Posted by Elana Janson on June 20, 2007 at 06:33:47:
Four corners of the Earth
In a previous post “Inhabited island disappears and Revelation”, I mentioned that it seems as if the verses of Revelation containing the symbolism concerning the final time reveals the world’s extensive knowledge of evolution, science and the universe in the twenty-first century. The words of Rev 6:14 “Every mountain and island were moved out of their places” and Rev 16:20 “And every island fled away, and mountains were not found” reveal our knowledge in the twenty-first century that the continents were once, about 250 million years ago, one piece of land. At certain times the land broke apart and the land masses gradually moved (known as continental drift) into the positions of the continents of planet earth as we know them today.
Very complex
As I have often said on this Forum, the sections of Revelation that relate to the final time measure are very complex for I believe the symbolism incorporates the total understanding of Revelation.
What is the total knowledge of Revelation? It is a very difficult to explain this in a few sentences, but for the purpose of this post I will summarize the total knowledge as follows.
1 Revelation is time bound. Because it is time bound the symbolism can be linked to history and the ruling of the nations in the time of rise and fall of the Christian faith in the past two thousand years. In this way the symbolism of Revelation can be understood. In certain verses Revelation broadens its ‘base’, that is the time from the coming of the Christ to the Return, in order to include the time from the formation of the earth as well as the increase of man’s knowledge in recent centuries and decades.
2 Because I believe we are near the end time, the verses relating to the end can be understood through our present knowledge of the political relations of nations and the status of Christianity within the ruling of the nations in the modern world. Revelation is about the nations. In Rev 10:11 the angel with the little book said to John “Thou must prophecy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues and kings.”
3 Revelation reveals that Satan would pursue the rise of the Christian Church and would particularly influence man through man’s bad trait to accuse his fellow Christians (Rev 12:10 “the accuser of the brethren”) to cause divisions within the Christian community through the turbulent centuries that there was division within the Christian Church that ultimately led to war and death. Revelation uses the symbol of the “dragon” to reveal this division over centuries of the second millennium after the coming of the Christ in about 7 to 4 BC.
4 Revelation reveals through symbolism in the physical world. Therefore with the knowledge of the time span of Revelation, the signs of the end and with our extensive knowledge of evolution, science and the universe in 2007, the symbolism relating to the end time becomes complex, but also reveals an immense amount of insight into the present time.
5 Daniel 12:4 and the symbolism of Revelation reveal that by the time of the end man shall acquire great knowledge of the world and the universe.
6 Revelation reveals that through a separation of Church and State as well as discoveries made through experimentation and science knowledge based on visual fact would become the highest priority. That which could not be proven through weights and measures would in time be regarded as having a lesser truth. Therefore the discoveries of the origins of the earth and the universe that seemed to be driven through forces of nature would bring about a falling away from faith in an unseen God. The purpose of these Revelations in 2007 are to give the faithful answers to the why the entire earth seems to be moving away from Biblical facts and becoming critical of that which cannot be proved through man’s discoveries and intellect.
7 Broadly speaking Revelation uses the number “seven” to make a distinction between that which pertains to man and to God. The number “four” relates to man and “three” pertains to God. Therefore the first four “seals” for example, deals with the change of the ruling of the nations by man over almost two thousand years. The last three seals deal with the coming together in the twenty-first century of what had happened in the last two thousand years and Revelation shows that God is taking control in order to bring all things to a just and fair end. Broadly speaking this division of “four” and “three” is present in the sounding of the seven trumpets and the casting of the seven vials.
In the sections that deal with the end time the symbolism wishes to reveal the coming together of all that was revealed in Revelation as well as the signs of the end. For this reason the verses that pertain to the final time measure are so complex.
What we can observe today
The verses of Revelation (6:14 and 16:20) that were explained in the post “An inhabited island disappears and Revelation” gave some insight into the complexity. The verses do not only reveal man’s knowledge of continental drift, they also reveal signs of the end that we are witnessing today. They indicate that we shall see at this point in time the movement or disappearance of islands. There is also a meaning relating to Scripture. It was shown that “mountains” can refer to ‘prophecy’ or ‘knowledge of God’ as the word “mountains” is used in Isaiah.
