Response to article 'How near Armageddon' by Nico Engelbrecht on the website Reformed Truth (2)

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Posted by Elana Janson on August 12, 2009 at 14:18:29:

Of course Isaiah does not refer to Caracalla, but there is a symbolic link historically from this information to the time cAD216 – that is that God intervenes to save his people. In order to understand why I mention Caracalla, that is Emperor Marcus Aurelius Antonius here as being hidden in the symbolism of “vesture dipped in blood” is to show how I believe the Trinity would destroy the rule that would persecute Christians and bring about a rule that would tolerate Christianity. Revelation is written in symbols and a symbol can have more than one meaning. Caracalla relates to the symbolism of the destruction “blood” and not to the symbolism of the rider on the white horse.

As God saved his people in the Old Testament from his enemies so the Trinity would in the time after the resurrection of Jesus Christ save his people, the Christians from the tyrannical emperors of Rome. Through my insight that the rider on the white horse, that is Jesus Christ and the Trinity, is linked to the time of cAD216 and beyond, the Trinity would change the ruling of the nations. In order to do this Christian leaders would come in the place of pagan emperors.

To say that I suggest that Isaiah was indicating Caracalla is a blatant distortion of my interpretation and an attempt to portray my insight in the worst possible light – to the point that I am blasphemous.


I do believe that the words of Rev 19:13 reveal that the rider on the white also reveals Origen. I say this in the light of the knowledge given me through the Divine intercession. The Divine intercession revealed that the four riders of the apocalypse were connected to the times of the discovery of biblical scrolls, that is c216, c790, 1896 and 1947
Engelbrecht and all those who do not believe that a Divine intercession took place will surely query how I could connect Origen to Rev 19:13. When it was made known to me that the rider on the white horse is connected to the time c216 the words Rev 19:12 “a name written that no man knew” and Rev 19:13 “and his name” indicated to me that hidden in the symbolism of the rider on the white horse was the revelation that this symbolism also connects to history and that this was the key to the total understanding of Revelation. The words of Rev 19:13 “and his name is called the word of God” of course indicate Jesus Christ.

John 1:1
The words “Word of God” signify the meaning of John 1:1 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” This verse indicates that Jesus Christ was from the creation of the universe part of God. This is the scriptural meaning. However in c216 people were having great problems in understanding how Jesus Christ and the coming of the Holy Spirit are linked to the God of the Old Testament.

Revelation says that Jesus Christ, therefore the Trinity would overcome Satan. With the knowledge that I had to look at the time 216 it was amazing that at this time Origen was addressing the Question of the Trinity. Through the Devine intercession I believe God instructed me to connect Revelation to history – to indicate that at the time 216 God intervened to give direction to confused thought so that Satan would not influence His people the Christians incorrectly. If Engelbrecht and others cannot accept this they should stick to what they believe, and not try to degrade my inspiration and insight through incorrect accounts of my purpose.

I believe that the Trinity intervened in the year 216, in order that the doctrine of the Trinity would eventually be the one that would be accepted by the Christian churches.

Firstly some background information should be given. In the first three centuries Christians were vexed by the problem of the Trinity. The first Christians knew of Christ and the Holy Spirit, but how were they related to God? As Christians wrestled with this problem, differences arose which led to severe controversies.
The relationship between the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit was leading to confusion.

It was Origen, who would ‘direct’ the confused thoughts of these early Christians to the Scriptures. Although nurtured in Greek philosophy, Origen believed that he had found the truth primarily in the Scriptures and in what had been transmitted in orderly succession by the apostles. The apostolic teaching that Origen held, is:
that there is one God, the Father, just and good, the Creator of all things;

that Jesus Christ, the God man, was the incarnation of the Logos who is wisdom, word, light, and truth, co-eternal with the Father, for if the Father is always Father, there must always have been a Son. The Son, since he is the image of the Father, is dependent upon the Father and subordinate to Him. Jesus Christ was not, as so many of the Gnostics held, a phantom, but was truly born of a virgin, truly suffered, truly died, truly rose from the dead, conversed with his disciples, and was taken up to heaven.

that the Holy Spirit is associated in honour and dignity with the Father and the Son, and that he is uncreated (for he was as always part of the Father and Son).
Origen distinguished the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit one from the other, but was convinced from the Scriptures that they are of the same substance and constitute a unity.

I believe that God intervened in 216 in order to have this view of the Trinity laid in the developing stream of Christian thought. Some of Origen’s other views on the spiritual world would later be proved repugnant to the Catholic Church, but Origen was so outstanding a mind that for more than a century after his death, he profoundly moulded the minds of Christian thinkers, especially in the eastern parts of the Roman Empire. For this reason I believe Revelation says “he had a name written that no man knew” and repeats “name” in the section of the rider on the white horse (Rev 19:11-13).

