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Posted by Ben Curran on October 11, 2014 at 03:25:10:

In Reply to: Rev 6:8 posted by Elana Janson on September 22, 2014 at 05:06:41:

Thank you, Dr Janson, for all the work you have done
in your books and on this website to show us how
Revelation gives us the great tides of history which
have brought the world into the condition it is in
today. Of all the Christian writers that I have
come across, it is only you and Francis Schaeffer
that do this so well.

You point out that:
"The year 1947 was the time that it was
accepted through international law that globally the
ruling of nations would not be by Christianity
alone, as in the unity of Christianity and the
Christian king symbolised by the rider on the white
horse, but by all religions."

It was also around the year 1947 that nuclear
weapons were perfected, and in the same period the
new state of Israel was brought into being. Truly
a momentous turning point in history, and not for
the better (symbolised, as God made known to you, by
Death riding the pale horse).

You also describe how:
"Revelation 17:17 reveals that this situation
came about when God let man separate church and
state, but only for a specific time".
Schaeffer describes how we are squandering
the legacy that was left for us by those who built
the great social, legal and political institutions
of the West in centuries gone by. We have removed
the Christian foundations of those institutions, and
they are now disintegrating rapidly, as the
breakdown of family life in the first world
countries shows. Your understanding that God will
only allow this to continue for a certain time is
perhaps the one comforting aspect of the matter.
But Revelation's picture of how it will come to an
end brings back the discomfort!

We Christians talk a lot about getting out there and
converting the Muslims, Christians and Buddhists.
Quite how we are supposed to do that when our own
society is abandoning its Christian roots and
falling to pieces is a question that I am not sure
how to answer.

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