
Question: According to your interpretation who or what is the antichrist?
It must be noted that the word "antichrist" does not appear in the book Revelation. Therefore through the past centuries it was imprudent to link persons in history as the antichrist to the words of Revelation. As a result of misconceptions, there are today so many incorrect versions as to what constitutes the antichrist, that mankind is oblivious as to what degree this force compounded its strength through the centuries. It is Revelation's purpose, at the end time, to reveal the many aspects of the antichrist - its totality.
"a man"
Revelations symbolism can be correlated with the history of the past two thousand years, since the birth of Christ. The entire Revelation is a totality of time measurement. Before this was realised, incorrect interpretations were made and it is particularly with regard to the antichrist, and the beasts of Revelation, that these incorrect interpretations have lingered, and are today believed to be the truth. One of these is the almost universal idea or belief that at the end time a particular person is going to be, or appear as, the antichrist.
This belief finds its origin in particularly three verses:
- Rev 13:17
"Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man" (KJV)
- Also Thessalonians 2:3
"Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day (the end time and the coming of Christ) shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed"
- 2 John 7
"For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist."
When one reads these verses one can surely be misled. Is only now in the year 2000, because we can understand Revelation, that we can also know the antichrist.
The antichrist according to Scripture
In order to discover the antichrist we have to go to the Scriptures and to those verses in which the word "antichrist" appears.
- 1 John 2:18
"Little children, it is the last time, and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time."
Take note of the word "little" that is used in conjunction with the "last time" ("last hour" New International Version).
Because we are not allowed to add words to Revelation, the only way that we may link this verse to Revelation is through a corresponding word. The word that corresponds is "little". We know that the "last time" in the total time measurement of Revelation is the "little" or "short season" that is measured at the end of each millennium. We are told that even in the time of the first Apostles, the antichrist was already present. Therefore it is not something that is totally new in the year 2000.
1 John 2:18 verifies the message of Revelation that we are in the last time measurement. We are seeing the results of the 'growth' of the beasts of Revelation. The beasts of Revelation have relatively 'harmless' origins, but as time progresses through the centuries of the second millennium, these beasts develop into enormous forces that in the year 2000 direct Western standards and thought.
- 1 John 2:22
"Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son"
This verse is very clear concerning the antichrist; it is a denial that Jesus is the Christ and the testimony of Jesus Christ that he is the Son of God. We can link this verse to Revelation through the word "Father" (Rev 2:27 "as I received of my Father"). It is the Revelation of Jesus Christ. When he was on earth, he spoke of God in heaven as his Father.
- 1 John 4:3
"And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already it is in the world."
Of significance is the word "spirit" of antichrist. It is this meaning that reveals the essence of the beasts of Revelation. The beasts of Revelation derive their strength from numerous forms of human activity. Revelation, through time measurement, takes one back in history, to reveal where the 'beginnings' of the influence of the beast are to be found. These forms of human activity are hidden in the symbolism of Revelation and can be discovered through linking words of Revelation to time measurement (certain years or periods of time - e.g. 24 years which is "an hour") in history.
The beast out of the sea
"kings and priests"
In the very first chapter of Revelation lies the key to the delusion of the Christian nations in the year 2000. Revelation states in its first verse that it is "The Revelation of Jesus Christ. This is the risen Christ, for the prophecy of Revelation, was given to John in the year c97 AD. Verse 1 continues, which God gave unto him to show his servants (those who worship Jesus Christ) things that must shortly come to pass." In other words this is a message directly to Christians and the Christian nations.
It is the purpose of Revelation to give Christians in the end time some insight as to how it came about that the teachings of Jesus Christ are no longer a priority in the ruling of the Christian nations. Because the Christian nations have become lukewarm and cold in their approach to faith, Revelation wants to give understanding, so that the remnant of true Christians in the world will not succumb to the forces of evil.
Therefore, it was through an investigation of the ruling of the Christian nations through the centuries, and a study of the parts of the globe where the followers of Jesus Christ spread the gospel of the New Testament, that a correlation of time measurement in history, to the verses of Revelation could be found.
In Rev 1:6 we are told that he made us, not just the Christian kings and the Christian priests, but all of us, each individual, "kings and priests unto God". This means that where any Christian, and particularly those placed in a position of authority, should carry out the message that "Christ is the Son of God".
The beast out of the sea has to do with the ruling of the Christian nations.
