Re: One Generation

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Posted by Elana Janson on October 26, 2009 at 15:51:55:

In Reply to: One Generation posted by Curmudgeon on October 24, 2009 at 13:16:50:

Return to Israel

As far as I know this prophecy is based on the belief that the descendants of exiled Jews will return to Israel before the Return of Jesus Christ. This would include not only the descendants of the Jews that were driven from Palestine after the fall of Jerusalem and annexation of Judea by the Romans in AD 73, but also the descendants of those that were deported to the northern regions of the Assyrian Empire (Babylon), when the Assyrian army conquered Samaria in 722BC - those that never returned after the time of the exile. In these times of dispersion or Diaspora there was spoken of the “lost tribes” of Israel.


This prophecy likely has its origin in former interpretations of Revelation chapter seven, where “twelve thousand” of each of the original twelve tribes of Israel is “sealed” (therefore it was believed indicating a coming together of the original tribes of the Jews) before the final sign of the end time that is the increase of strong winds across the planet (“four angels standing on the four corners of the earth holding the four winds of the earth” Rev 7:1). This is all part of the opening of the ‘sixth seal’ of Revelation.

The Qumran scrolls

It is particularly interesting in the context of my understanding of Revelation that it was in the time that the Romans swept through Qumran AD73, that the Qumran scrolls were hidden in caves near the Dead Sea. These Qumran scrolls were the Dead Sea Scrolls that were discovered in 1947. Those who have read my books and this website will know it was through my historical investigation into the times of the discovery of scrolls that I found the symbolic link of the four riders of the apocalypse to the history of the past two thousand years. This symbolic link was confirmed through the Divine intercession. It was this symbolic link to history that ultimately gave me the insight into Revelation that I have described in my books and on this website.

It is interesting that the Jews were exiled in AD73 (about a ‘generation’ of 72 years after the birth of Jesus Christ).

The Qumran scrolls were rediscovered in 1947. According to my understanding of Revelation, this is the time of the opening of the ‘fourth seal’ and the rider of the pale horse. The first four seals of Revelation pertain to the ruling of the nations of the earth since the coming of the Christ. The last three seals also encompass the entire earth.


In November 1947 the United Nations General Assembly voted in favour of the partition of Palestine into independent Jewish and Arab states with Jerusalem internationalized. Many saw this as a sign of the beginning of the coming together of the displaced Jews. When in the Six Day War of 1967 the state of Israel gained control of more areas it was seen as a further confirmation of the return of the Jewish people. As you mention this prophecy gained momentum in the late sixties.

A ‘generation’

The length of a ‘generation’ was likely placed on the belief that the coming together of the Jews was a sign of the end time through the words of Jesus Christ in Luke 21:31-32 when he speaks of the end time: “So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand. Verily I say unto you, this generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled.” The time of a “generation “ is also mentioned in Mat 12:39-42 when Jesus Christ spoke of the ‘sign of Jonah’. Jesus Christ once again connected the final generation and judgment to his generation. Mat. 12:41 “The men of Nineve shall rise in judgment with this generation” and Mat. 12:42 “The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this generation”.

My understanding

Those who have studied my books and this website will know that I measured 28 “generations” of approx 72 years from the time of the birth of Jesus Christ to the time of the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake in December 2004. This measure included the time measure of Revelation of “three days and a half” in each millennium since the coming of Jesus Christ. I believe that this understanding of Revelation revealed what Jesus Christ mentioned as the “three days” the “sign of Jonah” in the end time. I believe that we are at present in the end time, in “the little season” Rev 6:11 and 20:3 and that we are witnessing the final signs.

“With this generation”

It should be mentioned that I showed that if the 14 generations of the first millennium are placed on the “length” of the symbolic ‘square’ of the “New Jerusalem” in Revelation, chapter 21 and the 14 generations of the second millennium are placed on the “breadth” of the symbolic “square” of the “New Jerusalem” then if the “square” is completed, the first and the last generations are connected. Therefore there is a symbolic ‘connection’ of the first and the last generations in the symbolism of Revelation. One would only know this if one knows how to measure “three days and a half” (Rev 11:9 and 11) in each millennium.

I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last

It was through these words and the time measure of a ‘thousand years’ that my total calculation of the time measures of Revelation started at the time of the birth of Christ and ends early in the twenty-first century. Incorporating all the time measures of Revelation and linking the words of Revelation to specific times makes it almost certain that one cannot measure accurately past 2004. The extreme weather that has occurred in the twenty-first century has confirmed to me that my measurements are correct. No one could have prophesied the climatic changes in the first decade of this millennium at the end of the twentieth century.

The ten virgins

As in the parable of the ten virgins where both the five that were wise (took oil for their lamps) and the five that were foolish (took no oil for their lamps) fell asleep, so I believe we are at the present time ‘asleep’. I believe that we are in the time of the “little” season that we cannot measure. The signs such as extreme climate are becoming accepted as ‘normal’ and the power of the beasts has succeeded in preventing the inhabitants of the earth to link extreme climate and the present day undermining of message of the cross (Rev 5:6 “a Lamb as it had been slain”) to the prophecy of Revelation. However at some moment we will be startled from our slumbers.

Final generation that can be measured

I measured the final ‘generation’ of 72 years from 1932 to 2004. In that time the state of Israel was established. Therefore the “prophecy” holds truth for me. It could be from Jerusalem and Judea that we will be startled. I say this because of the words of Mat 24:15-16 “When ye shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet stand in the holy place,(whoso readeth, let him understand:) Then let them which be in Judea flee to the mountains”.


In the parable of the ten virgins, the cry went out at midnight that the bridegroom was coming. Midnight? Why did Christ use the time midnight? Interesting for ‘midnight’ can relate to a specific time. God has always known the time.

The seven seals

It should be remembered that the opening of the first four seals can be measured. The last three seals, the fifth (the little season), sixth (faith in the God of Israel and the belief in salvation through the blood the Lamb give entry into the kingdom of heaven) and seventh seal are ‘signs’ we can observe, and continue into the final time. I believe that God made known to me that we are near the end time for it was only with the knowledge that the entire Revelation plays out in a specific time span (from the time of the birth of Christ to early in the twenty-first century) that I could ultimately understand the symbolism of Revelation and its time measures that I have tried to convey in my books and on this website.

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