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![]() Question: Why are there so many angels in Revelation? What do they signify? Answer: The angels in Revelation have a very specific purpose. First and foremost they indicate time measurement. Secondly, they provide, through certain key words, verification of time measurement. The angels of Revelation show how all the chapters of Revelation confirm the time 2000, as the beginning of the end time. NOTE: The sudden escalation of violence around Jerusalem and the floods that have occurred in the United Kingdom, Europe, Australia, as well as other parts of the globe has made the time measurements of How Near Armageddon of great significance. It was determined in How Near Armageddon that Revelation seems to measure time accurately up to the beginning of the third millennium. When the symbolism of Revelation is correlated with history, it would have played out by the year 2004. What is astounding, and is borne out through the function of the angels in Revelation, is that in certain instances Revelation seems to measure BACK from the year 2004 to verify its meaning. The purpose of the Questions & Answers is to illustrate as easily as possible, the meaning of Revelation, and particularly to bring the message that we are very near the end time. This is not to be taken lightly, as this was revealed to me by divine intervention. For the full explanation of how I arrived at the time measurements of Revelation, read How Near Armageddon. {Remember that no word in Revelation is there without a purpose and that every word contributes to making its meaning clearer. It is specifically the linking of words that conveys the message that there can be no doubt that we are near the end time. When reading this question have a large piece of paper next to you as well as your Bible. Write down the time measurement of each angel or group of angels and see how accurately their time measurements fall into place within a time span of 2000 to 2004 years.} An angel brings the prophecy of Revelation Rev 1:1 - An angel was sent to John on Patmos. The angel reveals the time c97 AD. The time that John was exiled to Patmos. This time is about 100 years after the birth of Christ. According to historical records in the year 2000, the birth date of Jesus Christ is placed at 4BC even though our calendar begins 1AD. Revelation makes provision for this and measures the time of 2000 years from the birth of Christ in BC 4 to 1996. (Later you will see that the angel that sounds the fifth trumpet also measures the last 100 years before 2000, from 1896 and 1900.) Revelation, chapters 2 and 3 - The angels of the seven churches in Revelation, chapters 2 and 3 indicate the ministers or pastors of the seven churches. They also have the function of making known that the purpose of the angels in Revelation is to reveal what was happening in the Christian churches of the world Mighty angel Rev 5:2 The mighty angel heralds the time 1996 to 2004. This is the time of the opening of the scroll, and the revealing of the meaning of the book of Revelation. The mighty angel is linked to heaven (Revelation, chapter 5 is a vision of heaven) and the time of heaven in Revelation, which is the time 2000 to 2004. Rev 10:2 - I saw another mighty angel coming down from heaven - The word another in conjunction with angel in Revelation means that another time measurement is indicated. The word heaven reveals that the time 1996 to 2004 is divided into another time measurement. This is the time of the little scroll 1996 to 2002. As mentioned in a previous Q&A, the chapters of Revelation start at the end time and move back in history. This chapter starts in 2004 (coming down from heaven - or the end of the last time measurement) and moves back to the time 1932 (right foot on the sea and left foot on the land). We therefore know that the words that are used in this chapter all relate to the time 1932 to 2004. Time is also shown by the parts of the angels body and actions
Revelation seems to indicate that in the time 1988 to 2000 mankind will have succumbed to the influence of the beast. Rev 18:21 Once one has established the time measurement linked to mighty angel, it is likely that other happenings in Revelation are linked to that time. Through the word mighty we know in the time from the year 2000 there will be severe weather conditions (mighty wind Rev. 6:13 - and mighty thunderings Rev.19: 6) After 2000 will also be the time of the great earthquake, which is likely the sounding of the seventh trumpet (so mighty an earthquake Rev.16: 18) Here we have to look to 1 Kings 19:11-12 And he said (to Elijah) go forth and stand upon the mount of the Lord. And, behold, the Lord passed by, and a great strong wind rent the mountains, and broke in pieces the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. And after the wind an earthquake; but the Lord was not in the earthquake: and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a small still voice. If the year 2004 indicates the last time measurement of Revelation, it seems that according to time indicated by the angels of Revelation we can see that the sequence of events at the end time are going to follow this pattern. Four angels Rev 7:1 I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth These angels herald the time 2000 to 2004 and correspond with the time four in the one hundred and forty and four thousand (144 000) in Rev 7:4. The 144 conveys a time span of 144 years, the time 1860 to 2004. 1860 was the time that the Jews began to return to Israel. Rev 9:14-15 Release the four angels that are bound at the great river Euphrates. The word Euphrates in Revelation indicates the Middle East section of the earth. We know from this verse that in the time from the year 2000, the first signs of the end time will be seen in the Middle East. And the four angels who had been kept ready for this very hour and day and month and year were released. Through the word days in Revelation 10:7 that is linked to the sounding of the seventh trumpet, it seems that Revelation indicates a time measurement in connection with the Middle East in days(a day being as long as we understand it on earth) at the end time. It was from this understanding that the end of days, as predicted in Daniel 12:11-12 will come some time in the time 2000-2002. If severe winds should blow across the earth in the time 2000 to 2004, it will be an indication that we are in the end time. As the final signs according to Revelation seem to follow the same sequence as in 1Kings 19:11-12, it seems that the Second Coming will not be in the wind. another angel The angels in Revelation that are preceded by the word another measure the last hours of 24 years and half-hours of 12 years in the last 144 years. Rev. 7:2-3 And I saw another angel ascending from the east having the seal of the living God: and cried with a loud voice to the angels, to whom was given to hurt the earth and the sea, saying, Hurt not the earth The time measurement indicated by this angel is from 1968 (the word east in Revelation is linked to the year 1968) to the time when we will begin to see significant climate change about the time of the year 2000-2004. 