It indicates a rule of the nations that moved from the rule of the anointed king to the rule of ordinary men.
By the end of the first millennium, the year 1000, in most of the countries of Europe, there was a unity of the Christian king and the Christian Church. It is in the break down of this unity, during the second millennium, that the beast out of the sea in Revelation can be identified.
The beast out of the sea in Revelation is described (Rev: 13:1) as having "seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns and upon his heads the name of blasphemy." Because it is in the nature of man to follow leadership and because Christian subjects were through the ages compelled to follow the leadership of the king, Revelation reveals the falling away from Christian fundamentals as vested within the leadership of the anointed Christian kings.
Seven hills
In Revelation 17:9, we are told that the "seven heads are seven hills, on which the woman sitteth". The meaning of "seven hills" is as follows. The number "seven" is a number of totality or total amount in Revelation. The word hill is linked to the words "without (outside) the city", that relates to the place where Jesus Christ was crucified, outside the city of Jerusalem). Therefore the meaning of seven hills is the total number of places where Christians were put to death, by the direct authority of the king or through the law of the state.
The beast that carrieth her
The woman" in Revelation, chapter 12 (Rev 12:1), is symbolic of the true Christian witness. As time past and the nations slowly came under the influence of the beast, "the woman" becomes " the woman carried by the beast". This image of the "woman carried by the beast, symbolically signifies, the progression of a totality of 'Christians', that gradually succumbed to the influence of the 'beast out of the sea'. We are told in Revelation 17:6 that John saw "the woman drunken with the blood of the saints".
The corrupt woman is a totality of persons, within the Christian nations that through the centuries of the second millennium lived or spread a corrupt message of Christianity. It is a totality of persons, within the Christian Church, that includes Christians in authority, the clergy and the congregations, who in the name of Christianity, played a role in allowing anti-Christian ideologies to undermine the message of Jesus Christ in the ruling of the nations. By the words "the beast carrieth her" Revelation indicates a unity of this corruption with the anointed Christian kings. Firstly, anti-Christian ideologies would find their way in the rule of individual nations (Rev 17:9 - "there are seven kings").
The ten horns are also ten kings
Revelation indicates through a further ten Christian kings, that reigned for about twenty-four years (an "hour"), how the rule of the Christian nations would be taken over by the beast. Ultimately, when the development of the beast has reached full strength, the beast rules the entire earth (Rev 16:10 - "the seat of the beast")
One does not have to be a genius to know what kind of rule replaced the rule of the anointed Christian kings of the Christian nations. It was the rule of ordinary men, a form of government that in the twentieth century would be hailed to the ends of the earth as the only successful form of government. The problem of this form of government was that the rulers were men not necessarily of the Christian faith and men who promoted an equalisation of world faiths ("the name of blasphemy"). The word blasphemy is used for international law no longer accepts that Christ is the only way to the Father. Sheer numbers in authority that follow the ideology of an equalisation of world faiths, would eventually trample on the message of Jesus Christ that he is the only way to the Father.
"worship him"
Revelation says that this would be a form of government that mankind would "worship" - Rev 13:8 "and all that dwell on earth shall worship him". Who can make war, in the year 2000, against the rule of men? Why would men worship the beast out of the sea? Because they gradually obtained greater freedoms and became through the centuries "free" to do as they pleased. After the terrible wars of religion in Europe, men were convinced that the ideology of freedom of religion was the answer to world peace. As we all know today, there is no going back on the path of freedom. What they didnt realise was that the message that Jesus as the only way to the Father would in time be irreparably undermined.
Through the word "worshipped", I believe this idea is further illustrated through the words of Paul's letter to the Thessalonians (2:2-3) and the "man of sin". "Who opposes and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped". In other words the ideology of the rule of men, and the rights of men, will at a point override the ordinances set out in the Scriptures.
This has become recognisable in the rule of the nations today.
- Where the interests of "man" are paramount. One religion may not be regarded as the only true faith.
- Where governments allow groups to sue the present, often impoverished, Christian Church for converting pagans in the previous centuries to the Christian faith. So ignorant have men become that they don't even realise that Jesus Christ commanded it. Corrupt methods of conversion were used, but they are overlooking the great work of the "the true witnesses" who through education, the words of the New Testament, and the example of Christian living, brought the message of salvation through Jesus Christ and the guarantee of everlasting life.
