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Posted by Curmudgeon on May 11, 2009 at 12:17:57:

Dear Dr Janson,
I have long admired your treatment of such aspects of the Book of Revelation as the 'Beast from the Sea' and the 'Beast from the Earth'. Your view of these matters demonstrates a breadth of vision and a compassion for benighted humanity which is beautiful to behold.

On the other hand I also cannot help noticing that Revelation itself is expressed in terms which are wholly condemnatory of these tendencies in we humans.

Paradoxes seem to be an integral part of God's revelation of himself to us. They keep appearing, from the paradox of the Trinity (God is One, God is Three) to the paradox of the God who is both perfectly merciful and perfectly just, and many others.

Would you agree that your treatment tends towards the 'infinitely merciful' view, and that the Revelation treatment lies closer to the 'infinitely just' view?

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