Revelation predicts and confirms man's contribution to global warming

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Posted by Elana Janson on March 04, 2007 at 05:01:13:

Revelation predicts and confirms man’s contribution to global warming

I mentioned in a previous post that I believe that Revelation predicts through the understanding of its time measure and particularly through the symbolism of specific verses that in 2007 we shall observe global warming. We see it through the stronger wind storms and other extreme weather in recent times.

Man’s contribution

According to a recent survey by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2 February 2007) - a panel of some of the world's top climate scientists - global warming caused by human activity is real. "Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, as is now evident from observations of increases in global average air and ocean temperatures, widespread melting of snow and ice, and rising global mean sea level," the report said.
I believe that Revelation also reveals that it will be through the activities of man that global warming will happen at the beginning of the twenty-first century and through the expertise of man global warming will be observed at this time. Therefore Revelation confirms the observations of the IPCC report. Present global warming also confirms the time measures of Revelation.

In this post I wish to explain how Revelation reveals that global warming has been accelerated by the activities of man. I shall do this through the analysis of the “beast out of the earth” in Revelation.

I say this because the analysis of the section of the “beast out of the earth” in Revelation reveals that in the time from 1266 to 1992 man would make great advances in his knowledge concerning the minerals that are taken from the earth. It is largely this knowledge (particularly the discovery of minerals to produce heat and fire) that has led to the factors that the scientists say have caused global warming. These minerals are revealed through the words “maketh fire” in Rev 13:13.

The following is the analysis of Rev 13:11-18. It explains how the “beast out of the earth” is revealed through a specific time measure. In Rev 13:18 it is said: “Here is wisdom. Let him that has understanding, count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred threescore and six.”
In Rev 13:11-18 we are told that if someone has “understanding” that person will be able to “count the number of the beast”. In other words Revelation reveals that at some point someone can understand what is hidden in the symbolism of Rev 13:13-18. It was I believe made known to me that “counting the number of the beast” is the knowledge of linking events in history to a specific pattern of time. The words in the above verse ”for it is the number of a man” means that the number 666 must be linked to specific discoveries made by a man at a specific time. These are times in which a man has made discoveries linked to the “earth”.

Rev 13:11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.

Out of the earth

The words “out of the earth” can be understood through Scripture. They relate to Job 28:2 “Iron is taken out of the earth” and Job 28:5 “As for the earth, out of it cometh bread and under it is turned up as it were fire”. From these two verses we can understand what Revelation is about to reveal. The beast out of the earth pertains to man’s livelihood to take minerals from the earth in order to be able to trade. From the earth man can survive (“bread”) but it also holds unseen and immensely powerful potential (“under it is turned up as it were fire”).

The words “two horns like a lamb and he spoke as a dragon” means that man’s endeavors to take minerals from the earth were initially innocent, but would in time lead to evil (“dragon”). Discoveries of how to utilize minerals were in themselves harmless. Through man’s weaknesses he would in time be misled through his desires to acquire wealth and knowledge through his discoveries. Man’s growing expertise to progress through his knowledge of the scientific workings of the earth would be used by Satan to cause enmity between persons of the earth. The meaning of the word “dragon” in Revelation is revealed in Rev 12:10 “accuser of the brethren”. The number 666 pertaining to a time span reveals how in time man would be misled and how Satan was active over a long period of time. The number 666 reveals the extent of the beast. The “beast” developed over the centuries, and in the specific time 1266 to 1992. After 1992 the “beast” is at its most powerful.

In the analysis of the beast out of the earth the word “spoke” pertains to the time 1906.
This is explained later in this post. After 1906 these endeavors would cause Christian nations to make war against other Christian nations.

[The full analysis of the “beast out of the earth follows”. This analysis has appeared in various forms elsewhere on this website. It is repeated for the benefit of new readers.]

Rev 13:12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.

The influence of the “beast out of the earth” is just as powerful as the “beast out of the sea”. This means that the “beast out of the earth” would have as much power to influence the nations to move away from Christianity as the rebellions of the kings of Europe and the masses that moved against the Church. In other words the “beast out of the earth” is going to enhance the concept of the acceptability of all religions and bring about the time of the rider on the pale horse (death of a leadership that desires to spread the full truth of Christianity).

