Posted by Elana Janson on October 16, 2007 at 05:21:21:
The great tribulation
The time of great tribulation?
In my previous post I showed that we are living in a time of total solar and lunar eclipses and that I believe through my understanding of Revelation that these total eclipses relate to the final time. According to my analysis of the Revelation of Jesus Christ the words “great tribulation” also relate to the time of the last days indicated in Revelation and the words of Jesus Christ concerning the time of the end. If this is the case then of course we must now be in the time of “great tribulation
As a thief
The reason why I am investigating whether we are in a time of great tribulation is because Jesus Christ says that the Return will be suddenly ‘as a thief’. The words “great tribulation” in Revelation and in the books of Matthew and Mark indicate persecution and trouble shortly before the Return. The words of Jesus Christ in Matthew 24:29 specifically say “Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened and shall the moon not give her light.” How is it possible, one may well ask, can the nations go through “great tribulation” and not know that the Return is at hand?
Can it possibly be that at the present time that we are in “great tribulation” or is there a ‘tribulation’ ahead that is going to be particular severe? Whether we are in a time of tribulation can only be ascertained if one knows exactly what is meant by ‘tribulation’. I believe that at the present time true Christians are experiencing ‘tribulation’. Others do not experience it for they have become too liberal (“neither cold nor hot” - Rev 3:15) in their commitment to keeping to the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Desires and freedoms of man
It seems therefore that the “tribulation” may not be as many think a time of only physical hardship (war, hunger, illness), but a spiritual suffering of those who are committed to keeping the Commandments and the teachings of Christ and are torn because the mainstream of global society is guided by man’s ideology and that which man has accomplished – ideology that is earth bound without a vision to attain life after death.
Because the book Revelation is such an amazing prophecy concerning the way it reveals how the Trinity has guided the ruling of the nations that in must also provide through its message insight into the “great tribulation”. I believe that Revelation reveals in the understanding of the analysis of the “beast out of the sea” that God allowed man to be free of ruthless kings and leaders and put in place a leadership of man’s own choice. The result of this rule would ultimately be a falling away from the faith for man is misled by the “great wonders” (Rev 13:13) of the achievements of man. Through history we know that the numbers of believers would increase where the king was Christian and society conformed to a Christian lifestyle. As man over time became free this would change for as history reveals the Christian faith would spread to all nations and to nation where the Christian faith would be in a minority. (Rev 11:1 “measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein”). The fault does not lie with freedom itself, it lies in man who is deceived by the forces of evil that thrive in a free society. Revelation reveals that the deception of Satan is ever present.
What people just do not understand today is that God through the prophets of the Old Testament and the coming of the Christ, wished man to be informed as to knowledge of the unseen God that has the desire to give man a great life and even a life after death. This God has a moral code, his Commandments, he also wished man to know more about how he wished man to live to attain everlasting life – he therefore sent his Son. God keeps this authority ( “rule all nations with a rod of iron” Rev 12:5) despite the sinful nature of man and the presence of the evil one, Satan, that tempts man and torments man’s conscience in all that he does on earth. This power is symbolized in Revelation by the “dragon”, the “beast out of the sea” and the “beast out of the earth”.
As I have shown in my books and on this website Revelation reveals the fall of kings, as a result of the sins of the leadership (“upon his head ten crowns” Rev 13:1) of the nations and the deception of Satan (“beast rise up out of the sea” Rev 13:1). In the place of the rule of kings would come the new order of the rule of men that embraces freedom and an ideology of man (“all the world wondered after the beast” Rev 13:3). This rule is allowed by God for a specific time (Rev 17:17). The reason for this is that the Christian faith could spread to all nations and the Christian Church would be protected, but man cannot sustain freedom without again returning to corruption and ungodliness. For this reason only a ‘remnant’ will be saved in the last days and the Return must happen.
I truly believe that the insight given me into the time measures of Revelation is correct. Why am I convinced? I am convinced, because I could ultimately understand the total meaning of Revelation. The great windstorms that are occurring in all four ‘corners’ of the globe at the present time came at a time that fits into the construction of Revelation. It confirms that Revelation relates to the time of the coming of the Christ and a period of some two thousand years. In 1996 at the time of the Divine intervention that I experienced no one could not have predicted such hurricanes, typhoons, and cyclones so soon (within ten years) and with such remarkable and tragic consequences. Also the great Sumatra -Andaman earthquake that happened at Christmas time in 2004. This earthquake happened at a time that I could confirm from my understanding of Revelation. Also the unresolved situation at the Euphrates that has come to involve all nations of the globe and has happened at the time of the great windstorms. Many thousands of persons have already suffered great “tribulation” or hardship as a result of earthquake, global warming, floods and great windstorms. Also the present suffering as a result of the war on terror.