Fled away
We must at this point consider the words “fled away” as used in Rev 16:20 and 20:11 and the word “flee” in Rev 9:6 and 12:14. The words “fled away” in Rev 16:20 “And every island fled away”, seem to indicate our knowledge of continental drift, but also our ability to measure the movement of islands. There is a meaning pertaining to people who flee in the time of the twenty-first century. It is a time that people flee for their lives or flee from some situation that can harm them. Because Revelation has revealed a situation developing from what has happened over the past two millenniums the fleeing is part of what has resulted from that history. At the present time we see people fleeing from the situation of starvation in Africa and the Middle East. We see people fleeing from the natural disasters that have come upon us in the last some twelve years: fleeing from the rise of the oceans, from landslides brought about by great rains, from earthquake and tsunami.
The same words are used in Rev 20:11 “And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away: and there was found no place for them.” The repetition of words in Revelation can mean that the verses relate to the same time. It can also be that Revelation wishes to anticipate what is going to happen at a future point in time, through that which happens at an earlier time.
The earth and heaven fled away
At the present time we are witnessing people fleeing from political unrest; we are seeing people flee from their homes because of tornadoes and windstorms, from floods and landslides. Revelation is in Rev 20:11 revealing that when the world begins to realize that the signs of global warming are actually the signs of the coming of the end, they will wish to flee from the realization that there is in the twenty-first century a God who is about to return, as they would from a storm. Revelation says that at the present time there is a place to go; in the time to come there is nowhere to go. At the present time Revelation gives another warning to those that put their faith in that which is taken from or discovered from the minerals of the earth and what they can discover from our knowledge of the universe. Man that has fallen away from his faith will not find refuge in his scientific knowledge or in boarding a space craft to the moon or space when the Return is upon us.
The four corners of the earth
The words “four corners of the earth” used in Rev 7:1 “And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, reveal the time before the great storms, that is about 2003. This has been discussed in great detail on this website.
The words ”four corners of the earth” also seems to reveal the way knowledge has increased in the twentieth century, that we now know that the earth was at one time one piece of land. Note how the use of the words “of the earth” relate to a piece of land and through our knowledge of the analysis of the’ beast out if the earth’, man’s increase in knowledge through what he discovered through the study of the minerals and the strata of the earth.
The knowledge that the continents were one piece of land, it is an indication of the fulfillment of the prophecy of Daniel where it is said that knowledge would increase (Dan 12:4). Of the greatest significance is that it is stated in the verses of Daniel that deal with the time of the end.
Pangaea (derived from Greek meaning 'all earth') is the super continent that, according to the theory of plate tectonics, existed during the Palaeozoic and Mesozoic eras about 250 million years ago, before each of the component continents were separated into their current configuration. It is interesting to note that if one looks at Pangaea, even though according to our knowledge it is not a square piece of land (or is Revelation revealing that is was?) one sees that in what could be a NW ‘corner’ the north-west area of North America, that is Alaska: the NE ‘corner’ is north-eastern Siberia; the SE ‘corner’ is Australia and the SW ‘corner’ is South America. In other words even though the continents have moved across the oceans and seas for 250 million years the four ‘corners’ or cardinal points have more or less remained the same.
It should be noted that the strong weather systems that brought a great many tornadoes and large pieces of hail to North America this year came from the Arctic region down the western coastal area of North America. That is the North West ‘corner’ of Pangaea. It should also be noted that the low pressure system that hung over the eastern coast of Australia recently and brought great floods to eastern Australia was also in the south east ‘corner’ that was once Pangaea.
Reference to the ark
Why does Revelation use a reference to the ark that was in the tabernacle and the temple of Solomon in the Old Testament? Exodus 25:12 “And thou shall cast four rings of gold for it (ark), and put them in the four corners thereof. “ Revelation indicates a reference to the ark for the opening of the sixth seal specifically reveals the inclusion of the Old Covenant in the coming together of the total meaning of Revelation.
