Posted by Elana Janson on September 20, 2006 at 06:05:56:
I believe that the cease-fire in the Middle East has come about for God is giving the nations more time. The signs of the end are at the present time being revealed to us, but most people on earth have no idea or any conviction that this is actually taking place. I must however use every means or insight given to me to try and convince whoever wishes to listen, that understanding of Revelation has been given to me.
I suggest that readers study this post for the time is now very short. The insight given to me through the words “And I heard a voice” as illustrated in this post has convinced me that in no way will anyone ultimately be able to ignore what has been said on this website.
Concerning the controversial address given by Pope Benedict XVI. I believe that God has given great insight to the nations in the twenty-first century through Revelation. At this point in time Revelation is the way to approach other faiths in order to open a debate and not by drawing the sword through quotes pertaining to the Middle Ages. Maybe in this way some will still come to the faith and can we extend the season that must lead to Armageddon.
Daniel 8:15-16
“And it came to pass, when I, even I Daniel had seen the vision, and sought for a meaning then, behold, there stood before me as the appearance of a man. And I heard a man’s voice between the banks of the Ulai, which called and said, Gabriel, make this man to understand the vision.”
These verses tell us that Gabriel appeared unto Daniel, but the voice that spoke in the voice of a man between the banks of the Ulai was the voice of God. The words that reveal this are the words “And I heard a voice”.
I wish to show in this post the great significance of the words “And I heard a voice” in this section in relation to the understanding of Revelation. The words “And I heard a voice” in Daniel 8:16 indicate that God wishes to reveal understanding to a person on earth, that is Daniel.
The words “And I heard a voice” appear numerous times in Revelation. God gave me the insight that the symbolism of Revelation can be understood through the knowledge that the words of Revelation are linked to a specific time. This knowledge was that the times of the opening of the first four seals, and also the time of the four riders of the apocalypse, are linked to the times 216, 792, 1896 and 1947. It was also made known to me that we are near the end time. All this was made known to me through the words that appeared before me at the time of the Divine intervention on 22 August 1996.
I wish to show in this post that where the words “And I heard a voice” appear in Revelation it is an indication that the insight that was given me by God to understand Revelation (that is the times of the opening of the four seals as well as the knowledge that we are near the end time) must be brought to bear to understand further time measure in Revelation.
The words “And I heard a voice” in Revelation mean that God wishes man to understand the prophecy (and this is through what was revealed through the intervention). We know this because in Daniel the words “And I heard a voice” are used to indicate understanding of prophecy and the end time.
In the previous posts I showed how Revelation opens the book Daniel. In Dan 8:16 the words of Daniel give insight into the understanding of Revelation.
Rev 1:10-11 I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day, and I heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet, Saying I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last. What thou seest write in a book .” The words “and I heard behind me a great voice” indicates that God is giving insight into the understanding of Revelation in the end time. I know this because knowledge was imparted by God unto me concerning the understanding of Revelation.
Because it was made known to me that TIME is the clue to the understanding of Revelation I knew that the times of opening of the first four seals had to be linked to the time that John received the visions of Revelation on Patmos (“I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day”) and also the time of the birth of Jesus Christ (“I am the first and the last”). The words “Alpha“ and “Omega” are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet, therefore God is indicating that he is the beginning and the end of the written word. Therefore I believe that through the grace of God I was given the insight to write the ‘book’ concerning the time of the end.
In the following three verses God reveals the time of the end.
Rev 16:1 And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, Go your ways and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth. The words “And I heard a great voice out of the temple” indicate that God is making known the final time of Revelation. It is the coming together in the final short season of all that is said concerning the casting of the seven vials. The words “out of the temple” indicate that the time of “temple” has come to an end and in the short time after the time of “temple” the final wrath of God comes upon the earth. The time of “temple” is two periods of “three days and a half” that is approx the time of two thousand years. (Readers should refer back to the full explanation in posts earlier on this “Forum”.)
Rev 19:1 “And after this I heard a great voice of much people in heaven”. God himself is making known that many will in the end time enter the kingdom of God, the New Jerusalem.
