The apocalyptic message of Daniel through the knowledge of Revelation (3)

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Posted by Elana Janson on July 03, 2006 at 08:19:17:

The following section of Daniel (Daniel 7:9 –14) is significant for through the repetition of words in Revelation it confirms the unity of the God of the Old Testament and the Son of man. It also distinguishes between the two through certain words and phrases.

This section also verifies through specific words both the time measures of Revelation as well as the chronology of time measure in Revelation as set out in my books. The chronology being the time of the three periods of the first three beasts (Daniel 7:12) in which the thrones were cast down (Dan 7:9); then the time of the season of the destroying fourth beast; after that, the time in which the beast is destroyed (Dan 7:11-12); which is also the final time that we cannot measure and ultimately the Return and the opening of the books (Dan 7:10 and13-14). Without the knowledge of Revelation we could not determine chronology in these verses of Daniel, particularly Daniel 7:11-12.

The book Daniel certainly authenticates the reason why it is said in Rev 22:18-19 that through the ages no one should have tampered with the words of Revelation.

Daniel 7:9 I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of days did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool: his throne was like the fiery flame, and his wheels as burning fire.


This verse in Daniel is linked to Revelation through the word “thrones”. Rev 20:4 “And I saw thrones and they that sat upon them”. In the understanding of Revelation the whole of verse 20:4 relates to “three days” in the second millennium. In Revelation each millennium is divided into “three days and a half”. As mentioned in the previous post a “day” in Scripture can be a day as we know it to be or a thousand years. In the time measure of Revelation a “day” is approx 287 years. Therefore the words of Revelation 20:4 relate to the time from approx AD 1000 to 1287 (the end of the first “day”); 1288 to 1575 (end of the second “day”); 1575 to 1863 (approx end of the second “day”) and 1863 to 2007 (approx. “half day” of 144 years.

Therefore the words “And I saw thrones and they that sat upon them” relate to the time 1000 to 1287. This was the time that most of the Christian monarchs of Europe had absolute power, but with the knowledge of history it was the time that the nobles and ordinary persons of the nations were becoming wary of ruthless monarchs and wished to have greater say in the ruling of the land. The nobles also desired more of the wealth that was all going to the kings and the ordinary peasants because they had no basic rights.

Therefore, and this is important in order to see how Daniel relates to Revelation and to history. Through the knowledge and belief that Scripture was inspired by Almighty God, through the word “throne” Revelation is given a greater dimention through the book and apocalyptic meaning of Daniel. Daniel 7:9 “I beheld till the thrones were cast down”. Through Daniel and Revelation (this is significant) prophecy is revealed because we know though history that 1000 to 1287 was the time that the thrones of Europe were already being cast down through the will of the peoples of the nations.

[Before I continue with Daniel: The words of Rev 20:4 “and judgement was given unto them” relates to the power of the kings to put to death fellow Christians for the wrong motives or reasons: “And I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus and for the word of God”. These words relate to the second “day” that is about 1288 to 1575 (in Europe) and the third ”day” 1575 to 1863 (in the lands across the seas).
“And which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon his foreheads, or in their hands;” These words relate to the time after 1863 when the power of the beast would finally mislead many. We know that these words relate to the time after approx 1860 because the analysis of the “beast out of the earth” (Rev 13:13-18) relates to 666 years from 1266 to 1932 and thereafter. (Refer to the analysis of the beast out of the earth on this website. “Image” relates to 1886 the time of the completion of the Statue of Liberty and “mark” to the time 1932.)]

Therefore the book Daniel reveals that globally it will happen that the thrones of kings will be cast down.

The Ancient of days

“And the Ancient of days did sit”. These words mean that Almighty God was in control of the fall of the kings.

“Whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head was like pure wool: his throne was like the fiery flame and his wheels as burning fire.” The description of God is in the same phrases as the Son of Man in Revelation 1:14 “His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow.” “Fiery flame” and Rev 1:14 “flame of fire”. These words that are the same - used in Daniel and in Revelation - indicate the unity of the Father and the Son.

