The Sounding of the Seventh Trumpet and the words "great hail" (3).

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Posted by Elana Janson on August 13, 2007 at 09:53:11:

“And there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament”.

Because Revelation reveals the word “temple” as the body of Christ, these words pertain to Jesus Christ.

These words relate to the words of Jesus Christ concerning the last days. Mat 24:38 “For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until Noah entered into the ark. And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall the coming of the Son of man be.”

From the time of the “great earthquake” on 26 December 2004, the time of the “1260 days” could be calculated, and the time of the “short season”. These measures relate to the sounding of the fifth, sixth and seventh trumpets and the linking of the words “lightning” in the sounding of the trumpets and the words of Mat 24: 27 “For as lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall the coming of the Son of man be.”

Therefore through the understanding of “temple”, that is the measures of “three days and a half “in each millennium, was seen the relationship of Noah’s “ark” to the signs of the end as predicted by the words of Jesus Christ.

The word “ark” also relates to the ark of the Old Testament, but has the symbolic meaning that as the “ark” of the Old Testament was a sign of God’s covenant with the Israelites of the Old Testament so does the understanding of the prophecy of Revelation confirm the new covenant that Christ was the Messiah and shall soon return to earth.

“And there were lightnings and voices and thunderings and an earthquake”

According to my understanding of Revelation these words relate to specific happenings in the time from 11 September 2001 to 22 February 2005, a time span of “1260 days” (Rev 11:3). This has been explained in my book “11 September 2001, the Great Earthquake and Revelation”, and on this website.

The time measures of “1260 days” and “42 months” (Rev 11:2) relate to “the sounding of the trumpets”. The reference in Scripture Zech 9:14 “And the Lord shall be seen over them, and his arrow shall go forth as the lightning: and the Lord God shall blow the trumpet, and shall go with the whirlwinds of the south”, seems to bring the signs of the “lightning”, the blowing of the fifth, sixth and seventh trumpets as well as the fierce hurricanes and typhoons of recent times together.

The words “lightnings, and voices and thunderings and an earthquake “relate to the final time measure that has been given to man, that is “1260 days”.

“Lightnings” at the ends of the earth

Note the symbolic meaning of “lightning” from the northern lights in Alaska in October 2003 to the “lightning” of the river of fire from Kilauea volcano in Hawaii in February 2005. These two signs, I believe link to the end time of the measure of “temple”. They are also I believe relative to Mat 24:27.

Mat 24: 27 “For as lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall the coming of the Son of man be.”

Voices and thunderings

The word “voices” relate to the time measures of Revelation that were revealed by the “seven thunders”. In the opening of the seventh seal the words reveal that the final time measures of “1260 days” and “forty two months” are related to the insight of the understanding of the “seven thunders”, that is time measure in the past two millennia.

Through the correlation of the opening of the fifth, sixth and seventh seals with what has taken place on earth since 11 September 2001 to 22 February 2005 we can now know that these seals are all finally opened in the time after 2003. In no way could we have known that this was the case without the Divine intervention on 22 August 1996. It was only with that insight that I could have predicted an earthquake in 2004 and understood the signs relating to the time beyond 2000. It was only after the earthquake in Zarand on 22 February 2005, and the flowing of the lava from Kilauea in February 2005 that all the insight into the happenings in nature reveals the words of Jesus Christ in relation to the end time.

Mat 24:27 “For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall the also the coming of the Son of man be”.


The addition of the word “earthquake” reveals that the final time measure relates to the time of earthquake. In Scripture “great earthquake” relates to one great earthquake of a time of many earthquakes. Note how the times of “1260 days” relate to earthquake.
There was a series of earthquakes at the end of May and the beginning of June 2004. This was the time of the end of the Iraq war and the beginning of the insurgency. This was also the time of the releasing of the “four angels holding the four winds of the earth” (Rev 7:1) – the “four angels bound in the great river Euphrates”. This was the time of the “second woe”.
The great earthquake off the coast of Sumatra on 26 December 2004 was the sign of the “third woe”. Mat 24:38 “And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away, so shall the coming of the Son of man be.” Jesus Christ informed us through the knowledge of Noah’s flood that the sign that would make men realize that the end time was at hand was the sign of great flood. Therefore the great tsunami as well as the floods that we are seeing world wide is to my knowledge a sure sign that we are living the end time. How long man shall endure flood conditions remains to be seen. The other signs predicted in Revelation will of course accompany this time. Other signs are the tensions and battles in the Middle East and ultimately all the various meanings of “plague” as explained in the casting of the seven vials.