Rev 21:3 “And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold the tabernacle of God is with men.” The word ‘tabernacle’ (see also Rev 13:6) is symbolic of the Christian church in the ‘wilderness’ (Rev 12:14). The ‘wilderness’ is symbolic of the spread of the Christian faith to the ends of the earth. In this verse God himself is revealing that the Church of Jesus Christ (“she” - Rev 12:14) is at the time of the end at the ends of the earth (“wilderness” – Rev 12:14) under the rule of men (“the tabernacle of God is with men”).
We know from the Old Testament that the tabernacle was erected in the wilderness. Revelation is the Revelation of Jesus Christ therefore the word “tabernacle” is symbolic of the Church of Jesus Christ after the resurrection. This could only be known with the knowledge that Revelation is about the rise of the Christian faith within the nations after the resurrection.
Rev 4:1 “After this I looked and behold a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither and I will show thee things which must be hereafter.”
Through the words “and the first voice which I heard” (which refer back to Rev 1:10) it is made known that God wishes time to be measured from the time of the baptism of Jesus Christ, the time of the beginning of his ministry. We know this through the words “a door was opened in heaven”. Matthew 3:16 “And Jesus when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and lo the heavens were opened unto him.”
Rev 6:6 “I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts”
These words in Rev 6:6 are of the greatest significance for in this verse God reveals (I heard a voice) the time measures of the beast.
The four times of the riders of the apocalypse (216, 792, 1896 and 1947) are four of the twelve time measures on which the total understanding of Revelation is based. The twelve time measures are the twelve “stars” mentioned in Rev 12:1.
And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say
With the opening of each of the first four seals of Revelation, one of the four beasts says ‘Come and see’. With the words “I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say”, Revelation reveals a time measure in Revelation. It is the one related to the word “man” in Revelation - “the number of man” (Rev 13:18).
The third beast had a face of a man
The third beast is the same beast as mentioned in Rev 4:7 “The third beast had the face of a man.” Through the word “man” in “the third beast had the face of a man”, the year 1896 has a relationship to “the number of a man” in Rev 13:18 “Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred, threescore and six.”
The time 1896 falls within the time of “threescore” years (1866 to 1926) in the measure,”six hundred, threescore and six” years. The time 1896 is the midpoint (‘a voice in the midst”) of the time of “threescore” years (1866 to 1926) in the measure,”six hundred, threescore and six” years. (Readers should refer to the full explanation of the “beast out of the earth” on this website.)
Rev 6:7 “I heard the voice of the fourth beast say”
The words “I heard the voice” reveal that the only way that one can know the total meaning of the fourth beast is through an understanding given by God himself. The repetition of the words “And I heard a voice” in Rev 6:6 and “I heard the voice “ in Rev 6:7 reveals that there
Is a link between the number of man, that is the “six hundred threescore and six” (Rev 13:18) and the words “fourth part of earth” (Rev 6:8). (Readers should refer to the full explanation given on this website concerning the “fourth part of earth”.)
Rev 9:13 “I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar”
These words reveal that God wishes to inform man of the time measure of “altar”. (See also Rev 11:1 “Rise and measure the temple of God and the altar”). The time measure of “altar” is ultimately understood to be the time beyond “the three days and a half” of the second millennium - through the knowledge of the “number of man” and the meaning of the “fourth part of earth”. In other words the repetition of the words “I heard a voice” in the above verses reveals that God wishes man to understand the chronology of the time measures of Revelation.
The words “I heard a voice from heaven” is repeated five times in Revelation.
Rev 10:4 “And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not.”
This verse reveals that God himself wished that the time measures of Revelation only be known to man in the time of the end. The words “thunder” and “voice” in Revelation relate to the time measures of Revelation through which the symbolism of Revelation can ultimately be understood. Time measure that only could be made known to man at the time determined by God himself.
Rev 10:8 “And the voice which I heard from heaven spake unto me again and said, Go and take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel which standeth upon the sea and upon the earth”.
This verse reveals that God himself has opened the book Revelation. It has been opened in the time that the testimony of Jesus Christ has spread across the entire globe (“the angel that standeth upon the sea and upon the earth”).
Rev 14:2 “And I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder: and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps.”