Rev 13:13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men.

Great wonders

This verse has both a meaning in Scripture and in the history of the past millennium.

In the history of the past millennium

Revelation is going to reveal the “beast out of the earth” through indicating years in which certain men used the knowledge of minerals from the earth to make discoveries that would have great impact (“great wonders”) on development in the twentieth century. In other words the “beast out of the earth” relates to the sciences.

In Scripture

Revelation reveals that “the beast out of the earth” is under the control of God and that God allowed man at certain times to make great discoveries. Revelation however also wishes to reveal that man was misled by these discoveries. Scripture confirms this meaning in the reference where “signs and lying wonders” appear in 2 Thes 2:9 “Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they receive not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believe not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”

The words of Revelation are now going to reveal certain years in which discoveries were made or inventions were used or constructed for the first time. The reason for this is to reveal how the attention of man was gradually diverted from Scripture and the eternal to science, engineering, biological science, trade and nuclear physics. Those who could in all the innovation not keep their focus on the eternal are those that Revelation calls ”them that dwell on earth”.

Four parts

When Revelation reveals the “years” it will be discovered that they form a time measure that is in “three parts”, that is "six hundred, three score and six years" (Rev 13:18). In addition there are words that indicate a ‘fourth’ part. This is the time measure of “threescore” years, 1932, 1952, 1972 and 1992. It is this time measure that Revelation refers to in the opening of the fourth seal, Rev 6:8 “and power was given unto them (the rider on the pale horse, Death and Hades) over the fourth part of earth”. Through these words Revelation confirms that the time of the rider on the pale horse is also the time of the “fourth part of earth”.

The time measures of the beast out of the earth:
The time measure 666 in three parts: That is: six hundred (600) years; three score (a score is 20 years) therefore 20+20+20 = 60 years; and six years. This adds up to 666 years. Revelation measures back in time. The year 1932 minus 6 = 1926 (six years); The year 1926 minus 20=1906 (one score); 1906–20=1886 (one score); 1886–20 = 1866 (one score) Revelation measures back six hundred years from 1866 to 1266.

The fourth part of earth
To this time measure of 666 years Revelation then adds three score years from 1952 to 1992.

144 years

Revelation also indicates the time of 144 years (1860–2004) by mentioning three events that coincide with the times 1860, 1932 and 2004.
(Readers should refer back to these measures to see how the words of Revelation reveal this time pattern. Revelation reveals that each discovery was predestined for a specific time.)

The time measure in Rev 13:13

And he doeth great wonders, so that he
maketh fire come down from heaven to earth in the sight of men.

This refers to the year 1866 when Alfred Noble discovered dynamite (“maketh fire”) and 1932 when nuclear fission by was discovered. In 1932 Sir John Cockcroft, an English physicist succeeded in bombarding the light element lithium with protons and splitting the atom. This discovery would lead to the development of the atomic bomb (“maketh fire come down from heaven to earth”).

Disguised in this verse is also the year 1926. This was the year of the discovery of the liquid-fueled rocket that was launched at Auburn, Massachusetts. It was emerging as a scientific tool for exploring space (“come down from heaven”). It was also the year that television, the moving image of light and shade, was demonstrated in London (“in the sight of men”). The words “in the sight of men” also relates to the year 1992 when rockets fired in Desert Storm were seen on worldwide television.

We see therefore a pattern emerging: 1866 + 66 = 1932
1926 + 66 = 1992

Rev 13:14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

“And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had to do in the sight of the beast”. These words mean that men would be misled by discovery in science (“deceiveth them that dwell on earth”) to believe that man is master of the universe. They would be deceived in thinking that one day they can live in outer space and other planets because of the power of nuclear fission (“by the means of those miracles”) and because it looks so real on television (“in the sight of the beast”). The liberty of man made him think that he could go on indefinitely.

“Saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.”
This image is the Statue of Liberty that was completed in 1886. It was built to commemorate the alliance of the United States and France during the American War of Independence. It is also a symbol of French gratitude to the people of America for support and sympathy especially during the Revolution and the wars of the late eighteenth century. It is symbolic of the 'rights' of man to freedom, equality and to put a government in place of his own choice that were developed in France and transported to the United States. The Statue of Liberty is the image that stands for freedom from unjust kings, but also a break in the unity of the Christian Church and a state ruled by the laws of Christianity. Unfortunately, as Revelation will indicate, by placing Christianity on a par with all other religions, in time man's regard for the Christian faith as the sure way to salvation would be undermined.

Rev 13:15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast

This indicates the year 1952 in which Robert Briggs and Thomas King cloned frogs from tadpole cells. By adding 66 years to the year 1886, this date was discovered. Revelation reveals that this scientific breakthrough would lead to human cloning in 2004 and 2005 (“give life’). Cloning of a human being could only take place because the Christian Church had been separated from the States of the Western nations. Revelation reveals later in Rev 16:14 that God will allow man to progress in scientific discovery up to the point that human cloning is legalized. This happened in 2004. After that the nations will finally gather to Armageddon.
1886 + 66 =1952


“That the image of the beast should both speak and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

In 1906 the radiotelephone was demonstrated in the United States. The triode “Audion” amplifying valve, that would largely improve telecommunication, was patented in New York (“that the image of the beast should both speak”). In other words the world–wide communication would propagate a freedom of faith. The words “as many as” reveal the meaning of “would not worship the image of the beast should be killed”. These words “as many as” are also used in Rev 2:24 and 3:19. In Rev 2:24 “as many as do no have this doctrine” reveals that in 1972 nations would make war against and kill those who did not worship freedom. This is so. This was the time of the end of the war in Vietnam, and later the nations would fight for freedom in Desert Storm, Bosnia and Iraq. Revelation reveals through the repetition of the words “as many as” in Rev 3:19 “As many as I love I rebuke” that in the time of the wars for freedom God both loves and chastises his people. 1906 + 66 = 1972

By 1972, the Western nations did not realize to what degree they were overlooking the survival of Christianity, in their quest to institute the "rule of man" worldwide.

Rev 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

The words “small and great”, rich and poor, free and bond seem to the 144 years measured back from 2004. In the year 2004 legislation was passed in the United Kingdom to allow human cloning (“small”). It was also the time of the “great earthquake” on 26 December 2004 (“great”).

The words “rich and poor” seem to indicate the year 1932, the year of the Great Depression, but it also indicates the year 1566 when the foundation stone of the London Stock Exchange was laid. The Great Depression was caused by the fall of the Stock Exchanges of the Western World. Revelation is revealing the beast in relation to trade among the nations. In order to advance trade and eliminate religious differences between nations the merchants of the West would propagate the concept of an equalization of world faiths or the acceptance of a ‘Supreme Being’.
We know that in 1860 the American Civil War was fought for the freedom of the slaves in the Southern States of the United States of America. Therefore through the words “great and small, rich and poor, free and bond”, Revelation is measuring 144 years back from 2004.

The reason why Revelation measures two periods of 72 years here, is to indicate the link of the year 1932 to the time 1860–2004 and also to the "the number of man". Therefore everyone who placed his political, moral and economic "freedom" above the laws of Christianity in the time 1860–2004, will carry the mark of the beast. It shall be seen that the words, "great and small” are also used later (Rev 20:12) at the time of judgment. The reason for this being that human cloning is ultimately a reason for the Return and the time of judgement.

1926 + 66 = 1992 - The year 1998 was the year that Dolly the sheep was cloned. After that experiments were done on human cloning.

To receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads
The mark on the right hand and on the forehead has to do with man that no longer will strive in his work or vocation (hand) and his thinking (forehead) to 'the mark of everlasting life'. Man will be totally focussed on the 'earth'. In other words his aspirations will be of the world and he will no longer see the need for the spiritual or to live a life according to the teachings of Jesus Christ and Scripture

This meaning is derived from the meaning of "mark" in Philippians 3:14 "I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Jesus Christ."

It is interesting that Revelation uses the word “mark” that is actually the ‘finishing line’ of a race in a time that the nations give so much attention to competitive sport and the Olympic Games.

