everyone.

Revelation 12 : 10 – 12 ( NIV )

10 Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say:
“Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Messiah.

For the accuser of our brothers and sisters, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down.

11 They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.

12 Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short.”

So that you know, “exactly”, where we are in “time”, take all of the above, as the word of my personal testimony.

All Quotes from:

“11 September 2001, The Great Earthquake and Revelation” - Author Dr Elana Janson

On the back cover of this book, the author writes:

“This book is the third book that I have written since it was made known to me through a Divine Intervention that Revelation can be understood through time measure in history and that we are near the end time.

The first book How Near Armageddon (published in 1999 by Van Schaik religious books) was written from 1996 to 1999.

The second book, Ek is die Begin en die Einde was written in Afrikaans in 2001.

This book does not take away from that which was written in the first two books. In both those books it was said that according to what I believed to be the total time measure of the book Revelation, there would be a “great earthquake” in the time 2004.

In How near Armageddon this was said on page 191, and in Ek is die Begin en die Einde on page 50.

At Christmas time, 26 December 2004, the great earthquake happened in the seabed off the coast of the island of Sumatra that caused the great tsunami.

This great earthquake therefore happened at a time that had been established through an understanding of Revelation that was initially inspired by the Divine Intervention. Therefore the great earthquake confirmed the times that had been established in my two previous books.

The happening of the great earthquake also gave new meaning to the attack on the World Trade Centre on 11 September 2001.

I say this for there was a time span of “one thousand and two hundred days” between these two globally significant events.

It revealed that the time of “one thousand, two hundred and threescore days” (Rev 11:3) relates to the time 11 September 2001, the Great Earthquake and Revelation.

These happenings as well as the major hurricanes and typhoons Katrina, Rita, Damrey and Longwang in 2005 have brought about a greater understanding of the symbolism of Revelation and its total meaning.

In the twenty-first century man tries to understand all things through that which can be proven through science.

It is only through faith and the Book Revelation that man is given the additional perspective that certain happenings are not only the result of global warming, but part of a greater unseen design of Almighty God.

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