Nineveh - the turning point

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Posted by Elana Janson on August 28, 2007 at 13:55:51:

Euphrates River - the turning point?

The accuracy of Revelation and the prophetic words of Jesus Christ are amazing. In the week following 15 August 2007 in which I showed (my previous post) that four happenings seem to correspond to the Revelation of Jesus Christ and his words concerning Nineveh in the end time there came, I believe, an indication why Rev 9:14 shows that the four angels holding back the four winds of the earth were bound at the Euphrates River. While the fighting continued in the area of the Euphrates in the past four years God released great hurricanes and typhoons upon the earth. Then came the time of a massacre in the area of old Nineveh, the city of Mosul today, on 15 August 2007.

According to a spokesperson for the US in Iraq the province of Nineveh was an area that the US was considering stable enough from which to withdraw.

In the following week an indication was given by the leadership controlling the forces in Iraq that compromise is the way forward in that troubled area.

It was reported in the media on 23 August 2007: ‘Terrifying political realities in Baghdad were causing American officials to reconsider their vision for democracy in Iraq. The officials would accept a government that delivers necessities to the people and can bring security

For the first time, some exasperated front-line U.S. generals spoke openly of non-democratic governmental alternatives. The reason for that was that essential institutions of a normal government, from the infrastructure to the national government, were widely regarded as ineffective in the fifth year of the war.

Despite the US military presence there is little security in Iraq, where the government seems paralyzed. The government is unable to supply sufficient electricity and running water in the capital. The health care system is run by one foreign militia and the national police are dominated by another. Death squads terrorize opposing neighbourhoods.

Sectarian cleansing is driving people into segregated areas, and spurring the flight of thousands to neighbouring countries. Thousands of innocents are dying violently every month in cities and villages across the country. Iraqi government officials concede things aren't working, but they say that's because the United States doesn't allow Iraq to really control its own destiny.

While the Iraqi government commands its own troops, it cannot deploy them without U.S. agreement. Because of a real prospect of Iranian infiltration, the government doesn't fund or control its own intelligence service. It's paid for and run by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency.’

It seems that a watershed has been reached in the situation in Iraq at the present time. Is this situation in the area of the Euphrates ultimately going to cause the nations of the globe, the nations of the “great city” to realize that the area of the Euphrates has produced an impasse?

Is this the way that the words of Rev 6:15-17 are going to be revealed to us. “And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bonds men, and every free man, hid themselves in the in the dens and in the rocks; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us and hide us from him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come: and who shall be able to stand.”

As I have shown on this website I interpret Rev 6:15 to mean the establishment of the rule of “man” or democracy over the centuries. Is it to be the time that the spread of the rule of man (“the abomination that causes desolation” Mat 24:15) is concluded that is going to bring the Gog and the Magog to gather them together to battle (Rev 20:18)?

In the final season, is this scenario that neither west nor east will back down at the Euphrates, be it for ideological, religious or economic reasons, to bring the final battle and the realization of the final wrath of the Lamb and the realization of the fulfilment of the prophecy of Revelation? (The words “said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us” are the words of Jesus Christ to the daughters of Jerusalem in Luke 23:30.)

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