- It is seen in the attitude of governments that regard early Christian missionaries who gave up worldly possessions and their life to spread the gospel as criminals associated with imperialists and colonists.
- Where governments no longer allow missionaries to convert citizens to the Christian faith.
- Where minorities of Christians are oppressed, taken hostage or put to death.
Kingdom unto the beast
We should just pause for a moment at the words" of Rev 17:17 For God has put it into their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and to give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled". By linking the words "their hearts" with the words of scripture we can fully understand the meaning.
Mark 2:6 "reasoning in their hearts" - by the reasoning of their own hearts men would be deceived.
Mark 3:5 "the hardness of their hearts" - by the hardness of their hearts men would be misled.
Luke 8:12 "taketh away word sown in their hearts" - men would be deceived and the Christian message of their fathers and mothers would be taken away from them.
Luke 1:51 "in imagination of their hearts" - man's imagination would also play a role in this deception.
Rom 1:24 " through lust in their hearts"
In other words it would be through the nature of man, that he would fall for the deception of the forces of evil.
It would be through man, giving in to his sinful nature, that it became acceptable (put it in their hearts), to discard the rule of the Christian king and Christian Church.
The great city
It seems, from the words of Revelation that mankind had to be punished for the death of Christian prophets and saints and all those that were put to death on earth. Rev 18:24 And in her (the corrupt woman also symbolised as the great city) was found the blood of the prophets and of the saints, and all that were slain upon earth. The time of the development of the beast out of the sea was also the time that Christian kings and Christians in authority, became obsessed in trade and the accumulating of wealth (the great city).
The wrath of God?
It was therefore through mans own sinful nature that the beast out of the sea would develop. It is taken a step further when we discover "the beast out of the earth". It seems as if God gave man certain insights and knowledge. This knowledge could be used for good or evil. I seems that it is part of the wrath of God, for through the linking of the words of Revelation, both the beast out of the sea and the "beast out of the earth" can be linked to the seven bowls of wrath". He knew that the knowledge would be used for good, but if misused it would make man look to the knowledge of the 'earth' for solutions and not to God. Man's dependence on God would be undermined.
The beast out of the earth
Rev 13:13- 18
Through the time measurement of 666 years Revelation reveals the " beast out of the earth". This is a force that is linked to the discoveries of man "coming up out of the earth - Rev 13:11". The word "earth" is used for it is going to have the influence of focussing man's attention on the environment and matter around him. This force has innocent beginnings "he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake like a dragon". Through the nature of man, and the momentum of the 'beast out of the sea' the total force inherent in the combined "beast out of the sea" and "beast out of the earth", will gradually drive man away from God.
(Rev 13:12 "And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein, to worship the first beast.)
The time measurements in Revelation are "an hour, and a day, and a month and a year". The time measurement of the "year", is the same as the "year", that we know. That is the actual meaning of "is the number of a man" (KJV) or " the number of man" (New International Version).
Rev 13:13-18
And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on earth in the sight of men
All the verses of Rev 13:13-18 can be correlated with history through the measurement of 666 years, without omitting any words!
- "And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire" - the year 1866, the year of the discovery of dynamite.
- "come down from heaven on earth" - the first rocket was successfully launched in the year 1926.
- "in the sight of men" television was first seen in 1926.
Revelation is through the words of verse 13:13 measuring a time period of "threescore" years
1866 + "threescore" (60 years) =1926
And he deceiveth them that dwell on earth by the means of those miracles, which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had a wound by the sword, and did live.
- "And he deceiveth them that dwell on earth by the means of those miracles"
The time that the beast would deceive mankind is from 1866 to the year 1926.
In the beginning of the twentieth century man began to look to the earth for answers.
- Through the word "power" Revelation indicates the year 1932 and the discovery of the splitting of the atoms of lithium, which would eventually lead to the discovery of the atom bomb. The nuclear capability gave the Western Christian nations, military power and the ability to communicate through visual communication, the television, to the entire earth, the outcome of the effect of the "beast out of the sea". We know this through the words " that they should make an image to the beast, which had a wound by the sword and yet did live."
- This is an extremely important verse for now Revelation is moving back in history through its time measurement.
"saying to them that dwell on earth, that they should make an image
to the beast, which had a wound by the sword, and did live."