Therefore according to my understanding the words of Rev 11:19 “and there were lightnings, and voices and thunderings” confirm the time of the final short season that we can measure and “great hail” the time that we cannot measure.

Great hail

For the present it should be noted that the words ”great” and “hail” are used in Rev 16:21 “And men blasphemed God because of the plague of hail; for the plague thereof was exceedingly great”. These words come at the end of the “seventh bowl of wrath”. Therefore the words of the sounding of the seventh trumpet that confirm time measure also confirm through the repetition of the words “great hail” the time of the seventh bowl of wrath.

The understanding of Revelation through knowledge of its time measure and our knowledge of science.

On the air

The seventh bowl of wrath is cast on the air. With the knowledge of the time measures of Revelation and that we are in 2007 in the time of the “outer court” and the time that the temperature of the earth is rising, it seems that the third “woe” is the time of global warming. The seventh bowl of wrath is cast on the air. We know that at the present time that the increase of the carbon emissions into the air is increasing the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and this is leading to an increase in the temperature of the earth.

This section means that in the time that we cannot measure, the time that only known to God there will be warmer weather leading to fires. While single events cannot be linked to climate change, the world-wide flooding of 2007 comes as research suggests that global warming will increase the number of hurricanes and increase rainfall in some parts of the world, including the Indian monsoon – both due to increased evaporation in a warmer world.

The word “hail” in Isaiah as a sign of the wrath of God.

The word “hail” when taken to Scripture also has the meaning of how God will punish those that have become arrogant. The word “hail” is used in Isaiah 28:2: “as a tempest of hail”. It is also interesting that the symbols used in Isaiah 28:1-3 relate to the understanding of Revelation.

Isaiah 28:1-3 “Woe to the crown of pride, to the drunkards of Ephraim, whose glorious beauty is a fading flower which are on the head of the fat valleys of them that are overcome with wine. Behold the Lord hath a mighty and strong one, which as a tempest of hail and a destroying storm, as a flood of mighty waters overflowing, shall cast down to the earth with the hand. The crown of pride, the drunkards of Ephraim shall be trodden under feet.”

The repetition of the word “hail” in Isaiah gives insight into the meaning of the word “hail”, even though it relates to another time and other circumstances, reveals meaning in the understanding of Revelation. Therefore through the reference Isaiah 28:1-3 Revelation is revealing that we should not only understand “great hail” to literally be ‘great hail’, but that there is a symbolic meaning of how God will show his wrath in the end time.

Note the words in Isaiah 28:1-3 that symbolically link to Revelation.


Rev 14:14 “the Son of man, having on his head a golden crown, and in his hand a sharp sickle”. Even though the nations hear of the twelve time measures (“on her head a crown of twelve stars” Rev 12:1) of Revelation it will not be enough to convince a proud world (Isaiah 28:1 “Woe to the crown of pride”). It will ultimately only be the signs of the end that convince the nations.


Rev 16:19 “Give her the cup of the wine” and Rev 17:2 and 18:3 “Made drunk with the wine of her fornication”.

As a flood of mighty waters

Rev 12:15 “Dragon poured out water as a flood”.

Mighty and strong

The words “mighty” and “strong” are used in Revelation for the angels that symbolically reveal the final signs of Revelation. Those signs are, the opening of the little book (Rev.10:1-2) and the final fall of Babylon (Rev 18:2).

Cast down

Rev 12:10 “The accuser of our brethren is cast down”

To the earth

Rev 8:5 “And the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire from the altar and cast it into the earth, and there were voices and thunderings and lightnings and an earthquake.”