The opening of the sixth seal
(Readers should refer to the verses mentioned in Revelation)
The opening of the sixth seal is in two parts. According to my understanding of Revelation and the knowledge of the time measures of Revelation, Rev 6:12-13 deal with events that took place in the five months from August to December 2003. Rev 6:14 relates to the time of the understanding of the book Revelation, which is also the time that man’s knowledge of evolution and his knowledge of science and the universe would enable him to know how the islands have moved over centuries as well as after the great earthquake (the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake) and tsunami on 26 December 2004.
Rev 6:15-17 deals with the realization by the nations in the twenty-first century that there is going to be a Return and that the castings of the bowls of wrath are indeed the final signs: (“from the wrath of the Lamb”; “the great day of his wrath is come”)
The second part of the opening of the sixth seal expands our knowledge of the end time and deals with the increase in wind storms at the beginning of the twenty-first century. The time of the windstorms is also linked to the final signs that will be made known in the eastern part of the globe. The reference to the twelve tribes of Israel is to indicate that the old Covenant is a factor in the coming together of the total Revelation. The reference to the twelve tribes of Israel fuses the time of the 144 years which is the time 1860 to 2004, the time that the Jews started returning to the Holy Land and Jerusalem into the total time construction of Revelation. The reference to the time “144” also includes those who in the time after 1860 fell away from the Christian faith and reverted to a ‘freedom’ of faith because of the influence of the modern ideologies of man. The time 1860 to 2004 is symbolically the time of the “wall” in the construction of the New Jerusalem. It is the time that man shall struggle to enter the New Jerusalem that is everlasting life. This is the result of man’s deception that I have shown in my analysis of the ‘beast out of the sea’ and ‘the beast out of the earth’. As the signs of the end become clear those who live in the end time will accept the Christian faith. Rev 7:14 “have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb”.
In the opening of the sixth seal therefore, Revelation uses symbolism to reveal the physical signs of what we see, the signs in the moon and stars and windstorms; it uses words that relate to Scripture to link to the words of Jesus Christ (“from the east” Rev 7:2 and Mat 24:27 “out of the east”); Revelation uses the results the ruling of the nations and the wars of the nations (Rev 6:15 “And the kings of the earth and the great men, and the chief captains..”) to indicate that those who rule will be the ones to realize that the prophecy of Revelation is coming together.
We know from history that the Second World War was the ultimate result of the whole transference of power from the rule of kings to the rule of ordinary men through the centuries of the past millennium. The symbol of the ‘horses’ of the apocalypse in the opening of the first four seals signify the wars of the nations in the past two millennia. It is known through history that it was the outcome of what happened in the Second World War that the Jews would ultimately return to present day Israel. It is through the particularly the signs of the windstorms and later the “Euphrates” (the sounding of the sixth trumpet) that Revelation uses to bring together happenings in the east.
Old Covenant
The words “four corners” in Rev 7:1 link the storms of global warming to the Old Covenant. The “four angels” signify four of the final time measures of Revelation. The “four corners” show that God is in the time of the final signs, the time that we see great windstorms on the earth, bringing the covenant of the Old Testament (symbolized by a reference to the “four corners” of the ark) to bear within the closing time of the New Covenant.
As mentioned above, the words “four corners” also relate to the ark of the Israelites of the Old Testament that stood in the holy place of the tabernacle and later in the temple of Solomon. There are some who believe that the ark of the Old Testament is still going to be found. My understanding of Revelation reveals that reference to the “ark” in Revelation has symbolic meaning.
The word “ark”
There is a specific reference to the word “ark” in Revelation, namely in Rev 11:19.
“And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail.”
Final time measure
According to my analysis of Revelation this verse Rev 11:19 relates to very last time measures of Revelation. This is revealed through the words of Rev 11:19. The words “And the temple of God was opened in heaven” means that it is the time that the world realizes that “temple” in Revelation relates to the time measure of “three days and a half”. That will be when the signs of the end are very clear for all to see.
The ark of his testament
According to my understanding of Revelation the words of Rev 11:19 “there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament” relates to the ark of the Old Testament, but with the understanding of the total meaning of Revelation, the replacement of the old ark by the testament of Jesus Christ. In other words the revelation of the measure of “temple” reveals the time of the rise of the Christian faith within the nations. The use of the word ‘ark’ acknowledges that there will be those who still adhere to the Old Covenant in the time of the end. It also acknowledges that the knowledge of the old ark is also part of the understanding of the perception of God.