1968 to 1992 is 24 years 1992 to 2004 is 12 years THE LAMB OPENS THE SEVEN SEALS. The image of the slain Lamb (Rev 5:6) is used to indicate that after 2000 years, the gift of Almighty God to the world, the message of eternal life through Jesus Christ, would be trampled on by the rule of the nations of the world. By international law the eternal message of salvation would be equalized to all beliefs on earth. Rev 8:1 And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour. The Lamb, that is the risen Christ himself, opens the seven seals. The opening of chapter 8, indicates the END of the last twelve years, the time that there will be very calm, conditions on earth- the winds and the plague of hail will have subsided, the earthquake will have happened, and the fires extinguished. This could be in the year 2004 or some time after. The happenings at the end time are going to follow the same sequence as the sequence seen by Elijah at Horeb before God appeared to him. Rev. 8:3 And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer; This is the angel of fire, that fills the censer with fire from the altar. Another here indicates a time measurement moving BACK from the END of the last half-hour. In the previous Q&A you will recall that the time of heaven is measured from 2000 to 2004. Revelation also indicates the midst of heaven which is the time 2002. This angel indicates a time span of 24 years (about 1980 to 2002 or 2003), the last hour that ends at the time of the great earthquake (Rev 8:5 and there were voices and thunderings and lightning and an earthquake). It is also the time of fire. It seems as if the great earthquake and the fire are going to be at about the same time. It could be in the measurement BACK FROM 2004 which is 2002 or 2003. The time 1980 to 2004 is the 24 years that man will make war through firing missiles to the earth as we saw in Desert Storm, and the wars in Bosnia and Kosovo. As this is a measurement back from 2004, it seems that the earthquake may happen about 2002 or 2003. This is the same angel that will later be mentioned in Revelation 14:18 And another angel came out from the altar and measures the same time span 1980 to 2004. If the great earthquake is in the time 2002-2004, and the words of 1Kings 19:11-12 are appropriate: the Lord will not be in the earthquake. As this is the angel of fire, it seems as if the earthquake will be followed by fire. Once again, likely, the Lord will not be in fire. It is possible that only after the fire, in the time of silence after the fire will the remnant of the inhabitants of the earth know that the Second Coming is soon. Rev. 8:2 I saw the seven angels that stood before God; and to them were given seven trumpets. It will later be seen that these angels with the trumpets each measure a time span that ends The seven angels to whom were given the seven trumpets. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (These measurements relate to the Far East, but also to the entire earth.) Rev. 8:7 The first angel sounded and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood. Through the words hail and fire mingled with blood, it indicates that the period of time that this angel announces ends at the time that the Gog and Magog will gather for Armageddon. The Gog and Magog were tribes that lay essentially to the North East and North West of Israel. (Ezekiel 38:22 In Gods judgment upon Gog And I will plead against him with pestilence and with blood .I will rain upon him .an overflowing rain, great hailstones, fire and brimstone.) In the entire interpretation of Revelation the Gog and Magog are symbolic of the forces of the West and the forces of the East that are going to finally clash in the battle of Armageddon. At this point this angel is showing that the entire earth is included in the opening of the seventh seal. Note Revelation mentions the words hail and fire here. Where these words again appear in Revelation, it indicates the SAME TIME as when the Gog and Magog are going to clash. It seems as if the sequence of events at the end, if they will all play out before about 2004 will be as follows: strong winds - indicated by the four angels holding back the wind in the year 2000 plague of hail 2000 to 2002 - end of the time of the seventh bowl of wrath. Armageddon (hail and fire) indicated by the angel on the first trumpet Earthquake and fire followed by a silence or wind free conditions on earth indicated by the opening of the seventh seal the angel of fire. 1266 to 1932 and they were cast upon the earth - Through the word earth (from beast out of the earth), this angel indicates the time 1266 to1932, the time of the number 666 (six hundred 1266 to 1866; threescore 1866 to 1926; and six 1926 to 1932). To 1932 is added 72 years, because in the section of the beast out of the earth the last 144 years (1860 to 2004) are linked to the words small and great, rich and poor and freeman and slave Rev 13:16. The total time span indicated is therefore 1266 to 2004. And the third part of the trees was burnt up and all the green grass was burnt up. Where Revelation indicates colour, it is an indication to look at the chart of the colours of the gemstones of the foundations of the wall of the New Jerusalem. See Rev 21:17-20. The colors of the gemstones are placed on periods of 72 years in the second millennium, after the birth of Jesus Christ. (Read How near Armageddon for the full explanation). (See also explanation of one of the angels that had the seven bowls of vial (wrath) later in this chapter) Revelation uses the words foundations of the wall, to indicate how happenings in the course of the second millennium would bring about the situation in the time 1860 to 2004 (144 years). This is one of the reasons why the colours are also placed on time measurement in the second millennium. Outer court not measured - 996-1068 Revelation divides the time 1860 to 2004 into 12 sections of 12 years according to the colours of the gemstones of the foundations of wall of the New Jerusalem. To these colors Revelation adds fruits of the earth (e g. green grass, trees, corn, grape, wine) to reveal meaning. First foundation 1860 -1872(jasper) opaque You will see that in the two charts the color green appears FOUR times (four parts). 1284 1356; 1716 1788; 1896-1908 Therefore when Revelation says that the third part of trees was burnt up it means that in the Far East (third part of the earth - trees), by the year 1908 (end of the third part - out of the four parts of the green color place on time measurements of the second millennium), the Christian message to the majority of the youth of the Far East was lost. According to history this was very accurate for it was the time that the nations of the Far East rebelled against colonial rule and even the missionaries who were the true witnesses were seen to be associated with the oppressors. By the year 1980 (the fourth part indicated as green being the time 1968 to 1980), the Christian message would largely be lost to the youth of the entire earth (all the green grass). Revelation regards the time 1860 to 2004 as the time of the culmination of the great city. The time that economics and trade will rule the nations. Note that Revelation has stressed the time 1896-1908 and then the total time up to the year 2004. Note that in Rev 13:13-18 the time of earth in Revelation is measured in three parts
