Posted by John on May 23, 2020 at 08:13:46:
In Reply to: The measure of altar reveals a shortening of days posted by Elana Janson on May 22, 2020 at 09:35:13:
Thank you for the time that you spend on these explanations
Last line: "Time of Altar"
should it read " twelve years between 2008 and 2020 or is it any consecutive 12 years between 2003 and 2020, as it seems, as written.
Also, is the "shortening of days" time frame known, in other words is it possible to calculate, or is this unknown to man, and only known to God, our Father?
The Reason I ask:
There are "people" around me, who say that they cannot last another two to three weeks financially, because of the lockdown.
One has contemplated suicide already, and another one says he will be forced to close his business in another two weeks, if things don't change dramatically.
He doesn't know what will happen after that.
What does one say to them, in a meaningful and helpful way - as there livelihoods are under extreme risk of collapse. It is truly a real concern, and becoming urgent for them and their families?
Not only for these two - thousands, maybe tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands, worldwide - I think.
I never ever dreamt, I'd live to "see" and "experience" (heartfelt) something like this, in my lifetime!
The one family I can assist with food, if it comes to that, but I'm not in a position to save anyone's business.
May God, Bless and protect us all