Re: The task at hand.....

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Posted by Elijah on April 18, 2012 at 12:50:52:

In Reply to: Re: The task at hand..... posted by Richard Smit on March 27, 2012 at 08:24:27:

I just cannot agree with you

Elijah-The purpose of my writings are not to ask for your agreement; they serve as manifestations, warnings, signs, guidance, perspective, and truth enabling my ability to help others. This is solely dependent (as I stated) on the person receiving being given the sight. I can only control myself and the choices I make

You know nothing of me, nor of the other readers of this website

Elijah-This is not true simply due to any individual reading one response on this forum. People express their views and concerns by their behavior and I have never claimed to understand, judge, or assume of anyone on this site. Now of course as with anyone who uses this site there exists much more to that person than perhaps even that very person knows. The writings give perspective and therefore I have logically adjusted. In fact I have given nothing but love to all I contact through my messages and that is simply my overall message to you. You assume and make biased false accusations to compensate for the truth and blatant unveiling of my previous messages. You stand upon a foundation of salt as long as you manipulate the teachings of Jesus into a physical man made paradox against the very foundation of mercy, tolerance, and love which Christ taught. My point is I have encountered Christians in first person lacking simple values of Christ while their intelligence and attention is distracted to idolatry. This is very true in the presence of American society and societies all across the world who dare to include Chrisitianity, Islam, and many other religious backings. We act as if our mental and spiritual worlds are non existent as we work, support, and play the Devil’s game of selfishness. Anytime there are all you can eat food places while others starve is not of Christ and we were taught not to judge but, discern through Christ and love others.

and my fellow Christians – who we are, what we do, what our life experiences have been, how we live our lives, what our own personal experiences have been with God, why we believe what we believe, our joys & happiness’s, our sorrows, our sicknesses, our successes, our failures, our family’s, where we live, our strengths, our weaknesses, etc.
You may pretend you do, but you’re only fooling yourself, and no-one else.

Elijah-When have I ever stated this Im not going to respond to this idiotic statement which is foundated upon no formidable basis.
Surely you did not believe, nor think, that all the readers of this website would be weak, accepting everything, non- thinking, low esteem,
I never said of the such nor did I imply the such. I took the viewers of the site to be a human being like me. Men and Women of God, people of love and welcoming comfort. A place where ideas and perspectives of scripture could be interpreted and using teamwork we could all get spiritually closer to God.

idiotic (your word) Western Christianity pushovers
Idiotic- Showing foolishness or stupidity. 2. Exhibiting idiocy (origins of this word just happen to from prophet)

Foolish-Lacking good sense or judgment; unwise

Stupidity-Tending to make poor decisions or careless mistakes. 3. Marked by a lack of intelligence or care; foolish or careless: a stupid mistake.

Mr. Smit remove your ego and understand behavior that is not of God falls into these categories and given the fact that none of us (as in all of my brothers and sisters on Earth) are not without sin and should spend their existence seeking the mercy of the creator who created it. Our intelligence through Christ equals the epiphany of what mankind is capable and his church is much more deeper than your opinion or ego. Instead of rejection exercise discipline and use your mind and Christ consciousness. DO NOT CONTINUE TO DISRESPECT MY NAME BY IMPLYING FAVORITISM OF A RELIGIOUS PRACTICE AND DO NOT INCLUDE ME AMONGST THE MASSES WHO JUDGE OTHERS. I discern using logic and scripture and doing so allows me to see a place of peace for all mankind.

, craving or needing to learn something from you.

Elijah-You’re the only one who has said anything and your own website participants have reached out to me and we have shared fellowship as Christian brothers, not as a form of idolatry in which the man outweighs the message he stood for. (if that were the case there would be many men of wealth who would fit the status of saints under such doctrine) My issue with the Westernized approach is that the form of idolatry that many Western Christians fall into is the belief that Jesus’s existence has ever ceased. Mankind’s interpretation of life and death surely is limited being that we can’t remember dying. Therefore his death for you leaves way for man to live a life of sin and idolatry of things to distract you from spreading disciples through Christ. We watch as nations, our nations, kill and our people’s commit sin before our eyes and pass judgment upon eachother. The truth Jesus Christ HAS RISEN and because he lives I can face tomorrow, because he lives I can find peace instead of violence. I can follow Christ in Peace and teach his importance to Muslims who may have lost the true purpose of Jesus. But I must admit that both sides need to allow divine intervention within their interpretations. As I stated before Islam has been distracted much like Christianity, this being a Christian site I used Islamic logic which I have studied in depth as a Religious Studies Academic Scholar on top of my gifts to show similarities. Hoping I would coincide with many of the points brought up on the site

Again (as with most of what you have said during our entire dispute) these are your words and I simply have no need to step further into ignorance about the name calling. The terms I use have definitions in which I intended to use them for, the disrespect you should be recognizing is in yourself because your disrespect was shown by your assumptions and sheer disregard for the points and information I passed to you.

