Revelation and Creation

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Posted by Elana Janson on May 11, 2007 at 15:27:44:

Revelation and Creation

Introduction to new readers

It was made known to me through a Divine intervention on 22 August 1996 that Revelation could be understood through linking the symbolism of Revelation to history. It was also made known to me then that we were near the end time, but of course, I could not know exactly when that time would be. I was specifically given the insight that the four times of the riders of the Apocalypse were actual years within the time span of some two thousand years (this is all explained in my books). One of the time measures of Revelation is a “thousand years”, I knew that 1996 was in a way relative to the time of a “thousand years”. Two thousand years measured back from 1996 brings one to 4BC. According to our knowledge, Jesus Christ was born in the time 7BC to 4BC.

Alpha and Omega

As I proceeded to analyze Revelation, I soon realized that the time measures of Revelation were linked to the time of the coming of the Christ some two thousand years ago. This was through the words of Rev 1:8 “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending” and Rev 22:13 “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last”. Indeed the symbolism of the entire Revelation connects to the time of the past two thousand years.


As I now understand Revelation, I know that the words of Revelation are divinely chosen for there is meaning to every repetition. I therefore believe that there is a reason that the words “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end” are repeated in Rev 22:13 and particularly that the words “the first and the last” are added in Rev 22:13. I believe that the repetition of the word ”beginning”, and the addition of “the first and the last” in the final chapter of Revelation, expands the meaning of Revelation to include an understanding of Creation. Revelation is understood through taking the words of Revelation to Scripture and the word “beginning” appears in the first verse of Genesis: “In the beginning God created heaven and earth”.


As Revelation could be understood through the knowledge of the history of the past two thousand years, so I believe, does the knowledge of Revelation reveal evolution and the knowledge of science in the words of Genesis, chapter 1. We have at the beginning of the twenty-first century been reading Creation in Genesis as in the time of primitive and uninformed man.

Three days and a half

In 2007 the understanding of Revelation gives another insight into the Biblical Creation. As the symbolism of Revelation pertains to the time of the very end so does Revelation give insight into the very beginning. Revelation gives insight into the very beginning through the time measures of “three days and a half” (Rev 11:11 and 13) and “time, times and a half time” (Rev 12:14).

The term “time, times and half a time” pertains to a time measure of “three and a half” relative to more than one time measure in Revelation. This is known from the words “three days and a half” Rev 11:9 and 11:1, “forty and two months” (Rev 13:5 and Rev 11:2), which is a period of three and a half years.

As I analyzed Revelation I realized that Revelation uses words very sparingly and that the repetition of words had specific functions. The repetition of the words “three days and a half” had the specific function of indicating two periods of the same length of time.

In order to find meaning in Revelation one has to go to the words of Scripture and it was specifically the words of Jesus Christ who used the words “three days” in relation to the building of the figurative temple of Revelation (John 2:19-21) that revealed the time span in history.

Heaven and earth

In the past we did not fully understand how God wishes to make known in Revelation, that “heaven” is very closely linked to what has happened on earth and what is happening at the present time.

Measure of “New Jerusalem” also relative to time measure on earth
The understanding of all the chapters of Revelation, revealed that Revelation combines what has taken place on earth in the past two thousand years, with the symbolism and dimensions of the New Jerusalem in Revelation, chapter 21. This is to reveal to Christians in the end time that those who were part of the Christian Church while on earth, part of the body of Christ, will inherit everlasting life and live within the New Jerusalem. Because the length and the breadth of the New Jerusalem are of the same length (Rev 21:16) and the words of Revelation when correlated with history seemed to measure time also from AD1, I understood that the year 2004 was of significance. The “length” and the “breadth” of the New Jerusalem then relative to the time span of one thousand and four years. Therefore in my first two books the time 2004 was taken as a beacon from which to measure time. It was the happening of the great earthquake on 26 December 2004, now known as the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake that caused the great tsunami that convinced me that my understanding of Revelation was correct. I could relate happenings in the beginning of the twenty-first century that seemed to correlate with the symbolism of Revelation. That time measured the “short season” that we are able to measure through the understanding of Revelation. According to my understanding the short season that we can measure came to an end on 22 February 2005. After that time there is a season that we are told not to measure - the reason being that it is only known to God.

