Posted by Richard Smit on March 14, 2012 at 09:44:34:
In Reply to: Re: 2012: The year in which... posted by Elijah on March 12, 2012 at 09:39:48:
Thank you so much for your kind words and prays, which really are not necessary.
What I LIKE about your approach is your positive attitude, for the need to change.
I very much doubt that Christianity and religion as it is today, will change from past or even present viewpoints, UNTIL the RETURN of CHRIST.
The leaders in the Christian Churches of today won’t change. Nor will most of MANKIND.
Something very dramatic will have to happen first!!
That’s not just my own “viewpoint”.
I’ve seen it and have personally experienced the strong resistance to change.
BUT, I have changed, even if nobody didn’t like it, because of what I learnt from the “How Near Armageddon” books and website, AND I’m quite willing to change some more, if this brings me closer to God.
What I DO NOT like about your approach and I think this will bring “fierce” resistance, to what you are trying to put across to others, is your stated goal:
“Not to have us question you, but to question ourselves”.
A question to my mind is basically ONLY a request for more information, more clarification and more comprehensive explanation. To check things out. To check someone out. To understand something better.
You may be highly intelligent, even brilliant, and have a fantastic and very important God given gift or message to share with others, but if you cannot explain to others your gift & message and answer their questions for more information to assist them to understand, you are basically wasting your time.
If you are just expecting them to understand, by themselves, you’re making a BIG MISTAKE.
You’ll be disappointed. Truly. And, that’s not criticism!!
This is what I really like about Dr Janson’s writing’s. She explains fully what she means comprehensively, calmly and transparently. There’s not much room for misunderstanding anything.
She writes in a manner, that I do not have a problem understanding.
She answers everyone’s questions in a fair and balanced amount of detail, but concisely to the point, even when she has to try and decipher and understand what the actual question is.
It’s quite amazing really.
I've always trusted the Bible and now, in the last few years,I trust Dr Janson in these matters, as well.
It wasn’t always like this – I thoroughly investigated her writings, in the years 2000 to about 2004, in some areas, in minute detail.
And then the “BIG EARTHQUAKE” of Sumatra, took place Sunday morning at 7:58 WIT on 26th December 2004, which she said would happen in the book she published about four / five years before it happened.
The huge “devastating” Tsunami followed shortly afterwards, in multiple waves.
If I remember correctly, it was on Page 192 of the book “How Near Armageddon”published in 1999, but I’ll have to re- check this.
Basically I trust no-one else.
Sorry to everyone else, but that’s the way it is, for me.
I’ve been DISSAPPOINTED too many times before, through my own innocence and naivety.
As you say, we filter in what suits, our own personal comfort zone, and our own discernment.
I’m happy and content with this, and I certainly believe, that ALL shall be “revealed in time”.
I keep “up to date” with World and Middle East events (including events in the physical heaven above), through this website and through daily viewing of International News on the TV News broadcasts – BBC, CNN and SKY News.
In the meantime;
I humbly & sincerely hope that you find what it is, that you are looking for.
God bless you, in your own personal journey through life and in all your endeavours.
I'm quite sure, we'll speak and debate again on this forum.
With Love in Jesus Christ,our only Saviour.