The third part of trees 1896 to 1908, corresponds partially to the measurement of the third part Hail Through the word hail we can now know more about Revelations time measurement for where the word hail appears again, it indicates the time 2000 to 2004. Rev 11:19 and there was great hail shortly before judgment there will be great hail. Rev 16:21 fell on men a great hail out of heaven we know from the repetition of words that great hail will fall in the time 2000 2004 (the time measurement of heaven). This is the end of the casting of the bowls of wrath, and therefore, this time is before judgment, for in Rev 15:8 No man was able to enter into the temple, till the seven plagues of the seven angels were fulfilled. Rev. 8:8 The second angel sounded and as it were a great mountain burning was cast into the sea. This angel indicates the time 1883, the time of Krakatoa - first hour of 24 years measured from 1860 (the year 1860 included). This time 1883 corresponds to the end of the second It is ALSO the beginning of the third part of the time 1860 to 1932. 1860 to 1932 is divided 1860 to 1884; 1884 to 1908 and 1908 to 1932. 1860 to1932 is half of the time (72years) of the last 144 years. What is quite remarkable is that 1883 to 1907, also corresponds to the third part of trees and the third part of earth above. 1860 to 1883 1883 to 1907 Revelation is ALSO showing that the earth is divided into three sections: It firstly indicates the Far East because the island of Krakatoa is in the Far East. and the third part of the sea became blood; Revelation is at this early stage indicating the times of the beast out of the sea. Time measured back from the year 2000 gives the following sequence: 2000 minus 117 years brings one to the year 1883 1883 1766 1766 1649 In 1649 King Charles 1 was beheaded and there came in the place of the king, the rule of ordinary men. Charles 1 reigned for 24 years, which is an hour in Revelation. He is one of the ten kings included in the analysis of the beast out of the sea. This is expressed in Revelation 13: 3 as And I saw one of his heads as it was wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed. The rule of the anointed Christian king made way for the rule of ordinary men. Mankind was very content with the new rule and all the world wondered after the beast. 1766 was the year that the Pope of Rome recalled the Jesuits from South America, because the monarchs of Europe were concerned that they were intervening in matters of trade. Revelation indicates commercial interest placed above spiritual values. This was the beginning of rebellion against colonial rule in South America. Note how through time measurement Revelation includes the entire earth under the concept of sea. Krakatoa (Far East), the death of Charles 1(Europe) and South America. In Revelation sea refers to the influence of the beast out of the sea, which is the breakdown of the unity of the Christian state and the Christian church. In the place of the Christian king, there was set up of a rule of ordinary men to which the Christian church and the words of Jesus Christ became subordinate to the state or totally removed from rule of certain nations such as in a communist state. The rule of men would be worshipped in the twentieth century by all the nations of the world. Revelation, through time measurement, seems to indicate that after 1907 the entire earth would be effected by the destruction of the authority of the unity of the Christian king and the Christian church. Through the words third part Revelation indicates not only the time 1883 to1908, but also the three sections of the earth. How accurate Revelation is. Between 1883 and 1907 the European colonies of the Far East revolted against colonial rule. Between 1907 and 1931, It was the time of the Russian Revolution and the establishment of Communism in Russia and China (and the third part of the sea became blood) In Europe and the Middle East section of the earth the First World War took place. After 1883, through an equalization of religious belief worldwide, carried out by the Western Christian nations, the message that Jesus Christ, as the Way to the Father, would be undermined and men would no longer seek everlasting life (and the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died) In America, the Far West, after 1883 men would seek to fly, first in a balloon and then in an airplane. In 1891 Otto Lilienthal began experiments in gliders. By 1903 the Wright brothers had made 1000 glides. Through the words and a third of the ships were destroyed, Revelation shows that in the Far West, in the time 1883 to 1907, the foundations were laid for the development of the airplane. By the blunt words and a third of the ships were destroyed, it seems as if Revelation shows a lack of spirituality in the West in the twentieth century. The focus of the West will be on moving faster across the seas, by flying. (Revelation likely does not use the word to fly because that would have possibly influenced history). By time measurement that is known to us today, it rather shows that the ship will be replaced by a different form of transport to convey passengers and cargo across the sea world-wide in the twentieth century. Rev. 8:10 The third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp This angel measures the time 1900 to 2000. The star seen by the Hopi tribe of Arizona was at the turn of the century. It divides the 20th century into thirds to indicate the times 1933 and 1966. In Revelations total time measurement the time 1932(midpoint of the last 144 years) is the time of river. In Revelation the second millennium after the birth of Jesus Christ is divided in half therefore indicating the year 1500 and the time 1860 to 2004 is divided in half to indicate the time 1932. 1000 to 1500 1500 to 2000 1860 to 1932 Therefore the star fell in the third part 1860 to 1932 which corresponds to the time in the previous verse. In Revelation the time 1500 is the time of river and 1932 the time of fountains of waters. The time 1900 falls in the third part of rivers, 1860 to 1932. Revelation is conveying through this time measurement and the words star and Wormwood the entire earth. From 1900 (star) in the Far West and moving to the Far East (seen from the Middle East perspective in Bible times wormwood was a commodity of the far eastern regions) till 1932 many would suffer (the symbolic meaning of wormwood is suffering and grief) and die. This was of course the time of the First World War and the Chinese Revolution. Rev 8:11b and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter. The midpoint of the time 1860 to 2004, which is the year 1932, is regarded by Revelation as the time that the beasts of Revelation are in control of the ruling of the nations. This time is expressed in Revelation as the time of men. The Christian nations would stand under the rule of mighty men. Historically, between 1860 and 1932 all the Christian nations of the world had replaced the rule of the king by the rule of ordinary men. The influence of the Christian church was separated from the rule of the nations. Therefore in the time 1932 to 2004, the whole of mankind suffered because the process of desolation of man from Christian values which had begun centuries before. This abandonment of Christian rule from the rule of the nations was beginning to cause men to make the wrong decisions. Revelation later reveals that this change came about as the result of the influence of the beast out of the sea and the beast out of the earth. Mankind had cast the Christian church from the rule of the nations and arrogantly hoped to create a better world, based on the principles of freedom to choose universal franchise and economic laws. Many men would die after 1932 in the Second World War and in the wars in Korea and Vietnam. Rev. 8:12 The fourth angel sounded - In the previous verses third part related to the time 1860 to 1908 sun - The measurement of sun divides the time 1860 to 2004 into three sections of 48 years. 1860 to 1908; 1908 to 1956 and 1956 to 2004. Through the word sun Revelation is indicating the measurement of 7days from 4BC to 2004. Each millennium is divided into three and a half days. The time 1860 to 2004 is the last half day of the second millennium. (See also later angel standing in the sun) moon - The measurement of moon divides the time from 1896 (the end of the first quarter of the last 144 years) to 2004 into three sections 1996 to 1932; 1932 to 1968 and 1968 to 2004. stars - The same time as the measurement of sun (This time measurement is symbolic of the darkening of the earth. The message of Jesus Christ is undermined, by the equalization of religious beliefs world-wide and ultimately largely ignored in the rule of the nations) Foundations of the wall of the New Jerusalem, 1860 to 2004 (consult the chart of the colours on the twelve-year sections 1860 to 2004 above) Note