This is not the first time that Revelation mentions these words" which had a wound by the sword and did live". These words were used in Revelation 13:3 concerning the beast out of the sea. " And I saw one of its heads as it was wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed". What this means is that Revelation is indicating that in the time that men were still fighting with the sword, a Christian king, that was anointed was put to death. After this there came a form of government into being that made it seem as if the role of the king had not disappeared. As it was explained above in connection with the "beast out of the sea", this was an elected form of government. The year that is being indicated is the year 1266, the year that the heir to the Holy Roman Empire was killed. After the Hohenstaufen rule, the kings of the Holy Roman Empire were elected.
The year 1266 is "six hundred" years before the year 1866, that was established in the previous verse.
- "the image" indicates the year 1886 - the year in which the Statue of Liberty was built. How do we know this is so? We know this through history and the measurement of time in the pattern of "six hundred, threescore and six " years. We know this through history for once one Christian country in Europe diminished the power of the king, it also set in motion a will by the people to diminish the power of the Christian Church. Ultimately this "freedom" gained momentum throughout the Christian countries of Europe and culminated in the French Revolution, when the rule of the king and the church was removed for all time from the rule of the nations of Europe. This ideology was taken to the ends of the earth, through colonisation. It was to the ideology of "freedom" that the Statue of Liberty was erected and completed in the year 1886. Why is Revelation indicating this evolution from the rule of kings to the rule of men as the beast? It is because it ultimately brought about an equalisation of world religions that would in time undermine the teaching of Jesus Christ, that the only way to the Father is through Jesus Christ (remember Revelation is the "Revelation of Jesus Christ!")
1266 + "six hundred" years = 1866
1866 + "one score" (20 years) = 1886
Revelation is linking the "beast out of the sea", with the "beast out of the earth" in order to show how the two influences, during the time of the late nineteenth century through to the beginning of the twentieth century, would take Christians away from their religion.
Verse 15
And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast, should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
Through the word "image" we must start measuring at the year 1886.
To the basis of numbers established in the previous verses, 1866,1886,1926 and 1932, Revelation seems to add 66 years
"And he had power to give life unto the image".
After 1932 (power) he could give life (1952) to the image (1886). In the year 1952, it was discovered that frogs could be cloned.
1926+66=1998 (The year Dolly, the sheep was cloned.)
That the image of the beast (1886), should both speak (1906) and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
1906 was the year that the radiotelephone was demonstrated.
1886 + 20 (one score) =1906
1906 + 66 (66 was added in the previous verse) =1972
This means that through telecommunication the laws of the rule of men would be carried to all the countries of the world. From the year 1972 it would become internationally accepted that war can be waged against, and all will be killed, who do not conform to the rule of men. Those who do not conform may be put to death.
Verse 16
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, freeman and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand.
- "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, freeman and slave" Revelation is linking the time of the 666 years to the time 1860 to 2004, that according to How Near Armageddon is the last 144 years. The time is measured backwards: 2004 (the time linked to the words "small and great" - this could be the very near the end time because the word "small in Revelation relates to Judgement - see Rev 20:12). 1932 is the midpoint between 1860 and 2004 and is linked to the time of the Great Depression - "rich and poor". 1860 was the time of the American Civil War that was fought for the freedom of the slaves - "freeman and slave".
- "to receive a mark on their right hand, or on their forehead"
The mark on the right hand and on the forehead has to do with man that no longer will strive in his work or vocation (hand) and his thinking (forehead) to 'the mark of everlasting life'. Man will be totally focussed on the 'earth'. In other words his aspirations will be of the world and he will no longer see the need for the spiritual or to live a life according to the teachings of Jesus Christ and Scripture.
This meaning is derived from the meaning of "mark" in Philippians 3:14 " I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Jesus Christ."
The reason why Revelation combines the time of the 144 years to the time 666 is to indicate how major factors in the course of the history of the last 144 years will effect and intensify, the influence of the beast. These factors are the equality of men, the economy, and the difference between great and small nations. For as the numbers of the Christian worshippers diminish up to the year 2000, as a result of the total influence of the beasts, the remnant of Christians world wide will come under the pressure of the ruling authority. An authority that is actual non-Christian majority rule, but also majority rule that does not accept that Jesus Christ is the only way to the Father.
Verse 17
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
- The analysis of this verse is most interesting for by linking it to time, it conveys its meaning. We know from Revelation 13:13-16 that the time of "threescore and six" is the time - measured back from 1932 - 1932, 1926 (six years), 1906,1886 and 1866 (three score years). It seems as if Revelation then measures back in time 600 years. The words of Revelation seem to indicate inventions and insights in the years measured back from 1866. Six hundred years from 1866: 1766, 1666,1566,1466,1366 and 1266.