The reason why Revelation combines the time of the 144 years to the time 666 is to indicate how the division between the Christian church and state, an ever increasing focus on man and inventions in the course of the history would in the last 144 years (1860 to 2004) affect and intensify the influence of the beast.

As the numbers of the Christian worshippers diminish up to the year 2004, as a result of the total influence of the beasts, the remnant of Christians world wide are under the pressure of the ruling authority. The ruling authority is in reality majority rule that by law does not propagate that Jesus Christ is the only way to the Father.

Rev 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

The analysis of this verse is most interesting for by linking it to time, it conveys its meaning. We know from Revelation 13:13-16 that the time of "threescore and six" is the time - measured back from 1932 - 1926 (six years), 1906,1886 and 1866 (three score years). It seems as if Revelation then measures back in time 600 years. The words of Revelation seem to indicate inventions and insights in the years measured back from 1866. Six hundred years from 1866: 1766, 1666,1566,1466,1366 and 1266.

The beasts of Revelation influenced man to move from focussing on the spiritual and the will of God to directing his attention and physical efforts on that, which pertains to man and the earth. This verse means that in the twentieth century economic sanctions would be imposed by international law on nations that do not conform to the rule of men. The years that reveal this are the years 1566 and 1766.

In 1566 (“number”), Philip II of Spain (“name”) declared war on Christian subjects in the Netherlands. This war would lead to the deaths of many Christians. The total "beast out of the sea" includes seven kings from seven countries and a further ten kings from ten countries. Through the kings Revelation wishes to convey how the leadership of Christian countries of Europe, would through religious differences and an overriding interest in foreign trade set in motion a movement of Christian thinking away from the spiritual (“mark on the forehead”).

In 1766 the Pope issued an order to expel the Jesuits from Mexico where they had established a moral and intellectual leadership. The monarchs of Europe were afraid that that the influence of the Jesuits was becoming too extensive. The Jesuits had established a moral and intellectual leadership there. Their expulsion would lead to many Indian revolts that were brutally subdued. This indicates the mark on the forehead where the interests of the spreading of Christianity were placed second to those of authority and commerce.

Rev 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred and threescore and six.

1266 was the time that Thomas Aquinas wrote the Summa Theologica. The Catholic Church regards the ideas expounded by Aquinas today as being the point where man's thinking (“wisdom”) began to focus on man and humanity.

1666 (“count”): This was the year that Isaac Newton discovered "calculus". Revelation indicates this discovery to show how through knowledge man would also become more intent on discovering the secrets of the earth than on the quest to attain everlasting life.

1466: This was the year of the birth of Desiderius Erasmus. It is said that he ruled the world of the humanists (“a man”) in his time.

In 1366 monks and priests in England could join a university to study. Men of the church would come all the more in contact with a broader curriculum. How difficult it is for those, in the year 2007, who through the generations of man have become separated from God, to assess the influence of the beast. To them this was the Renaissance of man. Only those who still have Christian faith can gauge (‘who has understanding count’) the modest beginnings of the circumstances in which of the forces that would know and understand man's weaknesses could begin to develop. Forces that if allowed to gain the upper hand would gain momentum in man's thinking through the centuries, to bring him to the point that he cannot ascertain the magnitude of the antichrist in the year 2007.

The sign of Jonah

The understanding of the “beast out of the sea” that relates to the “three days” of the second millennium in turn pertains to the words of Jesus Christ and the ‘sign’ of Jonah. For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly, so shall the son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.” The time of the “three days” (1170 – 1932) is also the time of the “beast out of the earth” (1266 – 1932).

Global warming in 2007

Therefore, because Revelation reveals the great advancements in science, commerce and trade from 1266 up to the present day - particularly man’s ability to produce fire from that which is taken from the earth, I believe Revelation confirms that in the year 2007 man has contributed to the contamination of the atmosphere through carbon emissions as well as all the other pollutants of industry, that scientists have proved is a reason for global warming,

Therefore Revelation reveals signs of global warming in specific verses of Revelation. Signs that we can see at the present time. Readers should refer back to the post “Global warming and Revelation”.

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