Angel flying in the midst of heaven Rev. 8:13 And I beheld and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven. Through the word midst this angel (some Bible versions say eagle) measures the 70 years from the midpoint of 1860 to 2004, which is the year 1932 until the midpoint of the time 2000-2004, which is 2002. This is to indicate when the time spans of the three woes COME TO AN END. In Revelation, the time 2000 to 2004 is regarded as the time measurement of heaven. It is of the greatest significance that in the year 2000 there is conflict around Jerusalem that is drawing the attention of all the nations of the world. This is sign of the end time as spoken by Jesus Christ, as the beginning of the great tribulation. (See Q&A Xl - Jerusalem) It is also of significance that in the year 2000 there seems to be an increase in rainfall in many parts of the world. Strong wind and sometimes hail accompany the rainfall. If there is in the next year a continued increase in severity, then we must take particular notice of the following time measurements. According to the correlation of the last 144 years, measured in Revelations total time measurement as being the time 1860 to 2004 (small and great, rich and poor, freeman and slave Rev 13:16). This view is substantiated by Rev 7:1, the time that the four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, will loose the winds on the earth, is after the year 2000. The END times of the woes. The time that the first woe ends is the year 2000; the time that the second woe ends is 2002 and the third ends at the time of the great earthquake, which is the sounding of the seventh trumpet. Rev 8:14 Woe, woe, woe to the inhabiters of the earth, by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to sound. The words by reason of the other voices are of great significance here. We have to go to the other verses in the word voices appear. In this way we can verify the times that the angel is indicating by the words woe woe woe. We can then also know when the fifth, sixth and seventh trumpets are sounded. Voices The word voices in Revelation specifically relates to the thunders of Revelation, which are specific time measurements in Revelation. Rev 10:4 And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices. I therefore believe that once Revelations time measurements have been discovered, one can form an idea of the sequence of events at the end time, and as the signs occur, some idea of the time span. Rev 8:5 And the angel took the censer and filled it with fire of the altar, and cast it into the earth, and there were voices and thunderings, and an earthquake. It seems as if Revelation indicates the last hour from the year 1980. According to Hoe near Armageddons time measurement, the year 1980 is the beginning of the section of twelve years, distinguished by the colour of the gemstone, jacinth, which is the colour of fire, orange-red and the eleventh foundation of the New Jerusalem. Together with the time of the amethyst foundation, that starts in 1992 and ends in 2004, these two sections form the last hour, also expressed in Revelation as purple and scarlet. It seems as if the end of this time is both the time of fire of the great earthquake. Through the repetition of words Revelation seems to verify time and adds other circumstances to that time. Rev 16:18 And there were voices, and thunders and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake This verse is part of the casting of the seventh bowl of wrath. Note that through the repetition of the words voices, thunders and great earthquake these two verses are dealing with the same time in Revelations total time measurement. It seems as if the time of fire and earthquake comes to an end at about the same time as the end of the seventh bowl of wrath, which is the SAME TIME as the time of the hailstorms. Rev 16:24 And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven. Rev 11:14-15 The second woe is passed and behold the third woe cometh quickly. And the seventh angel sounded, and there were great voices in heaven saying: The kingdoms of the world are become the kingdoms of our lord, and of his Christ. Rev 10:3-4 The seven thunders uttered their voices. The time of the opening of the book of Revelation is also a time measurement in Revelation related to the woes. The time of the knowledge of Revelation is the time 1996 to 2000. After 1996 the time measurements of Revelation will verify the times of the woes and the physical signs of the end time. It is therefore from 1996 that the time measurements of the fifth, sixth and seventh trumpets COME TO AN END. The sounding of the fifth trumpet Rev 9:1 And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven to earth. Revelation verifies the star that fell from heaven, as being the one seen by the Hopi tribe at the turn of the twentieth century, by the words that follow. This angel had the key to the bottomless pit. The year 1896 is that key for it is the end of the three nights in Revelation. The total time measurement of the first woe is calculated by the mention of the measurement of five months. The first woe is divided into three sections. Two periods of five months, which are sixty years. From the year 1896 this brings one to the year 1956. 1956 is the year that Revelation expresses as the time that the beast sat on the throne. This means that it is the time that the nations of the world will have as its ruler the angel of the bottomless pit. This is the symbolic time measurement of forty years that the nations will be misled. This is expressed through the word e g: smoke symbolic of not being able to see clearly the use of drugs to obliterate the effects of immoral living and evil doing. Also breastplates of iron mean that men would put their trust in sophisticated weapons. Through the words sting in their tails the time that men will prefer to believe the lie. (Isaiah 9:15 and 2Thesselonians 2:11) If 100 years is added to 1896 we reach the year 1996, which is the beginning of the final short season which is also the time that Satan is finally cast to earth for a short time and causes chaos on earth. Through the word fifth the fifth angel is linked to the opening of the fifth seal. Through the word star the time indicated is from the one hundred years from 1900 to 2000. The time 2000 corresponds to the time of the opening of the fifth seal which is the year 2000 or 1996 (which is 2000 years after the birth of Christ in BC 4). This section has mainly to do with the results in the twentieth century 1896 to 1996 and 1900 to 2000, of the discard of the Christian Church out of the rule of the Western nations. Because we now know that woe indicates a time measurement from a point in history to a time in the end time, the words become understandable. Rev 9:12 One woe is past; and, behold, there come two woes more hereafter. This means by the year 2000, the time span of one woe would have passed and two more are going to come to an end in the following, possibly, four years. The sounding of the sixth trumpet
The reason that there are three sections is to illustrate:
I hesitate to pinpoint the exact time of the end of the second woe, for the rapture will occur at that point. I believe that this is conveyed through the words of Revelation 11:11-12, which is the rapture of the two witnesses. And after three days and a half the spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them that saw them. And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither. And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies beheld them. Here we must go to the words of Jesus Christ in Matthew 24:38-41. For as in the days that were before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and knew not until the flood came, and took them all away, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be. Then shall two be in the field, the one shall be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken and the other left. Note the words of Rev 18:21. And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone and cast it into the sea saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all. In the total interpretation of Revelation, stone relates to the Temple Mount. Therefore in the time that the nations gather for conflict around Jerusalem (stone), there will be turmoil in the trade relations of the world (great millstone). The ultimate effects of a rule of men will cause this turmoil. The rule of men that came in the place of the anointed Christian kings will capitulate and anarchy, dictatorship and chaos will rule the nations. The nations will look to the rule of law, but the lawlessness of men and the ultimate effects of the spirit of antichrist that rules all facets of life, will effect the decisions of the courts. Through the words mill and millstone, it seems as if the rapture will occur in this time. If the year 2000 is the beginning of the last four years, then it seems that the end of the second woe may be in the time 2002, as the angel was flying through the midst of heaven. The midst of heaven may mean that this angel covers the total spectrum of four years and the measurements of the three woes could end anywhere in the spectrum of the last four years. The gathering of forces, possibly of the world through the intervention of the United Nations, around the situation in Jerusalem as well as the floods occurring in many parts of the world in the year 2000, are likely already determining the final time measurement. Rev 11:13 And the same hour there was a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell, and in the earthquake were slain seven thousand men. This verse means that almost at the same time (hour) as the rapture there will be a great earthquake. The earthquake will particularly effect one section (0) of the earth as set out in Revelation: either the Far East, or the Middle East and Europe or the Americas. As mentioned the 000 after a number in Revelation means three sections of the earth or the entire earth; 00 and 0 two sections and one section, respectively. However, the total earth will be effected and in all parts of the earth people will perish (were slain of men seven thousand). Revelation uses the word man or men for those who have come under the influence of the beasts of Revelation and are earth bound. They no longer strive to live a life with a view to everlasting life through Christ. These persons will be on earth after the rapture, and are not among the true witnesses, but they are not doomed, for Revelation uses the number 7. The sounding of the seventh trumpet and the time of the final woe I place the time of the great earthquake at about the time of the sounding of the seventh trumpet. Those that will still be on earth in the time after the great earthquake (the remnant) will know that this is the end time and will praise God. Soon after this something will happen that will make people know that it is the Return. This is confirmed in Rev 6:16 and 17). It is possibly a particularly bright light visible in the East that will be seen in the West. At that point those that are still on earth will know that Christ is, and always was the promised Messiah (there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament). Through the words great and small it might be in the time 2004. It is possible that the time 2000 to 2004 will be shortened. It is also possible that our calculation of four years as the time of heaven may be extended by Almighty God and this is why it is referred to as the time of heaven. Only time will tell. We must not now however ignore what is happening in Jerusalem and the floods that are occurring around the globe. Revelation, chapter 14. THE ANGELS THAT MEASURE THE FINAL HOURS Rev 14:1 Through the number 144 000, Revelation is indicating the last 144 years and the entire earth 000. Through the words many waters Revelation is indicating the end of the time of the angel of the waters (see later Rev 16:5). Revelation is also measuring the time 1932 (which is the midpoint of the time 1860 to 2004 and the time of waters) to the end time 2004. We know this because the angel that sounded that sounded the third trumpet indicated the time of waters as being the time 1932. In other words Revelation shows that this chapter measures time in the time period 1932 to 2004. The times that the angels of this chapter show are going to be confirmed through time measurements indicated by the angels that sounded the seven trumpets, the colour chart of the last 144 years and other angels in Revelation. The words many waters at the end time means that as the signs of the end time are revealed to mankind, the peoples of the world will realize that the return of Jesus Christ is imminent and the living waters will flow. It is therefore essential that everyone should have knowledge of Jesus Christ so that they will recognize what is taking place and can still be saved. Rev 14:6 I saw another angel flying in midair. This angel indicates the time 1932 to 2002, which are the midpoints of the times 1860 to 2004 and 2000 to 2004. Through the word another this angel is linked to the angel at the altar in Rev 8:3, that measured the hour 1980 to about 2002 or 2003. Revelation is therefore confirming that the time of altar and midair is the time 2002 or 2003. We know from the measuring of the time of the angels that sounded the seven trumpets that Revelation builds on knowledge and interpretation of previous verses. It is possible that the final fall of Babylon is going to be in the time 2002, the midpoint of 2000 to 2004, or the time 2004 or beyond. Rev 14:8 the second angel indicates the time 1932 to 1956 which is the hour of the first fall of Babylon. It also measures from 1932 to the final fall of Babylon that is in the time after 2000. Through the word second this angel is linked to the time indicated by the second angel that sounded the trumpet. The angel that sounded the second trumpet measured the time 1883 to 1932. Rev 14:9 The third angel is linked through the word third to the third angel that sounded the third trumpet but also to the third part that involved the time 1860 to 1932, but particularly the time 1883 to 1908. This angel measures from 1883 to the end time (burning sulfur). The final fall of Babylon may be Armageddon. Rev 14:12 In the time that men worship the beast (that is from 1956) to the end time Christians and those who keep the Commandments will have to have much patience. Rev 14:14 Here the Son of Man himself (it is not the image of the Lamb) measures the time of 48 years BACK from 2004 (cloud symbolic of the time of heaven that is 2000 to 2004 or beyond) to 1956. We know that it is 2004 because of the colour of gold (golden crown) that is yellow. What Revelation is conveying is that in the time that men will worship the beast Almighty God will judge both those who succumbed to the influence of the beast. Rev 14:15 And another angel came out of the temple. This angel is indicating the time 1956 for it comes out of the temple. The time of temple in Revelation is measured from the birth of Christ until the year 2000. It is confirming the time 1956 to 1968, through the words reap and harvest (reap; for the harvest of the earth is ripe). 