Revelation reveals through these references that the casting down of the ‘dragon’ and ‘fire’ is also part of the wrath of God.

Winepress was trodden

Rev 14:20 “the winepress was trodden”

In the time 2007, God sees that the former Christian nations are arrogant and proud, and they do not see clearly (drunk). Their splendour fades by their excessive lifestyle. But God is going to bring a ‘fall’ to nations that blaspheme in the end time (“trodden under feet”).

A time of hail and floods accompanied by soaring temperatures and large wildfires

Hail and floods seemed to accompany record temperatures in 2007. Record temperatures have led to unusually treacherous wildfires some started by lightning. Reports from North America, Africa, Europe and Australia.

North America

The 2007 western North American heat wave is an ongoing record-breaking event that began in late June 2007. The record heat has exacerbated already present record-breaking drought conditions in much of the West, allowing fires to grow to record-breaking sizes.
The combination of conditions have forced major freeway closures, animal and human deaths, evacuations, and destruction of property.

Record highs

Reno, Nevada, reached 108 ºF (42 ºC) on July 5 breaking the previous record of 100 ºF (38 ºC).

At 116 ºF (47 ºC), Las Vegas, Nevada, was one degree shy of its all-time record set in 2005 and 1942.

St. George, Utah, reached 118 ºF (48 ºC) on July 5, according to the local weather station as mentioned in the front page of the July 6 edition of The Salt Lake Tribune, which would be the highest temperature ever-recorded in Utah.

Eastern Oregon set 15 different record highs on July 5.

USA - fires

The summer of is expected to be among the worst fire seasons in recent memory, owing in part to a dry winter.
The National Interagency Fire Centre announced Thursday that the national fire alert had been set at its highest level -- 5 on a scale of 1 to 5 -- because of the fires. Since Monday, more than 1,000 new fires have been reported across the West. About 15,000 fire-fighters already were battling nearly 70 fires larger than 100 acres in 12 states.
Spokesman for the U.S. Forest Service said California is in good shape with regard to fires, but that the fire danger is extreme. "This is just off-the-charts fire behaviour this year," he said. "We've moved into our highest level of fire danger nationwide. It happens at some point most years. It's just that this year, it's happening unusually early."


China-Back Fire: Siskiyou County California: The fire burned more than 2,900 acres.
Elk Complex Fire: Siskiyou County California: The fire, which started July 10, up to that date burned more than 8,300 acres. Containment has been projected for July 29.

The Milford Flat Fire is the largest fire in Utah history. It was sparked by lightning on July 6, 2007, northeast of Milford, Utah. The fire is currently 351, 549 acres and is approximately 50 miles in length and 20 miles across (15 July 2007). Ultimately it was estimated that 363,052 acres (567 sq miles) burnt.

Georgia and Florida 2007
Sweat Farm Road/Big Turnaround Complex Fire Georgia was the largest recorded fire in Georgia history - 468,938 acres - (2007) Florida Bugaboo Fire Florida was largest fire on record in Florida - 124,584+ acres – (2007)

Idaho, Oregon and Colorado
A string of lightning storms ignited fires in Eastern Idaho (9 July 2007); Douglas County Oregon: The midweek thunderstorm produced more than 1,500 lightning strikes in the county, also leading to 19 fires in the Umpqua National Forest (13 July 2007)
Large wildfires started by lightning, Silt Colorado (21July 2007);


After the middle of June 2007 an area of high pressure and very high temperatures started affecting the Southern Europe countries of Italy, Greece and Turkey and spreading to Eastern Europe all the way to Ukraine. In the East of Mediterranean, temperatures exceeding 45 °C / 110 °F were recorded.

In late July, temperatures started rising again, this time focusing on the Balkan Peninsula and Eastern Europe, with places further north like Slovakia experiencing temperatures exceeding 30 °C (85 °F). On 20 July 2007 Hungary recorded temperatures almost 40 ˚C.


Greece has been afflicted by a seemingly never-ending series of fires this summer of 2007. On 29 June 2007 it was reported that temperatures had dropped below 40C, after peaking at 46C earlier in the week. More than 120 fires had broken out across the country in the previous two days, but most of them had by 29 June been extinguished.

