Re: The task at hand.....

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Posted by Elijaj on March 24, 2012 at 03:29:18:

In Reply to: Re: The task at hand..... posted by Richard Smit on March 22, 2012 at 16:41:45:

Let me begin by saying that my name is Elijah.
Not Jeremiah.
Elijah is my name and it has been my name since birth and my name was not chosen for religious reasons it was given because my parents found that Elijah was the most frequent name of enslaves Africans who freed themselves in America. Mr. Smit I am disappointed in your underestimation of me and I sense a form of disregard and this will be my last posting on your site Ms. Jansen. I don't know how things are in South Africa and all the other places viewers are from but, here in America we are taught to educate ourselves, do research, use our intelligence, and those of us who truly live for the people are in the streets living the word as Jesus did. Where Im from the truth has been exposed and the lies spread from Western Christianity depicting false characters (blond haired blue eyes white Jesus), false laws( heavily affected by Governmental politics, greed, Judaism, repeatedly as a Christian community has fallen short of their calling as some chosen people( as if the Westernized Christian church communally holds up to the expectations placed my God and the Messiah, or anybody else communally in mankind) . The problem is Westernized Christianity has misinterpreted the messages shown in their very own scriptures as I will demonstrate:

As you incorrectly stated in Genesis in your "VERY OWN NIV" I will read:
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Your analysis of this indicating the Father is false it initializes the fact that GOD is the beginning and all creations in the universe formulate after God creates the relam for their existence; including man

2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
This speaks of the Spirit of God that is to be embedded in man through his free will of choice. The spirit of God is extended in waves of energy across the Earth much like gravity across everything on it. In this vessel men have been given the reigns to. All divine revelation becomes a function of the world and this begins as simple as miscommunication. I assure you if you think the people of Jesus's time understood him and what he was going through then you really underestimate the Messiah and Savior. This verse lets the reader to understand GOD can be with and without anything GOD chooses on Earth or in heaven. Let not your eyes create a story to fit your ego and tradition (your fathers religion). I was not biased in my receiving of your criticism, be not biased in mine and simply let me teach you our religion to you as my ancestors would have.

3 And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. 4 God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness.

Mr. Smit and any other so-called "Christian" with eyes and a brain can read that this is the first command God gave. First understand that this scripture is for connection of a divine (higher level of consciousness) to a man over the centuries of misinterpretations by unordained men. Second man makes electrical connections in his mind of the words that we say. The most fathomable way of describing the power of God by the author is to put that God spoke light (our sun, the stars, the universe) into existence. As we read on in genesis we focus in on the story of the creation of man.

Man was created in the area known as Ethiopia which im sure all of you are familiar with. I also would like for you to research the Earth's climate based on scientific estimation to see the climate of heat which had to be required in order to maintain the cosmos's new stations for souls . Man was created by Lord God which is a creation of God and in todays terms would be considered an extraterrestrial but he is our Lord and King and Savior. This is the power that transfigured to appear to warn those of Westernized civilizations but Jesus spoke Aramaic because he came up from the Middle East/Africa and went off into European land to preach the word to those descendants of Jews and to give to word to spread amongst the world. Our physical creator created us under care of God and physically blew the spirit of God into the first beautiful black man, not black but brown the color of mud.

26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

27 So God created mankind in his own image,-God's credit for our creation
in the image of God he created them; -Lord God's credit
male and female he created them.- WE are son's of God amongst all of wild animals such as neanderthals denisovans and the plethora of other creations the bible shared of centuries ago

YOU call Jesus the Son of God, Jesus calls himself the son of man and the reason for that is that we all got mixed up which was the plan in the first place mankind accepted intelligence(messed up in the garden) got exposed to negativity, the wilderness, stress, other more powerful creations that challenged out intelligence. By God allowing mercy and allowing the birth of the son of man with true traits of his own God transfigured his creation/creator and placed him in the hands of his own to provide sight, example, and chance for his beloved mankind to return to God in love.

I have no cares for your history lesson which im well aware of and have heard plenty of times. The truth is the european man needs to expose his nakedness to God and accept his lineage and breeding and recognize the oneness the spirit of God provides while on Earth. The Judgement is left to God and whom he decides not you, nor Ms. Jansen and last I checked I remember Ms. Jansen acknowlegding herself not to be that of a prophet so maybe your focal point needs to be adjusted because whether Christian or Muslim the scripture is clear in not leaning or foundating your beliefs on logic not shared by the Messiah, and Angel, a messenger from God, or a Prophet of God. Now you believe who you wanna believe but,

I will not allow you for one to disrespect me by going into the honeypot gmail accounts my cousins and I have setup to find the name Jeremiah (which is the only way you could have known that name,lol). I have nothing to hide nor do I care I just watch your spirit and your foundation of sand shows in your ethic as a so-called man. My name is Elijah and that shall not be mistaken again by you Mr. Smit or anyone else, I have not disrespected anyone nor do I plan to. I wish to help those who have sight and will intersect with the rest at a later time.
What revelations is talking about is exactly how I feel about the idiotic points you and many self proclaimed christians have been saying for centuries
I am responding to ember your incorrect limitations and sight of God The Creator. You limit the church of GOD, the church of Jesus, the church of the prophets, the church of the people to your church of ego and selfishness. Do not speak of God as if you know him fore surely you haven't been told why your heart beats; a people as distant in time spans of centuries from divine touch is surely to be unappreciative to the sight of your own saviour if he were to appear as one among you.(or your own prophet,If Im yours)
Do not emobody and do not read of the teachings of Jesus as if you fully understand Jesus and his teachings. You have no understanding what a man of his power had to deal with with such lost sheep, such arrogant sheep, that jump up like crabs before the Saviour to pull eachother down just as the Muslims have done to the Recitation of Muhammad. I can help all of you but if you dont want it I understand. But in the US we have Jehovah's Witnesses and they are christian non trinity amongst many other strong groups. As I stated before I did grow up United Methodist but my church is a really old traditional African American church and black people in America have gone through so much that the Christian Church here loves Jesus so much they can relate him as a man and hold him as of God but not as equal God. They all have their own misinterpretations as you do but, I am guided by the Holy Spirit to the pulpit of the nations using love, intelligence, and being a genuine guy to people. Jesus loved those who were worst off and who were lost the most and you people are not that far off so im gone but you shall hear from me again.
Until then Keep Guessing hehe, knock yourself out God will drive you crazy until you realize God just wants order(discipline), appreciation and love; true love

Just to let you know, Im not not Muslim as you define but I do submit my will to God and a part of what my ancesotrs enstilled in me finds that submission through the teachings of the Messiah and his prophets by spiritual mentors

So theres your guidance buddy ya'll know where to find me if you ever want more and yes that includes you Mr. Smit

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