Posted by Richard Smit on October 18, 2006 at 07:26:50:
In Reply to: Re: The apocalyptic message of Daniel through knowledge of Revelation posted by Lori on June 23, 2006 at 17:32:42:
Dear Lori,
It’s interesting to know that you live in New York, America & that you have been able to come into contact with the writings of Dr. Elana Janson. I’m a great reader & supporter of all three of her books and also of all that she has written on this website.
Her book “How near Armageddon” certainly and undoubtedly changed my life. About five to six years ago I sent a hard copy of this book to a relative of mine who lives on Long Island, NY.
I myself have been a member of numerous different Christian Church denominations. I’ve been a Methodist, an Anglican, a Catholic and some other things as well. I’ve also attended Church services at the Christian Church that Dr Janson has mentioned, but just in a different city.
If there is one thing that all these Christian Churches have in common, it is their belief (Faith) in Jesus Christ, as the Son of God, and “only” Savior of every Christian who has ever lived in the world – past and present.
For me, true “Christianity” is inseparable from Jesus Christ and at first glance seems to be a “historical” religion based on “a book” – the Bible. But it is much more than this.
“When all things began, the Word already was, but the Word became flesh, He came to dwell among us, and we saw His glory, such glory as befits the Father’s only Son, full of grace and truth”.
I believe, and in fact know, that it is in Jesus Christ’s birth, life, death and resurrection, and the things that have happened since, during the past 2 000 years, in the nations of the world, to this present time, that we can find the ultimate Truth which God wishes to reveal to us at the present time.
All history, the present time, and the future is in God’s hands. It all has a deeper meaning, divine purpose and goal. I “see” this more clearly now – thanks to this website.
I remember attending a Church service about four years ago, where the Priest, in the homily “from the pulpit” told us that the book of Revelation was about the last two thousand years and that it all started with the birth of Jesus. Needless to say, I nearly fell off the chair, because this was exactly what I had been reading and studying in “How near Armageddon” and numerous other books, over the previous three years.
There is to-day, no doubt in my mind, that “everything” that Dr Janson has written on this website and in her books, will “ultimately”, be accepted by the whole world as true and correct.
This can already be seen, if one makes a genuine, impartial effort to diligently study her writings, and then see whether these things she writes about have and/or are “actually happening’.
If there is one thing I’d like to be, it is a “true Christian” in terms of God’s definition of
the “word”. To become embroiled in denominational differences, conflicts and insults, in my opinion, serves absolutely no good purpose. History has “already proven” this over many centuries, with ghastly, appalling and tragic consequences (death of Christians).
I do not readily and easily accept, nor believe, without question and without thorough investigation, that which others (humans) write or say about religion or the”Faith” as handed down to us through generation after generation, through our own families and the Christian Church. (not a building nor a denomination.)
In the case of Dr Elana Janson I make an exception, and therefore after “seven” years of
“reasonable” thorough research, easily and readily accept what she writes, as the correct interpretation of the book Revelation. It was not always like this. In fact I had a big problem with what she wrote in the first few pages of her first book. Today I can say that it was mainly due to the “Christian Church” that I was able to resolve this problem. But I also had to do some long (time) and deep (comprehensive) research myself.
I wish you only the best in your own personal journey (research), and thank you for
sharing some of your thoughts with us.
With love in Jesus,
Richard Smit
Johannesburg, South Africa