The rider was carrying a bow
The rider on the white horse was carrying a bow. This image fits perfectly into the history of AD 216. For the explanation of this one has to go to the eastern part of the Roman Empire. The Parthians lived in Parthia, a country south-east of the Caspian Sea and east of Media (Asia Minor). This empire existed from c 250 BC. The Parthian army consisted mainly of mounted archers. The term “Parthian glance” is derived from their habit of turning and shooting when in feigned retreat.The Parthians were in conflict with Rome for a long time. In 53 BC they defeated the Roman army and slew Crassus. They were subdued by Emperor Trajan (98–-117) and also by Antonius who became Emperor in 138. The Romans could never conquer the Parthians and they feared that someday the Parthians would invade the Empire and destroy it.

Coins have been found with the images of Parthian soldiers on them. Some had bows, other were on horseback and wore crowns.

In 215 Caracalla moved to the flourishing ancient city of Antioch in Asia Minor (he left from Antioch to attend the sedition in Alexandria, that was mentioned earlier in this chapter) in an effort to gain control of the Parthians. By this time, however, his eccessive life style so undermined his health, that he was unfit for business and his mother Julia Domna, took charge of the affairs of state. He returned from Alexandria late in 215 and spent the winter of 215–216 in Antioch, continuing his efforts to gain control of Parthia. In May 216 Caracalla was forced to invade Parthia. He left Antioch in the summer of 216 and was assassinated in Edessa in eastern Syria in April 217.

The history of the church of Edessa is of significance in this history concerning the rider on the white horse, for in the year 216, Edessa was incorporated into the Roman Empire and enjoyed Catholic Communion with the church in Antioch. Edessa was an ancient city of Syria on the site of modern Urfa. The Christian church there was established at about the middle of the second century (c 150). By about the end of the second century, there were rumours that Edessa was not upholding the orthodoxy of the church of Antioch, and that Gnostic influences had entered the religious thought there. To combat these influences a Christian, named Palut, was consecrated to be bishop of Edessa by Serapion, bishop of Antioch (c 200).

It therefore seems symbolic that the church of Edessa joined the west in the year 216 ( the chariot drawn by white horses, seen by Zachariah, went west.)

The fall of the Roman Empire
The reign of Caracalla was the beginning of the decline of the Roman Empire which was at its zenith in the time of Septimus Severus.
What is of the greatest importance in the development of the Christian Church is that the Emperor of the Roman Empire, Constantine, who had a hard struggle to unite the Empire under his rule, came over to the side of the Christians in 312. He began the process of declaring Christianity the established religion of the Empire.
What then was the significance of the white horse and the rider wearing the crown, and carrying the bow? As in Zechariah it was said that the chariot with the white horses went west, I believe that the Trinity intervened by giving Origen the insight to look at the Scriptures to define the correct relationship between the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. This ultimately led to the formulation of the doctrine of the Trinity in Rome and Constantinople. Eventually the churches that followed the Creed of Chalcedon spread to the ends of the earth. It therefore seems that Revelation indicates, through the image of the rider on the white horse, an intervention by the Trinity in the history of mankind. An intervention that would put the history of the nations on a course that would bring about a "kingdom" (under Emperor Constantine) and "priest" (Origen – in formulating a doctrine of the Trinity directly from the Scriptures) for Christ. The crown is symbolic of the head of the state (Constantine) who would convert to Christianity and put a stop to persecution. Origen was directed to thoroughly study the Scriptures and put on course the process that would lead to the acceptance of the Creed of Chalcedon. It also seems that it was intended that part of the Eastern church of Edessa, that followed the Catholic Communion with Antioch and Rome was to be brought into the West.

Progress of time
Revelation is constructed to indicate great progressions of time. With great strides Revelation moves across time, and is ultimately constructed to give its very unique and revealing view of the history of the past some two thousand years.

Engelbrecht continues

Ek het net die krag gehad om een gedeelte van haar drek bloot te stel in die lig van die Skrif. Diegene wat dit lees en promofeer verdien haar en die desepsie waarin hulle leef.
Die grootste rooi ligte het aangegaan toe die Here vir haar ʼn gesig gee met sewe woorde.

Die interpretasie van: Openbaring 1:3 salig is hy wat die woorde van die profesie lees, en die wat dit hoor en bewaar wat daarin geskrywe is, want die tyd is naby. Die betekenis van hoor en bewaar volgens die Griekse Woordeboek van Prof. Jannie Louw wat gebaseer is op Semantiek, is om te luister, maar dan om te glo en te reageer op dit wat jy gehoor het. Soos die evangelie hoor en dan aanvaar. Wat se reaksie moet hulle hê in Johannes se tyd? Dat daar vervolging sal wees, toe en nou, ons moet moedhou want Christus is die oorwinnaar. Die tyd is naby, vervolging is altyd naby, sodoende moet die die wederkoms altyd voorgehou word vir die gemeente. Sodat in tye van verdrukking, is ons uitkoms altyd daar, self in dood. Lukas 11:28: En Hy sê: Ja, maar salig is hulle wat die woord van God hoor en dit bewaar. Hier is dit hoor en dan bewaar hier in die Grieks is gehoorsaam. In konteks is die betekenis anders.