Twelve time measures and the final short season

As my understanding of the book Revelation grew, I realized that the symbolism of Revelation pertains to a period of about two thousand years in which twelve time measures are distinguished. The knowledge of these time measures in history reveals meaning. After the time of a bit more than two thousand years, there is the final season that I believe we are living now. In the analysis of Revelation the symbolism of some verses seem to pertain to more than one time measure of Revelation.

Final season

Recently I have pointed out that I believe that even though we cannot know the length of the final season, the symbolism of Revelation indicates what we can expect in the final season. In other words the symbolism of certain verses applies to more than one time measure of Revelation. Revelation measures time to the End.

The seventh day

With this insight into the prophecy of Revelation I believe that there is another way of understanding the “beginning”. Through the words “three days and a half” Revelation seems to indicate also an understanding that we are actually in the time of the closing of the ‘seventh’ day, the day that God rested after Creation.

From the foundation of the world

We have to take a closer look at the repetition of the word “foundation” in Revelation. The word “foundations” is used in Rev 21:14 “And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb”. These words and others in Revelation reveal that Revelation deals essentially with the time of the spread of the Christian faith since the coming of the message of Jesus Christ, the Messiah.

The same word “foundation” is used in relation to the “the world”. One of the ways that I believe Revelation bears insight into the total time from Creation to the Return is through the words of Rev 13:8 “And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world”. I believe that through these words Revelation indicates a ‘broadening’ of the message of Revelation to make Revelation also part of the time from creation to the end time.

Genesis does not indicate an end to the seventh day.

In Genesis the story of Creation is given in a period of six days and then it is said that God rested on the seventh day. Each of the first six days is concluded with the words “And the evening and the morning”. These words do not appear after the seventh day, and therefore it is possible that we are still in the time of the seventh day after Creation. Because Revelation deals with the end time, and Revelation states “I am the beginning and the end”, the time measure of “time, times and half a time” is also relative to the time from the beginning of Creation to the end time.

God omnipotent

Rev 13:8 is repeated in Rev 17:8. In Rev 17:8 it is written in the past tense: “whose names were not written “. The reason for the change of tense in these two verses likely stresses the revelation that God knows and has always known the fate of all that live on earth. (This does not mean that we do not have freedom of choice. The truth being that God knows our whole being, where we come from and what decisions we shall make, also to what degree it is in our make-up to be capable of accepting a God in control. Therefore God knows where we are heading.)

The beast out of the sea

These verses, Rev 13:8 and 17:8 appear in the chapters that deal with the Revelation of the ‘beast out of the sea’. As I have explained in my books and on this website, I believe that the gestalt of “the beast out of the sea” is the massive move of the nations, over centuries, from the rule of the anointed king to a rule of elected leaders from the ranks of ordinary citizens. Revelation reveals that God allowed this transition for a certain length of time (Rev 17:17), because of the misled leadership (by the influence of Satan) of the Christian nations in the past centuries. This was the break up of the unity of church and state. Why does Revelation use the section on the beast out of the sea to reveal that there is predestination? (“Whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb”) Revelation uses the knowledge of the separation of the Christian Church and State to reveal that he has always known who would be saved, because the deception of Satan made known to us through the understanding of the beast out of the sea, is that which has taken away from man his complete faith that not only is there a God in control that gave the prophecy of Revelation to John, that knew what would take place as the faith spread to the ends of the earth, he is so great that he knows out decisions before we make them. Therefore he knows who will ultimately inherit the kingdom of heaven.