- The beasts of Revelation influenced man to move from focussing on the spiritual and the will of God to focussing on that, which pertains to man and the earth. This verse means that in the twentieth century economic sanctions would be imposed by international law on nations that do not conform to the rule of men. But it would be the Christians nations. This is revealed through time measurement. The years that reveal this are the years 1566 and 1766.
- In 1566 (number), Philip II of Spain (name) declared war on Christian subjects in the Netherlands. This war would lead to the deaths of many Christians. The total "beast out of the sea" includes seven kings from seven countries and a further ten kings from ten countries. Through the kings Revelation wishes to convey how the leadership of Christian countries of Europe, would through religious differences and an overriding interest in foreign trade would set in motion a movement of Christian thinking away from the spiritual (mark on the forehead).
- In 1766 the Pope issued an order to expel the Jesuits from Mexico where they had established a moral and intellectual leadership. The monarchs of Europe were afraid that that their influence was becoming too extensive. (Read How Near Armageddon for the full explanation)
Verse 18
Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred and threescore and six.
- 1266 was the time that Thomas Aquinas wrote the Summa Theologica. The Catholic Church regards the ideas expounded by Aquinas today as being the point where man's thinking (wisdom) began to focus on man and humanity.
- 1666 (count) This was the year that Isaac Newton discovered "calculus". Revelation indicates this discovery to show how through knowledge man would also become more intent on discovering the secrets of the earth than on the quest to attain everlasting life.
- 1466 This was the year of the birth of Desiderius Erasmus. It is said that he ruled the world of the humanists (a man) in his time.
- In 1366 monks and priests in England could join a university to study. Men of the church would come all the more in contact with a broader curriculum. How difficult it is for those, in the year 2000, who through the generations of man have become separated from God, to assess the influence of the beast. To them this was the Renaissance of man. Only those who still have Christian faith can gauge (who has understanding count) the modest beginnings of the circumstances in which of the forces that would know and understand man's weaknesses could begin to develop. Forces that if allowed to gain the upper hand would gain momentum in man's thinking through the centuries, to bring him to the point that he cannot ascertain the magnitude of the antichrist in the year 2000.
Great and small
Man was so carried away by the combined forces of the beast, that it will only be in the final time measurement, that could be the time 2000 to 2004, that man will realise the impact of this force. Likely, only when the signs of the end time become very clear will the inhabitants of the "great city", "put on sackcloth, from the greatest of them even unto the least of them" (Jonah 3:5 and Matthew 12:41). (Revelation regards the world, in the year 2000, driven essentially through the dictates of the world economy as the 'great city'.)
In the total time measurement of Revelation the words "great and small" are linked to the year 2004.
"no man"
What is of importance to us to-day, is that in the last days there will be an overwhelming ideology or belief (spirit) that will make it increasingly difficult to say that Christ, was the Son of God, and he came to the earth to save mankind from sin. This is of the greatest danger for Christians today. For not only are Christians being robbed of their faith and the sure way to everlasting life, what is more, they do not even realise it!
In Revelation one cannot ignore the meaning that is hidden in the linking of words. We therefore have to take particular note of the words "no man ".
Revelation in a number of instances repeats the words "no man" in relation to the end time.
Revelation accentuates "no man" for it is exactly the ideology of man on a grand scale, in the year 2000, that has made particularly persons with Christian heritage oblivious of the power of the antichrist.
The words "no man" in relation to the end time.
- Rev 2:17
"To him that overcometh, I will give to eat of the hidden manna, I will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth, saving he that receiveth it." This verse, through the centuries, could be understood through the word "new" that relates to the time of the death of Christians when they would enter the "New Jerusalem". In the total meaning of Revelation, through time measurement, in the year 2000, I believe it has the following meaning.
- "overcometh" - those who are confronted by sin and realise that it is contrary to Scripture, and then make the inner decision to live according to the words and instructions of Jesus Christ.
- "eat the hidden manna" - God will give an understanding of how the spiritual relates to a particular person's own life.
- "A white stone" - this relates to the end time. When an individual that lives on earth at the end time will realise that the signs of the last days are revealed through the words of Jesus Christ and the temple of Jerusalem - "not left here one stone upon the other" Matthew 24:2.