Kom ons kyk nou wat se Elana Janson van die twee verse: Om te verwys na Jesus se woorde in Lukas 11: 28 persoonlik aan ʼn vrou wat hom volg en die woorde dan in verband te bring met Openbaring 1:3 dat dit na ʼn vrou verwys wat sal lewe in die eind tye wat die Tweede koms sal aankondig, is so verwerplik dat ons dit met minagting behandel wat dit verdien. Die Bybel leer dat God sal die wederkoms aankondig en nie eers die Seun nie. ʼn Mens wonder of Elana dink sy gaan moontlik daardie vrou wees. So is al haar verduidelikings van die simbole, onvanpas, glad nie in verband met die res van die skrif nie, die betekenis is nie volgens die woord van God nie. Openbaring is geensins ʼn boek waar ʼn mens enige historiese gebeurtenis mee kan verbind nie. Sy beweer die Heilige Gees wys vir haar dit. Hier neem sy God se naam in ydelike gebruik. Dit is nie wat God sê nie, die is nie God se bedoeling met Openbaring nie. Die Heilige Gees werk deur die Woord van God, dit beaam die Woord van God, dit beaam nie ekstra bybelse openbaring nie. Dit is my boodskap aan diegene wat so Charismatiese versindsels en fabels bylas.

Van die boek moet ʼn mens wegbly sover van die Ooste na die Weste waar dit nooit sal ontmoet nie. Dit is die teenoorgestelde wat die Bybel vir ons leer en die interpretasie van Openbaring. ʼn Vrou raak makliker in desepsie as ʼn man, en om haar woord te aanvaar as Evangelies is om in die strik te trap van verleiding en om drek te eet van daardie tafel wat sy dek.

Wat is dan die Boodskap van Openbaring?
Waarna ons moet let, luister en bewaar in hierdie laaste dae (laaste dae is al die laaste 2000 jaar en kan om almal teleurtestel nog ʼn duisend jaar duur voor die wederkoms). Die boodskap van Openbaring is juis dat ons moet groot verdrukking verwag (die voorvoegsel ‘Die’ kom nie voor in die oorspronlike tale nie, dit is net groot verdrukking) en ons reaksie daarom is ons moet gereed wees, ons moet voorbereid wees in ons deel van die laaste dae van verdrukking, valse openbaring, ander evangelies, verleiding van die waarheid, ons oë moet gevestig wees op Jesus die voleinder van ons geloof, en mekaar bemoedig op dit wat gaan kom, sodat ons gereed sal wees, want ons weet verseker dat in die lewe gaan ons verdrukking hê.

Dit suiwer tog die Kerk en het die Kerk nie vandag ʼn suiwering nodig nie en dit gaan kom deur ongekende vervolging waardeur jy en ek sal gaan as ons nog lewe, of ons wil of nie. Verseker gaan ons dit nie van Bo af sien nie maar ons gaan die beleef. Om vir mense gereed te maak om dit wat kom te ontsnap is die grootste onguns wat ons mense kan aandoen.

Om van ʼn sogenaamde wegraping te praat wat nie in die Bybel voorkom nie en soos ek sê, om in desepsie te wees is een ding, maar om desepsie te verkonding gaan jou werke soos strooi vegaan en verbrand word, moontik soos die bybel sê kan jy deur vuur gered word. Daar gaan die krone wat ons so onskriftuurlik na uitsien wat ook verkeerdelik geinterpreteer word. Kyk na die artikel oor belonings op die webwerf;
ʼn Mens raak moeg om al die onheilige vure te probeer doodslaan, maar een troos is, is dat God dit toelaat, mense oorgee aan fabels, vir hulle gee wat hulle soek buite die Heilig Woord van God want dit is ʼn oordeel oor diegene.
Die wat ore het om te luister luister.

Nico Engelbrecht

English translation

I only had the strength to reveal one section of the dung in the light of Scripture. Those who read and promote this deserve her and the deception that they are living in. The greatest red lights flickered when she said that God gave her a vision with seven words.

The interpretation of: Revelation 1:3 Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand. The meaning of hear and keep according to the Greek Dictionary of Prof Jannie Louw, that is based on semantics, is to listen, and then to believe and to react on that which you heard. Like hearing the gospel and accepting it. What reaction must they have in the time of John? There will be persecution, then and now, we must remain courageous because Christ is the victor. The time is near, persecution is always near, in this way the Return must always be held up to the congregation. So that in times of depression, we always have a way out, even in death. Luke 11:28: But he said “Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the word of God and keep it.” Here it is “hear” and then “keep”. Here in Greek it (means?) obedient. In context the meaning is different.

