The apocalyptic message of Daniel through knowledge of Revelation

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Posted by Elana Janson on June 23, 2006 at 13:48:01:

Thoughts at the present time

The past century

I believe that the inhabitants of the earth have proceeded with such speed and energy in the past century to separate man’s thinking from the spiritual and the eternal in his strife to be financially secure and part of a modern world, that most persons who have not kept themselves in a close relationship with God the Father through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit will no longer be able to understand the subtle development of the “beasts” of Revelation through the ages and their immense power at the present time.

One sign only

Remember that I declare in 2006 that the “sign of Jonas” as described through Jesus Christ in Matthew 12:39-42 relates to the understanding of Revelation at the beginning of the twenty-first century. The “three days and three nights” (Matthew 12:40) relating to a time span in the second millennium after the birth of Jesus Christ. The “men of Nineveh” (Matthew 12:41) being those persons living at the present time (men of the “great city” Jonah 3:2) who are beginning to see that the words of Revelation relate to the past history and the present time. The “queen of the south” (Matthew 12:42) being a woman from an uttermost southern point of the earth (Southern Africa) to whom the understanding of Revelation is revealed.


Revelation reveals that man has in 2006 almost totally been misled by the power of evil; therefore many will not recognise or want to recognise how these forces are at work at the present time. Revelation 13:3 says that “all the world wondered after the beast”; also Rev 17:8 “and they that dwell on earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world”.

A day as a thousand years

Through the symbolism of Revelation that I believe I can now understand, as well as the symbolism of Daniel, I will in the following posts try to show that there has been a God in control since the formation of the earth, whether you today believe that the formation was over a time of millennia or seven “days” in Genesis. Readers of this website will know that I believe through my understanding of Revelation that a “day” in Scripture is a length of time. It can be a day as we know it to be or a time span of thousands of years. All I can say is that this insight has been given me through an understanding of the total Revelation.

Through the heart of man

Do not let the vast knowledge of Scripture pass you by with preconceived beliefs that may have come to you through the subtle working of evil that has set as its purpose way back in history to work through the desires and sensitivities (“heart” Dan 7:4) of man. Do not forget that these desires include the desire for happiness; the desire for all the knowledge of all the branches of science; the desire to be prosperous and powerful and the desire for a healthy and long life. The understanding of the beasts of Daniel and Revelation wishes to reveal how man has been misled through those things that are closest to his heart. It is for this reason that we have to tread so carefully. One of the great truths of Scripture is to open our eyes to deception. Do not remain ignorant to that which is revealed through Scripture to place your focus on the working of both the hand of God and evil in modern society. Most of all that you can become wise in the knowledge of matters relating to the unseen and the eternal through that which man has accomplished in the twenty-first century – both to his benefit and to his spiritual destruction.

The last six chapters of Daniel

With the understanding of the total book of Revelation it is now possible to comprehend the symbolism of the last six chapters of the book Daniel. The book Daniel deals with what is going to happen in future. The prophets of the Old Testament made promises to Israel of what would take place in the future. In the first place it was prophecy of the near future. It was about the coming happenings of Israel. However with the knowledge of Revelation we can now know that the last six chapters of Daniel are also of another future time, of a time that leads up to the end time. It is therefore also an apocalyptic view.

Through specific words and symbols in Revelation that also appear in Daniel it is now possible to understand the symbols of Daniel. This is in my opinion a tremendous revelation for it shows that the symbols used in Daniel and Revelation concerning the end time were conceived way, way back when God created the earth. It makes it possible for us to comprehend the words of Revelation 13:8 and 17:8 “from the foundation of the world”.

The understanding of Revelation that has led to a grasp of the apocalyptic meaning of Daniel reveals that Daniel is not fictional, but indeed long-range predictive prophecy. It is about God’s redemption and the force of evil that is symbolised in various forms of ‘beasts’.

Through the total understanding of the time measures of Revelation the words that appear in both Daniel and Revelation, can now be linked and all of a sudden the book of Daniel opens up. In posts to follow I will discuss the last six chapters of Daniel.

Daniel Chapter 7

Daniel 7:2: “Daniel spoke and said, I saw in my vision by night, and, behold, the four winds of heaven strove upon the great sea.”