I wish to use the example of Galileo that is well-known to most persons to illustrate what I have just said. Galileo was the physicist, mathematician, philosopher and inventor who first developed the experimental method of science, and overthrew the dominance of theory based on the teachings of the church. Galileo’s insights brought him into direct conflict with the Christian Church that was very powerful at that time. The way the Church regarded scientific truth by the individual would bring about a revolt against the attitude of the Church and also in time a falling away from the Church itself as man became more fascinated by science and what man could discover. This attitude would strengthen the demands by those who wished to experiment and discover to separate the State from the Church so that man could have freedom to pursue all the forms of science. There was of course nothing wrong with wanting to discover, but what even good Christians did not realize ( and this is what the symbolism of Revelation reveals) was that man was set on the path on which Satan had a leverage to bring about a rift between the Christian Church and Christians. Unwittingly there came about a falling away from a full trust and belief in the power of God and that there is a God in control.

The individual

Why did God wish a unity of State and Church? God wants man to know Him not only when he goes to church - his faith must be part of his everyday life. If one “worships” the ‘beast out of the sea’ one believes that your religion is not part of every move you make in your daily life. Therefore in the time that the nations are ruled by an authority that has made a division between church and state, Revelation warns that in this time Christians must be wary that they do not separate their knowledge of Christianity and what is expected of a Christian life, from how they live their lives. Therefore the understanding of Revelation and the beast out of the sea is not revealed to condemn or damn at this point in time, it is, however, a stark and final warning. One has to accept that there is a God in control of the universe and man. Through the life and teachings of Christ we know that we can have personal communication with that God through prayer and through faith we can inherit everlasting life.

It was this falling away from a unity of church and state and man’s understanding of that which is taken from the earth that opened up the way for the great strides in science that we experience today. But now the time has come that the faith has spread to the ends of the earth and the signs of the end are upon us and man has become so learned that he has the audacity to question the validity of the story of Creation in Genesis.


One of the ways that faith and the truths of Scripture are undermined is to say that the information given in Genesis concerning creation does not tally with what we know about evolution. With the insight of the total meaning of Revelation I believe that God has always known that at the time that man would sever that unity of church and state (the meaning of the gestalt or symbol of the ‘beast out of the sea’ in Revelation) and discover ever greater knowledge from what is taken from the earth (that is the whole analysis of the beast out of the earth in Revelation) that the seeming contradiction between the Bible’s explanation of creation and knowledge of evolution would come about.

I believe that the use of the words “from the foundations of the earth” as used in Revelation, is one of the ways to expand the total understanding of Revelation in order to encompass the total time from Creation to the time of redeemed man transformed to live in everlasting life with the Creator: Rev 22:3 “but the throne of God and the Lamb shall be in it”.

For those with no scientific knowledge

With my knowledge of Revelation I fully believe that the story of Creation was given to man and written down in the book Genesis so that man could in a way understand that God created heaven and earth in a specific way. It was given in a way that man with no knowledge of science could understand God the Creator. However, with Revelation and the knowledge of science in the twenty-first century I believe that we have not looked at the full message of Creation in Genesis.


Creation is given in terms of a time period that is divided into seven sections called “days”.
As I showed in my previous post the time of a “day” varies in Revelation. It is a length of time approx of 287 years and it is also a “day” as we know a day to be. In other words if Revelation indicates the very beginning, and Revelation shows that the length of a day can vary, Revelation is giving a new insight into the length of a “day” in Genesis. In other words a “day” of Genesis is a very great period of time a fact that is substantiated in 1 Peter 3:8 “One day is with the Lord as a thousand years”.

Revelation gives the new insight in terms of “time, times and half a time” and “three days and a half”. Revelation seems to give an insight of “three days and a half” from the big bang to the time of the “foundation of the world” and then “three days and a half” from the foundation of the world to the present time. Why does Revelation reveal this? I believe the story of Creation is indicated in the time of two periods of “three days and a half” because in the end time man is able to calculate time from the “foundation of the world” to the present time but not from the big bang to the time of the forming of earth as we know it today.

I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.

