Re: Good Morning Dr. Janson!

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Posted by Elana Janson on September 21, 2018 at 18:34:02:

In Reply to: Good Morning Dr. Janson! posted by Ben Curran on September 02, 2018 at 09:22:59:

Apologies for not answering your question sooner.

With the insight into Revelation given me, this is the way I see artificial intelligence within happenings of the globe and the universe at this point in time. Because we are seeing such extreme weather across the globe I do not think the problems of artificial intelligence are now a priority.

I am the morning star

Yes, God gave Man the intelligence and the abilities to wrestle with the complexities of the physical world and to learn from those efforts.

Concerning these abilities, to me, the greatest Revelation is in the words of the last chapter of Revelation: “I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star”. Because we can now understand the book Revelation, Jesus was the promised Messiah and the Christ, as part of the Trinity the power of God that positioned the planet Venus that has kept our solar system stable for billions of years. Because of this stability the earth and all the wonders of the physical world could develop on it.

Man has progressed so far in his knowledge of the Universe that the position of Venus and its function, could recently be established scientifically.

“Thy kingdom come”

God has had a master plan for the earth since its creation. We are part of that master plan of God, the Father to establish a kingdom after death for those who persevered through the challenges of life and by the grace of God could adhere to the Laws of God with a faithful spirit to God the Father, in order to be part of the New Jerusalem that will soon descend to earth.

That the New Jerusalem will descend to earth is a certainty because in Revelation God predicted the course that the nations would take after the Resurrection and the spread of the Christian faith to the ends of the earth. The understanding of Revelation confirms this.

Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is like cloning part of Man’s endeavours to master and control the complexities of life. Scripture predicts that in the Last days a Spirit of perdition (eternal damnation or hell) within Man, will oppose and exalt himself above all that is called God or is worshipped, so that he sits as God, in the temple of God, and try to do what God does (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4).

Artificial intelligence probably has not far to go because we are currently seeing very severe windstorms and melting of core ice in the Arctic … and this is extremely important …after the sign in the stars on 23 September 2017.

Great windstorms

I believe that mankind must take note of the great windstorms that raged in 2017 and this year: Typhoon Jebi, Typhoon Mangkhut and Hurricane Florence. Most unusual recently was the development at the same time of nine wind storms in the southern hemisphere.

Experts say it is unusual for there to be active windstorms in the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean at the same time.

Unusual too is the indication of core ice melting in the Arctic.

Great windstorms (Rev 7:1-3) and the rising of the sea (Rev 16:20) are two definite signs of the end time in the book Revelation.

The sign

It was made known to me in 1996 that we are near the end time. With the massive windstorms last year and this year, one has to consider the possibility that the sign in the stars on 23 September 2017 was the “sign” spoken of in Matthew 24:30

“And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory”.

I believe the tribes of the earth shall mourn because of the devastation caused by great windstorms and changing weather patterns.

After the sign of 23 September 2017 we have seen extreme weather all over the globe: to mention a few: snow in the Sahara, lowest temperatures on record on the east coast of America, record breaking heat in Japan, floods in China and extreme cold in Argentina.

We do not know how long after the “sign” in Matthew 24:30 the Return will be. The intensification of signs of the end time during this year have to be noted.

The sign of Matthew 24:30 could also relate to the Venus – Jupiter conjunction on Saturday 27 August 2016.
The time of the Return is predestined.

With the knowledge of the time measures of Revelation, I believe, we can know that the Return has always been predestined for a certain time, but that time is only known to God. I believe, God has made known the final season, and through the signs can we confirm this period of time.

I believe, the Venus-Jupiter conjunction that occurred on Saturday, 27 August 2016 must also be noted in this context.

I say this because I believe we are in the final short season.

Two Venus-Jupiter conjunctions at the time of the birth of Christ

It is particularly interesting because the history of the movements of the planets confirm that Venus-Jupiter conjunctions took place in August 3BC and in 2BC.

On 12 August 3BC Venus and Jupiter came within just 0.15 degrees of each other and shone as a very bright star in the predawn sky as seen from the Middle East.
The Biblical account of the Star of Bethlehem seems to fit with the movements of Venus and Jupiter at that time.

Ten months later on 17 June 2BC a second Venus and Jupiter conjunction took place which was more spectacular when light shone from the sky as the two planets were .01degree of each other. It is believed that this spectacular light from the two plants was the Biblical Star of Bethlehem.

This is very interesting for the Biblical account of the journey of the Magi calls for two appearances: One star (likely the conjunction in 3BC) which the three wise men saw earlier east of Jerusalem (possibly Mesopotamia) and which they ‘followed’ to Jerusalem. Mat.2:1 “there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem”.

They believed the star was linked to the birth of the ‘king of the Jews’ (Mat 2:2).

Because the town of Bethlehem was prophesied as being the town from whence the ‘king’ would come (Mat 2:6) they proceeded thence and finally on arrival in Bethlehem the discovery of the Christ child and the time of the Star of Bethlehem, (likely the appearance of the second conjunction on17 June 2BC).

The sign of the Son of man could be the Venus -Jupiter conjunction on 27 August 2016 or the star formation of 23 September 2017. Both of these were followed by great windstorms in 2017 and 2018.

With the understanding of Revelation, the knowledge that we are near the end time, as well as the massive windstorms and extreme weather, I am not so worried about the consequences of artificial intelligence at this point in time.

Total solar and lunar eclipses and meteor showers

To add to this 2016-2018 were times of total solar (21 Aug 2017) and lunar eclipses (31 Jan 2018 and 27 July 2018) and meteor showers.

Rev 6:12-13 “”And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.”

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