Posted by Elana Janson on May 28, 2007 at 13:48:05:
Revelation and Creation (3)
I would like to add the following to what has been said in the previous two posts.
Because it is said in the first verse of Revelation that the book of Revelation is the “Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him”, and it was made known to me through the Divine intervention that the scope of the symbolism relates to the time of the rise of the Christian Church within the nations, I have shown in my books and on this website how the symbolism of Revelation relates to the past two thousand years since the coming of the Christ.
It was said in the previous two posts that I believe that the time measure of “three days and a half” that relates to the time of the coming of the Christ, also applies to the “days” of Creation. I said this because of the words of Revelation: Rev 1:11 “I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last” and Rev 1:8 “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending”. Also the words of 13:8 and 17:8 “From the foundation of the world” seem to indicate a measure of “three days and a half” from the time of the creation of planet earth.
Because I discovered through the analysis of the symbolism of Revelation that the repetition of the words “three days and a half” in Rev 11:9 and 11:11 meant two measures of that length of time, Revelation is also expanding its meaning to give insight into a time measure from “the beginning” to “the formation of the earth” and then from the formation of the earth to “the ending”. This being the case we would at the present time be at the end of the second period of “three days and a half”, that is the end of the ‘seventh day’ of Creation or the “Lord’s Day”.
The Lord’s Day
Rev 1:9-11 “I John who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ. I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet: I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last… “
It seems that the information given in this verse that it is specifically said that John received the visions of Revelation “on the Lord’s Day” seems to confirm that Revelation also reveals the time of the seven days of Creation. The words of Revelation are extremely accurate and no word appears in it without a very definite reason. This I discovered in my analysis of the prophecy. John was on Patmos on the Lord’s Day when he heard the “great voice”. As the symbolism of Revelation expanded the knowledge of Revelation to cover a period of two thousand years so do the words of Revelation expand the meaning to cover the total time from Creation to the “end”. Therefore the appearance of the words “In the Spirit on the Lord’s Day” also applies to 2007 for we are at this time in the final “day” of Creation.
The face of the deep is frozen
It has been shown in my books and on this website that if a word appears in Revelation one may take that word to Scripture and it is from the use of that word in Scripture that the words of Revelation are given greater meaning. One may of course not add a word to Revelation. See Rev 22:18-19.
There is a very interesting reference in Job 38:30 “The waters are hid as with a stone, the face of the deep is frozen”. It seems that the words “waters”, “stone” and “face” that appear in Revelation and also in this reference confirm that the second measure of “three days and a half” of Creation relate to the ice ages. Particularly considering that the words of this reference “the face of the deep” also appear in Genesis 1:2 “And the earth was without form and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters”.
All three these words, “waters”, “stone” and “face” have meaning in Revelation that denote both the power of God as well as the power of the Satan to mislead man
Rev 7:17 “For the Lamb, which is in the midst of the throne, shall feed them and lead them unto living fountains of waters”.
The word “water” is used to describe the bond between God and man, and God’s gift to man to have eternal life: Rev 22:1 “And he showed me a pure river of the water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.”
Where the whore sitteth
The word “waters” is also used to describe the place where the “whore” sits. Rev 17:15 “And he saith unto me, the waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations and tongues”. The “whore” in Revelation is symbolic of the moral decline of the nations and the falling away from the faith that came about after the leadership of the nations were misled by the ideologies of man.
In Rev. 4:7 it is said “and the third beast had a face, as a man”. As I said in a previous post the word “face” in Scripture can mean “presence” or “in the sight of” as well as the front of the head. In this verse the word “face” means (with the insight of the total meaning of Revelation) that the beast would identify with man in order to deceive him. In other words Satan would deceive man because he had the knowledge of man’s weaknesses and his desires.
