Posted by Elana Janson on January 18, 2004 at 14:37:41:
The earthquake in Bam that happened on the 26-12-2003 is of significance as it seems to have been preceded by a series of extreme global occurrences that took place in more or less monthly intervals in the last five months of 2003. Events that were given international coverage in the world news media. These happenings seem to follow a reverse sequence of the words of the opening of the sixth seal in Revelation. The events also substantiate one of the established bases of my interpretation that Revelation is time bound and that certain verses in Revelation measure time back from a point in time not far beyond 2003.
Rev 6:12 “And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and lo, there was a great earthquake…..” Earthquake in Bam 26 -12- 2003.
“and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood”
In November 2003 there was a total eclipse of the sun 23-11-2003, seen in Antarctica and Australia, and a total eclipse of the moon 9-11-2003. Violence reached a peak in countries like Turkey and Iraq during November 2003
Rev 6:13 “and the stars of heaven fell unto the earth” One of the largest known solar flares (third largest on record) erupted from the sun on Tuesday 29 October 2003. In the previous week two solar storms were registered. This spate of solar flares was unusual because it does not follow the normal pattern of solar behaviour. The sun follows an 11 year cycle and the last peak took place in 2000.
“even as the fig tree casteth her untimely figs,” As a result of unusual high pressure systems during the summer of 2003 (July and August) that seemed to linger for days over certain areas and cause intensive heat, fruits from trees were picked untimely (grapes). Some fruits were small or fell to the earth at an unusual time.
“when she is shaken of a mighty wind”. September 2003 was the month of unusually strong hurricanes and typhoons. Typhoon Maemi was the worst typhoon to hit Korea since records began. It was also the worst typhoon to hit Okinawa in southern Japan in thirty years. It was the time of the hurricane, Isabel that over the Atlantic ocean reached wind speeds of a category 5 storm, though it subdued before it reached the American coast.
Rev 6:14 “And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together” Those readers who have read the post on this Forum concerning the time at which Mars was closest to the earth will know that 28 August 2003 is of importance as it indicates the length of a “day” in Revelation. At the beginning of the twenty-first century it could be calculated that the planet Mars was closest to the earth (on 28 August 2003) in some 60 000 years and would again be as close in the year 2287. The planet appeared as a bright star in the heavens. This information was of significance because 287 years is about a “day” in Revelation. Revelation links “heaven” to the scroll, “rolling together” - that is closing. Is that why the events of the following months seemed to follow the reversed sequence of the opening of the sixth seal?
Why does Revelation have a reversed sequence? It is because the symbolism of Revelation is understandable within a time frame of some two thousand years. A time frame that is symbolically expressed in Revelation through the words, “the length” and “breadth” (Rev 21:16) of “the holy city, New Jerusalem” (Rev 21:2). Because Almighty God has known the ultimate destiny of man from the very beginning of time, time and happenings can be placed in a reverse order in Revelation. This can, of course, only be understood to make sense, within the total understanding of Revelation.
What about the second part of Rev 6:14 “and every mountain and island were moved out of their place”? Now you will say that this has not happened. Do these words only have a figurative meaning? This is not impossible for the words “mountain” and “island” are used in the Old Testament in relation to prophecy, the judgement of the nations and the recovery of the remnant of his people. Isaiah 2: 3-4 “ and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord…. And he shall judge among the nations and rebuke many people”. Isaiah 11:11 “ And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall set his hand again the second time to recover the remnant of his people …. from the islands of the sea. In order to understand Revelation the words of the prophets that appear in Revelation are applied to the history of the development of the Christian church , “the body of Christ” or “temple”. (See John 2 : 19- 21). Every “mountain” and “island” are “moved out of their places. The words of Revelation relate to a “new” meaning. Note Revelation 21:5 “I make all things new”. In the word “new “ is understood those under the new covenant.
This argument is substantiated by Rev 16:15 that the Return will be “as a thief”
The words “moved out of its place” have, of course, to do with what Jesus Christ said in Matthew 17:20. If you have faith as a mustard seed , you shall say unto this mountain , Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.
Did we reach the point , on 28 August 2003 that global events, from August to December 2003 (in a reverse order) would follow the words of Rev 6:12-14? With the faith that Jesus Christ will return - that Jesus Christ has remained with his people through the Spirit since the time of the Ascension - that the time measurements of Revelation were revealed to me and ultimately the symbolism of Revelation understood - this is possible.