1956 is the beginning of the time 1956 to 1968, which is the ninth foundation, the foundation of the yellow gemstone, topaz. Yellow is also the colour of ripe corn. It is therefore the time of the yellow colour on the chart of the foundations of the earth 1860 to 2004. Rev 14:17 And another angel came out of the temple which is in heaven. This angel is confirming that time is being measured back from 2000 to 2004 (heaven) to the time 1968. You will recall that another angel was mentioned in Rev 7:2 as ascending from the east. It should be noted that Israel took Jerusalem in 1967 and it is disagreement concerning the sovereignty of the Temple Mount that has escalated tensions in the Middle East in the year 2000. Rev 14:18 And another angel came out of the altar. This angel is the same angel as the one mentioned in Rev 8:3. As mentioned, this angel measures from the time 2000 back to 1980. On the chart of the foundations of the earth, 1860 to 2004, 1980 to 1992 is the eleventh foundation and is the time of fire (the colour of fire is orange-red and the colour of the jacinth gemstone). Added to this is the time 1992 to 2000 that is the twelfth foundation. The colour of the amethyst stone is purple and it is the colour of grapes. In other words it is being confirmed that this angel is measuring the time of the final hour. THE SEVEN ANGELS HAVING THE LAST SEVEN PLAGUES Through the symbolism in Revelation, chapter 15, we know that the time measured by these seven angels is going to take us right up to the very end time. Rev 15:1 The sea of glass is symbolism relating to the throne of Almighty God (see also Rev 4:6). This chapter reveals that fire is the last sign, for the sea of glass mingled with fire. This verse seems to reveal through the word fire that the Return will be after Armageddon. Verse 2 tells of the victory over the influence of the beasts of Revelation. It also confirms that we here have to do with same times as mentioned in the previous chapters. It does this by the repetition of words: victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name. In other words Christians, who followed the teachings of Christ, will be victorious over the influence that the beasts of Revelation had on mankind since the fall of righteous Christian authority in the rule of the nations. Revelation gives the time measurements, but measures backward in time: over his image (1886- the time that mankind would be deceived); over his mark (1860 to 2004) and over the number of his name (from 1266 666 in Revelation relates to the time 1266 to 1932). (See chapter on The beast out of the earth in How Near Armageddon or Q&A lX for further explanation). This is one of the verses in Revelation that reveals that from 1932 many would succumb to the influence of the beasts. Those that remained true witnesses will stand on the sea of glass, meaning they will see the throne of Almighty God. Rev 15:7 And one of the four beasts gave unto the seven angels seven golden vials. This is the fourth beast. This is established from the time measurement associated with the opening of the fourth seal, that is the year 1947, and the fourth rider of the Apocalypse. Rev 6:7 And when he opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say. From 1947 to 1996 is 49 years. It seems as if the time span of 49 years is of significance in the pouring of the seven vials (bowls) of the wrath of God upon the earth. Note how the symbolism of the end time is brought together in Revelation, chapter 15. Revelation gives an idea of the sequence of events at the end. At the end of the time of the seventh bowl of wrath, mankind will understand that Revelation measures time from the birth of Christ. This time measurement in Revelation is regarded as the measurement of temple. In other words when mankind sees that conflict around Jerusalem is going to involve many nations of the world. When remnants of Christians have to flee for their lives from persecution or oppression in countries where they have become a minority, and floods begin to plague mankind will there be a realization that the year 2000 is of significance with regard to the end time. (Rev 16: 8 no man was able to enter into the temple, till the seven plagues of the seven angels were fulfilled.) Note: Through the symbolism of the words associated with the seven angels that sounded the seven trumpets, as well as the interpretation of the beasts out of the sea and out of the earth, one can verify As the first four angels with the trumpets stressed the time third part 1883 to 1906/1908, the first three angels with the bowls stress the time 1908 to 1932 the time of blood. This measurement is confirmed by the colour of the chart 1860 to 2004. On that chart the times 1908 to 1920 and 1920 to 1932 are red, the colours of the sardonyx and the carnelian. The first angel with the first bowl Through the word first this angel is linked to the first angel that sounded the trumpet. This angel measures the time 1266(earth) to 1932 (who had the mark of the beast) and 1956 (worshipped its image) and then to the time (the year 2000 and beyond) of the AIDS plague (noisome and grievous sore). The AIDS plague is spread through infected blood. The second angel with the second bowl Through the word second, this angel is linked to the angel that sounded the second trumpet. This angel measures the time 1883 (sea the time of Krakatoa) to the year 1932. 1932 was the time that in all the mother countries of Europe the Christian monarch had relinquished power to governments of ordinary men not necessarily of the Christian faith. This rule spread to all peoples and nations of the world. It was the time of the First World War (1914-1918 falls in the time 1908 to 1920)- (turned into blood). From 1932 the rule of men would be accepted worldwide and the world would adopt an equalization of religions that would ultimately undermine the essential belief of Christianity that salvation can only be through the blood of Christ (every living thing in the sea died). The third angel with the third bowl Through the word third, this angel is linked to the third angel that sounded the third trumpet. Through the words rivers and springs and water Revelation reaffirms the time 1932 and then extends the time to 1944 or 1956, the time of the Second World War and the Korean War, through the words and they became blood. THE ANGEL OF THE WATERS This angel has the important task of indicating that the time 1932 to 1956 which is 24 years and the hour of the (first) fall of Babylon. (There is a final fall at the very end time that is indicated by the words of Rev 16:19 Babylon came in remembrance before God). This information is conveyed through the words of verse 16:6 For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink. We know this for these words are repeated at the end of the chapter on the fall of Babylon in Rev 18:24 And in her was found the blood of prophets and of saints. Another out of the altar The purpose of introducing another out of the altar in Rev 16:7 is to indicate that the following four angels are measuring the beginning and end of certain periods of time. This angel together with the angel of the waters measures the time 1932(water) to 2000(altar). The fourth angel with the fourth bowl This angel is linked through the word fourth TO ALL THE INSTANCES WHERE THE WORD FOURTH OCCURS IN REVELATION Rev 4:7 The fourth beast was like a flying eagle: Revelation reverses the symbolism of the beasts seen by Daniel, so the symbolism of the first beast seen by Daniel (Dan 7:4) is applied to the fourth beast of Revelation. Therefore the time that the fourth beast would stand upon the feet as a man is revealed through the word fourth as used in the verse of the sounding of the fourth trumpet. Fourth trumpet The time measurements as mentioned above in connection with the fourth trumpet were 1860 to 1908, 1908 to 1956 and 1956 to 2004. These are thirds of the time measurement of 1860 to 2004. These measurements indicate how the light of the sun gradually darkens over the earth in the time 1860 to 2004. Fourth foundation of the earth The fourth