Those who have studied my books and this website will know that I could ultimately understand Revelation through taking the words Revelation to Scripture and there finding the various ways the word is used and in what context I could link the symbolism of Revelation to history.
In order to try and substantiate that we are in the time of “great tribulation” we should look at the placing of the words “great tribulation” in Revelation and “tribulation” in Scripture.
The word “tribulation” in the Old Testament
We should take particular notice of the word “tribulation” in Deuteronomy 4:27-30. The word “tribulation” is used there in connection with other words from Revelation. The words of Revelation are Rev 9:20 “And the rest of the men who were not killed by these plagues, yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold and silver, and brass and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear nor walk.”
Deuteronomy 4:27-30 “And the Lord shall scatter you among the nations and ye shall be left few in number under the heathen, whither the Lord shall lead you. And there ye shall serve gods, the work of men’s hands wood and stone, which neither see nor hear nor eat, nor smell. But if from thence thou shalt seek the Lord thy God, thou shalt find him with all thou heart and with all thou soul. When thou art in tribulation and all these things are come upon thee.”
I believe these words relate not only to the Jews of the Old Testament, but to all who have the Old Testament as the basis of their faith. It directly relates to Christians to the time of the fulfilment of the prophecy of Revelation that is the present time and the year 2007. The reason for this being and this is important, that there are direct references in Deuteronomy to the words of Revelation. In other words through this section of Deuteronomy God has a message for Christians, via the prophecy of Revelation. These words are understandable through the analysis of Revelation. It was shown on this website and in my books that the deception of man (“the beast out of the earth”) in the last days is specifically Satan’s influence to deceive man in that which man has developed himself (Rev 13:13 “And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire to come down from heaven). Therefore the words of Deuteronomy are of significance: “And there ye shall serve gods, the work of man’s hands wood and stone”.
People today will easily say that they are safe from the wrath of God because they do not worship “devils”; they do not fall down before idols of gold and silver, brass, stone or wood. After all we in the twenty-first century know that these have no power for they are dead matter. Perhaps the words of Paul in his second letter to Timothy cast greater light on these words where he describes how “men” will be in the last days. 2 Timothy 3:1-2 “In the last days perilous times will come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy.” Verse 5 “Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such men turn away.” Verse 7 “Ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” Verse 9 “Their folly shall be manifest unto all men”. The words “ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth” seems to show a time of ever greater knowledge but lack of spiritual insight.
The words of Paul cast greater light on to what Revelation might be revealing through the words “great tribulation” For if ultimately “all men” will manifest these traits, how can those who keep to the teachings of Christ survive in the faith among fellow beings that believe only in the ideologies of man and that which man can prove.
In Judges 10:14 “Go and cry unto the gods which ye have chosen; let them deliver you in the time of your tribulation.” This reference also reveals that “tribulation” has to do with man turning away from the true faith and turning to false gods that have no power to relieve spiritual anguish.
New Testament
The word “tribulation” occurs mostly in the New Testament. Of significance at this point in time is that in Romans 2:9 the word “tribulation” is used for torment of the souls of both Jew and Gentile: “Tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth evil, of the Jew first and also of the Gentile”. Tribulation comes upon all men both believers and non believers, but God has power over these torments.
It should be noted that the word “tribulation” is used specifically in Revelation in connection with John to whom the prophecy of Revelation was given to write down. It refers to his time of exile on the island of Patmos where he was placed because of his Christian faith. In other words those who are persecuted for their faith suffer “tribulation”. Those who have studied my books and this website will know that I believe that the examples given in the letters by John to the original seven churches of Asia Minor or present day Turkey are given as a guide to the Christian Churches that would arise world wide after the time of John on Patmos.
Smyrna and today
The tribulation that was suffered in Smyrna related to those of the Church of Smyrna that said they were believers but were not. With the total knowledge of Revelation now revealed a parallel can be drawn to the present time where the faithful in the churches of Christ have to contend with those in their midst who are not true believers (“the synagogue of Satan” Rev 2:9). In the total context of Revelation those who at the present time have been misled by the “beast out of the sea” and the “beast out of the earth”, and have the “mark” of the beast in their foreheads and in the right hand. Also those Christians who are put in prison for a time (Rev 2:10) as a result of their religious beliefs suffer tribulation. Because the understanding of Revelation lies in the symbolic meaning of words and covers the time of the spread of the faith to the ends of the earth: “tribulation” refers to the time of John in his letter to Smyrna, those put in prison for their faith in the time through history and to the present time. This “prison” is both spiritual and physical. Spiritual tribulation comes where true Christians daily contend with those who are so free that they no longer understand religious commitment.
