Posted by Elana Janson on October 07, 2005 at 14:08:43:
In Reply to: Discrepancies in your book posted by GDG on October 02, 2005 at 12:30:04:
Thank you for your post
Your question involves an understanding of almost the entire Revelation, but I will try to explain it here briefly. I hope that you can follow the line of reasoning.
In order to answer the first part of your question I have to start with the Divine intervention on 22 August 1996. As mentioned previously on this website, it was confirmed through the Divine intervention that specific symbols in Revelation relate to specific time in history. The symbols of the four riders of the Apocalypse relate to four times that Biblical scrolls were discovered in the past two millennia. It was revealed to me that the times of the opening of the first four seals of Revelation are linked to the times 216, 792, 1896 and 1947. These four times are four of the seven times that are referred to in Rev 10:4 as “the seven thunders”. This knowledge was the beginning of the ‘loosening’ of the seals and without this knowledge the symbolism of Revelation could not be fully understood.
The first time was c216 when Origen discovered the scroll of Psalms in Jericho. I say about (c) 216 because according to historical records the time of the discovery may be a year before or a year after. Because of the words of Revelation 1:11 say: “I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last “ time measure in Revelation is measured from the birth of Jesus Christ. From the year AD1 to 216 three periods of about 72 years can be measured (3x72=216).
The second time that was made known to me was the time that Biblical scrolls were discovered in about the time 792. From the time 216 to 792, eight periods of 72 years can be measured: 216, 288,360, 432, 504, 576, 648, 720 and 792.
From the words of Rev 6:6 “And I heard a voice from the midst of the four beasts say” we know that the midpoint (“midst”) of the time 216 to 792 is of significance. The words “voice” in Revelation relates to time measure. We know this from Rev 10:4 “When the seven thunders uttered their voices”. The midpoint of the time 216 to 792 is 504. From 216 to 504 is 288 years and from 504 to 792 is also 288 years. This is one way that Revelation reveals the time of ‘288 years’. 504 is also about the time of the midpoint of the millennium.
Revelation also reveals a time span of about the time of ‘288 years’ in the first four chapters of Revelation. Rev 1:9 “I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom, and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos”. John was on Patmos in about AD96-97. Letter to Smyrna: Rev 2:10:”and ye shall have tribulation 10 days”. The time of ‘tribulation’ or persecution in Smyrna was in the time about AD165-168. The persecution in the Roman Empire came to an end with the Edict of Milan in AD313. The time that John was on Patmos to the time of the persecution in Smyrna was from AD96 to AD 165 to 168, a period of about 70 to 72 years. Up to the time of the Edict of Milan it was about 144 years: 168 +144 = 312.
The words of Rev 4:1 “A door was opened in heaven” relate to the words of Mat 3:16 and the baptism of Jesus Christ: “And Jesus when he was baptised, went up straitway out of the water: and lo the heavens were opened”. The time of the baptism was AD26 calculated from the birth of Jesus Christ in 4BC. 26+72 = 98 (about the time of Patmos)+70 or 72 (71) =169 +144 = 313.
Revelation 5:5 says, “Behold the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof”. This means that the words that Jesus Christ spoke on earth open the seven seals. The words that Jesus spoke that open the first seal are the words of John 2:19 “Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up”. John 2:21 “But he spake of the temple as his body”. According to history the temple in Jerusalem was destroyed in AD70. Today some history books place this time at AD 68. The reason for this being that time was calculated from AD1 the time of the birth of Jesus Christ, when in 2005 we know that the birth could have been from 7BC to 4BC.
Therefore through the time measures revealed in Revelation and through the Divine intervention, the words of Jesus Christ can be applied to time measure in the first millennium. “Destroy this temple”, (the time AD70) “and in three days I will raise it up” (288x3= 864) brings one to the time 934. By 934 the Christian faith according to the Creed of Chalcedon had spread to almost the entire Europe. The Church that would rise up after the Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the symbol of the “body” as used in John 2:21”But he spake of the temple of his body”. “Body” incorporates the act of Holy Communion, where the bread and the wine are symbolic of the offering of the Lamb, which is Jesus Christ. The act of taking the bread and the wine is the physical acknowledgement that Christians believe that the Christ was crucified for the forgiveness of their sins. Therefore when he spoke of ‘the temple of his body’, it was the rise of the Christian Church in the time after the Resurrection.
We see therefore that both times 70 years and 72 years relate to the time of “three days and a half “ in the first millennium.
[Readers should take note that with the opening of the first four seals, the “beast” is mentioned. Rev 6:1 “One of the four beasts saying”; Rev 6:3 “the second beast say”; Rev 6:5 “the third beast say”; Rev 6:7 “the fourth beast say”. The reason for this is that in the rise of the Christian Church there would always be the forces of evil within man that would try to undermine the spread of the faith. Revelation later defines these forces (“dragon”, “beast out of the sea” and “beast out of the earth”) at specific times.]
Three days and a half in the second millennium
Because Revelation uses the words “three days and a half’ twice in both Rev 11:9 and 11:11, Revelation measures another “three days and a half” in the second millennium.
The “three days and a half “of the second millennium are revealed through the understanding of the word “foundations” as used in Rev 21:19. In the past centuries the “New Jerusalem” as described in Revelation, chapter 21 was a vision of the life after death. With the understanding of the time measure and the symbols of Revelation in 2005, the vision of the New Jerusalem coming down from heaven has a ‘new’ very specific function. It also reveals time measure on earth. At this point in time the Trinity reveals through the prophecy of Revelation how closely Almighty God has been involved with the ruling of the nations on earth.