foundation on the chart of the foundations of the earth in the time 1860 to 2004 is 1896 to1908. Note how accurately these times relate and are verified by the time measurement of the angel that pours the fourth bowl of vial upon the sun and how distinctly Revelation measures. Rev 16:8 And the fourth angel poured out its vial upon the sun (1860 to 1908). This was the time of great scientific advancement and the discovery of the theory of relativity. (Note that this time of deception is verified in the measurement of the time of the number 666.) It was the time that France wished to give concrete evidence of the transference of the ideals of the French Revolution to the United States of America the building of the statue to freedom (Rev 13:14 make an image to the beast). Mankind would be deceived in believing that man is totally free to set in place a rule of nations that accepts all religions as equal. The time that man was led astray in believing that he could determine his own destiny and that he no longer could see the necessity to lead a lifestyle with the view to everlasting life. and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire (1908 1956). This was the time of scientific discovery. Discovery that would lead to the development of air-borne bombs and guns in the First World War (1914-1918), nuclear fission (1932-1938), the atomic bomb in the time of the Second World War (1939 1945) and the hydrogen bomb (1951). Revelation reveals all of these through the words, he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth, linked through time measurement and the number 666 to the years 1926 and 1992. (See: Q&A-IX and the chapter The beast out of the earth, in How Near Armageddon.) Rev 16:9 And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which has the power over these plagues and they repented not to give him glory. (1956 2004). In this time nations will have the ability to wage war by way of air-borne missiles and bombs. They would use these weapons to advance a rule of an equalization of religious belief (blasphemed the name of God) throughout the world. Rev 16:10 And the fifth angel poured out his vial on the seat of the beast. The seat of the beast is the throne of the king Abaddon, the angel of the bottomless pit that is spoken of in the sounding of the fifth trumpet. Therefore Revelation uses the word kingdom. and his kingdom was full of darkness. The word darkness coincides with the third part of 1860 to 2004 that is 1956 to 2004 and the day shone not for the third part of it (Rev. 8:12) Note that this angel relates through the word fifth to the opening of the fifth seal, the fifth trumpet and the fifth foundation of the earth. It also relates to the time of five months. Therefore this angel measures the time 1956 (fifth trumpet) to 2000(fifth seal). The time measured in the sounding of the fifth trumpet is the 100 years (Rev 7:4 one hundred and forty and four), both 1896 to 1996 and 1900 to 2000. Both times are indicated because 1996 is according to time measurement the birth date of Jesus Christ and according to our calendar measurement the time 2000. 1896 to 1926 (five months or thirty years), 1926 to 1956 (five months or thirty years) and 1956-1996 (forty years) the time that men would have the angel of the bottomless pit as their king. (These measurements are also applied: 1900 to 1930; 1930 to 1960 and 1960 to 2000.) The fifth foundation of the foundations of the earth in the time 1860 to 2004 is the time 1908 to1920, the time of the First World War and the time of the first five months(1900 to 1930). These time measurements indicate the beginning of the time (1956) that men will make decisions and make war according to the dictates of a rule of men set in place in the time 1900 to 1960. In 1996 Satan and the spirit of antichrist will rule the nations. You will recall that 1956-1968 was also the fifth time measurement in the measurement of the angels (seven in all) that measure the final hours in Revelation, chapter 14. Rev 16:10-11 and they gnawed their tongues for pain. Through the word gnaw that in Zephaniah 3:3 refers to judges, it seems that in 1996 to 2004, the world will be ruled by man made laws (gnawed). And blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds. In the time of plague in the year 2000 and beyond, men will not realize that their suffering came upon them through the equalization of religious belief and by the undermining of the message of salvation through Jesus Christ. They were misled and did not revert back to Christ and repent for their wrong doings. The sixth angel pours the sixth bowl Rev 16:12-16 The time measurements of the angel with the sixth bowl of wrath are related through the word sixth to: 1.the opening of the sixth seal, 2.the sixth angel and the sounding of the sixth trumpet, 3.another angel ascending from the east (Rev 7:2) 4.and the another angel that measured the final hours (Rev 14:17). Rev 6:12 The sixth seal measures time back from the time of the great earthquake (possibly in the time 2002 to 2004). {The time of this verse corresponds to the end time of the third section of the second woe, which is Rev 11:13.} Rev 6:13 This verse refers to the time 2000 and corresponds with Rev 11:10. The word untimely in the Old Testament means stillborn. In the year 2000 mankind will celebrate Christmas, but will not place the accent on the date as the coming of the Savior of the world, but will more than ever before since the birth of Christ, focus on the buying of gifts, send gifts one to another Rev 11:10. It will however be the beginning of the realization that it is the beginning of the end time.) This will be through great wind and storms (mighty wind). Rev 6:14 indicates the time 1996 and corresponds to the time measured in Rev, chapter 10, up to the time that there is a realization that the end time is at hand (Rev 10:6 there should be time no longer). This is the time that Almighty God indicates that the seven thunders are archaeological discoveries at certain times in the last two millennia. From these times the book of Revelation can be understood. It measures from 1996 to 2000, the beginning of the time of heaven (the heaven departed as a scroll). It then measures to the end time and possibly the time of the earthquake (every mountain and island were moved from their place). We know from Rev 6:15 that in the time about 2004 (rich and poor) men will know that the Return is imminent. Some will not repent of sin and still worship idols of gold and silver, and brass, and stone and wood: which neither can see of hear or walk Rev 9:20. For those who are still on earth, it is the time of the end of the second woe and the third woe will come soon. The end of the third woe is Judgment. The time measurements of the sixth bowl of wrath can now be understood. Rev 16:12 This verse indicates the time 1968 the verification is found in the opening of the sixth seal (Rev 7:2) that deals with the return to Israel (1860 to 2004) and the Middle East: another angel ascending from the east. This is the same another angel that measures the time 1968 to 2000 or 2004 in Rev 14:17(the temple which is in heaven). This is the time that the Temple Mount (stone that was discovered at the Temple Mount in 1971 and is the seventh thunder) was taken by Israel and in the year 2000, as a result of this occupation clashes began around Jerusalem. Rev 16:13 This verse indicates the time measurement of 49 years 1953 to 2002. In 1952 three frogs were cloned. Revelation indicates through the dates of three earthquakes (mouth) in Europe, that coincide with major happenings concerning the separation of the Christian Church and state, the ultimate result of political freedom freedom in the field of biological science. The cloning of frogs would in the year 2000 lead to scientific manipulation of the human foetus. This is mans last audacity, for intervention in the creation of man that has hereditary aspects of previous generations, is unacceptable to God. It is this the accumulative effect of the influence of:
The kings of the east and the kings of the earth are all those from the four corners of the earth that followed the teachings of Christ till the very end. They will receive the crown of everlasting life (Rev 2:10). Both good and evil persons of all nations will gather to Armageddon. {It is interesting to note that the area taken by Israel in the 1967 war, Gaza, West Bank and East Jerusalem, is about one sixth of the territory of the original Palestine. Is this sixth that is the contentious area in the land dispute in between Israel and the Palestinians, to be the root cause for a gathering of the nations of the world to a final conflict?} Rev 16:15 Revelation then indicates the end time. It will be unexpected (as a thief). The seventh angel with the seventh bowl This angel measures the time 2000 to 2004. Read Q&A Seventh Bowl of Wrath for the full explanation. ONE OF THE SEVEN ANGELS THAT HAD THE BOWLS OF WRATH Revelation, chapter 17:1 And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials. You will recall that the time measured by the first angel that cast the first bowl of wrath was 1266 to 2000 and beyond. What is important is that this angel measures time IN YEARS. This angel has two functions:
This time the angel measures BACK from 2004 (golden reed), to indicate that the foundations of the wall of the New Jerusalem are measured in the same time span (one cubit = one year) as the time of earth or man. Rev 21:17 And he measured the wall there-of, an hundred and forty-four cubits, according to the measure of a man, that is of the angel. This is the time 1860 to 2004. The time 1860 to 2004 is divided into twelve (the wall great and high had twelve gates). There are twelve gemstones, therefore the colours of the gemstones are placed on each section of the time 1860 to 2004. Then the angel measures the entire New Jerusalem, that is 12000 furlongs in length and 12000 furlongs in breadth. Of significance here is the number 12. If the wall is divided into twelve parts then the length of the city must also be divided into twelve parts. But more information on this division is given in Rev 11:2 the court that is without (outside) the temple leave out. For this reason the time of the division of the millennium into twelve sections starts in the year 70 (the time that the temple in Jerusalem was destroyed) and in the year 1070. Once again the colours of the gemstones are placed on the 12 sections. Therefore the colours of the gemstones also apply to the length of a millennium. Through this angel, Revelation is indicating that from the great city, all the people that lived after the birth of Christ, until the time of the Return, will come the bride, the lambs wife which is symbolic of the members of the church of Jesus Christ. Therefore through the measurement of time of one of the angels that had the seven vials, Revelation is measuring the fallen great city, the time 1266 to 2004 (Revelation, chapters 17 and 18) in years. It also measures the great city which is the New Jerusalem, symbolic of the redeemed that lived in the two millennia, BC4 to 2004, in years. THE ANGEL STANDING IN THE SUN Rev 19:17 This angel measures the time from the birth of Christ to the year 2004 (This is the time of the seven days of Revelation, that are 288 years each - remember that Revelation regards each millennium as a unit of three and a half days). This is the total time span of Revelation. This angel has the distinct purpose of measuring the midpoints of the essential time spans of Revelation. The symbolism of sun is used to convey that Jesus Christ was the promised Messiah and also the control that the Son of man has on all the happenings on earth in that period of time. The meaning of sun is derived from Malachi 4:2 But unto you who fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings. Rev 19:17 The angel of the sun calls to all the birds flying in the midst of heaven. The time of the midst of heaven is 2002. This is also an indication that the midpoints of the time spans related to sun may be hidden in the word midst or words relating to two parts (either side of the river). The time that the birds will eat their flesh is 1500 to 1932, but more severely 1932 to 2002. 4BC to 996 and 1AD to 1000. THE ANGEL HAVING THE KEY OF THE BOTTOMLESS PIT This angel measures the three nights back from 1896. The time of one night in Revelation is as long as the measurement of day that is 288 years. 1896 to 1608; 1608 to 1320; 1320 to 1032 (approx. 1000 years after the crucifixion) This angel also measured the time of 100 years from 1896 to 1996 (Rev 9:1). In this way it indicates the beginning of the little season, the year 1996 to 2004. It is only at the time of the little season and the little scroll, 1995/1996 to 2004, that the time of a day is as long as we know it. See Rev.10: 7 But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he has declared to his servants and prophets. In the time span from 1995 to 2002, may be the measurement of the end of days Daniel 12:11-12. It seems that the time to 2004 may be shortened. Matthew 24:22 and Mark 13:20 Matthew 24:22 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor shall ever be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elects sake those days shall be shortened. Mark 13:20 And except that the Lord had shortened those days, no flesh should be saved, but for the elects sake whom he has chosen, he hath shortened the days. Conclusion Revelation emphasizes that in the second millennium after the birth of Christ, the nations did not only discard the Christian Church, but Christ himself. It seems as if Revelation places the time of great deception at the end of the nineteenth century. This is understandable if one considers how the nations followed the teachings of the so-called enlightened philosophers. The nations no longer wanted to believe that civilization was moving to a Second Coming. Only now, at the beginning of the year 2001, that we have begun to see that human nature in its desire to have and maintain power will overrule law, can we begin to understand Revelation. A Christian basis in the rule of the nations, was the only way to overcome mans greed. Man deceived himself to think that he could create peace without the influence of the teachings of Jesus Christ. Revelation reveals this deception. Only now can we begin to understand that we are on a path of no return, we have to cope with power hungry leaders and governments, universal lawlessness and immorality. Now we can begin to understand why we are moving at a pace to the end time. The healing of the nations But the Son of Man does not leave his followers in despair. Rev 22:1-2 And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life. This means that in the second millennium, on either side of the year 1500, the midpoint of the millennium, there will be those who will have living waters. The year 1500 was the time that Christians left Europe journeyed to the ends of the earth. It was the time of the corrupt great city (in the midst of the street of it). However, there were good Christians (tree of life). For their sake, there would be a time of healing. Likewise, in the time 1860 to 2004, midpoint 1932, in the time of great scientific discovery, and the time that mankind would be deceived, there would be those who would bear Christian witness, and apply their knowledge for the good of mankind. Again, there would be the healing of the nations. For these there is the opening of the book of Revelation, a river of the water of life, to guide them from the time 2001. |