Thyatira and today
It should be noted that the word ”tribulation” is used in the John’s letter to the church of Thyatira, and specifically to those that came under the spell of the woman Jezebel. Through historical records we know that this woman Jezebel was at the time of John promoting an amalgamation of faiths, a universal spirituality that brought an acceptance of pagan practices of immorality into the thinking of those of the church at Thyatira. In Revelation this is revealed through the words: “To seduce my servants to commit fornication and to eat things sacrificed to idols” Rev 2:20. I believe that the use of the word “tribulation” in connection with the church in Thyatira as well as the use of the word “tribulation” used in connection with the last days is of vital importance today, for the ideology of man has brought about an equalization of faiths before the law which modern man “worships” because for centuries it brought an end to religious strife. The problem with freedom of faith is however, and I cannot stress this enough: in the milieu or environment of freedom of faith, that is politically correct, Christians bring the equalization of faiths into the Christian Church, even to the point that it is expounded that God is not a Christian God.
Revelation reveals that keeping to the testimony of Christ there is a sure way to everlasting life and God will have mercy on those who keep the Commandments (Rev 22:14 “Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life”).
Expounding equalization undermines the vital importance of those aspects of the Christian faith that cannot be equalized to other faiths. The forgiveness of sin through the blood of Christ, the comfort of the Holy Spirit that came after the Resurrection and the Resurrection of the flesh through the oneness of the Christian Church to Jesus Christ. Today the faithful have to contend with Church leaders who feel bound for the sake of peace or wish to be politically correct -even if this correctness is contrary to the testimony of Jesus Christ. This causes great tribulation among the faithful for more and more people within the Christian Church are becoming oblivious of this almost universal deception. They bear the mark of the beast in their foreheads.
I believe that Revelation reveals that those who have been misled by the ideologies and discoveries of man in a free society to the point that they are convinced that God is not in control of what is taking place on earth and proceed to blaspheme through the written word, art or other occupations, bear the mark of the beast on their right hand. Where their blasphemies are given prominence in the media above the knowledge of truth, all concerned contribute to the greater final deception.
I believe that with the knowledge that Revelation pertains to the end of days and the time 2007 that the testimony of Jesus Christ is being undermined through the deception of modern man that it is said in Rev 5:6 “In the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth unto the earth”. The meaning of the symbolism of “Having seven horns and seven eyes which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth” is that although the testimony of Jesus Christ is at the present time being undermined by the nations, the power of the Spirit that lives and rules the minds of men is not, and can never be “slain”.
The “horns” of the beast out of the sea.
There are some that have said to me: “But how can I know that the gestalt of the “beast out of the sea” relates to the fall of the Christian kings of the West?” I say to them that it is through the great significance of the repetition and the placing of words in Revelation that I know this. It is through the understanding of the placing of the word “horns” in Rev 5:6 and 13:1. The image of the slain Lamb in Rev 5:6 has “seven horns”. The word “horn” has the function of denoting power for combat, as a beast uses its horns to fight. Therefore it is the symbol of making war (Dan 7:21 “the same horn made war”). Remember the words of Jesus Christ that he brings peace (Mark 9:50 “Have salt in yourselves, have peace one with another”), but also war (Mat 10:34 “I came not to send peace but a sword”). Therefore the “seven horns” in Rev 5:6 relates to the Christianity that implicates war and combat. The words “ten horns” in Rev 13:1 as part of the description of the beast out of the sea: “And saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy” denotes the deception of Satan in influencing the Christian kings (“horns” in Rev 5:6 and 13:1 and “upon his horns ten crowns”) to go to war for the wrong reasons (“upon his heads the name of blasphemy”). Wars that would ultimately undermine the testimony of Jesus Christ.
Therefore it seems that the word “tribulation” essentially means mental torment through having fallen for the deception of Satan and being in sin. It also includes physical torment of the results of war and famine for Revelation explicitly says in Rev 6:8 (that deals with the time of the opening of the fourth seal and the rider on the pale horse) “to kill with sword and hunger”. This would be the torment suffered by those involved in current conflicts in areas such as the Middle East and Afghanistan and famine as seen in Africa at the present time.