It incorporates the meaning of what the ark meant. That God has a covenant with his people, that God has the power of life and death. The word “ark” also relates to Noah’s ark.
The understanding of all these meanings are of significance in 2007 for all these aspects pertain to the end time and the coming together of the total meaning of Revelation. It is so that the believers in the nations can have understanding of the complexities that drive the faithful in the decisions that are made by the leaders in the end time.
The temple of God was opened in heaven
The word “temple” in Revelation relates to the time measure of ‘three days and a half’ which is one of the time measures of the book Revelation. [New readers should refer back to the posts on this Forum showing that the measure of temple relates to the word of Jesus Christ in John 2:19-21.] I believe that the total measure of “temple “in Revelation spans the total time of the spread of the Christian faith to the ends of the earth. The last time that we can measure is according to my understanding the time of ‘1260 days’ from 11 September 2001 to 22 February 2005. This is the time of the last short season of the measurement of “temple”. That is the time that we can measure. After that there is a time that we cannot measure, the time of the “outer court”. This is according to Rev 11:2 “But the court that is without the temple leave out, and measure it not, for it is given unto the Gentiles”. The words “the temple of God was opened in heaven” means that in the final time that we cannot measure the world will realize that the temple of God has been opened. That means the world will realize that Revelation can be understood through time measure, time measure that is revealed through the words of Revelation and through the words that Jesus Christ spoke on earth.
The final time will essentially be about the nations to which the Christian faith spread It will be the impact of the history of the nations to which the Christian message spread, but the final battle will be in the vicinity of the plains of Armageddon.
The New Jerusalem
It must be remembered that Revelation very distinctly shows that “heaven” that is the heaven that the righteous will go to after death, can be measured. Revelation describes it as the “New Jerusalem”: Rev 21:16 “And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with a reed.” In my analysis of Revelation I showed that this measurement of “heaven” relates to a measure of the “foundations” of the “wall” of the city (Rev 21:18).
The word “heaven” in Revelation therefore relates to the New Jerusalem, but it also relates to the final time. It can relate to the time measure (the last short season that we can measure). As shown in my books and on this Forum the final time that we can measure (11 September 2001 to 22 February 2005) also revealed the time measure of a “day”. It can also relate to the final time measure that is only known to God. This meaning I believe is revealed through the repetition of the words “heaven” and “foundations” in the words of Jer 31:37: “If heaven above can be measured, and foundations of the earth searched out beneath I will also cast off all the seed of Israel for all they have done, saith the Lord.” This reference seems to reveal the understanding of the symbolism of Revelation – that is the understanding of words through knowledge of specific time measures in history. Also that knowledge of what is revealed in heaven is ‘reflected’ or reveals meaning of what was or is taking place on earth at a specific time. Those who have read my books and this website will know that I used the colours of the gemstones of the New Jerusalem (Rev 21:19-20) to reveal meaning at specific times in the history of the Christian nations in the past two thousand years.
The word “ark” relating to a measure of time.
Where Revelation says in Rev 11:19 “there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament” it means that when it is discovered the “temple” is a time measurement in Revelation there is in the ‘measure’ of the temple a reference to the “ark” that stood in the temple of Solomon. The ‘measure’ that relates both to the ‘temple’ in Revelation and to the “ark” of the Old Testament is to be found in Josh 3:3-4 “And they commanded the people saying, When ye see the ark of the covenant of the Lord thy God, and the priests the Levites bearing it, then ye shall remove from your place, and go after it. Yet there shall be a space between you and it about two thousand cubits by measure”. In the total understanding of Revelation the measure of a “cubit” is a “year”, therefore “two thousand cubits” is approx the time of the measure of the “temple” in Revelation. This is I believe another understanding of Rev 11:19 “And the temple of God was opened in heaven”. This means that in the time when it is revealed that the time measure of ‘temple’, that is the total time of the rise and ultimate falling away from the Christian faith on earth - is about two thousand years, there is a reference to the ‘ark of the covenant’ that will confirm this time. As God had the power to destroy those who came close to the ark so does God in the end time have the power to destroy those who do not follow his Commandments.