Your decision to no longer participate in the forum is the correct decision for you, as your participation up to now, revealed some very enlightening issues and questions about you, which you needed to answer for yourself, before making the statements you posted on this forum.

Elijah-My response alone lays rest to this bit, I have just been busy working with people especially the kids because here where I’m from the youth are getting lost and I am doing what I can to pull them back to God while trying to maintain my bills and then completing this double major in school, all while working on cars and job hunting to pay for it all, just to go back to law school- GOD willing…
You have made me think long and hard about none of the subjects we have discussed and I sometimes feel like writing and burning all of the misinterpretations and contradicting logic this spirit has distracted many of our ancestors.

Not true whatsoever, you merely test my patience with your arrogance, ignorance, and overall disrespect which is the viral cloak that enslaves many so called Christian minds today as it has for centuries. Your assumptions force you to twist and assume your own definitions and meanings of my words instead of just defining them; if you are unsure and truly see the meaning (much like the studying of the Bible and Quaran)

But let’s “see”, if you mean, what you “say”, (staying off this forum):
1.) Why are you on a Westernised Christianity website?

Elijah-So have you grouped yourself mr smit. Notice I say mr smit because you’re the only one whos talking and you ATTEMPT TO SPEAK FOR OTHERS OF THIS SITE AND THAT IS SOMETHING YOU SHOULD NOT DO. You have have attempted to speak for me in your misinterpretations and assumptions as you have your own so-called religion. Now as long and hard as your spiritual path may have been I can only give you love and I don’t have time and I don’t have the money to sit and be compassionate, I offer guidance through points in the best way I can translate the message from my mind and I leave it to the eyes of the receiver. This is no force and I have no problem being corrected with LOGIC I ‘ve never spoken of being perfect and I have failed tests before in school ,lol
Ima young man Mr. Smit, I I can stay in my place and be humble, all that I ask for is respect. Everything I write is in love. Even when my words speak destruction the perspective is spiritually because I can remove demons through my information exposure as people read my words. I spit fire upon the evil of egos and pride and once absolved the warning can be engrained and the person will begin to truly love and allow GOD to come into their lives and do wondrous things for the people.
Because I can, I choose to, the only reason for my continued attendance is to show you that I love you enough to care to continue to write and prove my love over miles. Broke as I am physically my love for you spiritual comes from a plethora of wealth GOD has engrained in me genetically, experienced, and spiritually

2.) Why have you been participating in the forum, when you have made it quite clear that you have an intense dislike, even hatred, for any form of Westernised Christianity?

Elijah- False!!!, My hatred extends to what God hates and God hates his name to be used as a way of enslaving, raping, killing, infecting, defiling as many have done in history spreading the name of Christianity, Islam, etc…
I pray that everyone will stop killing eachother !
As Abrahamic faiths I find it a good starting point for Christians to learn the truth of how Christianity was given to the Westernized society to be used to spread it amongst the world. I am possibly of European descent as well (through slavery), but, through my recognition of history and the beautiful wonders and things mankind has achieved through the input of of European brothers I don’t know where we would be I truly love peoples of all descents but, truth must be realized in all parts of the world and this is just me getting started. The start of a new day , the start of spiritual markets, mankind expressing his love for one another through his ability to accept and forgive and forget through intelligence.

3.) Would you, by any chance, be living in a Westernized Christian country? This would be a contradiction par excellence, on your part!

Nope, I have seen westernized Christian devils, I have seen African American Islamic devils. I have met plenty of Christians of many different denominations that truly understand and carry the cross upon their hearts. They choose to be like Christ in order to receive Christ in order to please God. I have seen people of all titles dishonor the very books they walk upon and preach. I am not judging but I am strong willed in my discern. I use logic and scripture to keep my foundation from wandering off into my “father’s religion” instead of Christ’s religion which we are warned of in the Bible.
America is Jew-Christian but, we are a melting pot and the thing is our Constitution when applied as it should includes God and holds anyone in power and the nation under God. If someone legally intervenes change has the chance of happening as you see in the history of America. Now there are many things America as a nation does that very few people in America have control over much like many other nations in the world. My point is to question the usage of popular sovereignty and insert Christ into it and find a way of acceptance and understanding “to go forth and spread disciples”, lets stop this classifying, stop the lineage and chosen people crap and realize that God said he would split us to learn in different tongues as we have now we must use our intelligence to see the lights in the skies and see the church of Christ in our behavior, we CAN bring peace and if you don’t believe in it then you acknowledge belief in my warning of the wrath of GOD, for he who looks past God’s will for his own ego, pride, and greed

4.) You state in this recent post of yours, that you have not disrespected anyone, nor that you plan to. Yet at the start of the very next paragraph in your post, after making that statement, you refer to the beliefs of others as “idiotic”.