- Rev 3:7
(Jesus Christ) hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth; (verse 8) I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it. Once "heaven has opened", and God has made a communication with all the peoples of the earth through the measurement of time in Revelation, no man will be able to stop the momentum.
- Rev 3:11
Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. This means that those living, should not let their belief in the message of Jesus Christ (their spiritual insight), be taken away by those that are bound to the earth.
- Rev 7:9
"a great multitude that no man could number".
The words "no man" are again linked to the end time. No person on earth will be able to estimate the number of those that are going to be saved. We only know it is a totality of 144 000, meaning "144" (12X12=144 - "twelve" relating to the "twelve stars" -Rev 12:1 - the totality of the Christians of the world) and "000" - (three sections of the earth - the total earth).
- See Revelation 5:3
"no man was able to open the book"
No one that is "earth bound", and under the influence of the beasts of
Revelation, will be able to understand the significance of Revelation's
time measurement for he lacks the insight as to what degree mankind
has fallen under the spell of the forces of evil.
- Rev 14:3
"no man could learn that song, but the hundred and forty-four thousand".
In the Bible, in various books of the Old Testament the word "song" is used in relation to "strength", namely Ex 15:2, Ps 118:14 and Isaiah 12:2, "The Lord is my strength and song, and he is become my salvation" (Ex 15:2 and Ps 118:14). (In Isaiah 12:2, the words "I will trust and not be afraid: for the Lord Jehovah" is written before "is my strength
"). This means that those that in their songs, that they sing on earth, cannot praise Jesus Christ, will not be able to praise him when he comes, for they are ignorant of his strength in their lives and do not know that he is their salvation from sin. They shall not know the meaning of his Coming and will be afraid of those things that are going to happen at the end time.
- Rev 15:8
"No man was able to enter the temple, till the seven plagues of the seven angels were fulfilled."
This verse has a double meaning.
- It has to do with understanding. No person, in the year 2000 that is under the influence of the beast will be able to understand the measurement of the "temple" in Revelation. For if the teaching of Jesus Christ played a role in their lives they would, through their faith, know that through the ages, he was ever present.
- It has to do with the actual entry into everlasting life. Why does Revelation say: "till the seven angels have poured the vials of wrath of God on the earth". (These vials were poured onto the earth, because mankind has to pay a price for the death of Christians and all who were killed on earth. This is said in Rev 17:6 and 18: "in her was found the blood of prophets and of saints, and all who were slain upon the earth".) When the time comes that the "vials filled of the wrath of God have been poured out on the earth" have played out (see Q&A - Seventh bowl of Wrath), Christians will know it is the end time, for there will be definite signs. Christians will recognise them from the words of Revelation and the words of Jesus Christ. Some will then repent and "enter the temple". Only when Christ himself appears, will the unbelieving realise that there is a greater force in control of the earth. It is to that degree that the beasts of Revelation would have misled mankind.
- It also means the time that those in heaven, that had to wait "a little season" (Rev 6:11), will receive white robes and can enter heaven.
- Rev 18:11
"And the merchants of the earth will weep over her; for no man buyeth her merchandise any more".
It seems that in the last time measurement of Revelation, there will be an economic collapse of the great world trade developed through the centuries of the second millennium ("the great city"). Man has become totally earth-bound, and the main motivation of the nations is buying and selling. It is the only motivation, for the carrying out of the message of Jesus Christ, by the leadership of the nations, no longer exists. Even in some instances, the heralded law of the nations in the year 2000, the rights of human beings are being ignored in the interests of trade in the year 2000.
It seems that once the momentum of the Restoration of the Lam is under way "no man" (meaning those persons or forces that have become totally bound to the earth, but particularly those who in their hearts are antichrist) will be able to curb the impetus. Luckily for those living then, for the last signs may still make them realise that the prophecy of the Revelation of Jesus Christ is being fulfilled.
This repetition of the words "no man" in Revelation is used for the very specific reason of accentuating the implications of the meaning of the word "man" in Revelation. It is the word "man" that is related to the "beast out of the earth" (see Rev 13:17 above).
Because my analysis of Revelation has revealed that the linking of the words of Revelation to the Scriptures reveals meaning, I believe that the words "no man" in the verse "no man comes to the Father, but by me (John 14:6)" is significant in the end time. For Christians know that it is this knowledge that is being blurred by the influence of the beast and is robbing believers of the sure way to everlasting life.