Those who have studied this website and my books will know that the “third beast” pertains to the time 1896 to 1947 (Rev 6:5-6). The ‘beast out of the earth’ connects to the number 666, which is the time 1266 to 1932 and the time 1932 to 1992. The whole concept of the ‘beast out of the earth’ centres on man who makes great discoveries through that which is taken from the earth, in the time from 1266 through to the end of the twentieth century, 1992. It would be through these discoveries that man learned that the earth was very very old. It would be through these discoveries that man would discover the processes of evolution and some would begin to question the story of Creation in the Bible.
Face of him that sitteth on the throne.
It is said in Rev 6:15-16 “And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondsman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; (16) And said to the mountains and the rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb.”
Rev 6:15 indicates the transition from the rule of kings to the rule of “great men” and the power of the king is passed on to ‘rich men’, ‘chief captains’, ‘mighty men’, ‘free men’ and as we know even ‘bondsmen’ can in a democracy ultimately be in a position of power. Therefore these verses ultimately pertain to the time of the twenty-first century, when the rule of the peoples of the earth is essentially under the rule of rich and mighty men. It is the time that men only wish to believe that which he can prove through science and experimentation. It is the time of the culmination of power of the ‘beast out of the earth’ over the thinking and reasoning of the leaders of the nations. It is the time that man believes in evolution and many who have fallen away from the faith no longer wish to teach to the following generation that God is the Creator of heaven, the universe and the planet earth and all that lives on it.
The verse Rev 6:16 “And said to the mountains and the rocks: Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb.” deals with the very last “season” or time. The time that cannot be measured by man, but we are given an indication of what is going to happen. Rev 6:16 reveals that happenings in the final last time measure will at a point bring about the realization that we are living the end time.
We see therefore that the word “face” in Revelation relates to both the face of man that has been misled and the face of God. The word ‘face’ in Revelation relates to man’s ideologies (third beast had a face as a man) in the twenty-first century as well as God’s omnipotent power (face of him that sitteth on the throne).
It is significant that the word “stone” is also used in the sections of Revelation relating to the very end time.
Every stone the weight of a talent
The word “stone” appears in Rev 16:21 “And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great”.
The word “weight” in Revelation relates to the “the pair of balances” (Rev 6:5) or “scale” carried by the rider on the black horse. The meaning of the scale is that from 1896 it was accepted by the nations that the ‘weight’ of the majority would determine the rule of a nation.
Hid thy talent in the earth
The word “talent” relates to the parable told by Jesus Christ in Matthew 25:14-30. To each of his three servants were given talents, to the one five talents, to another two and to the third one. The one who received five traded and made five, the second who had two, gained two. The third had one and buried it in the earth. Note the words of Jesus Christ “hid thy talent in the earth” in Mat.25: 25. It seems that Revelation is revealing in 2007, that because the nations came to believe in the time 1896 (“weight” - and the time of the rider on the black horse), that the opinion of the majority of people was the authority to follow and put in power. From that time man would make scientific discoveries that would bring about great changes. These discoveries were of course to the benefit of man, but man was misled in thinking that he could through his knowledge, from the time of the twentieth century determine his own destiny. The informed generations of the twentieth century figuratively buried their spiritual talent “in the earth” (“hid thy talent”). The time of the opening of the third seal and the rider on the black horse carrying the scale is also the time that the nations were misled by the ‘beast out of the earth’.
Having been misled by the beasts described in Revelation the nations, believe only which can be proven (“weight” meaning believing that which can be measured of weighed). They have buried their spiritual talents to the extent that they cannot see in 2007 the significance of the meaning of the word “stone” in the prophecy of Revelation as having a spiritual or symbolic meaning relating to the words of Jesus Christ in a parable and also to their own time through Revelation.
A stone cast by an angel
The word “stone” also appears in Rev 18:21 “And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all”. The “fall of Babylon” comes at the end time.
The word “stone” as a symbol in 2007
In order to understand the bearing of this verse on the present time, the time of the “mighty angel”, we have to look to Scripture to reveal the meaning of “stone”. Through the word “stone” in Revelation, the word “stone” becomes a symbol with various meanings. With the knowledge that we are living the end time it is also a word that relates to 2007. The meanings of “stone” are only valid where they relate to the same word used in Scripture.
