Posted by Elana Janson on January 05, 2009 at 14:36:20:
Conflict in Gaza
After all that has been said on this website I am concerned about the continuing conflict in Gaza.
Because so many of the ‘enlightened’ citizens of the world have chosen to believe and accept that life on earth has ‘evolved’ and there is no Divine design to man’s existence on earth – or simply because some just do not believe that there is a living God - the international media has ignored what has been said on this website. But now a conflict situation has arisen at a time that I believe that we are seeing signs of the final season. The world community is now uninformed concerning a divinely inspired understanding of the book Revelation and to the fact that ‘Armageddon’ is near.
Gaza lies to the south of the plains of Armageddon. At this point in time when we see signs of global warming, great windstorms, extreme weather in all countries and a global economic turndown the proximity of Armageddon is just too close for comfort.
The situation in Gaza may too pass by as did the war in Lebanon in 2006. On the other hand the scale can be tipped. As history has taught us a bullet in Sarajevo led to a World War. Would knowledge of this website have made world leaders act with more earnest to end the conflict? Or is it a confirmation of prophecy that the end will be upon us ‘as a thief’. One thing we do know: God is watching. May God have mercy on all the earth if at the present time it is the preparation and the gathering together “unto the supper of the great God” (Rev 19:17).