Posted by Johann Cronje on March 09, 2019 at 06:38:15:
In Reply to: Re: MOUNT ZION posted by Elana Janson on March 08, 2019 at 03:20:47:
Dr Elana Janson,
Pardon me for pursuing this matter.
Yes, we were all told or taught about the “trinity”, which NO theologian to date, could ever explain or make sense of. It remains a mysterious, inexplicable pagan story added into Christianity and a “belief” (dogma) which God Yahweh has “never” proclaimed to be true fact....... In fact, He has clearly proclaimed the opposite namely, His “ONENESS” as supreme God and Saviour. When He speaks He never refers to “US” as a God, Neither does His reference to the words, “He”, “Me” or “I” suggest it to be “US”, as in more than one entity. The sacred title of God and Creator describes and remains “ONE” entity ‘only’.
Most of us are “blindly” comfortable with what we have been told or taught to believe as the truth and that we are totally “at peace” with it, but being ignorant or unwilling to analyse or evaluate the truthfulness of our own beliefs by conveniently sweeping it under the carpet, could be a fatal error. Perhaps some of us are actually in fear, that if we are confronted with facts, truths and realities other than what we believe, we may be forced to change our own perception and that could disturb our conscience. The question is, are we 100% sure that what we believe, is the actual truth or perhaps only half a truth? Don’t just answer this question without a thorough research, merely because you are afraid that you may have to make serious mind changes. It is a well-known fact that the Christian doctrine is fuelled by fear. Fear for the devil, fear for hell, fear for not being saved from your sins and fit to go to Heaven, fear for physical death and not being able to ‘flee’ to a physical place of safety to survive the end times. Yet God YAHWEH gives us the peace of mind to live without all this fear believing and trusting Him only!
The only ONE that can forgive our wrongdoings is YAHWEH, the “ONE” and ONLY God and SAVIOUR and for anyone to ignore this truth or give junk status to this fact, should think twice. It is the easiest thing to find peace with your own decision and to believe that you are correct. Yahweh's works will be accomplished. The cup YAHWEH presents is filled with knowledge and wisdom but only some will earnestly search for it, to hear and understand the mysteries of Yahweh. Then there are also those who are called to alert others of such knowledge and wisdom.
The Testimonies of Yahweh, God of Israel, the First, the only, and the Last are very clear and only fools would turn their eyes and ears away. The fear of having to distinguish between lie and truth is a reality for Christians.
To trust and believe Yahweh's testimonies is a personal (conscious decision). You choose it or you choose to cling to church dogma, It is your choice, but know every time you slip over a lie, a contradiction or distortion that comes in the New Testament - and you still use both parts, the New and the Old Testament - the Tanankh, - it will purely be for your own gain and in dogma's interest and certainly NOT in the command or the interest of Yahweh or the truth. The choice is simple: Choose the OT or the NT but the choice to believe that the WHOLE bible is the "Word of God" is far from the truth and highly debateable.
Many facts have revealed that the origin and composition of the New Testament is under immense suspicion, as well as the multitude of lies and contradictions and the thousands of errors and changes presented in the New Testament. This has prompted me to seriously search for Yahweh and His true Words “alone” enabling me to examine every piece of suspicious dogma of the Christian religion. To evaluate the words and declarations of Yahweh against the Christian dogma written by many “men” over thousands of years is a revelation of its own.
Of course, central to the Christian dogma is the “Saviour God” called Lord (Baäl) Jesus, who is said to have saved “all” (the whole world), of their sins, died and risen again. The Christian faith is based on faith in this saviour and because of this particular faith, a person's "eternal" soul is saved to an eternal life in heaven. According to Christianity, this saviour god is also the Creator God Yahweh, who came to earth (the word becoming flesh) and began breathing after a birth from earthly women. (Some even believe that it was Jesus was a heavenly entity and that he was previously called the “WORD”.
The roots of a messiah are well documented in the pagan religions over the centuries and only if you consider the Tanakh “second hand” and only if you subordinate the Words of Yahweh, the God of Israel, to the teaching of the church and the NT. can you believe such mystical stories.
IN ORDER to substantiate this belief, many parts of the Tanakh had to be used (copied and pasted) to explain this whole religion of Christianity, in other words, to make it legitimate.
To investigate the Christian religion's spider web of teachings is an enormous task - after all, there are 2,000 years of thinking, philosophy, theology, corruptive capturing of the human mind and imagination behind it.
But if a domino falls then everything goes with it. The starting point of Christianity is and remains the god of Christianity Jesus, the one so-called part of the trinity, or the watered-down form Jesus / Yahushua as the son of God who will become king of Israel after Revelation becomes true.
Is there really a messiah predicted? The Jews and many other believers believe it and are waiting for him. Why - because Yahweh proclaimed that He alone is God and Saviour and therefore still has to come to save His elect, the righteous of Israel nations who call and worship Him “only” by His Holy Name, YAHWEH. The Christian also believe in a messiah and are waiting for his return. Isaiah 7: 8, 9 and 53, of course, are the most important so –called "evidence" that is presented as messianic prophecies. Even these are misinterpreted, adapted to future events instead of past events and all highly debateable.
But let's read and understand what Yahweh says. It remains all we should believe - the Words and Testimony that Yahweh gave us by the Tanakh.
Isaiah 43:11 - (NIV) - 11 I, even I, am YAHWEH and “apart from me” there is “no saviour” (messiah). - I, yes I, am YAHWEH, and there is no Saviour(messiah) but Me. 12 I alone decreed and saved and proclaimed—I, and not some “foreign god” among you. So you are My witnesses,” declares YAHWEH, “that I am God.…”
Isaiah 45:5 (NIV) - 5 I am YAHWEH, and there is “no other” (god); “apart from Me there is no God”. I will strengthen you, though you have not acknowledged me,