The words” four winds” also appear in Rev 7:1. “Four winds” have both a symbolic and a literal meaning. The symbolic meaning being that a time has come that God wishes to communicate with man through the Spirit. This is done through a specific person. It was done through Daniel and in the case of Revelation through John on Patmos. (In The Acts 2:2 it is said that the Spirit came with a sound of a mighty wind.) With the understanding of Revelation we are at the present time in a time that God is revealing the fulfilment of prophecy. Through the increase in size of wind storms since 2004 and at the present time in all regions of the earth the “four winds” of the prophecy of Daniel and of Revelation now have both a symbolic (fulfilment of prophecy) and a literal meaning. The words “great sea” indicates the entire globe.

Daniel 7:3 - 4 “And four great beasts came up from the sea, diverse one from another. The first was like a lion, and had eagle’s wings: I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth and made to stand upon the feet as a man, and a man’s heart was given to it.”

The four beasts involve the entire globe (“up from the sea”).

The first beast changes its form. It was like a lion and had eagle’s wings. Then it transforms – the wings were plucked and was lifted from the earth to stand up as a man on two feet. And the heart of a man was given to it.

The transformation of this beast indicates that the forces of evil (beast) that would take man’s focus away from God would in the future time be very powerful (“like a lion and had eagles wings”). It would transform with a purpose to no longer look like a ‘beast’, a force of evil or danger, but know exactly what man wants in the time that he can move about on earth (“to stand up as a man on two feet”) with desires and feelings (“heart”). Its purpose will be to get to man’s affection and desire. In this way it will try to overcome man.

Rev 4:7 “And the first beast was like a lion.” These words from Revelation are the same as in Daniel therefore the symbolism of the beast seen by Daniel relates to the understanding of Revelation.

The book Revelation links this beast (through the words “one of the four beasts” in Rev 6:1) to the time c AD216 – the time that it was in God’s plan that Christians would be placed in a position to direct the rule of the nations. (This time was revealed through the Divine intervention.) Therefore from the time that the Christian faith would begin to be in the hearts the leadership of the nations and that leadership would have the power to overcome other nations through war. This is symbolized by the rider of the apocalypse on the white horse wearing the crown and carrying the bow.

Therefore this beast or force of evil would be at work from that point in time that the Christian faith would be put in the leadership of the nations. The force of evil would be at work to take the focus of the leadership away from their trust and faith in the Trinity. The way it would do this is to transform from being a strong power of evil to being a way of thinking (or ideology) acceptable to man and gain his affection (“to stand up as a man on two feet. And the heart of a man was given to it”).

How is this revealed today?

For most persons living today this symbolism is only important if it relates to today’s living. Those who have studied my books and this website will know that I believe that the understanding of the “beasts” of Revelation lie in the deception of the leadership of the nations in the past two thousand years. This is revealed through the image of the “beast out of the sea” that reveals the leadership of the nations under the rule of deceived kings. The deception of the leadership would put in place a leadership of ‘great men’ (Rev 6:15) and liberty that is acceptable to God for a certain period of time. It is however a leadership both good and detrimental to the Christian faith. Readers should refer back to my interpretation of the ‘beast out of the sea’ on this website.

Daniel 7:5 And behold another beast; a second, like a bear, and it raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it, and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh.

Through the knowledge that the words ”second beast” (Rev 6:3) relates to the time 792 to 1896 we know that the second beast seen by Daniel relates to the time 792 to 1896. The time that the leadership of the Christians would be involved in many wars (“devour much flesh”). These religious wars would mainly be on one side of the globe, that is the West (“raised itself on one side”) and there it would be given power. This power would ultimately reach its zenith in the ability develop the technique to clone (“and it had three ribs”) and to communicate its ideology world wide (“in the mouth of it”). It would in its ascent have the power to ‘crunch’ and hurt the faith (”between the teeth of it”).

My interpretation of the ‘beast out of the earth’ in Revelation reveals that in certain years (a time span involving a period of 666 years) man would make certain great scientific discoveries. Discoveries that would be to the good, but also to the detriment of man. One of these discoveries I believe to be global communication in 1906. Refer to my interpretation of the ‘beast out of the earth’ on this website. I am convinced that the vast communications networks of the globe, satellite TV, the internet and the cell-phone, as wonderful as they are to modern living, have in the last decade so consumed so much time and thinking of mankind and focussed on matters relating to mainly that which is material, that they have contributed to a vast spiritual ignorance and knowledge of the workings of the unseen and true God in the minds of many persons of the globe. But the internet also carries this website to the entire globe.
To be continued

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