Posted by John on May 06, 2020 at 07:21:02:
In Reply to: Re: What Happened to The Seven Churches posted by Susanne on May 05, 2020 at 11:56:39:
Hello Susanne
Your response to this post and also your contributing posts and questions over the past many years are really appreciated. It makes one’s heart feel good “to know” that there are fellow “Christians” still “faithful” and “loyal” to the “calling of Christ”. Thank you.
As far as this “lockdown” is concerned and its impact on the “attendance closure” of present day churches is concerned, I’d say that we should NOT be too worried or too concerned about that. We can BELIEVE that GOD is in full control of things – everything. If He wants to open the churches up again, in their former format, as you term it, or even in a new format, He is able to do it, in the “blink of an eyelid”.
We “humans”, all of us I’m afraid, really have no comprehensive idea, of who or what God really is. We may think we know, but what we know presently, is what God has shown us, according to what HE knows we are capable of “understanding and accepting” with our very limited “human” abilities. What He still has to show us, if ever, of His immense power, and His immense creation, surely is beyond present human capabilities, and certainly NOT for the faint hearted at the present time.
Also, I liked Dr. Janson’s answer to your question, so I encourage everyone to read her answer again, and do her recommended strategy for holding a church “service” - with two people present- with Jesus in our midst.
If one is living alone with no family or friends able to be present because of the lockdown, one can attend a “LIVE” church service, with hymns and music, via the Internet. Amazing - there are many available, if one just “looks”. As a matter of fact I arrived at “one of these” (in my own lounge) too early, this past Sunday, and was told (via the Internet) that the service had not started yet. I guess I was too eager, "to see" what was going on!!!
So, like I said, we don’t need to let this “lockdown” derail us from the path we have chosen, and we only need to try to remain positive, and encourage others to do so, as well. This sometimes is NOT always so easy to do.
As far as what I wrote in my post, is concerned, everything is absolutely true, these who wrote and took the photographs, in the extensive article I summarized, are authors, missionaries, photographers working for or linked to the IMB (International Mission Board) who spread the Gospel (New Testament) throughout the world, where it is restricted or has NOT been heard yet. They actually live and work in the countries where they are doing their missionary work. At the present time, there are over 3 600 of them working worldwide.
The comment about the 10 000 New Testament Bibles being distributed in the area by mail, is true also. Other comments about “the remaining numbers of “Christians” in the cities I mentioned, are also true, because these missionaries live amongst these people to get to “know” them in Turkey, and also throughout the world. Once their work is completed in one area, they move on to the next.This all costs money, planning and effort, AND sometimes putting their own lives at risk for preaching the Gospel. As you know - I’m sure, many Christians and missionaries have already sacrificed their lives (martyred) through the years, since Jesus ascended into heaven.
Anyway Susanne, I have to go now, so nice meeting you on the Internet and I’ll leave this “little” gift for you, which may help you a “little” bit
to remember some “things about the “seven” - “churches”
The 2-3-2 Memory Method: (also from the Internet)
There are TWO churches (Smyrna and Philadelphia) that received commendations without any sort of rebuke.
There are THREE churches (Ephesus, Pergamum, and Thyatira) that received some commendations and some rebukes.
There are TWO churches (Sardis and Laodicea) that received rebukes with no real commendation. They are the “dead” church and the “lukewarm” church, respectively.
The present day “churches” may have reducing incomes to maintain their expenditures, due to non-attendance, due to the corona virus lockdown. If willing, members should just continue their monetary contributions ( donations/ offerings) via EFT’s or bank transfers, until we all know what the “end result” of this pandemic will be!
The church will die if members discontinue their contributions (monetary and spiritually) over an extended period of time. That’s the reality of things.
Until next time, keep safe and well.
May God, Bless and protect us all.