Noah’s Ark
The words “ark of his testament” relates to the words and testament of Jesus Christ in Matthew 24:37-39 “But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days that were before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away, so shall also the Coming of the Son of man be.”
The analysis of Revelation that relates to a time measure of about two thousand years is not going to be believed by the inhabitants of the earth in 2007. It will only be when the signs of the end are so prominent will the peoples of the earth believe that we are living the end time.
Four horns
Rev 9:13-14 “And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God; saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels that are bound in the great Euphrates River”.
The “sixth angel” “which had the trumpet” signifies a specific time. The words “I heard a voice” indicates a time measure that is known through knowledge of the “seven thunders” (Once again refer to Rev 10:4.). The time of the sounding of the sixth trumpet is the time of the final short season that we can measure and the final one that we are living now, the season that we will know through the signs, but one we cannot measure.
The words “four horns” of the golden altar before God also relate to the altar of the Old Testament. The altar had four horns, one on each corner. Ex 27:2 “And thou shalt make the horns of it upon the four corners thereof”. The four horns of the altar were vertical projections at each corner of the altar. There was also the belief that if one took hold of the horns one would find refuge or sanctuary at the altar (see 1 Kings 1:50). Those who took hold of the horns of the altar placed their destiny under the protection of God. This idea comes from the sacrificial ritual of the Israelites of the Old Testament, where the priest would smear the blood of the sacrifice on the horns of the altar.
Release the four angels
Why does Revelation mention the “four horns” of the altar in relation to the sounding of the sixth trumpet? As I have often said on this website, it seems that we are at the present time in the time of the sounding of the sixth trumpet for we are witnessing the time of great windstorms in all parts of the globe. It is also the time that there is a conflict on the shores of the Euphrates River. The Old Covenant made with Abram of the land to the Euphrates River is still a part of the faith of the Middle East (Gen 17:18).
It seems that the reference to the “four horns” in the time of the sounding of the sixth trumpet indicates that it is the time that men of the Old Covenant will spiritually seek refuge or sanctuary with God. In other words it reveals a time of war and struggle. It reveals that God has not forgotten those that place their destiny under the protection of God. God is also revealing intercession in the course of the nations of the earth and his power over life and death.
Therefore the mention of the “four horns” relates to what we know about the significance of the four horns of the ark. It seems that Revelation is through the symbols of the opening of the sixth seal and the sounding of the sixth trumpet specifically relating the signs of the end to those who follow the Old Covenant.
The great city was divided into three parts (Rev 16:19)
The understanding of the opening of the sixth seal and the sounding of the sixth trumpet confirm that the understanding of Revelation lies in regarding certain section as relating to three parts of the earth: the Far East, the Middle East and the West. The words “the great city was divided into three parts” has the meaning that in the final time there will be a realization that the understanding of the book Revelation, as relating to three parts of the globe. As often mentioned on this website the total earth is in the end time “the great city”. This is of course because the decisions of the nations and the ruling of the nations are in the twenty-first century driven by economic and trading priorities.
Lightnings, voices and thunderings.
The words of Rev 11:19 “and there were lightnings, and voices and thunderings, and an earthquake” relate to the time of the short season that we can measure, 11 September 2001 to 22 February 2005. This was all explained in an earlier post on this Forum. With all the many windstorms and floods in 2007 these words also relate to the present time that is the time of the final season. The words “voices and thunderings” symbolically relate to the time measures of Revelation. (See Rev 10:4 “When the seven thunders had uttered their voices”).
Great hail
The final words of Rev 11:9 “and great hail” are of the greatest significance. The words “great hail” are only used twice in Revelation: Rev 11:9 and 16:21. This means that the time of the end of the casting of the seven vials is also the time of the end of Revelation, chapter 11, and the time of the sounding of the seventh trumpet: that is the end time of the final season. It should be noted that much hail and large hailstones have fallen in many parts of the globe in the first half of 2007.