The repetition of the word “throne” in Daniel 7:9 reveals that the fall of the kings of Europe was part of the wrath of the apocalyptic God. The wrath of God is repeated in Daniel 7:10 “A fiery steam issued and came forth from before him.”

So what is apocalyptic message conveying? It is saying that the beasts described in Daniel and in Revelation are Gods way of showing that the leadership of the Christian nations sinned (they were placed in the privileged position to lead the nations and when faced with the choice between good and evil faltered) through the power of evil they were deceived and evil has not gone away. Instead, ultimately it targets the leadership of the nations and is even more powerful than in years past. Why is this being revealed to us today? For God wishes to save the remnant of true believers among us.

Number of persons also indicates time measure

Daniel 7:10 “thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him: the judgement was set and the books were opened. Through the knowledge that Revelation indicates a symbolic number of persons through time measure, the words “thousand thousands” in Daniel not only indicates a number of persons that would minister unto God in the time to come, but also a period of a “thousand years”. It has been explained on this website that the number “144 000” in Revelation has bearing on the last “half day” in the second millennium – that is the time from approx 1860 to 2004. The number 144 000 in Rev 14:1 “an hundred and forty-four thousand, having his Father’s name written in their foreheads” indicates a symbolic number of person world wide who in the time after approx 1960 would not have been misled by the beast. [Those who have been misled by the breast symbolically have the mark of the beast on their forehead. This means that their thinking and strife in life is in the time after 1860 no longer to reach the mark of everlasting life through Jesus Christ. (Rev 13:16)]

Therefore with the insight into the meaning of numbers in Revelation, and that Revelation relates to two periods of a “thousand years” the use of the words “thousand thousands ministered unto him” in Daniel 7:10 it is prophesied that in the final analysis of the prophecy of the nations the unit of a “thousand years” will be of significance.

The words “ten thousand times ten thousand” indicates that the unit of a “thousand years” is also of significance in the ultimate apocalyptic prophecy of the earth. The number “ten” in Revelation is what I call a number of totality it symbolically has bearing on a total number of persons. Of importance here is that “ten thousand times ten thousand” is not the actual number of persons that will ultimately stand before God on judgement day. It indicates a symbolic number, but relates that the final analysis of the prophecy of the nations which is the Revelation of Jesus Christ will be understood in relation to the time of a period of a “thousand years”.

And the books were opened

These words “and the books were opened” in Daniel are the same as in Revelation 20:12 “And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God, and the books were opened. And another book was opened which is the book of life”. The repetition of the words “and the books were opened” in Daniel and also in Revelation shows that the Trinity is confirming that there will be a judgement day. Through the knowledge of the understanding of Revelation that had to be done by opening the history books of the nations, these words relate to the opening of the history books in order to understand the time measures of Revelation. These words also show that before judgement the apocalyptic prophecies will be understood. The book Revelation will be understood and the books of the prophecies of the Old Testament will also be opened. The book Daniel will be opened as we are doing now.

The words “and the books were opened” in Daniel 7:10 also relate to the words of Revelation “And another book was opened which is the book of life”. This means that we will be given some insight into prophecy and into the control of God over the ruling of the nations over thousands of years, but also since the foundation of the earth

Daniel 7:11 “I beheld then because of the voice of the great words which the horn spake. I beheld even till the beast was slain, and his body destroyed, and given to the burning flame.” This verse is of the greatest significance in the understanding of the end time. It relates to Revelation through the repetition of words and because of this we can now know that it is after the ideology of the beast is broadcasted across the communication networks of the world that it will be destroyed by fire.


Because of the use of the word “great” in “voice of the great words” in Daniel 7:11 and the repetition of the word “great” seven times in the casting of the seventh bowl of wrath in Revelation 16:17-21. We can now know that it is in the time of the casting of the seventh bowl of wrath that the fourth beast of Daniel with a voice of great words. According to my understanding of Revelation the casting of the seventh bowl of wrath relates to the time after 2004, the time after the “great earthquake” (Rev 16:18) which I believe to be the one that caused the great tsunami on 26 December 2004. As explained in my latest book this earthquake was “so mighty and so great because it came at a time that is bourn out by the time measures of Revelation that is 2004 and Christmas time, the time of the commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ in the twenty-first century.