In this verse God is revealing a time measure relating to the opening of the little book (“I heard a voice from heaven”). He is revealing that he makes known the time measures of Revelation in the end time when the world has been misled (“many waters” - Rev 17:1), but is in control of the entire globe (“many waters”). He is revealing a time measure of Revelation (“the voice of a great thunder”). This time measure is related to “harpers” in Scripture. The number of the harpers is to be found in 1 Chronicles 25:7. The number is two hundred, fourscore and eight. The number is 288. In this way God reveals a time measure of Revelation. The number 288 is also the length of day in Revelation. It is in the ‘measure of a man’ (Rev 21:17) which is a “year”. Therefore the length of a ‘day’ as in “three days and a half” (Rev 11:9 and 11:11) in Revelation is 288 years.
14:13 “And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth. Yea saith the Spirit, that they rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.”
God is revealing that those who die in the Lord in the time that the world worships the beast and his image (Rev 14:9); they are blessed for it shall not be and easy task (“labours”).
Rev 18:4 “And I heard another voice from heaven saying, Come out of her my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins and that ye receive not her plagues.” In this verse God is revealing that those who do not worship the beast, who do not sin, will not receive the plagues that will come in the time that the nations worship the beast. With the knowledge of Revelation this is the present time.
Rev 12:10 “And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, now is come salvation and strength and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of the brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God, day and night.
In this verse God is accentuating the unity of the Father and the Son (“kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ”). He is revealing the time that the “dragon”, “the accuser of the brethren” is cast to earth. It is from the time of the coming of Jesus Christ (Rev 12:4 “and the dragon stood before the woman” – “the woman” in this verse meaning the rise of the Christian faith from the time of the birth of Jesus Christ – therefore the Christian Church). God is revealing that there will be division and strife between brothers in Christ from the time of the coming of the Christ. Even till the time of the last short season which is now. God is also revealing that this strife will continue through the time of the “three days” of the second millennium (“day and night”).
Rev 19:6 “And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.”
This verse reveals that those that are saved and are in heaven are one with God himself (‘And I heard the voice of a great multitude”). It is the time that the faith has spread to entire globe (“many waters”). God has revealed the final time measure (“and as the voice of mighty thunderings”).
In the verses in which the words:”And I heard a voice” occurs, God reveals the time measures of Revelation. Particularly the time of “three days and a half “is revealed. The time of “altar”, the time of the beast out of the earth, the time of the “dragon” and finally the last time measure that is only known to God is indicated (Rev 19:6). All in all there are twelve times - the “twelve stars” mentioned in Rev 12:1.
The times and messages revealed by God in the verses that the words “And I heard a voice” appear.
Rev 1:10-11: God reveals that there is a total time for the book Revelation “I am the first and the last”.
Rev 4:1: God reveals the “generation” of 72 years from the time of his baptism to the time of Patmos: c AD 26 (the time of the baptism measured from 4BC) to cAD98 (Patmos) is about 72 years.
Rev 6:6: God reveals the time of the beast out of the earth.
Rev 6:7: God makes known the time of the “fourth part of earth”.
Rev 9:13: God reveals the time of “altar”.
Rev 10:4: God tells John that the times of the book Revelation will be sealed up till the end time.
Rev 10:8: God makes it known that the times of Revelation will be revealed when the faith has spread to the ends of the globe.
Rev 12:10: God reveals the times that the “dragon” is cast to earth.
Rev 14:2: God imparts to man the time of a “day” in Revelation.
Rev 16:1: God reveals that the angels of Revelation signify the time measures of Revelation and that all the times are brought together in the final season through the words “out of the temple”.
These eight time measures plus the four times of the riders of the apocalypse are the twelve time measures of Revelation.
Messages to the faithful
Rev 14:13: God assures the faithful that it will be difficult to carry out the message of Jesus Christ in the time that the nations worship the beast and its image.
Rev 18:4: God warns the faithful not to be part of the great Babylon. If they are they will also receive the plagues of the end time.
Rev 19:1: The faithful (much people in heaven) will be with God in the end time.
Rev19:6: God confirms that the faithful (“great multitude’) will be with him in heaven in the time of the end when the faith has reached the entire globe (“many waters”). God reveals the time measures of Revelation in the time pertaining to “mighty” in Revelation (“mighty thunderings”).
Rev 21:3: God reveals that in the last days the Church of Jesus Christ will be under the rule of men “the tabernacle of God is with men”.