Re:5 planet alignment

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Posted by Elana Janson on December 20, 2021 at 11:28:47:

In Reply to: Re:5 planet alignment posted by Ben Curran on December 19, 2021 at 08:41:46:

Signs in the sun, moon and stars

Concerning the end of days, it is said in Luke 21:25
“And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon
and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of
nations, with perplexity; the sea and waves roaring.”

The cry relates to midnight

I believe that I now understand why the angel in
Rev.14:18 “’cried with a loud cry”, as I explained in
my post. Rev 14:18 is in the time that “the angel came
out of the altar”, therefore after 6 March 2021. The
words of Revelation coming together and anxiety because
of earthquake at midnight sent a warning cry.

Rare alignment

The fact that there was a very rare alignment of five
planets and the moon on 12 December 2021 is very

Once more in the midnight hour.

At the beginning of December 2021, Cumbre Vieja seemed
to be subsiding. However, on Friday,10 December 2021,
there were many earthquakes around Cumbre Vieja, the
largest (about ten earthquakes) between 3 and 3.6 on
the Richter scale, were between 0h00 and 22h36.
However, between 23h00 and 24h00, the midnight hour,
there were four of the largest earthquakes that day:
3.2(23.05); 3.1(23.08); 3.0 (23.14) and 3.5 (23.50). On
Saturday, 11 December, the earthquakes were fewer and
below 3.

12 December 2021

Around midday, on Sunday, 12 December 2021, local time,
a sudden large explosion happened at the main crater of
Cumbre Vieja. A steam and ash plume rose to about
5,000-6,000 meters altitude. This vulcanian explosion
indicated that the eruption had possibly entered its
final waning stage.


I believe that the words of the book Revelation are
indicating the days before the sounding of the seventh

A warning

I believe the rare alignment on 12 December 2021 should
be noted. It seems that we have been given a final
warning concerning the wrath of God (Rev.14:19; 16:19
and 19:15) indicated in the moon and stars.

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