Elijah-Read the definitions!, get off Ms. Jansen’s genitals and don’t take things so serious; just talk to me. I stated from the beginning that I am young and still learning how to put things from my electrical mind into the words. I have an easier time in person. The genitals joke was just a joke by the way. its just to show you how rude and ignorant our jokes are over here,lol but theres no harm im just joking with you as I do my friends to lighten our relationship

5.) Why do you assume that any of the readers of this website would allow you, or simply let you, teach them your religion, as your ancestors would have?

Elijah-You are contradicted by participants of the website, my presence should not be taken as a joke

6.) You now say, that you are not not Muslim (not, not - in other words, you are Muslim), but not as I define it. But you are, on a Christian website?

Elijah-That was a typo MAN GIMME A BREAK GEEEZZZ, your sick ma dude

7.) You say “there’s your guidance buddy, you’ll know where to find me, if you ever want more and yes that includes you Mr Smit. When did I or anyone else, ask you, a mere insignificant man, for guidance?

Elijah-That is what I call an assumption and clearly your low self esteem of yourself should not extend to me for I am a glorious, beautiful creation of GOD a Man and I have many other beautiful creations of God that believe in me and my teachings. Not just because I declare myself a prophet Because I didn’t come into my gift declaring such. Its just that I cant deny what I see and I am told the same by every person I meet. Even those that don’t like what I say cant denounce or prove me wrong. My words are balls of fire of truth backed by scripture and your words are jewels of a cross that sits upon earth that trembles by the breath of Christ’s teachings being taught to men in a way new to this entire generation of men.

8.) You say “all have their own misinterpretations as I do, but that you are guided by the Holy Spirit”. Please – be realistic!

Elijah-You don’t even believe in the very idolatries you are about to copy and paste below
I certainly and definitely would reject anything and everything you have to say about Christians and their beliefs, without any hesitation.
You close your eyes to God and he will close his eyes to you. Deny the path of Christ to fit your own comfort then depend on your self comfort to protect you

I’m happy and at peace with my Faith – for many years now. Surely, I made myself clear on this.

Elijah-I don’t know you personally but if you don’t find there work to do for the Christians all over the world then you have AGAIN contradicted your own scriptures .

You seem to think, that you are the only one, with some sort of special relationship with God and the Holy Spirit.

Elijah-In no way what so ever. After Christ any man can be a prophet and I surely think MS. Jansen has a gift.
Ordained as the order has mercied her just as me and anyone else

Nobody else knows God, except you.
Well – you are incorrect.
To actually believe that God would drive anyone crazy and is looking for human appreciation is to reduce our Almighty Creator to the status of a mere human being, with weak human traits, such as:

Elijah-I never said God will drive someone crazy but actually the opposite a person can drive themselves crazy with greed in search of knowledge without applying that which you have been given by the mercy of God. Remember you free choice mr smit its all about using your intelligence instead of ego as taught before

Pride – needing human appreciation to feel good.

Elijah-This is un-needed info.
Revenge – Driving people crazy, to enforce your own will & way on them.
Elijah- This is un-needed info.

You are incorrect again. This basically, is what you believe – YOUR beliefs.
You seem to have forgotten, that when you point your accusing index figure at others, three of your own fingers, are pointing right back at you.

Elijah-I never pointed maybe you should follow your own advice, you have attempted to revise me I just showed you why your comments are perceived idiotic to me (with all due respect)

I am so sorry, but there is absolutely no way, that I can reconcile most of your remarks,

Elijah- you say this and then in the next point prove what i've been saying, while contradicting yourself before

to the ALL loving, only God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I and billions of Christians worldwide have believed in, for almost 2 000 years.

Elijah-Your numbers are falsely displayed and does not embody the truth and story of history and I could care less about how distracted men (Christ used lost sheep analogies to make ignorant men wise) have been doing wrong since Christ was here as much as I care less for the extremist Muslims who ignored Muhammad since his death.
This is perfect example of the outcome when mankind allows himself to worship physical instead of spiritual and mental as Jesus taught us. The worship of Muhammad as an idol instead of the way he lived and choices he made allows for man made interpretations whose limits exhibits the very terror we see from so- called Muslims and the very same for so-called Christians.

A few can always be misled, be afraid to say anything, and be confused, for a while perhaps, but not billions for “21” centuries.

Elijah-Not according to the Bible and Quaran, you contradict yourself again

Do not forget the Christian Martyrs, even of to-day.

