Posted by John on April 21, 2020 at 09:25:41:
In Reply to: Re: Visual Evidence posted by Elana Janson on April 21, 2020 at 04:04:38:
Every Person Is Different
I’ll stay and stick very closely to what you call “the grocery list” and to the word “supernatural”
The reason for this:
The “Grocery List” is simply and purely a method or way I have always used to become aware, remember and memorize, these different time measures you detail and describe in your book.
As you probably already know, most humans “soon” forget what they have just already read, studied and learnt. I’ve always used this method as an aid to memorize things, even many years ago while studying at different schools and universities.
They were quite helpful at that time, long long ago, as a tool only, and led to successful graduation.
Another method I use is “underlining” and “highlighting” certain words, sentences and paragraphs.
My copy of your book “How Near Armageddon” that I purchased in 1999, looks like a Christmas tree, “lighted up”, with “underlines”, “highlights” and “grocery lists in the margins”.
This is quite helpful to me and assists greatly in finding “things” again at a later date, if and when needed, as the book does not have a detailed index as such.
You have to admit, that your book is very detailed and remembering everything, is probably impossible for most of those who read it.
This I believe (for me only perhaps, but I don’t think so) puts a limitation on getting a comprehensive understanding of what you, the author, is trying to convey to your readers (I’m one of them – but I’m sort of different, like everyone else).
As far as the word “supernatural” is concerned the following:
I have always believed it, even before I started reading your books, EXACTLY as you describe it in your last sentence, namely:
“The book Revelation is an integral part of Scripture and was given by the living God, to his Son, the living, risen Christ that has revealed that God has always been in control of what has happened to the nations in the past some two thousand years.”
But the book Revelation also speaks of and describes “things” like:
in the spirit, heaven, beasts, dragon, Satan, devils, four living creatures, thousands upon thousands of angels, golden bowls full of incense, prayers of the saints, secret places of thunder, souls, “altar” where “ritual” “sacrifices” were made to God under the old testament.
There are many other examples one can give, but by “supernatural” I mean the following:
1. relating to an order of existence beyond the visible observable universe, especially
2. departing from what is usual or normal, especially so as to appear to transcend the laws of nature.
Some think the word “supernatural” refers only to the occult, ghosts and the paranormal.
I don’t. Why? Because I believe that is LIMITING!
If one is investigating something properly and comprehensively, then there CANNOT be any limitations.
How many different ways can one describe “our” God (our Father), who is invisible, and is everywhere, every second of the time.
How many different ways can one describe “our” brother, savior and God, who also is invisible, everywhere, every second of the time.
Also I mean, how do we even know that these things, to be true. It’s what we “Christians” call “Faith”.
How many different ways can one describe that. “Faith” TO ME isn’t normal, so I add the word super – meaning supernormal –meaning supernatural – meaning of “GOD THE ALMIGHTY”.
Is that a bad thing or misunderstanding. No, I certainly don’t believe that.
I am aware that you wrote about the word, “supernatural” many years ago, when analyzing and describing something else at that time. But that word “supernatural” meant something else in a different context.
And certainly I did NOT use the word to irritate you.
It’s only “a word” but as we already know from the book “REVELATION“, that “words and sentences” can have multiple different meaning.
NOT only actually, but also the same “word” or “sentence” or “paragraph” or “chapter”, having different meaning to different people.
That’s one of the reasons why we have those who “believe strongly” and those who “don’t believe at all”. Some, as you already know, believe that your insights and August 1996 experience are of the devils.
Some DO NOT. (I’m one of these.)
And, just by the way, I have on this “non- limiting” journey (investigations), also done many other “similar detailed” studies into different subjects, “one of them” being the occult and the paranormal.
Jesus too, came into contact, with devils, evil spirits, and “other things, such as Moses, Elijah” and etc. as the NEW TESTAMENT tells us.
WE know (“knowing” “discerning”) what He, being all powerful, told them to do and/or what He did to them.
We also know what He has reserved for them, in due course.
In conclusion, I believe that if one is investigating something (as you have, for 24 years and are still continuing to do so, in your own words) then there can be NO limitations to what one is investigating.
And, no word, and definitely no person, however hostile, shortsighted or looking for an argument to win, should derail or detract from that investigation.
And that’s one of the reasons why I said in an earlier post, that I too, carry on!
I also CERTAINLY believe that Jesus, will SAVE millions of people, most if not all, including us, non-deserving of it, whether they have read your books and everything on this website or not.
And that word “S A V E” has enormous meaning, which believe me, most don’t really UNDERSTAND!
ESPECIALLY NOW, at this “terrible” time.
My friend wants to commit suicide, because this worldwide “LOCKDOWN” has devastated and obliterated his business, income and livelihood. And his family feels his pain too.
I told him’ I’m prepared to keep him company and jump the mountainside with him, just to let him know that there are a lot of people, feeling exactly the same way.
It helped a bit, but not by much. I now have this too, to be concerned about.
Unless you’ve been there, understanding it is minimal.
A good forum is a good forum – it truly can bring “insight” in many different ways, even to the enlightened!
May God bless and protect us all, at this time.