Posted by Elana Janson on September 25, 2002 at 03:18:51:
In Reply to: Re: Rev 16 verse 13 The three frogs posted by Jerry Higdon on September 18, 2002 at 11:40:49:
The understanding of “the three evil spirits that looked like frogs” could be done the way you have illustrated for the past two thousand years. The meanings you have given connected to “the three evil spirits that looked like frogs” are understandable, but they remain generalizations.
In the year 2002 it has been given to us to know what the images of Revelation represent. The symbols of Revelation up to now could not be linked to specifics. It is all very well to say that the three evil spirits are telling lies and falsehoods, but what does that help in 2002 if most people of today see no evil in anything. Readers of Revelation have no specific idea of what is represented by “the dragon”, the “beast” and the “false prophet”. The linking of the symbols of Revelation to specific facts and happenings in history makes it actual and relative to what is happening today. This is I believe to help Christians in the last days to adhere to their faith.
The change that came in 1996 with my understanding of the book, Revelation, is that the verses and symbols of Revelation are time bound. This is of the greatest importance today, and makes Revelation relative to what is taking place in the world today. On this website I illustrated how the verses on the beast out of the earth Rev 13: 11-18 can through time measurement be linked to discoveries in particularly the twentieth century. In the year 1952-3 frogs were cloned. The words of Revelation that were linked to this time were “he (the beast out of the earth) was given power to give breath to the image”.
You must remember that the images of the “dragon”, the “beast” and the “false prophet” are images of forces that have the power to undermine the Christian message, but these forces are not strong enough to hurt the true Christian if he is wary of their effect. I believe that the only reason why we are given a specific view in 2002 is because the Trinity wishes to give the last generation hope at a time that society is greatly influenced by these forces and most people have been misled.
(We know from Rev 13:11 that the beast out of the earth “had two horns like a lamb, but he spoke like a dragon”. In other words this image of evil that is the “beast out of the earth”, has innocent beginnings but is going to evolve into something that is going to be like the “dragon” which is to drive Christians apart or drive them from their faith. (The meaning of “dragon is given in Rev 12:10 “ the accuser of our brothers”)).
In other words man could create life from a particular form of life. In 1952-3 the form was the frog, but significant are the words ’that looked like frogs’. They were not frogs that were formed like God created them. We know from numerous experiments that cloning affects the genetic structure in animals and can lead to death and premature aging.
In 2002 man has proceeded to clone humans. Is this why we are given insight into Revelation? Can we know the ultimate effect of cloning on the descendants of man? The specific mention of frogs that were cloned in 1952, out knowledge of the effects of cloning and Rev 11:18 “and for destroying those who destroy the earth” seems to substantiate this meaning.