The equalisation of world religions was in the first instance promoted in order to improve trade relations with all the nations of the world. It was to put an end to the wars of religion and to bring world peace. However, man would give himself over to an ever-greater sinful life, to the point that he would not even know that he bears the mark of the beast.
But what Christians do not realise is that in the process they have lost their own conviction and ability to stand up and say I truly believe that Christ is the Son of God and that he is the only way to the Father. Those who do not truly believe this, are antichrist (according to Scripture as indicated above). In the year 2000, Revelation says to every Christian, will you, at the Second Coming be able to say without any doubt, that you believe in Christ as the only way to the Father. Every Christian has to answer this for himself. Revelation can only give Christians a last opportunity of faith.
Perhaps you can begin to understand the precarious position that mankind finds itself in the year 2000, before the Second Coming. The heralded ideology of the planet earth in the year 2000 is the equalisation of religious belief.
Lost generation
Because men have cast aside their religion, they see no need to teach faith to their children. Perhaps it is also because Jesus wants to save the little children from an ignorance of the true words of Scripture, brought about by the influences of the beasts of Revelation, that the words "great and small" are linked to the year 2004.
The Dragon
I am not going to elaborate at great length concerning the dragon in Revelation, for the impact of the dragon on the Christian nations concerns the divisions (read How near Armageddon for the full explanation) between Christians concerning their religion, that led to war. Therefore the dragon was most active in ancient history and more or less till the end of the wars of the Reformation.
Rev 13:1
And I (or he) stood upon the sand of the sea.
The beginning of Revelation 13:1 has two forms: King James Version says, I stood upon the sand of the sea, but it could also be he (the dragon) stood .. Where the pronoun I is used, the Middle East section of the earth is indicated for Patmos, the island where John was standing is situated in that section of the earth. Through the word sand we know it also relates to the monotheistic form of the Christian religion. Christians in the Middle East could not accept the doctrine of the Trinity, for they clung to the concept of one God, as was the tradition of the believers of the Old Testament. The text that reveals this is linked to Rev 13:1 by the word sand, namely Hebrews 11:12 and as the sand which by the sea shore, innumerable. (These words refer to the children of Abraham)
Where the pronoun he is used, he refers to the dragon(Rev 13:1): The dragon stood on the sand of the sea. These words also indicate the division between monotheistic Christians and those who believed in the Trinity.
However, in the total interpretation of Revelation, the opening words of Rev 13:1, the dragon stood on the sand of the sea also conveys a further meaning. You will recall that I have said that each chapter in Revelation starts at a point in history and then moves back to cover a certain time span. I believe that these words also convey that right up to the end time, the dragon would not cross the seas after the wars between Catholics and Protestants during the Reformation. I say this for this has been proved by history. The enmity between Protestants and Catholics did not result in wars across the seas for there were enough lands and open spaces for them to settle. In the far lands Christians had to cope with other problems that would arise from carrying Christianity to foreign peoples and cultures and the ultimate impact of the development of the beasts of Revelation on missionary work. Today, the place where the enmity between Protestants and Catholics has, till recently, lead to death is in an old country, Northern Ireland.
A further aspect of the dragon that is of importance today lies in the meaning of the words of Rev 13:2 and the dragon gave him (the beast) his power, and his seat and great authority. What this means is that the divisions between Christians (initially Christian kings against the Christian church and later ordinary Christian folk against the Church) gave ordinary people a say in matters concerning the way they wished to be ruled. It was this say or opinion that would gain momentum and contribute to gathering together the opposition of the ordinary people to the rule of the king and the position of the Christian Church in that rule. In the light of what was said concerning the beast out of the sea above, the reader can now understand how through history, the dragon contributed to the development of the rule of men, and the division of the Christian Church and State in countries of the West. The rule of the countries of Europe was transported to the colonies across the seas.
To conclude
In the light of what was said above, let us again consider the verses given at the beginning, concerning a man.
Rev 13:17
"Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man" (KJV)
The number of a man is therefore the time measurement of a year a heavenly measurement of time also known to man.
Thessalonians 2:3
"Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day (the end time and the coming of Christ) shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed".
This verse means that there will be a falling away or rebellion against religion and men on earth will be both sinful and lawless before the end time.
2 John 7
"For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist."
The magnitude and scope of the development of the beast out of the sea and the out of the earth that today mislead all the peoples of the earth are the many deceivers.
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