The time after 2004 is also the time of the “little season” in Revelation 20: 3, “he must be loosed a little season”. The time that it is said that the Satan is finally let loose upon the earth. Therefore through the word “great” in “voice of the great words” in Daniel we know that the time of the fourth beast of Daniel is also the time of the casting of the seventh bowl of wrath and through the understanding of Revelation also the time of the “short season”. In other words Revelation confirms what is said in Daniel concerning the fourth beast. It is the time that the beast of Daniel and the beast of Revelation have most influence. The words of his ideology are listened to and accepted as “great” (great words) by the inhabitants of the earth spread which has access to the ideology across the globe through the mighty communications networks of the world in the twenty-first century

Till the beast was slain

Very significant are the words that follow “I beheld even till the beast was slain and his body destroyed, and given to the burning flame”. Through the words of Daniel we can now know that after the time that the beast is at its most powerful in the ‘little season’, it will be slain. It will be slain by fire “and given to the burning flame”. These words also mean the wrath of God. I think that the nations should take particular note of this section for it seems that shortly the world is going to wake up to the deception of the beasts of Revelation and this is going to be through some devastating “fire” which may mean that some deceived leadership of the nations is going to resort to nuclear power. The result is going to be tremendous because there is going to be a realization of the deception of the beasts and that the final wrath of God is upon us. It will have to be tremendous for the world to turn around and take note of what has been said on this website. This is also confirmed by the words of Rev 6:15-17. The words of Rev 6:15 -17 seem to confirm what I have just mentioned - that the prophecy of Daniel and Revelation will ultimately be brought to bear on the near future.

Main time measures of Revelation confirmed

Daniel 7:12 “As concerning the rest of the beasts, they had their dominion taken away: yet their lives were prolonged for a season and a time.” This verse explains that the first three beasts are symbolic of three periods of time of the ruling of the nations in which the nations would be deceived. Their rule would come to an end (“they had their dominion taken away”). The first period being from AD216 to 792, the second from 792 to 1896 and the third from 1896 to 1947. From 216 to 792 the rule of Christian kings would be established in Europe. From 792 to 1896 there would be constant battles between Christian rulers. From 1896 to 1947 the rule of men or democracy would replace the rule of kings. After that time the rule of men would bring about a world order that would significantly harm the Christian faith. The first three times are the times linked to the first three riders of the Apocalypse. As I mentioned in a previous post in time there would be a continuation of the deception that took place during those three periods (“yet their lives were prolonged”). In the time after 1947 their influence would still be apparent. The words “a season and time” relate to the times 1947 to 2001 (“season”) and 2001 and beyond (“time”). The “season“ relating to the period that the fourth beast is at its most powerful and the “time” being the final time measure that we cannot measure. This verse therefore confirms the time measures of Revelation.

Daniel 7:13 “I saw in the night visions, and behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him.
This vision of the Son of man who “came with the clouds of heaven” is a prophecy of the Return of the Christ after the “season and a time”. The words “and brought him near before him” distinguishes between the Son of man and the “Ancient of days” who is God the Father. I believe that this vision shows that the Trinity was already determined from the time of the Old Testament, even from the foundation of the earth. This is of course a very significant prophetic vision with regard to the verses in Revelation that specifically refer to God the Father and the Son of man - “Father” (Rev 14:1) or “Lord” (Rev 11:15 “Our Lord and of his Christ”) and “Son of man”(Rev 1:13). This verse confirms the coming of the Christ after the final “time”.

Daniel 7:14 “And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom that all people, nations and languages, should serve him: his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall never pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed.”

The words “people, nations and languages” also appears in Revelation 10:11 and 17:15. The repetition in Revelation verifies that the book Daniel has a message for the entire earth. The above verse is the prophecy of the life to come after the Return of Jesus Christ to earth. It confirms the testimony of the New Testament that there will be a Return and a life after death where the Trinity will finally rule an everlasting existence.

To be continued

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