Posted by MHMD HSN on September 13, 2002 at 02:39:58:
Dear friends,
As the Rapture, Armageddon, etc failed to happen, we should suspect that Jesus Christ does not exist.
In fact from the Codes, Jesus Christ and Allah do not exist. These 2 names are bad names in the Codes.
This is because the True God's Name is ILLH that made 91101 when written in Arabic.
Mankind have been deceived by the devils and Satan. Anyway being deceived made mankind victimes, and ILLH is All Just.
Those who subscribe to the visibles faiths (falsehoods) are going to prevail and be blessed with the Heaven (finally).
Those who worship ILLH, the True God while hiding the Truth and inventing and promoting falsehoods would perish to Hell unless they seek and get redemption from ILLH during the upcominf Appointed Time.
This means, Christians who worship non-existent Jesus Christ, Muslims who worship non-existent Allah, Jews who worship non-existent Elohim, etc would prevail and be blessed with the Truth and would finally go back to where mankind came from, the Heaven.
A prophet, Isa would be coming to preach the Truth to all mankind. Prophet Isa, of Jewish descent is not Jesus Christ. He is the son of MARYM not MARY. He is not a son of ILLH as ILLH Has begotten no son.
Without the False 91101 Incident it could be difficult to find out the True God's Name. Muslims and Christians got nothing to do with the False 91101 Incident.
The Day of God is meantioned in the Injil (later falsified to become the Bible) and the check Algorithm is in the Il-Qrin. The Book brought by prophet MHMD is NOT called Al-Quran (Book to Hell!) but Il-Qrin (Book to Heaven). The devils deceived mankind to call the Book Al-Quran.
Many more... It is all described in my website See for yourself who are the Gog & Magog, the Real Towers of Babil, the devils Utopia, etc. These devils are now preaching True Islam, or True Peace or United World Religion after their Armageddon failed.
If you are REALLY a Christian (not pretending to be a Christian while subscribing to the secret True Islam), Welcome to the Gates of Heaven, we are almost there.
About Jesus Christ, sadly he would not come because he does not exist.