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Posted by Johann Cronje on March 14, 2019 at 02:47:40:

In Reply to: Re: MOUNT ZION posted by Michael on March 13, 2019 at 05:58:06:

Dear Michael,
My conviction is not the point of discussion here.
Of major concern would be the true facts of Yahweh’s personal statements. Listen to “His” voice. (There is no chorus of 2 or 3 entities all pretending to be one and the same God) Neither is there a reference to “US” as in a trinity)
“I am YAHWEH, and there is “no other” (god); “apart from me there is no God”……..”
“I, yes I, am YAHWEH, and there is no Saviour(messiah) but Me. 12 I alone decreed and saved and proclaimed—………”
Furthermore Yahweh declares that His “First Born Son” is Israel, who He has appointed to be His “SERVANT”. (Exodus 4:22-23: Hosea 11:1 and Isaiah 41:9)
You either trust or believe these statements or you “trash” it in exchange for doctrine of man (Constantine and the RCC). The choice is yours to believe the OT or the NT. You must understand the fact that you cannot read the OT through the NT dogma. The NT cannot stand on its own feet without the crutches of the OT scripture being copied and pasted into the words of unknown writers and as a result, NT scripture is conveniently accepted and claimed to be “fulfilment” of OT prophecies in order to justify and validated NT. (HOW CHRISTIANITY WAS INVENTED: THE TRUTH! )
I believe in Yahweh as the one and only God! I am NOT a converted gentile to Jewish faith. This is one of the most misunderstood terms in the Christian dogma. Remember this – The Jews have to this very day been jealous of the “lost/scattered” 10 tribes of Israel (who are still scattered and present in the Western world) and therefore named them “GENTLES/HEATHEN” for not being “Jewish”. The true “HEATHEN/GENTILE” nations are the original enemies of Israel and they are the nations that have been excluded from God Yahweh’s election of the Israel nations from Jacob. There is also another totally weird misconception that, Christianity supposedly spread from Jewish into Gentile cultures. So think twice before you regard yourself as a “gentile” converted and accepting Christianity. Maybe you have all along been an Israelite. Therefore rather an Israelite than an Jewish Israeli
I cannot clarify my conviction in any other way, without quoting the words of the “One and Only” God and Saviour, YAHWEH.
Who you accept is your choice!.

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