The Beast from the Earth

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Posted by Ben Curran on October 28, 2021 at 03:52:22:

Good Morning Dr Janson,
Thank you for your continuing updates on our progress towards the Return. Your view that the Trinity is moving to take back power, plus the appearance of the Great Sign of Revelation 12 in September 2017, together with Angus Buchan's view that Jesus is not just about to return but is actually on his way back, are all a great comfort to me.

And Covid 19, as it plays its dirty games with us, is starting to look very much like the first step down into the Tribulation.

Paul, writing in 2 Thessalonians, talks about the final days. I have recently come across a summary of his thoughts in the following form:
"The day of the Lord will include...
1) A sudden acceleration of apostasy
2) The removal of some restraining influence
3) The complete unveiling of one who will oppose and exalt himself above God."
I have long wondered who or what the restraining influence is, and have assumed that there is a spiritual influence of some sort involved. But recently it occurred to me that the influence might lie a lot closer to home.

I think that one possible candidate is the speed of communication. Before the Internet, space time and expense of communication meant that it took time for new ideas, both true and false, to work through the population of the world. Governments and other power groups who desired to introduce change, were limited in the speed with which they could do so by limitations on the speed of communication.

This all changed with the arrival of the internet, and specially the arrival of smartphones and social media. The speed at which news and ideas, both true and false, could spread through the population of a country was increased by a factor of 10 or more. A change in thinking and ideas could spread from one end of the earth to the other at speeds which were unheard of in the history of the world.

To my mind a defining feature of social media is the uproar of ideas, criticisms, arguments, newsflashes both true and untrue, and general confusion of pieces of information being machine-gunned at us at something near the speed of light.

What human mind was ever able to assimilate and make sense of this barrage of conflicting information? And what is the usual effect when the human mind is overwhelmed by too much stimulus?

I think we know what the answer is to that last question. People start to overstress and act irrationally and sometimes violently.

Does this sound familiar?

Beast from the Earth, Dr Janson. Beast from the Earth.

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