Because Revelation uses these words I knew that time had to be measured from the time of the coming of the Christ some two thousand years ago. I also believe that these words are given in Revelation to indicate the very beginning that is Creation. I know this for the book Revelation is the Revelation of Jesus Christ, and because Jesus Christ is part of the Trinity, therefore Rev 22:13 “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last” must also apply to God, the Father and Creation.

Morning star

I have shown in my books and on this website that the words Rev 22:16 “I am the root and the offspring of David and the bright and morning star” pertains to the prophecy of the coming of the Christ until the time that the planet Mars appeared as the morning star on 28 August 2003. Therefore these words encompass the time of the coming of the Christ until the present time, but also incorporate the time of the Old Testament in which the coming of the Christ was prophesied. (The words “root and offspring of David” refer to the prophecy of the coming of the Christ in the line of King David.)

And I will give him the morning star

In the total understanding of Revelation the word “star” pertains to time measure. This is revealed in the words “crown of twelve stars” (Rev 12:1) that reveal that a woman will in the time about 2000 understand that Revelation can be understood through the knowledge of twelve time measures. (Revelation mentions the opening of seven “seals” in Chapters 6 to 8. The first four seals were ‘loosed’ (Rev 5:2) when the first four time measures of Revelation were made known to me through the Divine intervention. The words of Job 9:7 “who sealeth up the stars” reveals that the word “stars” in “twelve stars” of Revelation (Rev 12:1) pertains to twelve time measures that will be revealed through the loosening of the seven seals.)

In this understanding of “star” in Revelation, the word “star” means “measure”. Therefore I believe that the words of Rev 2:28 “I will give him the morning star” could refer to a measure relating to the word ”morning”. There is the possibility of a “morning” ‘measure’.

And the evening and morning

Taking all that I have said above into account I believe that we have to take a closer look at what is related in Genesis concerning Creation.

Note: We know that Creation is related in “days”, but the book Genesis does not use the word “night” to indicate the end of the “day”, instead Genesis uses the words “And the evening and the morning”. In other words a period of time, passed between every “day” of Creation. The words “evening and morning” also indicate a period of time.

The first day

Genesis 1:1-5

Gen 1:1-2 “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved on the face of the waters.”


I understand this verse to mean that it is announced that God created heaven and earth (“God created the heaven and the earth”). Therefore with our present knowledge of space science God was there before the big bang. At that specific time there was no planet earth yet (“the earth was without form”). There was only dark space (“and void and darkness was on the face of the deep”). “And the Spirit of God moved on the face of the waters” means that God was present, but also the Holy Spirit of God. Of the greatest significance is the mention of the “face of the waters” at the very beginning. The Biblical meaning of face is both ‘face’ as the front of the head, but also means presence or in the sight of.
In other words we are informed that the basic substances of life were present. With the knowledge of science in 2007 we know that the “waters” were the gases oxygen and hydrogen. In other words God set in motion Creation with the basic substances of life.
Creation would involve all the forms of water (oxygen and hydrogen) that we know. “Waters” therefore represent the early presence of that which (gases) would ultimately constitute much of the basis of the universe.

The word “waters” also has the abstract meaning that indicates the spiritual connection of God with what is going to become the universe. The word “waters” connects with the words “water of life” in Revelation 22: 1´”And he showed me a pure river of water of life clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb”. The symbol of the “river of water” that joins heaven to earth and God to man seems to apply to Creation for “waters” feature from the very first day of Creation.

Gen 1:3-4“And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, and it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.” This light is the light that has been seen when heavenly beings have made contact with man (The Acts 9:3: “He (Saul) came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven”.)

Gen 1:5 “And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.” This light would ultimately (which could be millions or thousands of years) also constitute the light of the sun (Day).

With our knowledge that the core of the sun has much hydrogen and that atomic reactions and fusion cause the light of the sun, it is logical that the Genesis indicates the presence of water in the first day of Creation.

With our present knowledge of the formation of the planets until the time of the formation of the sun (or light) of our galaxy (or a galaxy beyond), we know that the time span of the first day must have been billions of years.

Gen 1:6-8 “And God said let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.”

To be continued

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