Let us see what Elana Janson says of these two verses. To refer to the words of Jesus in Luke 11:28 personally to a woman that is following him and then to bring these words into relation with Revelation 1:3 that this refers to a woman that will live in the end time that will declare the Second Coming, is so objectionable that it should be handled with the contempt that it deserves. The Bible teaches that God will declare the Return, not even the Son. One wonders if Elana thinks that she is possibly that woman. In this way all her explanations of the symbols are inappropriate, and not in keeping with the rest of Scripture. The meaning is not according to the word of God. Revelation is in no way a book in which one can connect an historical happening. She says that the Holy Spirit shows her this. She is using God’s name arrogantly. It is not what God says. It is not God’s purpose with the book Revelation. The Holy Spirit works through the Word of God, it does not confirm extra biblical revelation. This is my message to those who add Charismatic fabrications and fables.

From this book you must stay away as far as the East is from the West where it will never meet. It is the opposite to what the Bible teaches us and the interpretation of Revelation. It is the opposite of what the Bible teaches us and the interpretation of Revelation. A woman falls easier into deception than a man, and to accept her word as Evangelical is to step into the trap of temptation and to eat the dung of that table that she sets.

What is then the Message of Revelation

What must we look out for, listen to and keep in these last days (last days are already the last two thousand years and can just to disappoint all these can continue for another thousand years before the Return). The message of Revelation is exactly that, that we must expect great tribulation (in the original languages the word ‘the’ does not appear – it is just ‘great tribulation’). Our reaction therefore is we must be ready; we must be prepared in our part of the last days of tribulation, false revelations, other teachings, seducing from the truth, our eyes must be fixed on Jesus the finisher of our faith, encourage each other on that which is to come, so that we shall be prepared, because we know for sure that in this life we are going to have tribulation.

It does cleans the Church and does the Church not need to be cleansed. And this is going to come through unimaginable persecution through which both you and I shall go, whether we want to or not, if we are still alive. For sure we are not going to see it from above but we are going to experience it. To prepare people to avoid that which is to come is the greatest disfavor that we can bestow on people.

To speak of a so-called rapture that does not appear in the Bible and as I say, to be in deception is one thing, but to preach a deception, your work will be lost like straw and burnt, and as the Bible says, you can be saved by fire. There go the crowns, that we so contrary to scripture look forward to, also interpret incorrectly.

One becomes tired of having to put out all the unholy fires, but we have one solace and that is that God allows this - people will be given over to fables, to give them that which they look for beyond the Holy Word - for this is a judgment
over them. Those who have ears to listen, listen.

Nico Engelbrecht

My view

Engelbrecht does not believe that I was given a Divine insight into the book Revelation. Through the Divine intercession I believe that God declared the Second Coming – Yes to a woman. It is also substantiated by the symbolism of Rev 12:1 “upon her head a crown of twelve stars”. I believe that the Divine intercession that revealed times in history are symbolized by the words “stars”. As I have shown in my books there are twelve time measures in Revelation that were made known to me.

Engelbrecht therefore thinks that there is another ‘thousand years’ lying ahead before the Return. He does not believe that Revelation can be linked to history in order to reveal its full meaning. Therefore he wishes to destroy the message and the messenger. I can through his false accusations better understand the drive of the scribes and the Pharisees to crucify Jesus and the enmity against Joan of Arc.

I can only ‘prove’ the Divine intercession through my understanding of Revelation and the signs of the end that that we are witnessing at the present time - ultimately of course by the Return. I know that the Intercession happened and I understand Revelation far better than I did before1996. When I see the signs of global warming I am grateful for the book Revelation for it confirms that God is with his people in the twenty-first century. Praise be to God.

Some facts concerning climate change at the present time.

Ice is melting worldwide, especially at the Earth’s poles. This includes mountain glaciers, ice sheets covering West Antarctica and Greenland, and Arctic sea ice. Researcher Bill Fraser has tracked the decline of the Adélie penguins on Antarctica, where their numbers have fallen from 32,000 breeding pairs to 11,000 in 30 years. Sea level rise became faster over the last century. Some butterflies, foxes, and alpine plants have moved farther north or to higher, cooler areas. Precipitation (rain and snowfall) has increased across the globe, on average. Spruce bark beetles have boomed in Alaska thanks to 20 years of warm summers. The insects have chewed up 4 million acres of spruce trees.

Science is telling us that things or happening as the result of climate change. I believe God has given me the insight into Revelation to let His people know that we are living the end time. How long the final season will be only God knows. As the parable of the ten virgins reveals in Matt 25:1-12 some will know when it is time of the Return – some will be asleep.

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