South Africa July 2007

In KwaZulu-Natal and Mpumalanga, bushfires have killed at least 19 people and destroyed over 30,000 acres of land. Fires have also killed two people in neighbouring Swaziland, police say. It might be due to the very dry weather conditions in the affected areas according to KZN's agriculture and environmental affairs department.

Canary Islands

August 2007 On the Canary Islands continuing wildfires forced the evacuation of 14,000 people.
Towering flames have burned 25,000 hectares (62,000 acres) of pine forest and other land - but no injuries have been reported.

31 July 2007 Wildfire threatened power plant

The country's fire brigade has been fighting hundreds of blazes in July 2007, as Greece experiences the longest heat wave in over 100 years.

Australia Reported 14 October 2006

Australia is confronting its worst drought in a century with rampant fires devastating agricultural areas, rivers drying up, crops failing, and farmers forced to sell off their livestock. The bushfire season has begun months early and the government has pledged financial aid for despairing farmers, already laden with debt after five straight years of drought.
Bushfires, meanwhile, were raging throughout south-eastern Australia yesterday, although summer does not officially start for more than six weeks, and fires of this ferocity are not normally seen until after Christmas.
With the vegetation tinder-dry after one of the driest winters on record, hundreds of fires were burning across four states, fanned by high temperatures and strong winds. Much of the south-east was on an extreme fire danger alert. In Tasmania, scores of homes were threatened by fires advancing on the suburbs of Hobart, the state capital, this week.
Scientists warned the bushfire threat would increase over coming decades, as climate change brought more frequent hot weather, accompanied by less rainfall in certain areas.

Australia Reported 21 April 2007

Canberra, Australia (AP) - Australia's worst drought on record got tougher Thursday when the prime minister announced there won't be enough water for irrigation along the country's largest river system unless there's significant rainfall soon.

Southern Europe
28 July 2007

An extreme heat wave throughout southern Europe has eased, but wildfires are continuing to build in some areas.

In Bulgaria, 23,000 hectares of forest and farmland were burnt out in the past week as the country experienced its hottest temperatures since records began; above 45 degrees Celsius.

Fire-fighters are also still battling at least 30 forest fires across Macedonia, most of them in the Tetovo region, about 50 kilometres from Skopje.

While the week-long heat wave that has helped fan flames across southern Europe was abating in most places, forecasts predicted the searing temperatures in Macedonia would continue through the weekend.
Southern Italy: thousands of hectares of national park land burnt.

In Romania continued scorching temperatures were experienced. High temperatures sparked blazes across the country and have turned several hundred hectares to ashes.

In Slovakia, about 70 fire-fighters battled flames that broke out when lightning struck a national park.

Turkey 3 August 2007

The water supply to residents of the Turkish capital Ankara has been reduced to two days on, two days off because of a severe drought.
The water level in reservoirs supplying the city has dropped to less than 5% of capacity, as the country suffers one of its driest years on record. Snowfall in the winter was much lower than normal.

Croatia Early August 2007
State of emergency declared in Dubrovnik where a thirty kilometre major forest fire threatened its suburbs are threatened by a major forest fire.

Europe August 2007
Hot weather across southern Europe has led to some of the worst forest fires on record, European officials say.
Croatia, Bulgaria, Greece and Italy have all been affected, as well as countries like the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Albania and

Spain and Portugal are also at risk in the days ahead as temperatures soar there as well.


“Fire from the altar”

Rev 8:5 “And the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire from the altar and cast it into the earth, and there were voices and thunderings and lightnings and an earthquake.”
Revelation indicates that in the short season that we can measure there will be signs of “fire”. At the present time “fire” seems to represent acts of terror, battle zones and wildfires. Through the repetition of the words “and there were voices and thunderings and lghtnings and an earthquake” in Rev 8:5 and in the sounding of the seventh trumpet Rev 11:19 “And there were lightnings, and voices and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail”, Revelation seems to confirm that these signs of “fire” in the time that we could measure will continue into the time that we cannot measure.

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