Re: The Case for More Miracles (Part 3)

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Posted by Susanne on June 24, 2017 at 09:32:47:

In Reply to: The Case for More Miracles (Part 3) posted by Ben Curran on June 22, 2017 at 02:40:45:

Hi Ben. I totally agree with you that God has a plan for His creation.
It is a physical world and in that world is where He has planted man
to rule in/as His image.

In Rev.11:15 John states that The Kingdom of the World has become
the Kingdom of our Lord and of His Messiah, and He will reign
forever and ever.

When Jesus started His ministry here on earth and before the
crucifixion He spoke dozens of times about "the Kingdom of
God/heaven"that He came to plant.

I find few Christians ŵho are really interested in the Kingdom on
earth even when we pray "Let Your Kingdom come on earth as it is in

I am reading a very interesting book on Daniel.

What makes the story of Daniel and his friends so remarkable.
Their story has a powerful message for us today. It seems the
circumstances then and today are very similar.

Strong currents of secularism and paralysing political correctness
increasingly push expressions of faith in God to the margins,
confining it, if posible, to the private sphere.

It is becoming less and less the done thing to mention God in public,
let alone to confess to believing in anything exclusive and absolute,
such as the uniqueness of Jesus Christ as the Son of God and our

Society tolerates the practice of the Christian faith in private devotion
and in church services, but it increasingly deprecates public witness.

The story of Daniel and his friends is a clarion call to our generation
to be courageous, not to loose our nerve, and allow the expression of
faith to be diluted and squeezed out of public space and thus
rendered spineless and ineffective.

Their story also tell us that the objective is not likely to be achieved
without cost.

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