Elijah-I never have and I never will. Nor other martyrs under the name of God!

And now we have actual proof, in the time measurements of the book Revelation.

Elijah-You always have but you just didn’t understand it, Revelations is deeper than you CAN understand. Just understand what you need to as the Bible says learn in precepts upon precepts

Will you believe? Will you take the trouble to fully and properly investigate?

Elijah-Point well taken I always can learn from others, just don’t contradict and respond in pride, ego, or illogical ignorance

You’ve already proven what you’ll do - insult billions of Westernised and European Christians.

Elijah-I love people and I pray I am able to tolerate and understand everyone enough to love them because it pleases Jesus my savior, whos example has been taught so that I am guided in order to please God my creator and everything I live for and care for is embodied

I’m sure they’ll love you for it!

Elijah-You speak for others again, I pray for the day you worry about yourself enough to calm your ego.
People do love me everywhere I go because I go forth in Christ to spread disciples Under Christ not some white, blond haired, blue eyed form of idolatry in which a peoples pride deprives them from fully absorbing the gift God has given mercied upon Jesus

But as you imply, you don’t care, because you dislike their Westernised and European Christian beliefs already.

Elijah-I don’t like war, I don’t like enslavement and mistreatment of animals and God's people , I don’t like misuse of the environment, I don’t like hate, I don’t like lies, I don’t sneaky, conniving, devils who play upon their words to keep others distracted. The pride of a human being is a negative spirit at times and if we don’t control it , it allows us to cling to false logic in order to maintain the negative spirit’s existence. He feeds off that energy and my words bring anger which is the flame but, after the flame is washed away you are fresh to start over.
I dislike only those beliefs that contradict the understandings of the bible as do I against those Jewish beliefs that contradict the Torah and their daily prayers. These forms of hatred and intolerance lead to the extremists and evil that has smeared the divine image of Jesus, the prophets, and the creator.
The War is not between God and Devil, it is a spiritual war between angels in which they all feed off our very choices. Do not think little of the people God has placed in your life even if you can find no good then you remember what Jesus taught and remember that God is in control and as long as you use your intelligence and apply the example of Christ and the prophets God has secured you eternally.

I myself have seen it and experienced it all before, as a matter of fact I DID IT MYSELF, maybe not with so much hostility and aggression as you, but nevertheless, still doing it.

I hide my head in shame before God, just as you will in the time to come.
And, then I was CONVERTED and CORRECTED, 12 years ago.
And I changed – BIG TIME.

What did I do, what did I see, what did I hear, what did I experience, what did I read, that had such a HUGE permanent, life changing effect, on my previous beliefs, characteristics and viewpoints.
Would I be prepared to share this with anyone?

Would they believe me, if I told them, what happened? Absolutely No – I don’t think so!
You under estimate what I have become, (but still just a man, at the moment, always reliant on God) only through the Grace of God.

Elijah-You underestimate yourself, furthermore underestimating God, your assumptions of others not believing is ignorant of you to say and I like to revise you by stating that I would love to hear what happened and I will discern through intelligence but, I will not be biased in my perception. If you don’t wish to share then oh well, I pray you find somebody who you can share with, maybe Ms. Jansen since you love her so much perhaps you should hang with her,lol
Man aint nobody even worried about you!, you really don’t mean as much as my words to others. I cant control you nor do I care to

Grace comes ONLY to those who deserve punishment, but God gives His love and HIS mercy and HIS forgiveness instead, through Jesus Christ.

Elijah-Grace comes to whomever God wills, stay in your place sir

ALL Christians worldwide know that Jesus Christ was the Word (God) before He came into the world, and that He is still God today, and will remain God for all eternity.

Elijah-Don’t tell me what "Christians" say tell me what JESUS CHRIST SAID, WHAT THE PROPHETS TAUGHT, GOD DOES NOT CONTRADICT AS YOU DO. Jesus taught that he was the completion, he never disregarded and in fact restored, upheld, and completed the teachings of Moses, Abraham, Elijah, Muhammad( Yes Jesus completed Islam before it was spoken unto the ears of Muhammad through the angel sent by him), Buddha, etc…
He is our Loving Saviour and also our Loving God Himself.

John 14:6
Jesus saith unto him,
I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Way- walk it, Truth- find it(intelligence), Life- live it (Christ lives in the temple of the saved)
-not a self proclaimed, man ordained, man wrote a big check, secret library in the Vatican, fighting over holy land, blowing themselves forcing martyrdom, Islamic mistreatment of society, African centuries greed and rape, European consumption of human blood in the name of Gold, and lost distracted BEAST looking for a comfortable shelter as MEN begin to see the truth and the KING’S ARRIVAL APPEARS OVER THE GALACTICAL HORIZON

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