Posted by Elana Janson on April 18, 2015 at 06:24:26:
In Reply to: posted by John Matthews on April 14, 2015 at 05:29:20:
Revelation has revealed to us that it is in man’s own expertise that Satan would find an opportunity to influence man’s thinking away from what the Bible lays most emphasis on.
Some will eventually worship the “image of the beast” (Rev 19:20). I understand this to mean that through the freedoms attained by his own expertise (through democracy free from political oppression; through medical expertise largely free from deadly disease; through freedom of faith and modern freedom of thought) many have loosed themselves from religious doctrine and custom to the point where it is believed that man no longer has to adhere to the Commandments of God. To add to this the hard-hearted think there is no necessity to repent of their deeds (Rev 16:11 “And blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds.”)
The entire Bible emphasises:
God is - God exists. God is in control of all that is taking place on earth and in the universe. God has always been in control of what has taken place in the universe and on earth. God being one with Jesus Christ could give the visions to be seen by John on Patmos at the end to the first century AD, so that those who believe would understand the situation in the world in 2015.
God gave his Commandments to Moses and those have to be obeyed. God does not forget the transgression of his Commandments. Only with the attitude of obedience to the will of God, through the belief that Jesus Christ died for the forgiveness of our sins will God forgive our failure to adhere to his directives.
When the number of the beast was “calculated” (Rev 13:18), Revelation revealed that God would at specific times give certain persons insight and understanding of the forces that drive the existence of the earth and the universe. When the book Revelation was given to John on Patmos, God had already determined at what point in time man would make scientific discoveries and attain certain understanding of the universe. Not only this - he knew that man would be misled by these!
At the present time it is essential to realise that all that is written in Scripture cannot just be overlooked. Without knowledge of eternal truths we shall never get the big picture and have a clue of what is happening at the present time.
God started to “loose” the seals (Rev 5:3) in 1996 - all in good time so that we can have some insight in 2015. We are prepared - to a degree - of what is to come. But not only this the knowledge of Revelation confirms to the end time believer that all that is promised in Scripture is true and fact.