Through linking the symbols of Revelation to Scripture, history and the present time, the words of Revelation are given a new meaning (Rev 21:5 “I make all things new”).
Euphrates River
Jeremiah 51:63-64 “And it shall be when thou hast made an end of reading this book, that thou shalt bind a stone to it, and cast it into the midst of the Euphrates. And thou shall say, Thus shall Babylon sink, and shall not rise from the evil that I bring upon her: and they shall be weary.”
This reference connects to the words of Revelation through the words ”stone” and “and cast it”. Therefore the words of Jeremiah are through Revelation (because we are in the end time) brought to bear to the present time, the time of the opening of the “book” (Rev 10:10 “Took the little book out of the angel’s hand”) Revelation (“made an end of reading this book”).
It is through the word “stone” that is used in Revelation and also in Jeremiah 51:63-64 that the words relating to the Euphrates river and the ancient city of Babylon in Jeremiah in the Old Testament are applied to the fall of “the great city Babylon” in Revelation. The “great city Babylon” in Revelation is in 2007 the Internet –linked “global village” that spans the entire earth.
Into the sea
Revelation brings the area of the Euphrates into relation with the end time through the reference in Jeremiah. It also reveals that the situation in the end time at the Euphrates is related to the beast out of the sea (“and cast it into the sea”).
We see at the present time a desperate situation in the vicinity of old Babylon and the Euphrates River in Iraq. The situation in Iraq is at the present time about what Revelation reveals as the “beast out of the sea”. It is about the setting up a rule based on an ideology of man. The “whole world wondered after the beast” (Rev 13:3).
The angel rolled back the stone
Scripture relates to the stone that was at the entrance to the place where the body of Jesus Christ was buried. Matthew 28:2 “And behold there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door and sat upon it.” The words of this verse come from the time of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The angel rolled back the stone to show the world that Jesus Christ had risen from the dead. We live in a time that people no longer wish to believe that the stone was rolled away and that Jesus Christ ascended to heaven.
Temple in Jerusalem
The third reference in Scripture is the place of the Second temple of Solomon in Jerusalem. Matthew 24:1-2 “And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to show him the buildings of the temple. And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? Verily I say unto you: There shall not be left here one stone upon another that shall not be thrown down”. (Note the words “thrown down” in Rev 18:21).
The words “waters” “face” and “stone” as symbols
With the understanding that Revelation is written in symbols in order to reveal its meaning in 2007 - also with the acceptance that the words of Revelation (“waters”, “stone” and “face”) may be taken to Scripture in order to reveal insight into Revelation the words of Job 38:30 “The waters are hid as with a stone, and the face of the deep is frozen” seem to be a reference to the understanding of Revelation and Creation as set out in the previous posts.
Genesis 1:2 “And the earth was without form and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters”.
With the understanding of the words “waters”, “stone” and “face” in Revelation as set out above, the following interpretation of the reference, Job 38:30.
Without faith in the end time
Job 38:30 as a reference to the meaning of Revelation at the end time when many have been misled: For those who do not believe at the end time (“waters are hid as with a stone”), that have been misled by the beasts of Revelation (“as with a stone”), the understanding of the God’s power to create over billions of years (“the face of the deep”) is closed (“frozen”). They see Creation through the “face” of a man.
With faith in the end time.
Because Revelation and Scripture also uses the words “waters”, “stone” and “face” in relation to God, man’s connection to God (“waters” and “face”) and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ (“stone”) the “waters” are living waters and the “face” of the deep is not like a “stone”. There is a revelation; it reveals an insight (“frozen” - the ice ages) into Creation through faith.
Job 38:30 seems to confirm the interpretation of the second “three days and a half” of Creation, through Revelation and through the knowledge of history, geology and science in 2007. 2007 - A time that is also near the time of the end of the seventh day of Creation.