We know this from the words of Rev 21:17 “And he measured the wall thereof, an hundred and forty-four cubits, according to the measure of a man, that is of the angel”.
This is a very enlightening verse in Revelation for it reveals that the measure of the “wall” of the New Jerusalem is given in terms of a measure that man can understand. The measure of “man” in Revelation is the measure of a “year”. How do we know this? We know this from the understanding of the number 666, which is the measure of 666 years. The ‘years’ of the number 666 are established through linking the words of Rev 13:13-18 to times in history from 1266 to 1932 in a very specific way. This has been shown on this website.
This understanding that the measures of the New Jerusalem have to be placed on time measure on earth is further verified through the words of Rev 21:18 “And the city was pure gold, like unto clear glass”; also Rev 21:21” And the street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent glass’. When white light is passed through a glass prism we see the colours of the rainbow. (Interestingly Sir Isaac Newton demonstrated this for the first time in 1666 which is one of the measures of the time 666). The colours of the gemstones of the foundations of the wall of the New Jerusalem are the colours of the rainbow. The only way that the symbols of colour can be interpreted in the total Revelation is by placing the colours of the gemstones of the New Jerusalem on the “foundations” of time measures on earth.
Symbolically the light of God was reflected on the times of the second millennium to show how the nations in their deception by the ‘dragon’, the beast out of the sea and the beast out of the earth, was controlled by the Trinity with a “rod of iron” (Rev 12:5).
The ‘foundations’ of time measure on earth are revealed through the reference in Isaiah 58:12 “thou shall raise up the foundations of many generations”. Therefore the ‘foundations’ of the New Jerusalem are reflected on earth in the colours of the gemstones placed on ‘many generations’ on earth.
The “three days and a half” of the second millennium correspond to the times of the “three days and a half” in the first millennium. The first “generation” is the time approx 1000 to 1070, which corresponds to 0 to 70 in the first millennium after the birth of Jesus Christ. The first ‘day’ of the second millennium is about the time of 288 years after 1070 and so on. In “How near Armageddon” and “Ek is die Begin en die Einde” this was diagrammatically illustrated. Each “day” is divided into four periods of 72 years. 72 years id also half of 144 years which is
Once again both time measures of 70 years and 72 years are brought to bear in the time construction of the second millennium.
The time of three days is 288 x 3 = 864 years and to this is added the time of 144 years, which is the time of “half a day”. This brings the total time of “three days and a half” to 1008 years.
Because Revelation uses the time measure of “three days and a half” twice, each millennium is regarded as a unit on its own. In the total analysis of Revelation there is a reason for this: It uses the millennium or “thousand years” as the key to the understanding of Revelation chapters 12 and 20. It also brings the time of a “thousand years” which is in ‘years’ and is the measure of ‘man’ into relation with the “three days and a half”, which is about 1008 years. I therefore measured in How near Armageddon the first “three days and a half” from 4BC to 1008 and the second from about 996 to 2004. It was therefore of such great significance to me that the “great earthquake” happened on 26 December 2004, at Christmas time, for it seemed to verify the total time construction of Revelation.
The ‘beast out of the sea’ is described in Rev 17:10 “And there are seven kings”. In the total analysis of Revelation, the “dragon”, “the beast out of the sea”, and “the beast out of the earth” all pertain to the second millennium. They reveal the forces of evil that deceived man in the transition from the rule of Christian kings to the rule of men.
In the analysis of the beast out of the sea, it was shown how in seven countries, seven kings came into conflict with the Roman Catholic Church in the second millennium and these conflicts resulted in the death of leaders in the Church. Ultimately it was shown how ten kings ruled with parliament in ten countries and ultimately the kings had to relinquish their power as kings. These times of the fall of kings is also the time that the foundations of the New Jerusalem are placed on the ‘generations’ or “foundations” of about 72 years in the second millennium.
And now to answer your question: The time of “three days and a half” relate to times of 70 years and 72 years; the times of the twelve ‘foundations’ of the New Jerusalem reflected on earth are times of twelve ‘generations’ of persons living on earth in the time of the second millennium; furthermore, Revelation links the times of the second millennium with the time of seven specific kings in seven specific countries (“seven “ being a number of totality, ultimately shows a trend in all countries) - therefore I cited the words of Isaiah 23:15 “seventy years, according to the days of one king”
I have mentioned on this website that the understanding of Revelation lies in time measure but also in taking the words of Revelation to Scripture and there time measure and meaning is enhanced. Many scholars and theologians do not agree that the words of Scripture can be used this way for interpretation. I know that I may do this for it was revealed to me through the Divine intervention that time in the past two millennia is definitely linked to the symbols of Revelation. I believe that this understanding is reflected in the words of Rev 21:5” I make all things new”. The words of Scripture are all ultimately brought to bear in the total understanding of Revelation that is the prophecy of the rise of the Christian Church within the ruling of the nations as well as the eventual deception of the nations. It also reveals the signs of the end according to specific time measures.
I believe that when Mars appeared as the “morning star” on 28 August 2003, the time of two periods of “three days and a half” came to an end. It was the time of the end of the measure of “temple”. It seems that the time of a “day” in Revelation was shortened from 288 years to 287 years. Jesus Christ predicted this in Mat 24:22 “And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved”.
The second part of your question:
The King James Version is a very accurate translation from the Greek. As you can see the understanding of Revelation does not lie in knowledge of Greek. Revelation provides for the additional meanings and nuances of its words through the repetition of a word in another verse or through references to Scripture.